Should I dump $4000 on a dating coach programs?

half a year on this site and seriously considering dropping 4k on a self proclaimed dating coach



  • JFL
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What are you like 35
Idiot if you do.

Journaling for like a week and self contemplating why you’re such a pathetic faggot will get you farther then a $4000 couch.
  • JFL
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Yeah. They're all either bluepilled or nerdy/incel.

Ironically, some bluepilled friends that are on par with me in terms of looks have had genuinely attractive girlfriends for years.
going after Tinder sloots that you bang on first date and then acting all surprised how are they not turning into a LTR :lul:

If you want LTR you should try going out with a girl that won't let you smash on first day or better even get the fuck out of dating apps and try approach someone you like from a social circle. Or ask your friends who are girls to introduce you to one. Even Amnesia can't do anything to guarantee himself a second date with those whores from dating apps.

They saw a face that got them horny- they banged, end of story. In their mind they have 0 intentions seeing you again and it's not cause of muh game, or at what degree and speed you turn to say "good bye". Paying 4k for any game advise in 2021 is beyond retarded (especially for someone who is aware of:blackpill:).

And again, you are already doing what all the pickup funboys are trying to achieve- one night stands with new girls every time. Most sub 6 retards are paying 4k to learn that, but they never learn...
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what the heel does retention mean?
Retention means keeping the girl around after fucking her. I.e. making her want to see you again and fuck you again
i did a pua bootcamp once, abroad. 15 years ago. It was only 750 orso. aka travel cost, because itwas being filmed and put to internet tv. so they used it for rpomo or got money from teh tv programm or something.
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Retention means keeping the girl around after fucking her. I.e. making her want to see you again and fuck you again
i see.
ime, 2 factors in geberal roughly.
1. if you want a longer lasting fwb type of uncommited "relationship". gotta lay the good pipe.
2. if want ltr, besides point 1, also take it abit slower. like take afewdates, reject her if shewants to smash.

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i was high inhib as fuck before, so for that alone it helped. to not be a pussy, but take risks of rejections. Taking risks is good, unless one is really way to ugly, than it's just 99% rejection lifestyle. They send me to hair dresser and clothing shop. so i looked a bit better and cooler than before, so that helped abit.
beyond that, it helped not much. Dumb pua ideas about dating, and over analysing. etc...
Before you tell me I'm retarded, hear me out: I can get girls in my bed quite reliably. My N-count is 64 now.

However, I completely suck at retention and sometimes I fuck up lays and dates because I'm too pushy or my game is sloppy.

There are a few redpill groups I'm in, and one dude posted his offering for a coaching program, where he described his past and how he became a better person and had better results with girls. Due to his background and past issues, it really resonated with me.

His credentials also seem legit. He's a normie in terms of looks, but has videos of cold approaches, pictures with girls, testimonials, etc. Yeah, it could all be faked, but I honestly didn't get that feeling. It seems like he's a dude who managed to fix his issues and is now providing value to others and making money out of it.

We have had two 1hr long video calls for free, where he asked me about my biggest struggles and what I want to improve. He seemed genuinely interested in providing value and not just scamming out of my money.

At the end of the second call, he offered me a package of $4000 where I would get access to group calls with Q/A, 3hrs of 1-1 time, and a series of exercises and shit to do to get better. He also mentioned that if I didn't get the results I wanted I could stay on the program indefinitely.

Do you think it is absolutely retarded to spend $4000 on something like this?

- I am able to discuss 1-1 with somebody that's not entirely autistic and jaded by the blackpill, but also not bluepilled
- I would get accountability and motivation to get out and cold approach because of group environment and because I spent a shitton of money on this
- I might be able to get better retention rate and connections with girls I sleep with, which is exactly what I'm struggling with -- I think that I look good enough for them to fuck me, but I come across as a fuckboy or uninteresting so they don't feel invested in seeing me again

- I could spend the $4000 on surgeries or invest them, but I might still suffer because of my shitty dating skills and regret not taking the coaching
- This dude might just be a very good salesman who knows how to pull my strings
- Even if the program is good, I might not be mentally strong enough to do all the exercises and follow through, ultimately wasting the money
- The program might not be that good, and the rest of the people in the group might be virgins and retards

So, in the end, it is an unknown. Maybe the $4000 will teach me things that I never knew I desperately needed, or maybe it will be a waste of money.

What do you think?
(1) if it's either/or, spend that money on a good therapist (I would lean towards male) instead. May or may not change your 'conversion rate' but you'll become more secure/self-accepting over time, more emotionally stable, and have better self-awareness/self-understanding.

