Should I do NoFap When I have NO Sexual Outlet?

I think it comes down to the question: "how much do I really love Christ?" We differ in our capabilities for devotion. Naturally, if you believe in and love Christ, would you not want to sacrifice everything you have for him? Especially if you consider that he is the most important thing in the world? To me it seems that the extent to which one's life is dedicated to Christ is in direct correlation with one's level of faith.
that's cold man
Stop masturbation entirely, with or without porn. It literally does nothing for you, except increase dopamine tolerance. When you actually end up having sex the increased prolactin as a result of lower dopamine released from intercourse will fuck you up. Look up easypeasemethod online to help you escape the jewish practice.
I have gone towards the mindset of extreme asceticism. I think those who preach it on the internet are not the best people. Just now in life I am starting to get better, and things make more sense. Your post is conflicting because it challenges my faith. I perhaps cope with the notion you are not much of an authority, I'll say it may be even bad to preach like this and I question your own faith. Perhaps I am too down to earth on the internet, as this thing really gets to me
I think on some things you are misguided though, and leaning towards "death" instead of "life".
I get that this is your position, but it would've been more helpful if you had directly addressed these points rather than vaguely alluded to them. Such rhetoric benefits neither me nor you.

that's cold man
I'm sorry you feel that way. Yet is it not true? You yourself referred to the saints as the "most saved" ones. Don't we revere the saints precisely for the extent of devotion they reached during their lives? Saints are essentially role models for Christians. That's the main reason we look up to them.

The parts where you allude towards not reproducing
Consider that in the New Testament, not one single time is reproduction talked positively about. After all, this world is an exile from home! It is of little value to bring more souls in it, souls who then need to be saved from it. Is it not so? God permits reproduction, but he is not a big fan of it, as is evident in the words of Jesus and Paul.

I have gone towards the mindset of extreme asceticism. I think those who preach it on the internet are not the best people.
I perhaps cope with the notion you are not much of an authority, I'll say it may be even bad to preach like this and I question your own faith.
I'm a hopeless sinner myself and the last person you should look up to. Yet these are my views which I've cultivated through honest and humble inquiry, one that will keep evolving for decades to come. Every time I voice my views on faith I pray that I don't end up leading anyone astray, and ask for forgiveness in case I do. In the end, I'm a seeker like you, a brother more than a father. I hope this exchange has been as interesting to you as it has to me.
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If you can stop masturbating completely that would be optimal even if you can't get sex. Use that time and energy to advance your life.
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Consider that in the New Testament, not one single time is reproduction talked positively about. After all, this world is an exile from home! It is of little value to bring more souls in it, souls who then need to be saved from it. Is it not so? God permits reproduction, but he is not a big fan of it, as is evident in the words of Jesus and Paul.
Okay this is where I completely disagree with you. Bill Gates also thinks overpopulation is the cause of all problems and reducing it is the best solution :)
I'm a hopeless sinner myself and the last person you should look up to. Yet these are my views which I've cultivated through honest and humble inquiry, one that will keep evolving for decades to come. Every time I voice my views on faith I pray that I don't end up leading anyone astray, and ask for forgiveness in case I do. In the end, I'm a seeker like you, a brother more than a father. I hope this exchange has been as interesting to you as it has to me.
It's good to voice one's opinion and to get it into the form of words, so yeah it's been interesting to me, although I'm tired.
I have been in a similar mindset a few months ago. All I can say is surround yourself with good people in real-life and be helpful. Internet is really bad man, I have a feeling ur too much on it, I know since I have been as well, just a feeling
Your structuring and everything is really good but mine may be lacking, although I'm not interested in convos like this usually.
cheers man :chad:
Okay this is where I completely disagree with you.
Heh, you don't need to agree or disagree with me, you can open the NT and check it out for yourself!

Bill Gates also thinks overpopulation is the cause of all problems and reducing it is the best solution
Bill is not wrong in his premise, only the execution. At the current level of consumption there's about 2x too many people on Earth. Perhaps when Christ returns and we go back to simpler lives, Earth is going to be able to house more people, but currently this is not the case. Bill's eugenics are a great example of how the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

I forgot to add that I'm not advocating for extreme ascetism, in case you got that kind of impression from my posts. I'm not advocating for much of anything for that matter. Rather than preaching, I was just trying to have a discussion.
Internet is really bad man, I have a feeling ur too much on it, I know since I have been as well, just a feeling
That's an accurate observation. I'm chronically unemployed and have no future prospects, so I naturally gravitate to >10 hours of internet a day.
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That's an accurate observation. I'm chronically unemployed and have no future prospects, so I naturally gravitate to >10 hours of internet a day.
fuck man. I used to do something similar and it fucked me so much. I'm praying for you to escape this cycle and gather strength. stop wasting time!
Bill is not wrong in his premise, only the execution. At the current level of consumption there's about 2x too many people on Earth. Perhaps when Christ returns and we go back to simpler lives, Earth is going to be able to house more people, but currently this is not the case. Bill's eugenics are a great example of how the road to hell is paved with good intentions.
Bill does not have good intentions. He's the classic Transhumanism, science worship fag, he's a scum with white teeth, and has probably endured bullying in his younger years.
It will be almost impossible to quit porn if you also stop masturbating right away. You need to be sure you won't go back to porn, then you can try abstaining from masturbating.
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I'm praying for you to escape this cycle and gather strength.
Appreciate it. This feels almost like a calling though, as if I'm meant to live my life this way. I have a peace of mind. In some sense, the internet could be seen as the last frontier for evangelizing, so perhaps this is what God wants me to do, i.e. to reach out to all those who're isolated too.
I remember that Jesse Lee Peterson said once that men masturbate because they resent their mothers, and if you forgive your mother for screwing up your life and turning you away from your father you would gradually quit without even trying.
Maximize ur opportunity for actual sex then. Sign up to multiple dating apps, hit the clubs every wweekend and if u cant slay hire whores in the meantime

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