shitposting/random memes megathread (NSFW)


When I was in my early teens, my father would constantly denigrate my autistic traits. He would often tell me,

"Why are you so shameful all the time?" (I was anxious and kept my head down in public)

"We're going to grandma's house, hurry up!"(He wanted to make himself seem like an excellent father by showing her his son)

"You're moving so slowly"(He would hit me; I was sluggish from ASD/trauma)

"Your cousins are better than you!" (Again, anxiety and depression)

"I'm saying this to be kind. Don't anger me." (If I was struggling to go inside a store due to anxiety)

I once had Pyelonephritis and was fairly weak from it to the point of needing to stay home when my father wanted to visit a store. My father, instead of asking me if I took my prescribed antibiotics, simply told me, "Hurry up, let's go see grandma". He then asked Grandma to patronize me for my "disobedience".
My grandmother would often ask me to do things for her. I obediently tried to follow her instructions and received denigration as a result. She would yell at me and say things like "Look! Use your eyes!"(Because I was anxious and had visual processing issues), "Did you hear me!?! That isn't the way I told you to do it!"(When I would drop things or make mistakes because I was sweating and anxious out of fear of upsetting her). She would tell me "Put your head up. No one did anything to you" because I was too anxious to make eye contact with her.

Yes; my father would regularly batter Mother and break things. When angry, Mother would grab my stimming objects and shake them in my face while tightly grasping my neck.

Mother moved into a separate apartment and stayed with relatives, at times. We also had to live with my paternal grandparents.


My maternal half-cousins and half-aunt would chat with my step-grandfather about myself and Mother living elsewhere. (I heard their conversations often)

"She never does any housework" (Objectively false. I have other problems with her, however...)

"They're leeching from us" (I never asked them for food or even clothing. I very rarely spoke to them.)

He would get upset when Mother would ask him to pick up our prescriptions from stores. He'd also get upset when Mother asked to visit grocery stores. This is despite taking my half-relatives to stores/fast food restaurants multiple times weekly. Medical appointments as well(When medical transportation wasn't an option).

My half-aunt's lovely statements:

"[Mother] sits around all day"

"I thought [Mother] said they had no food" (Me and Mother relied on food pantry boxes/SNAP)

"[Intellau] will tell his mother if we bully him" (Maternal half-cousins; they abused my younger half-cousin somewhat since she was reluctant to do so.)

As a child, my half-aunt would patronize me for my autistic behavior. She would criticize my sluggish movements and depressed demeanor. "Hurry up [Intellau]!" - I also had social cue problems and misunderstood instructions from her.

They are kleptomaniacs; they would take portions of our food home after "visiting".


"(I never asked them for food or even clothing. I very rarely spoke to them.)"

Indeed. I was very grateful when my grandmother stopped giving me meals at the age of seventeen due to her view of me as an ingrate. She often said "[Intellau] was born with a silver spoon in his mouth" because I was anxious and struggling to help her with house tasks due to (I would help them with laundry, unpacking groceries, washing dishes, fetching items they needed, ...).

Very nice. My father would...denigrate me...

No...I should mince my words for the half-relative agenda. That they lived "Worse" lives despite having plenty of suckers, popsicles and fish dinners as Mother was being violently battered by my father.

Hahaha. No.
When I was a four-year-old, my parents and I lived in a duplex, where my father would hit Mother and damage the walls, resulting in holes near a wooden desk she used for sewing. I recall pouring soap in my eyes at this age to stop them from arguing.

When we moved, my father would regularly come home and argue with Mother over anything he disliked. He broke the windows in our living room as well as the windows in our kitchen, he broke a "Leopard Statue", he broke our kitchen table, he broke plates, he threw Mother's computer and clothes into the garbage bin. He'd regularly pound on Mother's room door(Used for crafts). He'd yell at Mother as he was driving her to work.