(2) Cut yourself some slack. If your n=64 then your ability to escalate isn't so terrible it stops you from having any sex at all. You've said that sometimes you're too pushy - if so, then you've got a good idea when to pull back, and you're self-diagnosing precisely. Next time, when you're faced with the decision to push or not, wait a bit, see if it helps. But bear in mind conversion rates from dates are low for most guys, and retention is a common issue given girls' options, especially if you're trying to keep a casual FWB rather than segue into more relationshippy territory (a lot of the time, women only accept the FWB in the hope that it turns into an LTR, anyway, and bow out when they see the writing on the wall). If you want an LTR, do more snuggly/affectionate things to her, try to form a bond outside of sex, talk to her about your fears, hopes, dreams, family, childhood, etc., be more 'vulnerable'.
This is why I need coaching, I am autistic beyond any belief:
spend that money on a good therapist
I've been in therapy before, I didn't feel like it really helped me much. It made me understand my insecurities and mental issues a bit more, but it didn't really do anything to alleviate them. I think I'm just wired differently, and that self-confidence will come with results. I don't think there's anything I could think or internalize that would make me feel better about myself. I'm a result-driven person.

That was one therapist though, so who knows. I wish I had a way of filtering for blackpilled/high-IQ therapists, and not retards that tell me that my mother didn't love me and that's why I'm autistic etc.

your ability to escalate isn't so terrible it stops you from having any sex at all.
The problem is that I do not feel fulfilled at all. Maybe I'm just destined to be eternally unhappy. Every small failure and rejection puts me in an abyss of despair, and any success -- no matter how big -- doesn't really feel that good. I also want to build a connection and more long-lasting relationships with girls I genuinely like. I also feel like the quality of girls that wants to sleep with me is below my standards of attractiveness, and it's either that or nothing.

I've had two plates which were really into me but I couldn't stop thinking about how I was settling for them and I wanted a better looking and more interesting girl as a FWB, so I dropped them both. I genuinely got tired of them and the sex wasn't fun anymore. It felt like a chore and I'd rather had watched porn.

If you want an LTR, do more snuggly/affectionate things to her, try to form a bond outside of sex, talk to her about your fears, hopes, dreams, family, childhood, etc., be more 'vulnerable'.
I want to do that, but not with a girl I haven't slept a few times with. The thing I would hate the most is to become an emotional tampon or to be vulnerable to a girl who's not really attracted to me and would end up rejecting me as soon as I want to get physical.

My ideal way of getting a quality partner would be to fuck on the first or second date, with genuine raw desire for each other. Keep seeing each other casually for a while, open up to each other, and develop feelings over time. This is exactly what happened with my last 3yrs long LTR and I'm longing for something similar ever since I broke up. Anything else feels artificial and fake.

I don't want to talk to girls online for days before meeting. I don't want to go on 3 dates before having a kiss. I want something natural and primal. We like each other, we wanna fuck each other, good. Then we also like each other's personality, we talk after we fuck and are in our most vulnerable state, we share our desires and fears, and feelings develop. We start doing more things together until we decide we want to be exclusive.

That's how it's meant to be. Anything else is crap. A girl that says she wants "something serious" and only sleeps with you on the 5th date is not really attracted to you, she sees you as "good guy boyfriend material" but doesn't feel raw genuine desire.

The only way it can work for me is to convey that I am a sexual person who values intimacy and physical touch, but is also open to bond and connect on a deeper level as long as there is genuine sexual desire. And the main problem is that I fail to convey that, girls either think I'm a fuckboy and disappear after we fuck, or think I'm desperate for sex and get turned off and we never fuck.

I wish I knew how to find the proper words and body language to convey my desires in a honest manner which is not overly direct and tells the girls that I (1) want to fuck her ASAP and (2) want to connect with her on a deeper level. But I don't know how to do that.
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No, save your money. Nothing you cant learn on youtube

What you prob just need is a good wingman that's on the same level as you

Edit: As for good books, read

Body Language: The Definitive Book of Body Language

Gane: Mystery Method (It's gaming at it's most fundamental level)

I've read them both a few times, very enjoyable
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Maybe there's something about you that is unattractive and the women don't want a relationship where everyone can see it. Cuz idk man the most bluepilled normies get relationships, you would get more into your head after the course than you are already right now. Stop analysing everything and (bluepill Alert) be yourself. You are not ugly if you slayed 64 girls so
he already had two long term relationships
Dude your lay count is 64?????
If you are serious you must be in the top good looking 0.00001% of men.

