Should I do NoFap When I have NO Sexual Outlet?



Jan 26, 2021
Disclaimer: Serious Replies ONLY
I understand that porn addiction and over-masturbation have many negative effects, so I've decided that I would lower my masturbation down to once every 7 seven days.

However, I have recently decided to take the plunge and decide to stop masturbation/porn entirely.
Normally I will turn on a porn blocker for 7 days and just not jerk it for that period of time, but this time around I am planning on renewing the block for another week.

I've been reading and learning about 'sexual transmutation' and other red-pill-esque things regarding nofap and all it's benefits. I want those things for myself.

But the thing is, I am currently in a position where I am basically guaranteed no sex.
Unless I masturbate, I am not going to be able to release. Not for a while, and by a while I mean 2 years, at least.

Masturbation is basically my only sexual outlet.

Sure, I could go out and stop masturbating, but then what? There's literally no sex to be had, so what am I going to replace it with? Am I going to forgo my sexuality completely?

Understanding this, would it be worth it to prolong my abstinence from masturbation and go beyond my "seven days 'til release" rule? Or should I just keep on with masturbating once a week?
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Stop wanking full stop
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Your flatline is that long ?
I understand that porn addiction and over-masturbation have many negative effects, so I've decided that I would lower my masturbation down to once every 7 seven days.

However, I have recently decided to take the plunge and decide to stop masturbation/porn entirely.
Normally I will turn on a porn blocker for 7 days and just not jerk it for that period of time, but this time around I am planning on renewing the block for another week.

I've been reading and learning about 'sexual transmutation' and other red-pill-esque things regarding nofap and all it's benefits. I want those things for myself.

But the thing is, I am currently in a position where I am basically guaranteed no sex.
Unless I masturbate, I am not going to be able to release. Not for a while, and by a while I mean 2 years, at least.

Masturbation is basically my only sexual outlet.

Understanding this, would it be worth it to prolong my abstinence from masturbation and go beyond my "seven days 'til release" rule? Or should I just keep on with masturbating once a week?
Good decision. Retaining those nutrients and eating a lot and still restraining while having high libido allows for great physiological robustness and growth.
Just try to not fap. Pray to the Theotokos. Good luck brother :chad:
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Only you can answer that one. Practicing abstinence because you think you 'should' practice abstinence rarely ends well. If you're convinced within you that it is meant to be your path, go for it.
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Just quit porn
Only you can answer that one. Practicing abstinence because you think you 'should' practice abstinence rarely ends well. If you're convinced within you that it is meant to be your path, go for it.
Hmmm well I think people should do it. Hell a big reason I do it that otherwise I will degenerate physically and not grow
Even if you manage to fap only 1 per week without porn i think you will eventually fall in the temptation and you will start fapping more frequently or start glancing at porn. That's why most people choose complete abstinence.
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If by flat line you mean the time I go without masturbation, then yes.
By flatline
I mean the period where you dont feel anything
You stop caring after a month or two
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Hmmm well I think people should do it. Hell a big reason I do it that otherwise I will degenerate physically and not grow
Externally imposed sexual control is a disaster and will lead to perversions, neuroses, rape, violence and such. Only those who know exactly what they're doing and why should pursue it. But you are right, many will benefit from celibacy if they find a reason to pursue it. In the Bible Jesus said that not all will be able to accept celibacy, but those who can should do it:

Not everyone can accept this word, but only those to whom it has been given. For there are eunuchs who were born that way, and there are eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by others—and there are those who choose to live like eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. The one who can accept this should accept it. (Matthew 19:11-12)
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It dure one week but then you get boners/sexual arousal again
When I began masturbating only once a week I realized a lot of my boners were self imposed/through porn. Like I was watching porn and masturbating to get hard and then jerking it, not getting hard and then jerking it to relieve myself.

My flat line is around 5 days.
At night when I am in bed I make sure I don't have access to technology with pornography and I keep my hands from drifting if you know what I mean.
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Externally imposed sexual control is a disaster and will lead to perversions, neuroses, rape, violence and such. Only those who know exactly what they're doing and why should pursue it. But you are right, many will benefit from celibacy if they find a reason to pursue it. In the Bible Jesus said that not all will be able to accept celibacy, but those who can should do it:
Hmmm. Celibacy... You mean abstinence? I don't think celibacy should be practiced by anyone accept monks who are weaker then the world and submit to God. The verse I think does not mean exactly what you imply, that's me personally. God is Life so you should live and have children. Celibacy is death. Celibacy is not God
When I began masturbating only once a week I realized a lot of my boners were self imposed/through porn. Like I was watching porn and masturbating to get hard and then jerking it, not getting hard and then jerking it to relieve myself.

