shitposting/random memes megathread (NSFW)


I'd advise, keep this stuff to yourself

That's nice. My half-cousins would bully me for my anxious behavior. In malls, I'd wear large coats to reduce my anxiety.

View attachment 565227

As for myself, my "weapons" are of a much different sort.

Cool. My half-cousins threw cake batter at me when I tried to aid them with a recipe, as Mother instructed.

I overheard them lying to step-grandfather.

Yes. When I was a young child, I'd get into arguments with my half-cousins due to their "favoritism". I once criticized my half-cousin after we visited my half-uncle's apartment in downtown Milwaukee. Her mother said this:

"Hey, Intellau!, Well, you know what? You can leave!"

I was licking a battery as she said it.

JFL...Mother asked me to pander to my intellectually-disabled younger half-cousin...His dyslexic Mother is too incompetent to teach him basic knowledge.
Aspie John was a 5'2 ethnic male from Brew City. He had previously lived with mother, though the two experienced a sudden cessation of government benefits upon Aspie John reaching adulthood. His mother, disgusted by her autistic and chronically anxious son, informed him that he was to leave upon reaching adulthood, so Aspie John left his home when the time for moving came. He boarded a bus and traveled for several hours to another country, during which an elderly Sicilian woman criticized him for sitting near her(This woman later pointed to him and started denigrating him with a friend as he exited the bus).

Aspie John first slept in Target bathrooms. Then, after encountering security, Aspie John slept on benches outside. He had little money and bought bananas with coins he had available, resulting in a bundle of bananas he had, which he disposed of after another male spat on him while he was sitting on a bench. He awoke one morning, and a passing couple looked at Aspie John and responded with "Don't do that" as he attempted to greet them. He spent his mornings walking to the nearby Target restroom so he could clean his body. Aspie John would ignore the other homeless males doing similar acts as well as the masked Target employees cleaning.

Aspie John visited a local church for their shelter connection system(During this time, another male started hitting his head while he was napping on a bench covered with his coat) and started staying at a local Christian shelter, though he soon left due to rodents and shared sleeping spaces. As he was sitting outside on one occasion, a car of staff members drove by and noticed his presence. They remarked "I was wondering why I didn't see him at the shelter" while laughing. He was also kicked out of the shelter after being promised space. A female passerby noted "He must be living on the streets" at this time. A day later, Aspie John is waiting on a local train platform when a tall White male approaches him and, angry at Aspie John's inability to greet him, tells him, "Sup Nigguh. You make all the fat girls faint. Keep your shirt on".

Aspie John was visiting the shelter connection room daily, when he was told of an opening in a local youth shelter. This shelter was in the Northern part of his new country, so Aspie John called the shelter and prepared for travel. He was given a bus token, and boarded the 5B Metro Transit bus to his new shelter. He waited outside and was let in at 6:00 PM for entry. His new case manager referred him to an emergency bed, and then moved him into a single-person room the next day. His new case manager, Tall White Germanic, informed the other youth of his ASD affliction.

Thus, Aspie John spent several days adjusting to the new shelter, when he met a tall Black male named Aaron. Aaron started smirking at Aspie John and laughing at him with his friends. As Aspie John was cleaning himself one morning, Aaron's roommate opened the door and witnessed Aspie John's naked body. He then quickly left and Aaron came into the bathroom, laughing and taking pictures of his naked body("Aspie John is small!").

After two weeks, Aaron and his shelter friends started sitting outside of Aspie John's room door each night, playing very loud "Rap" music. They would also throw dice at his door and speak about it loudly("I rolled a six!").

Aspie John started leaving the shelter every other day to sit outside(Often with bags of food as his only meal for the day). While inside, he'd focus on preparing to move into a local apartment using the country's GRH fund and would visit freelancing sites for relief from his situation.

Aspie John was, by this point, spending most of his time in his commune room, sitting on commune computers, or simply sitting outside to eat with food bags he prepared. He was too anxious and weak to visit the downstairs kitchen often since the other youth would snicker and move away from him. He started fantasizing about the different recipes he would make after he had moved into an apartment. He was too disabled to attend job interviews despite his resume.

One night, Aspie John slept in his shelter room earlier than usual during the winter. He started sleep-talking about sexual fantasies he had since childhood, resulting in the shelter males standing outside his door laughing. This woke up Aspie John and caused him to curl into a ball, sweating and covered with fluids. Another shelter male quickly reported Aspie John and said "Aspie John's getting kicked out". Aspie John spent the next few days in his room as males would walk past and laugh at him(The males would make statements such as "Damn baby!", "Oh!", "You don't like women riding?"). The male who reported him said, "Looks like we have a mouse in the house"(Aspie John would wrap a belt and blanket around himself to control his sexual behavior).

On the day Aspie John left, foids and males started gossiping about him, snickering and laughing. He carried a large bag into sleet around 9:00 PM and traveled to a bus for travel.
Re: I have no ego whatsoever

Join Date: 2013-06-23
Post Count: 6332
#150854133Sunday, November 30, 2014 8:34 PM CST
"problem is I've cut off contacts with everyone outside my family except for a select group of people once a month at a club meeting so yeah" I would suggest attempting to retrieve an assessment from a qualified psychologist.
u live for?