What's your height, PSL, frame, ethnicity, location??
You should not
Dude your lay count is 64?????
If you are serious you must be in the top good looking 0.00001% of men.

What's your height, PSL, frame, ethnicity, location??
No dude, you're seriously overestimating how hard it is to get laid in a big city if you autoswipe on Tinder and lower your standards a bit.

I'm 5'6", probably 6/10 IRL rating (dunno about PSL), decent body (I lift weights), Italian ethnicity, and currently in London.

I am not proud of most of my lays. Many of them were 4/10 5/10 IRL rating, a nice chunk of 5/10 IRL, a few 6/10 IRL, and maybe one or two 7/10 IRL if we're feeling generous with ratings.

It's not that hard, but it takes effort and patience. Gotta open 200 girls on Tinder to fuck 1 of them.
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You're ret...


Yup still retarded
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No dude, you're seriously overestimating how hard it is to get laid in a big city if you autoswipe on Tinder and lower your standards a bit.

I'm 5'6", probably 6/10 IRL rating (dunno about PSL), decent body (I lift weights), Italian ethnicity, and currently in London.

I am not proud of most of my lays. Many of them were 4/10 5/10 IRL rating, a nice chunk of 5/10 IRL, a few 6/10 IRL, and maybe one or two 7/10 IRL if we're feeling generous with ratings.

It's not that hard, but it takes effort and patience. Gotta open 200 girls on Tinder to fuck 1 of them.
Idk maybe.

It could be that I'm just incredibly ugly or have incredibly bad body (22% BF but can OHP 1 plate, bench 2, squat 3) or have bad ethnicity (am not fully white) or am just too fucking autistic / mentalcel
No dude, you're seriously overestimating how hard it is to get laid in a big city if you autoswipe on Tinder and lower your standards a bit.

I'm 5'6", probably 6/10 IRL rating (dunno about PSL), decent body (I lift weights), Italian ethnicity, and currently in London.

I am not proud of most of my lays. Many of them were 4/10 5/10 IRL rating, a nice chunk of 5/10 IRL, a few 6/10 IRL, and maybe one or two 7/10 IRL if we're feeling generous with ratings.

It's not that hard, but it takes effort and patience. Gotta open 200 girls on Tinder to fuck 1 of them.

Hope you are done thinking a $4000 coach will get you anywhere.

Think of your interactions and experiences and perception of outside world as a reflection state of what’s within yourself...

As you said; you are insanely insecure and autistic... both of these feed into each other, and have internal root causes.

To improve your meaningful relationships and connection with people, you need to improve and heal the relationship with yourself

That means Shadow Work, Self reflection, contemplation

The Shadow referring to your subconscious /unconscious negative fear based beliefs, behaviors, dissociated fragmented aspects and programs that are Negatively effecting and limiting you.

Thinking holistically, doing work to heal you mentally/emotionally/spiritually within, to get the experienced and connection you want on the outside.

For basics, start with Journaling, Self inquiry and contemplation

Ask yourself the deep Uncomfortable questions and things you want to avoid to go deep into and get to fully know yourself

Why are you so insecure?
Why are you so obsessed with pussy?
Why do you need more pussy?
Why can’t you form relationships?
What is stopping you?
What to do really want and need from life?

Look up Shadow Work

And also try Meditation, learning mindfulness and presence, and how to develop more control discipline of your mind, and not be so attached to your thoughts.

Thinking to yourself, are your beliefs really. Accurate? And are they even healthy or constructive to have?

YouTube channels I would suggest for this self work are Teal Swan and Actualized.or

Fix your internal struggle within, your “game”, ability to form actual meaningful relationships and connection will go up

and the less need, and attachment to superficial relationships you’ll have, you’ll become more happy and fulfilled at peace on your own without need for anything.
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Soo you want a LTR or FWB but don't even like the women enough to make a connection?
Soo you want a LTR or FWB but don't even like the women enough to make a connection?
It depends. I didn't like the latest plates I've had enough for FWB/LTR and I dropped them myself.

But I also met girls I really liked who ghosted me or didn't want to see me again after the first date.
Your ability to get laid by cold approaching is not determined by your game, it is determined by:

1 - Your Looks level
2 - The girl's looks level (the one you approached)
3 - Your experience in cold approaching, dating, and sex
4 - The number of women that you approach per day
5 - The woman's sexual availability

The higher your looks level is compared to hers, the more likely you are to succeed if she is available.
The more experience you have, the more likely you are to succeed.
The more women you approach per day, the more likely you are to succeed.

