Sign Your Soul Away // Jordan Barrett x Kate Moss



Oct 8, 2023
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WARNINGS: age difference, corruption kink, drug and alcohol use, drugging, mommy kink, edging, orgasm denial, breastfeeding, spanking, non con, abuse, pegging, crying, overstimulation, manipulation, blackmail

The city streets were bustling with crowds, some trying to snap pictures of the pair while others tried to push past security. The two models were treated like Gods as they left the building, just trying to make an escape to the limousine waiting for them. Jordan’s arm was linked with Kate’s, glancing at a few of the photographers before letting out a laugh. It was obvious that he was a little tipsy, which is why the blonde woman was so adamant about not staying around to chat with anyone. One of the guards opened the door to the back of the limo, escorting the two inside and closing it behind them.

The driver’s seat wasn’t visible, blocked out by a slab of tinted glass, along with the rest of the windows in the car. Their driver started to take off from the crowd, the sounds of talking fading away and leaving the two alone in the back of the dimly lit limousine. “Do you think they noticed?” Jordan chuckled, referring to the fact that he’d been drinking a bit before the show. Neither of them had been in it, but Kate had hosted it and invited him along since there was an afterparty. She rolled her eyes a bit before responding, “even if they did, they’ll forget about it in a week. It won’t matter to them, all that matters is that you show up looking pretty.”

The comment made him laugh, staring out the window of the car. He could feel Kate’s eyes on him, although he didn’t look in her direction; that is, until she got up from her seat on the opposite side and slid down next to him. He turned to look at her, a playful grin tugging at his lips. “What?” He chortled. “Are you feeling crazy tonight?” She had a mischievous look in her eyes, smirking as if she were about to propose a wild idea.

Kate teasingly slides her hand to Jordan’s knee, rubbing it for a moment before running it up to his inner thigh, squeezing a bit. The young model felt heat rush to the pit of his stomach. Kate had done things like this to him before, but it’d never gone past anything more than teasing. It confused him while at the same time frustrated him, because sometimes Jordan couldn’t even tell what he meant to her. Glancing down at her hand and swallowing a bit, he looked up into her eyes. “What did you have in mind?”

Her smile became wider before she pulled out a ziploc baggie full of some sort of powder. “Coke?” He says aloud. Kate shakes her head. “Heroin.” She corrected. Jordan knew that she’d had a history of using heroin in the past, but he’d never done it before as nobody had ever offered it to him. Now, he wasn’t completely opposed to the idea, but cocaine was more his sort of thing and he’d heard bad things about heroin.

She could read the look of hesitation on his face like a book. “It’s okay Jor, I’ll be right here with you, you won’t have to worry about a thing.” She mused, getting onto her knees as she started opening the bag, not even waiting for an answer. It was Kate, Jordan knew her and he trusted her, why shouldn’t he trust her with something like this? She moved quickly, pouring a bit out onto the counter of the mini bar, using her card to loosen it up and get it into two lines. Finally, she handed him a rolled up bill, implying that he go first.

Grabbing it from her, he leaned down and snorted one of the lines. The sensation burned the back of his throat, drugs traveling straight to his head. Jordan was getting caught up in the euphoric wave that passed over his body when he noticed Kate scraping the other line back into the bag and sealing it back up. “Wait, huh? You’re not doing any?” He sounded slightly panicked upon the realization that he would be the only one getting high.

Kate laughed, the worry evident on her “protege’s” face. The heroin brought on an intense feeling of paranoia, and mixed with the high it wasn’t doing him any good. “Kate, what the fuck??” The pair had never gotten into a fight before, but it was obvious that he was confused and angry. “What’s the big deal?” She actually seemed amused by this.

Jordan took a shaky breath, colors in his vision swirling around as if he were at a rave. “I just… I dunno, I thought we were doing it together is all.” The boy felt like he was melting into the leather couch, sinking down into it a bit. “Calm down, baby… mommy will take care of you.” Blood rushed to the young boy’s cheeks. Had he heard that correctly? He laughed it off, assuming either he’d misheard or it was just one of Kate’s jokes.

Next thing he knew, her thumb was underneath his chin, as she lifted his head up to look at her. Maybe it was the drugs or perhaps the pent up emotions, but her gaze felt different… intimidating, maybe even predatorial. Her thumb snaked up to play with his bottom lip for a moment before she gently pulled his mouth open, sliding it inside. Jordan was so in shock and so drugged up that he was at a loss for words. He wasn’t sure if he should try and stop her, or what her end goal was.

Suck.” The order was sharp and firm, it caused him to let out a soft moan as he complied, gently sucking on her thumb. “There’s a good boy… just like that…” she praised, slipping her thumb out with a tiny ‘pop’ sound as it left his mouth. “K-Kate, I don’t-“ his stammering was cut off by her shushing him. Jordan had hardly realized the tent underneath his pants that was forming from a mixture of anxiety and pleasure.

He watched as Kate pulled down one of the straps of her low cut dress, working quickly yet seductively to undo her bra. Jordan turned an even deeper shade of red having never seen her breast before. She fondled it for a moment teasingly, watching as he practically drooled over her body. “Come suckle, baby~” Jordan’s eyes widened at the request. Did she seriously want him to do this? Had it not been for the heroin, Jordan may have not been so compliant, alas…

Kate repositioned herself so that she was leaning against the wall, half lying down, whilst Jordan crawled on top of her so that his mouth was lined up with her breast. Kate could feel his hardness poking up against her and she couldn’t help but giggle, “someone’s excited.” A shiver of delight ran down his spine as she brought one of her hands to the back of his hair and played with it, using the other to grab his back and hold him down against her.