My flat line is around 5 days.
At night when I am in bed I make sure I don't have access to technology with pornography and I keep my hands from drifting if you know what I mean.
>I realized a lot of my boners were self imposed/through porn.

Its not good
You must get boners everytime you see a hottie
You stop caring after a month or two
my first streak was 40 days when I literally too depressed to fap. My second big one was 90 days. Indeed after some time it is much easier. the goal is to still have libido, eat a lot but still resist. not do it like hindus or whatever and crashing libido
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>I realized a lot of my boners were self imposed/through porn.

Its not good
You must get boners everytime you see a hottie
I don't see hotties or anything like that.
This is what I mean by I have zero sexual outlets.

Besides my hand and screen, there is litterally zero sexual action, and there's pretty much nothing I can do about it without facing serious repercussions.

Knowing this would you say it's a good idea to go past the 7 day mark?
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>I realized a lot of my boners were self imposed/through porn.

Its not good
You must get boners everytime you see a hottie
meh chad doesnt get boners to hotties chad approches them and gets laid nigga, and otherwise he's not interested. beta pov
  • Hmm...
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Hmmm. Celibacy... You mean abstinence?
They're synonymous.
The verse I think does not mean exactly what you imply, that's me personally.
What do you think it means?
God is Life so you should live and have children. Celibacy is death. Celibacy is not God
Celibacy is a doorway to the kingdom of God, as Jesus said. Even Paul said that those who can, should not marry, and that marriage is for those who're unable to control their passions.
I don't see hotties or anything like that.
This is what I mean by I have zero sexual outlets.

Besides my hand and screen, there is litterally zero sexual action, and there's pretty much nothing I can do about it without facing serious repercussions.

Knowing this would you say it's a good idea to go past the 7 day mark?
Yes for the other benefits
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meh chad doesnt get boners to hotties chad approches them and gets laid nigga, and otherwise he's not interested. beta pov
Who cares about chad retard
They're synonymous.

What do you think it means?

Celibacy is a doorway to the kingdom of God, as Jesus said. Even Paul said that those who can, should not marry, and that marriage is for those who're unable to control their passions.
I'm really against what you are saying. I'm sorry but celibacy is absolutely only for the 0.00 of the population, not laymen. Live my friend
If im in my car and see a hot girl passing in the street
I should get normally a Boner
the ultimate dick check is you have morning wood. well?
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Nofap is brutal for me, I have such a high sex drive.

2 days no fap and fatty land whales look like prime Marilyn Monroe to me, I just wanna bust my nut or go crazy.

mirrin hardcore no fappers ngl.
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I'm really against what you are saying. I'm sorry but celibacy is absolutely only for the 0.00 of the population, not laymen. Live my friend
You're free to feel that way, however, note that there is no intellectual substance in what you've written here. Here we see emotions disguising themselves as words.

Abstaining from masturbation porn and amorality is not the same as living as a celibate
The celibate abstains from sexual activity, hence the celibate practices abstinence. Thus he who practices abstinence is a celibate. Porn, masturbation, sex, it makes no difference -- all is covered by the concept of abstinence.
The celibate abstains from sexual activity, hence the celibate practices abstinence.
The celibate practices abstinence but the abstainer does not practice celibacy
Celibacy is not reproducing
You're free to feel that way, however, note that there is no intellectual substance in what you've written here. Here we see emotions disguising themselves as words.
And you are built out of intellectualism for the moment?)
The celibate practices abstinence but the abstainer does not practice celibacy
So what's the difference? What are you abstaining from, if not sexual activity?

Celibacy is not reproducing
This is an unnecessarily rigid view. You can practice celibacy before reproduction and continue practicing it after reproduction.

And you are built out of intellectualism for the moment?)
I prefer that my intellectual arguments are responded in kind, rather than dismissed on irrational grounds. I provided Biblical and semantic evidence in support of my view. I even asked you to expand on your view. All you gave back was a "nah". If you don't want to have a discussion with me, that's fine, but please say so.
I understand that porn addiction and over-masturbation have many negative effects, so I've decided that I would lower my masturbation down to once every 7 seven days.

However, I have recently decided to take the plunge and decide to stop masturbation/porn entirely.
Normally I will turn on a porn blocker for 7 days and just not jerk it for that period of time, but this time around I am planning on renewing the block for another week.

I've been reading and learning about 'sexual transmutation' and other red-pill-esque things regarding nofap and all it's benefits. I want those things for myself.

But the thing is, I am currently in a position where I am basically guaranteed no sex.
Unless I masturbate, I am not going to be able to release. Not for a while, and by a while I mean 2 years, at least.

Masturbation is basically my only sexual outlet.

