Should I wear lifts at 6'2''?

😂lol it is a HUGE difference what are you talking about.
I mog my 180 cm friend to hell Its really visible how Im taller.
Whatever you say though
Dude, 184cm looks short as fuck. Just like 180 does. You don't mog shit, don't be delusional. 4cm isn't a mog.
Dude, 184cm looks short as fuck. Just like 180 does. You don't mog shit, don't be delusional. 4cm isn't a mog.
184 cm looks short?😂
Bro Really?Now I know youre retarded.
184 isnt short.
Its just not tall in Germany.
Jfl at 184 cm looking SHORT😂😂😂
2:34+ this look like a short Guy?
I dont know bra
184 cm looks short?😂
Bro Really?Now I know youre retarded.
184 isnt short.
Its just not tall in Germany.
Jfl at 184 cm looking SHORT😂😂😂
2:34+ this look like a short Guy?
I dont know bra

Just stay near short women so you don`t appear manlet theory.
190 is also short.Everything under 193cm at night is short.
thanks god I'm 193 in the morning so I can heightmog everyone but ONLY in the morning fuck
184 cm looks short?😂
Bro Really?Now I know youre retarded.
184 isnt short.
Its just not tall in Germany.
Jfl at 184 cm looking SHORT😂😂😂
2:34+ this look like a short Guy?
I dont know bra

Dude. I see 188+ dudes every day because at work there are countless tallfags. They don't look tall when looking at them alone. They only look tall when standing next to short people.
Dude. I see 188+ dudes every day because at work there are countless tallfags. They don't look tall when looking at them alone. They only look tall when standing next to short people.
It is what it is
thanks god I'm 193 in the morning so I can heightmog everyone but ONLY in the morning fuck
You live life on easy mode at that height.After 5pm i`m slightly under 189 cm barefoot and even in shoes i`m not193 so i don`t even bother leaving the house.
I'm 184cm at morning, i heightmog lots of people but i even saw some girls taller than me and it's totally true. Last time i go out at home i saw a girl who was slighter taller than me without heels... 188cm is the minimum today
LOL MAJOR COPE.YOUNG GUYS ARE 6 ft 1 on average.Jfl at being 5 ft 11
I've been to Berlin and it looks like the average height there is 5'10.
Young GERMAN guys are, but not ethnics. When I go out I'm average unless I go to a German high school (Gymnasium) or some high class event.
It hurts even more if an ethnic heightmogs me but that's rare
Unless somethings changed in the last 3 years, young guys in Germany still aren't even close to being as tall as people in the Netherlands.
I've been to Berlin and it looks like the average height there is 5'10.

Unless somethings changed in the last 3 years, young guys in Germany still aren't even close to being as tall as people in the Netherlands.

Young kids on netherlands surprass 6ft easily? And girls there?
184 cm looks short?😂
Bro Really?Now I know youre retarded.
184 isnt short.
Its just not tall in Germany.
Jfl at 184 cm looking SHORT😂😂😂
2:34+ this look like a short Guy?
I dont know bra

Also you're trying to claim it's tall even though you just said it was the average height fucking lol
Insane that a thread this stupid get's so many posts.

Y'all are a bunch of dick riding faggot sheep.

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