The reason why game is useless is because women decide very quickly if they like you just by judging you based on looks and personality.
Getting her phone number has nothing to do with saying the right words and everything to do with being able to match her level of standards that she expects a man to have to be worthy of sex with her. The less attractive she is, the lower her standards will be on average because uglier women know that they have less options, so if they get approached by a guy who is way better looking, they will either make it very easy for him to get a date, or they will even offer sex very early.

I don't have a ton of experience in talking to women but I have done it a few times and I have noticed that the ones who were below me were often surprised by my approach while the ones who were hotter just laughed it off or accepted the compliment without showing any interest at all. So the most important thing is looks but you still need to approach the right women and you need to do it enough times to succeed. And since experience is important, it is best to aim lower in the beginning to end up with better results.

The reason why PUA doesn't work is because PUA is fakery, and women can detect that a mile away, but talking to women doesn't have to feel like PUA stuff, cold approaching can be summed up easily:

Step 1 - You find a woman that you are attracted to who is below you in looks
Step 2 - You approach her within 3 seconds or less
Step 3 - You introduce yourself, show that you're attracted to her and start a conversation
Step 4 - After talking with her for a few minutes, ask for her number to see her again sometime

And it's that easy. Once you have the number, you can easily setup a date (for drinks) and then it leads directly from the date (for drinks) to your apartment (or hers) and then it leads directly to making out and sex. It's that simple.

So, you don't need a PUA book to teach you how to talk to women, you just need to go out there and start talking to women that are either at your looks level or below you because attraction is mostly about looks and personality. Your ability to show your fun personality is developed by gaining experience with many women, you cannot expect to be an expert on Day 1, no one can.
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That's even dumber than buying looksmax vip bro
Your ability to get laid by cold approaching is not determined by your game, it is determined by:

1 - Your Looks level
2 - The girl's looks level (the one you approached)
3 - Your experience in cold approaching, dating, and sex
4 - The number of women that you approach per day
5 - The woman's sexual availability

The higher your looks level is compared to hers, the more likely you are to succeed if she is available.
The more experience you have, the more likely you are to succeed.
The more women you approach per day, the more likely you are to succeed.

The reason why game is useless is because women decide very quickly if they like you just by judging you based on looks and personality.
Getting her phone number has nothing to do with saying the right words and everything to do with being able to match her level of standards that she expects a man to have to be worthy of sex with her. The less attractive she is, the lower her standards will be on average because uglier women know that they have less options, so if they get approached by a guy who is way better looking, they will either make it very easy for him to get a date, or they will even offer sex very early.

I don't have a ton of experience in talking to women but I have done it a few times and I have noticed that the ones who were below me were often surprised by my approach while the ones who were hotter just laughed it off or accepted the compliment without showing any interest at all. So the most important thing is looks but you still need to approach the right women and you need to do it enough times to succeed. And since experience is important, it is best to aim lower in the beginning to end up with better results.

The reason why PUA doesn't work is because PUA is fakery, and women can detect that a mile away, but talking to women doesn't have to feel like PUA stuff, cold approaching can be summed up easily:

Step 1 - You find a woman that you are attracted to who is below you in looks
Step 2 - You approach her within 3 seconds or less
Step 3 - You introduce yourself, show that you're attracted to her and start a conversation
Step 4 - After talking with her for a few minutes, ask for her number to see her again sometime

And it's that easy. Once you have the number, you can easily setup a date (for drinks) and then it leads directly from the date (for drinks) to your apartment (or hers) and then it leads directly to making out and sex. It's that simple.

So, you don't need a PUA book to teach you how to talk to women, you just need to go out there and start talking to women that are either at your looks level or below you because attraction is mostly about looks and personality. Your ability to show your fun personality is developed by gaining experience with many women, you cannot expect to be an expert on Day 1, no one can.
Mirin essay maxxing
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I've been in therapy before, I didn't feel like it really helped me much. It made me understand my insecurities and mental issues a bit more, but it didn't really do anything to alleviate them. I think I'm just wired differently, and that self-confidence will come with results. I don't think there's anything I could think or internalize that would make me feel better about myself. I'm a result-driven person.

That was one therapist though, so who knows. I wish I had a way of filtering for blackpilled/high-IQ therapists, and not retards that tell me that my mother didn't love me and that's why I'm autistic etc.