Sure, I could go out and stop masturbating, but then what? There's literally no sex to be had, so what am I going to replace it with? Am I going to forgo my sexuality completely?

Understanding this, would it be worth it to prolong my abstinence from masturbation and go beyond my "seven days 'til release" rule? Or should I just keep on with masturbating once a week?
wank once a week without porn
as males, we were supposed to have sex since the beginning of puberty but the modern world made that impossible instead forcing us to masturbate
why would we get sexual urges if we were evolutionary supposed to supress them
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lol @ this thread and lol @ op tbh ngl
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I prefer that my intellectual arguments are responded in kind, rather than dismissed on irrational grounds. I provided Biblical and semantic evidence in support of my view. I even asked you to expand on your view. All you gave back was a "nah". If you don't want to have a discussion with me, that's fine, but please say so.
hey man I'm too tired, maybe I say something but i really don't have enough energy to talk online about arguments.

God = Life. Celibacy = death. Not reproducing is a common theme among the wicked and immoral. So... Live.

This is an unnecessarily rigid view. You can practice celibacy before reproduction and continue practicing it after reproduction.
Hmm then you are talking about abstinence? Perhaps there is an misunderstanding on some part. Please clarify, what is "celibacy"? To me celibacy is not reproducing and that's the end of the story. Maybe you mean like Orthodox priests who marry and have kids before becoming a priest or during that time, but he is "celibate" for the time. Maybe you mean just really going after chastity in your day to day life. For me abstinence is chastity and all this and that and not really caring for sex first going after a person, but that's personally: also avoiding masturbation and porn.. Generally abstinence I think would be abstaining from masturbation and porn, and generally also from useless sex
what's the difference? What are you abstaining from, if not sexual activity?
Well let's see. For the physical side: Masturbation, watching pornography. That's it generally and the thing I would recommend and hope people do because it's just so good :chad:
Just some little thing: I even see chads fall into cuck and shit and camgirls... it's so retarded. They are cucking themselves but they are still chad. It's just an example of how easily it corrupts. So many niggas ignore the nature of sin even though it's self-evident, they want to sin themselves internally.

Another thing. I want to have a high libido but still abstain. For me abstinence is having a good libido but still abstaining. I have this energy but I control it like a fire, if I let it loose it'll burn myself and everything around it but that's beside the point, it gives my physical benefits because paired lots of food it is invigorating. For me being a celibate well... That's wanting to put out the fire completely. You see what I mean and "feel" towards this topic?
At the end of the day I want to be functioning and working. It helps me, it keeps the disease of amorality at bay and thus I do not "die". There's a good path, beyond it is a sex addict and one who does not reproduce. So the path is "Life", and beyond it is "death". I do not want to die
God = Life.
God is life, but your life is death, yes? It is only through Christ that you are made alive. Your physical body is a vessel of death -- otherwise it would be immortal.
Celibacy = death.
Then why did Jesus advocate for it? Why do monks practice it? How do you reconcile this? Jesus told you to live like an eunuch if you can handle it. What is an eunuch, if not a childless celibate? And why do eunuchs live 15-20 years longer than others, if it meant death? Are you worshipping the material? Is this why denying the physical self equals death to you?
So... Live.
This is the modus operandi of godless hedonists. Living your life, from the Christian perspective, means to crucify your fleshly desires and to focus on the spirit.

Please clarify, what is "celibacy"?
As I said earlier, celibacy is the practice of abstinence, and abstinence covers all non-reproductive sexual activity.

Another thing. I want to have a high libido but still abstain. For me abstinence is having a good libido but still abstaining. I have this energy but I control it like a fire, if I let it loose it'll burn myself and everything around it but that's beside the point, it gives my physical benefits because paired lots of food it is invigorating. For me being a celibate well... That's wanting to put out the fire completely. You see what I mean and "feel" towards this topic?
I do. You essentially want to have the best of both worlds.

Consider that libido is mostly Pavlovian conditioning. It is fueled by lust, and generates lust in return. In other words, it causes you to sin. By depending on your libido you are slowly burning your body out (a fire, as you say). More than that, it will be impossible for you to abstain in the long term by depending on the fire of your libido to push you forward. In its normal state, your libido would be dormant yet ever-ready. Anything more intense than this will turn it into a stressor, and basically an endogenous drug. It will shorten your lifespan and lead to disease-causing imbalances in the body. This is why I emphasized how externally imposed abstinence is dangerous.

You have to understand that libido and sexual energies are two different things. Once you're no longer fueling your libido, these energies will be redirected into higher purposes, such as your spiritual life. This is not death, but an affirmation of life. You now become more alive than you could have ever become by depending on the libido. Furthermore, you will have full control over libido, with the ability to decide when to turn it on.