My mother, as kind as she may be, used to grab me very forcefully(By the neck, as I was fidgeting with items; I would ache from it) and repeatedly tell me "Do you hear me!?! If people see you doing that, they will think you are men-tally retar-ded!" while shaking me and shaking the item near my eyes. She would tell me how embarrassing it is to have an autistic son who fidgets with items as a form of stimulation. Other times, she would hit me. When I said, "Please don't hit me!" once, she started laughing.

One day, Mother was asked by my father to write a check, which she did. However, he was angry because she was drying off after a shower. This led him to shove her onto the floor(She was naked) and kick her legs repeatedly, which I was present for and saw. He also broke her fingers and cut her knuckles, injured her knees and kicked her abdomen. Our utilities were cut off three times due to failure to pay, and the result was living with my paternal grandparents for weeks at a time. On the day we moved in with my maternal grandparents, me and Mother sat in the dark since my father didn't pay the utility bill("Well, then leave"; he left the house after yelling, which I hid from).


When I last saw them, over four years ago, they seemed to dislike me.

"We didn't want to see you. Granny told us to help you." - They also kept whining and complaining.

I see.

My half-relatives hit me and disrespected Mother often.

My half-aunt used to hide me whenever my half-uncle visited. I'd sit alone while relatives were enjoying themselves.

As an adolescent, I chose to sit alone at a table.

My step-grandfather would take my half-cousins to get toys and restaurant food tri-weekly. McDonalds, Burger King, Popeyes, Taco Bell, Pick-N-Save, Wal-Mart stores, Meijers...When Mother and I would visit a store, they would become angry if we were shopping for more than four minutes(I offered to enter the store and "fetch" Mother out of discomfort and disgust).

The car broke down and several relatives had to pitch in to provide funds(They all relied on him for transportation). Mother was still, of course, denied transportation.
Your experiences are different yet have similarities with my own.
Sadly this is the new era, back then more traditional societies didnthave this much inequality

Sadly, Chadlito used this fact to torment me in the youth commune; he and his friends would constantly slam their room doors to startle me. I'd have to block my ears.

He'd go into his room and start speaking Spanish in an extremely cocky tone afterwards(Vile laughter).

Oh, you don't need to apologize; I'll explain:

I have maladaptive daydreaming(MDD) from autism. I've had constant daydreaming/fantasies of my experiences in group therapy for over eight years now. My fantasies of those experiences mesh together with my newer memories, resulting in situations where I envision myself "interacting with"(seeking approval from) certain youth I respected in the group for anything of value I do.

Your experiences are different yet have similarities with my own.
Due to my status as an outcast, the "group psychologist" sometimes referred to me as "bud" and always greeted me. Sometimes he had to tell me to join the group because I would hide near the coat rackets and anxiously think of how to integrate with the group peacefully.

Screenshot from 2021 12 28 20 15 37


Screenshot from 2021 12 28 20 22 14

I was on Seroquel for ASD-related symptoms which the psychiatrists mistook as psychosis. Behavior I now recognize as obsessive-compulsive, "persisting afterimages"(Palinopsia, one of several illnesses I discovered when I searched the Internet in 2012 for answers to my constant floaters and visual sensory problems). I have a yearly phase in which allergies trigger sensory overload, manifesting as constant obsessive thoughts of visually-disturbing distortions of things I've looked at. I have to close my eyes for relief.

In 2016, Shannon's group was filled with several autistic boys. Meanwhile, I was the only autistic child for most of my time in group therapy. My group mates, though, were unaware of this because I rarely said anything about myself to them. I stuttered too much and often had to close my eyes for relief. An autistic boy named "George" doted on Shannon's presence and loved her.
My maternal grandmother conceived Mother when she was eighteen, out of wedlock. My grandfather didn't care for Mother much. She later met Mother's step-father and conceived my half-uncles/aunt with him. Mother's mother and her siblings were originally from Arkansas, and their mother had three children with another man before meeting my grandmother's father. My paternal grandparents are also from Arkansas.
Yes. Well...Mother is much lighter than I am("Sand"). Her grandmother carries genes for lighter skin, and this is why her paternal cousins are also lighter.

My paternal grandmother attended an Arkansas university and met my paternal grandfather.

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