The problem is that I do not feel fulfilled at all. Maybe I'm just destined to be eternally unhappy. Every small failure and rejection puts me in an abyss of despair, and any success -- no matter how big -- doesn't really feel that good. I also want to build a connection and more long-lasting relationships with girls I genuinely like. I also feel like the quality of girls that wants to sleep with me is below my standards of attractiveness, and it's either that or nothing.

I've had two plates which were really into me but I couldn't stop thinking about how I was settling for them and I wanted a better looking and more interesting girl as a FWB, so I dropped them both. I genuinely got tired of them and the sex wasn't fun anymore. It felt like a chore and I'd rather had watched porn.

I want to do that, but not with a girl I haven't slept a few times with. The thing I would hate the most is to become an emotional tampon or to be vulnerable to a girl who's not really attracted to me and would end up rejecting me as soon as I want to get physical.

My ideal way of getting a quality partner would be to fuck on the first or second date, with genuine raw desire for each other. Keep seeing each other casually for a while, open up to each other, and develop feelings over time. This is exactly what happened with my last 3yrs long LTR and I'm longing for something similar ever since I broke up. Anything else feels artificial and fake.

I don't want to talk to girls online for days before meeting. I don't want to go on 3 dates before having a kiss. I want something natural and primal. We like each other, we wanna fuck each other, good. Then we also like each other's personality, we talk after we fuck and are in our most vulnerable state, we share our desires and fears, and feelings develop. We start doing more things together until we decide we want to be exclusive.

That's how it's meant to be. Anything else is crap. A girl that says she wants "something serious" and only sleeps with you on the 5th date is not really attracted to you, she sees you as "good guy boyfriend material" but doesn't feel raw genuine desire.

The only way it can work for me is to convey that I am a sexual person who values intimacy and physical touch, but is also open to bond and connect on a deeper level as long as there is genuine sexual desire. And the main problem is that I fail to convey that, girls either think I'm a fuckboy and disappear after we fuck, or think I'm desperate for sex and get turned off and we never fuck.

I wish I knew how to find the proper words and body language to convey my desires in a honest manner which is not overly direct and tells the girls that I (1) want to fuck her ASAP and (2) want to connect with her on a deeper level. But I don't know how to do that.
I wanted to give my reply to this some thought as you are a fellow Londoner and perhaps are seeing similar dynamics play out, and I read a bit of your post history too.

Firstly about the therapy: I do feel that it's worth you keeping on trying to find a therapist you click with. It has honestly benefited me considerably. UK-specifically you have several options in terms of the sort of therapy you want, I don't know what you've tried so far but if we're going to massively simplify down the therapeutic landscape into two camps, I feel far closer to the 'psychotherapy' side than the 'CBT' side. For someone who feels like their self-worth is 'results-based', I think CBT can even be counterproductive, and the evidence base for CBT is not as good as once thought (and conversely, the evidence base for psychotherapy is better than once thought). I'm not going to go on about this as (1) I don't know which types you've already tried and (2) this isn't the main point.

It's easy to give the standard Lookist reply and say 'you're not chad enough, you need bimax/LL/tren/whatever', and this might be true. If the same girl gets more enthusiastic when you make a major looks improvement then that's a point of evidence in favour. Keep working on it, obviously, and forget about the shit you can't control.

But this may just be the rub in terms of online dating. There's a general soullessness to the process that makes me personally feel numb, there's no narrative, no story, no way in which the girl can be a 'crush', something special (after all, even if she's hot, she's just 'Amy D2 Thursday'). This does dampen my ability to feel deeply for her, I've spoken to a few girls about this and they have said something similar. Perhaps this won't get you any lays but maybe talk to girls you're on dates with/seeing about this, what their experience is like. It could prove illuminating. My best sex has always involved some sort of weird story and narrative being thrown in with lots of ups and downs before we actually fucked. The standard dating app model of 'D1-3 at bars until sex' has almost always led to me having to do a lot of work in bed and the girl being lazy in what is an incredibly passionless process.

And why not be vulnerable before finding out if you're being rejected by a girl you like? So what? You're blackpilled; you understand she isn't rejecting you because of who you are deep down anyway (if you get facial burns or break your nose, you're not a different 'you' in this sense), most likely it has to do with the arrangement of bones in your skull. It's really contingent and doesn't reflect on your moral worth as a person. The benefits of vulnerability are that you may find a kindred spirit, someone who is on 'your team', someone who opens up to you and the desire has more space to be expressed. Unlikely, maybe extremely unlikely. But it's better than your current results so why not try it.