Join Date: 2013-06-23
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#182817833Monday, February 01, 2016 1:07 AM CST
Well TheMagentaDelight, your evident naivety is rather astounding, and repulsive. The concept of "living for family" is certainly existent. It is the product of the natural hedonistic-inclinations shared mutually between all human individuals. Relatives provide many individuals with a mechanism to receive self-pleasure via reassurance/assistance from external people. That is why they are so heavily celebrated.
Re: ot im thinking about commiting suicide

Join Date: 2013-06-23
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#151522842Thursday, December 11, 2014 7:17 PM CST
Although you may not currently agree with the remaining segments of my statement, there's much better ways to handle a problem than to commit suicide. The effects of depression can often become severe and the affected individual can transcend into a state of pure hopelessness yet "Depression" requires a system of management. It may be difficult, however you'll have to change your perspective of the situation and attempt to take the initiative to handle your various problems, I would suggest communicating with a relative and a professional psychology as it may help you significantly.
Re: i didn't even know my cousin is getting married tomorrow

Join Date: 2013-06-23
Post Count: 6332
#149376977Saturday, November 08, 2014 4:16 AM CST
Hopefully you enjoy the events surrounding your relatives then.
Re: I hope none of my family members pass before their time.

Join Date: 2013-06-23
Post Count: 6332
#151140918Friday, December 05, 2014 3:45 PM CST
Perhaps you simply have a significant degree of loneliness that has resulted in your extensive emotional attachment to your relatives? Although it's certainly understandable, It's important to have a durable realization that any sudden occurrences could result in unexpected and potentially life-altering effects and thus I would suggest that you attempt to maintain a positive relationship with them while making sure to prevent yourself from becoming too psychologically dependent on them.
Re: NotAshley's Scripting Tutorial #2 - Data types

Join Date: 2016-02-24
Post Count: 361
#185313821Monday, March 14, 2016 7:39 AM CDT
"Lua is a lot less powerful than C++" With all respect intended, why would you make such a direct comparison? It is entirely expected that Lua would be much less "powerful" than C++. It is a "trade/off" of sorts. The low level capabilities are lessened and the ease of usability is proportionately increased. Within certain aspects, versatility is more readily available. Surely you do not believe that the individuals who created Lua were incapable of restructuring it to have said capabilities? Consider memory manipulation, for example. It does not necessarily matter that Lua does not "directly" have the advanced memory manipulation mechanisms readily available(Disregarding "garbage collection") within languages such as C/C++, as Lua was intended for alternative usage purposes. Despite being a "high-level", interpreted language, the vast majority of general programming "concepts" are capable of being implemented. Consequently, it is quite viable in many situations where program "extension" is necessary. If you would like to use "low-level capabilities," consider using a lower-leveled language.
Off-Topic Logic Game

Join Date: 2016-02-24
Post Count: 361
#185501144Wednesday, March 16, 2016 11:07 PM CDT
Greetings, Off-Topic. On this particular occasion, I have decided to have an entertaining discussion with all of you by composing a simple game based on logical-reasoning. Firstly, while utilizing mathematics, we have objective statements such as "x = 5" Those particular type of statements are properly known as "predicates", given that they equate to either the Boolean values of true and/or false. within the above premise, it merely defines the quantity that variable 'x' represents. Therefore, it is "true" predicate. Although I used "x = 5", we could use symbolic notation such as this: E(x) = 5 Where uppercase "E" refers to the word "Equal", and the input variable 'x' receives the quantity described on the opposite side of the "=" operand. --------------------------------------- Recognizing the above objective explanation, the goal of the game is rather basic: to derive logical expressions to be interpreted by other users. I have devised a minimal list of logical symbols below: "-->" - The logical "if-then" operator. "If certain cookies are delicious, then some grapes are bluish"(Note that the premise predicate and the conclusion predicate do not necessarily need to be related. They merely need to have an obtainable Boolean value. '~' - The logical "NOT" operator. It merely negates "true"/"false" Boolean predicates into the opposite Boolean value. ~"I decided to traverse the area" becomes "I decided not to traverse the area." "^" - The logical AND operator. "(1+1 = 2) ^ (2 + 2 = 4) --> (5 + 5) == 10", which is true, given that "1 + 1 = 2 ^ 2 + 2 = 4" are both (true ^ true) respectively. Disregarding all of the other logical operators for the current moment, this is a sample expression that I have devised below: Suppose that we have variables 'a' and 'b': a = 100 b = 50 Firstly, let us define a predicate to determine whether the first value is a factor of the second value: R(a,b) = (a % b) This will retrieve the remainder of the division operation "a/b", using the difference between 'a' and 'b' as a referent. Likewise, R(b,a) would also retrieve the remainder of the division operation "b/a", using the difference between 'b' and 'a' as a referent. If I had an expression such as this: (R(a,b) = 0) ^ (R(b,a) = 0) It would be an expected case of a true/false pair. This is due to the mere fact that the (100 % 50) does not have a remainder, whereas (50/100) does indeed have a remainder of fifty itself. Hopefully the above descriptions provides a rather wholesome and otherwise precise discussion involving mathematical logic.

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