So in summary, what you're doing is trying to use endogenous means to get you high, conflating this high with being alive. I hope you realize that the consequences may not be pretty.
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You have good intentions but you are falling into the hands of the devil friend. This is not God
This is the modus operandi of godless hedonists. Living your life, from the Christian perspective, means to crucify your fleshly desires and to focus on the spirit.
Living and carrying your own cross. Not dying, that is what I mean
You have to understand that libido and sexual energies are two different things. Once you're no longer fueling your libido, these energies will be redirected into higher purposes, such as your spiritual life. This is not death, but an affirmation of life. You now become more alive than you could have ever become by depending on the libido. Furthermore, you will have full control over libido, with the ability to decide when to turn it on.

So in summary, what you're doing is trying to use endogenous means to get you high, conflating this high with being alive. I hope you realize that the consequences may not be pretty.
Well you understand I want to be high energy. I don't want to a ascetic to the point of fire burning out.

Maybe I am wrong on some things, maybe I'm ignorant. I'm figuring things out man
I do not know if full spiritual life and ego death is ideal for each and every one. But as you said it is for an eunuch if they can bear it, although I dislike your interpretation of the verse.
Maybe I'm being immature in mind or not ready. You have put me in a dilemma for now.

But in the end I still think that one needs to reproduce, eat well and be abstinent. You also have to understand some things you say ring familiar bells from the heretic and disease ridden side.

On another thing... Ascetism... Do a degree, it is good. But not too much. To go all the way is for Saints. Maybe they are the most Saved. You are really conflicting me.
Jesus told you to live like an eunuch if you can handle it.
He did not quite say that... That is ridiculous friend, why would you cut off your own balls? Starting to sound like tranny shit. You get what I mean? I understand you said "like". But the life of an eunuch is not a good one. You have knowledge of physiology and you know this.
And to live like an eunuch... That means not reproducing. Why would God want people to die? He wants people to prosper.
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God is life, but your life is death, yes? It is only through Christ that you are made alive. Your physical body is a vessel of death -- otherwise it would be immortal.
I dislike the word death. it's not quite death my friend
Consider that libido is mostly Pavlovian conditioning.
That's very simplified. Libido is the fuel for life. The body is whole my friend, why would you dim such a fire?

If a man is full of libido but he lives morally, you've got yourself a powerful man. I want to be powerful in these years
My take on nofap is, once a week is fine, my problem however is when i do that routine, it becomes extremely hard the next day to not fap, and the day i fap is ruined, i lack energy, motivation, i stop enjoying the things i do, video games and music for example. Its just a neverending cycle of depression if i do masturbate.
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You have good intentions but you are falling into the hands of the devil friend. This is not God
You also have to understand some things you say ring familiar bells from the heretic and disease ridden side.
What exactly are you referring to?
Living and carrying your own cross. Not dying, that is what I mean
The verse about carrying your own cross continues with the words: "Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for My sake will find it." You are clinging onto your life, are you not? I empathize with you, for dying for the sake of Christ is hard. Only a minority of us is ready for it, as for the most part, our fallen nature desperately rebels against it. With diligent humility, the leap becomes less and less intimidating over time. Humility in general is one of the strongest weapon you will ever wield in your spiritual life.

Well you understand I want to be high energy
Who doesn't? Yet the point of life is not to pursue what we want, but to subject our wills to God. Doing what you want is self-worship, which is also known as Satanism.

Maybe I am wrong on some things, maybe I'm ignorant. I'm figuring things out man
And you will, you have a good head on you.

He did not quite say that...
I dislike your interpretation of the verse.
Read again: "...there are those who choose to live like eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. The one who can accept this should accept it.". This does not leave much room for interpretation, does it? The meaning is quite explicit as it is.

On another thing... Ascetism... Do a degree, it is good. But not too much. To go all the way is for Saints. Maybe they are the most Saved. You are really conflicting me.
I think it comes down to the question: "how much do I really love Christ?" We differ in our capabilities for devotion. Naturally, if you believe in and love Christ, would you not want to sacrifice everything you have for him? Especially if you consider that he is the most important thing in the world? To me it seems that the extent to which one's life is dedicated to Christ is in direct correlation with one's level of faith.

I dislike the word death. it's not quite death my friend
For someone who dislikes the word you sure like using it a lot!

If a man is full of libido but he lives morally
A moral man can be virile but not full of libido. Presence of strong libido betrays the existence of numerous lustful thoughts.
Anyways I'm all up for abstinence. If you want to be ascetic that is your choice. I think on some things you are misguided though, and leaning towards "death" instead of "life".

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