As a final note you seem very obsessed with 'the result'. I was like this too (I'm not trying to pull rank - my lay count is well below yours), and I transitioned to a state of 'I'm going to honestly express myself and if she doesn't like me of course it's disappointing but it's just bones in my face, who cares, I can go home and enjoy other parts of my life'. There's a detachment I can't quite articulate properly and I'm sorry about that, I wish I could. I think it's based on increased self-acceptance, but this is just a hunch.

Hope this helps!
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Just don't you dont wanna learn the heard way
Before you tell me I'm retarded, hear me out: I can get girls in my bed quite reliably. My N-count is 64 now.

However, I completely suck at retention and sometimes I fuck up lays and dates because I'm too pushy or my game is sloppy.

There are a few redpill groups I'm in, and one dude posted his offering for a coaching program, where he described his past and how he became a better person and had better results with girls. Due to his background and past issues, it really resonated with me.

His credentials also seem legit. He's a normie in terms of looks, but has videos of cold approaches, pictures with girls, testimonials, etc. Yeah, it could all be faked, but I honestly didn't get that feeling. It seems like he's a dude who managed to fix his issues and is now providing value to others and making money out of it.

We have had two 1hr long video calls for free, where he asked me about my biggest struggles and what I want to improve. He seemed genuinely interested in providing value and not just scamming out of my money.

At the end of the second call, he offered me a package of $4000 where I would get access to group calls with Q/A, 3hrs of 1-1 time, and a series of exercises and shit to do to get better. He also mentioned that if I didn't get the results I wanted I could stay on the program indefinitely.

Do you think it is absolutely retarded to spend $4000 on something like this?

- I am able to discuss 1-1 with somebody that's not entirely autistic and jaded by the blackpill, but also not bluepilled
- I would get accountability and motivation to get out and cold approach because of group environment and because I spent a shitton of money on this
- I might be able to get better retention rate and connections with girls I sleep with, which is exactly what I'm struggling with -- I think that I look good enough for them to fuck me, but I come across as a fuckboy or uninteresting so they don't feel invested in seeing me again

- I could spend the $4000 on surgeries or invest them, but I might still suffer because of my shitty dating skills and regret not taking the coaching
- This dude might just be a very good salesman who knows how to pull my strings
- Even if the program is good, I might not be mentally strong enough to do all the exercises and follow through, ultimately wasting the money
- The program might not be that good, and the rest of the people in the group might be virgins and retards

So, in the end, it is an unknown. Maybe the $4000 will teach me things that I never knew I desperately needed, or maybe it will be a waste of money.

What do you think?
Bro if you need 4K to not be an a retard in public then your retarded. i promise just go out to parties and learn from experience step by step stop being so insecure and just live life
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So should I just keep doing what I am doing? I feel like I'm banging my head against a wall.

I keep getting first date lays reliably, but 99% girls always disappear even if it seems they genuinely enjoyed the night.

It feels like it's been like this for a year. If I don't change anything or try new things, I could never improve my results. The course seemed like a possibility for change, but maybe I'm too blinded by my own unsatisfaction and depression to see that it is not worth it.

If I knew for sure I would get results, I would spend way more than 4000 on it.
Wouldnt happen if u were 6ft+
Sounds like rip. Not a bad idea but too much dough IMO.
Before you tell me I'm retarded, hear me out: I can get girls in my bed quite reliably. My N-count is 64 now.

However, I completely suck at retention and sometimes I fuck up lays and dates because I'm too pushy or my game is sloppy.

There are a few redpill groups I'm in, and one dude posted his offering for a coaching program, where he described his past and how he became a better person and had better results with girls. Due to his background and past issues, it really resonated with me.

His credentials also seem legit. He's a normie in terms of looks, but has videos of cold approaches, pictures with girls, testimonials, etc. Yeah, it could all be faked, but I honestly didn't get that feeling. It seems like he's a dude who managed to fix his issues and is now providing value to others and making money out of it.

We have had two 1hr long video calls for free, where he asked me about my biggest struggles and what I want to improve. He seemed genuinely interested in providing value and not just scamming out of my money.

At the end of the second call, he offered me a package of $4000 where I would get access to group calls with Q/A, 3hrs of 1-1 time, and a series of exercises and shit to do to get better. He also mentioned that if I didn't get the results I wanted I could stay on the program indefinitely.

Do you think it is absolutely retarded to spend $4000 on something like this?

- I am able to discuss 1-1 with somebody that's not entirely autistic and jaded by the blackpill, but also not bluepilled
- I would get accountability and motivation to get out and cold approach because of group environment and because I spent a shitton of money on this
- I might be able to get better retention rate and connections with girls I sleep with, which is exactly what I'm struggling with -- I think that I look good enough for them to fuck me, but I come across as a fuckboy or uninteresting so they don't feel invested in seeing me again

- I could spend the $4000 on surgeries or invest them, but I might still suffer because of my shitty dating skills and regret not taking the coaching
- This dude might just be a very good salesman who knows how to pull my strings
- Even if the program is good, I might not be mentally strong enough to do all the exercises and follow through, ultimately wasting the money
- The program might not be that good, and the rest of the people in the group might be virgins and retards

So, in the end, it is an unknown. Maybe the $4000 will teach me things that I never knew I desperately needed, or maybe it will be a waste of money.

What do you think?
send 4.000 $ to me; i will personally fly with you to Czech Republic and we'll get some 10/10 esco......erm blonde stacies to fall in love with you and spend the night with you guaranteed; what are you waiting for ;) ?
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 2729
4000 dollars that could go toward your leg lengthening surgery
Before you tell me I'm retarded, hear me out: I can get girls in my bed quite reliably. My N-count is 64 now.

However, I completely suck at retention and sometimes I fuck up lays and dates because I'm too pushy or my game is sloppy.

There are a few redpill groups I'm in, and one dude posted his offering for a coaching program, where he described his past and how he became a better person and had better results with girls. Due to his background and past issues, it really resonated with me.

His credentials also seem legit. He's a normie in terms of looks, but has videos of cold approaches, pictures with girls, testimonials, etc. Yeah, it could all be faked, but I honestly didn't get that feeling. It seems like he's a dude who managed to fix his issues and is now providing value to others and making money out of it.

We have had two 1hr long video calls for free, where he asked me about my biggest struggles and what I want to improve. He seemed genuinely interested in providing value and not just scamming out of my money.

At the end of the second call, he offered me a package of $4000 where I would get access to group calls with Q/A, 3hrs of 1-1 time, and a series of exercises and shit to do to get better. He also mentioned that if I didn't get the results I wanted I could stay on the program indefinitely.

Do you think it is absolutely retarded to spend $4000 on something like this?

- I am able to discuss 1-1 with somebody that's not entirely autistic and jaded by the blackpill, but also not bluepilled
- I would get accountability and motivation to get out and cold approach because of group environment and because I spent a shitton of money on this
- I might be able to get better retention rate and connections with girls I sleep with, which is exactly what I'm struggling with -- I think that I look good enough for them to fuck me, but I come across as a fuckboy or uninteresting so they don't feel invested in seeing me again

- I could spend the $4000 on surgeries or invest them, but I might still suffer because of my shitty dating skills and regret not taking the coaching
- This dude might just be a very good salesman who knows how to pull my strings
- Even if the program is good, I might not be mentally strong enough to do all the exercises and follow through, ultimately wasting the money
- The program might not be that good, and the rest of the people in the group might be virgins and retards

So, in the end, it is an unknown. Maybe the $4000 will teach me things that I never knew I desperately needed, or maybe it will be a waste of money.

What do you think?
just spend ur 4k to escort much better
Watch Mgtow Dictionary streams.
I just spent $4000 crafting the perfect sex doll
  • Woah
  • JFL
Reactions: oldcelloser and Pumanator
Before you tell me I'm retarded, hear me out: I can get girls in my bed quite reliably. My N-count is 64 now.

However, I completely suck at retention and sometimes I fuck up lays and dates because I'm too pushy or my game is sloppy.

There are a few redpill groups I'm in, and one dude posted his offering for a coaching program, where he described his past and how he became a better person and had better results with girls. Due to his background and past issues, it really resonated with me.

His credentials also seem legit. He's a normie in terms of looks, but has videos of cold approaches, pictures with girls, testimonials, etc. Yeah, it could all be faked, but I honestly didn't get that feeling. It seems like he's a dude who managed to fix his issues and is now providing value to others and making money out of it.

We have had two 1hr long video calls for free, where he asked me about my biggest struggles and what I want to improve. He seemed genuinely interested in providing value and not just scamming out of my money.

At the end of the second call, he offered me a package of $4000 where I would get access to group calls with Q/A, 3hrs of 1-1 time, and a series of exercises and shit to do to get better. He also mentioned that if I didn't get the results I wanted I could stay on the program indefinitely.

Do you think it is absolutely retarded to spend $4000 on something like this?

- I am able to discuss 1-1 with somebody that's not entirely autistic and jaded by the blackpill, but also not bluepilled
- I would get accountability and motivation to get out and cold approach because of group environment and because I spent a shitton of money on this
- I might be able to get better retention rate and connections with girls I sleep with, which is exactly what I'm struggling with -- I think that I look good enough for them to fuck me, but I come across as a fuckboy or uninteresting so they don't feel invested in seeing me again

- I could spend the $4000 on surgeries or invest them, but I might still suffer because of my shitty dating skills and regret not taking the coaching
- This dude might just be a very good salesman who knows how to pull my strings
- Even if the program is good, I might not be mentally strong enough to do all the exercises and follow through, ultimately wasting the money
- The program might not be that good, and the rest of the people in the group might be virgins and retards

So, in the end, it is an unknown. Maybe the $4000 will teach me things that I never knew I desperately needed, or maybe it will be a waste of money.

What do you think?
bro, if you have to ask, it's never gonna make sense to you
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 10782
Bro, I can you half off a pretty big dating program, you just gotta send me 2k and i'll do the rest for you alright? Dm for details ;)
Can you give us any update. Have you done it and noticed any difference?
4000 dollars that could go toward your leg lengthening surgery

^^^^ This! We are on a LOOKSMAXXING SITE, yes there are guys under 6ft who slay but additional height would definitely help you. The fact that you already get some women means that your face is good enough you just need additional height. I'm barely 5' 10 so I feel your pain, being under 6ft in the West is almost a death sentence to get hotties but it is what it is. At your height though you should really look into LL.
Honestly I'm terrified of cold approaching. I'm down to talk to a girl in any other context confidently (e.g. house party, hobby, etc). Dunno why.
Because cold approaching is unnatural and aspie and only complete losers have to resort to that. It only works if your looks can carry you because otherwise the cringe is too strong. Even though personality is a meme for the most part, you actual need to get to know a person before they can show any interest in you (applies to non chads and non stacys).
  • +1
Reactions: Leviathin
Its suckers like you why I understand there's so many dating coach scammers on YouTube.

PM me I have a Bridge to Sell you.
^^^^ This! We are on a LOOKSMAXXING SITE, yes there are guys under 6ft who slay but additional height would definitely help you. The fact that you already get some women means that your face is good enough you just need additional height. I'm barely 5' 10 so I feel your pain, being under 6ft in the West is almost a death sentence to get hotties but it is what it is. At your height though you should really look into LL.
wtf is this shit? just use amnesia tier lifts if you're a turbo manlet like he is; do you want to be in a wheelchair at 45 and not be able to lift/ run anymore my nigga :soy::feelsuhh: ?

Hope you are done thinking a $4000 coach will get you anywhere.

Think of your interactions and experiences and perception of outside world as a reflection state of what’s within yourself...

As you said; you are insanely insecure and autistic... both of these feed into each other, and have internal root causes.

To improve your meaningful relationships and connection with people, you need to improve and heal the relationship with yourself

That means Shadow Work, Self reflection, contemplation

The Shadow referring to your subconscious /unconscious negative fear based beliefs, behaviors, dissociated fragmented aspects and programs that are Negatively effecting and limiting you.

Thinking holistically, doing work to heal you mentally/emotionally/spiritually within, to get the experienced and connection you want on the outside.

For basics, start with Journaling, Self inquiry and contemplation

Ask yourself the deep Uncomfortable questions and things you want to avoid to go deep into and get to fully know yourself

Why are you so insecure?
Why are you so obsessed with pussy?
Why do you need more pussy?
Why can’t you form relationships?
What is stopping you?
What to do really want and need from life?

Look up Shadow Work

And also try Meditation, learning mindfulness and presence, and how to develop more control discipline of your mind, and not be so attached to your thoughts.

Thinking to yourself, are your beliefs really. Accurate? And are they even healthy or constructive to have?

YouTube channels I would suggest for this self work are Teal Swan and Actualized.or

Fix your internal struggle within, your “game”, ability to form actual meaningful relationships and connection will go up

and the less need, and attachment to superficial relationships you’ll have, you’ll become more happy and fulfilled at peace on your own without need for anything.
fuaark man miring

thanks for the post
OP so the pill works for one thing and you wana take it for another ?

it's like taking panadol for headache and then also for constipation

sounds like you get girls coz of redpill, congrats

time to use blue pill to keep em around. u heard that right

after i sleep with a girl i start giving her stupid gifts and all kinds of romantic shit, if i wana,, then she will stick around

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