“What are you waiting for, baby? It’s not gonna suck itself.” She teased, enjoying the power dynamic. The boy on top of her smelt lightly of alcohol and expensive cologne. Jordan lowered his head, licking her nipple for a moment before wrapping his lips around it, sucking on it lightly. Kate continued to tangle her fingers through his hair, hardly able to contain her moans as her friend had been reduced to this.

The sensation was stimulating, and she could feel herself dripping wet, knowing she could also take advantage of the state he was in and likely get him to do other things. Instinctively, Jordan grinded up into her, a small whine escaping his lips from desperation as he continued to suck. She could see he needed to be touched, but she had no intention on letting that happen.

“Hey, I didn’t say you could do that.” She spoke sternly, bringing her hand down quite hard on his ass; it was a warning that she was the one in charge here. Jordan yelped, wincing in surprise at the slap. Now he was seriously wondering what her end goal was if he wasn’t even allowed pleasure during this. Kate and Jordan were close friends, so much so that she knew a bit about his sex life, as he’d opened up to her about it a few times. And she also knew that he was inexperienced, and even more exciting, he hardly knew about anything remotely kinky. Just the thought of it made her shudder in arousal.

So young and naive…” she whispered to nobody inparticular underneath her breath. On the other hand, Kate never spoke much about her sexual or romantic life to him. The reason behind that was the fact that from the moment she’d met Jordan, she knew she had to have him. She wanted to take any innocence he may have had away from him; she adored his purity and how flustered he’d get when she’d make any kind of remark towards him. She wanted him to be her obedient little boy, and that’d take years of training. It wasn’t like this was just spontaneous, she’d gotten him to rely on her for quite a lot of things, and now she would own him, too. Kate’s end goal was in fact, complete control of his body and his life.

Jordan pulled his mouth away from her breast. “Did I say you could do that?” She questioned. “I-I’m sorry, I can’t keep this up, I need touch…” She released her grip on his hair, trailing her hand down his back before taking it away from him completely. “Use your words, baby.” Jordan swallowed, “Please, Kate…” She shook her head. “Ah ah ah, that’s no way to speak to your mother.” Jordan’s heart skipped a beat, realizing that Kate was getting off on ordering him around. If he truly wanted this, he’d need to swallow his pride and obey.

Mommy, please…” He sounded incredibly desperate and whiny. Kate brought a hand up to his cheek and caressed it for a moment. “Oh, my poor, sweet blonde boy…” He waited, wondering if she was going to actually help him out here or not. “Flip onto your back.” She gave another order. Jordan changed positions and got onto his back, while Kate spread her legs so that he was lying in between them, head resting just beside hers.

“Now, you’re going to listen to exactly what I say, and do as you’re told. Otherwise there will be consequences, got that?”

“Yes, ma’am…” Jordan complied, not completely sure what he was getting himself into but he was just so touch deprived and high that he’d do just about anything. “Good boy…” she praised, sliding her hand down his stomach and to his belt, wrapping both hands around him to undo it. She then unzipped his pants, reaching her hand down and teasingly palming him through his Calvin Klein boxers at a painfully slow rate. He groaned out. “Fuck, please get on with it already…” he cried.

“Do not speak to your mother like that.” She spoke very sternly. Chills tickled Jordan’s spine because that’d actually sounded pretty intimidating. Finally, Kate reached into his boxers and started to stroke his hard on. Jordan’s dick twitched excitedly, letting out small moans as she continued to jerk him off. Pleasure started to build up in his lower stomach, legs tensing up and he knew that he was close. Though this was his first time on heroin, he knew that drugs usually had the effect of enhancing any emotion, including horniness; it never took him long to orgasm when he was high.

Kate could tell he was approaching his climax when his breath hitched and became quicker, and at that moment she stopped, pulling her hand out of his boxers, the waistline snapping down against his stomach. “What are you doing?” He groaned, annoyed and horny at the fact she’d stopped touching his dick entirely.

“I’m taking you back to my place, gonna teach you a lesson on obedience. Now, be a good boy, pull your pants back up and sit pretty til we arrive.” She explained with a teasing smirk. Jordan had to admit that this was a little frustrating. Yet, Kate had gotten him so worked up and desperate for release that he decided to play her little game; little did he know how deep this was going to go.
I cage when I read ur shit posts man

It's funny because u think ur a gangster but ur an un nt niglet subhuman rotting in a incel forum

Keep larping tho it's entertaining
  • +1
Reactions: wollet2
Still rock hard, he zipped his pants back up and tightened his belt around his waist, sitting up against the chair. His boner was visible and uncomfortable, and Kate could see that it was bothering him. He was a dark shade of red, and she’d never seen him this flustered before. Jordan could hardly even speak because he wasn’t sure what to say.

The tension in the air was thick, it’d never been this awkward between the two of them before; Kate enjoyed toying with his emotions and seeing all of his little reactions. Especially when he was so drugged up like this, it wasn’t easy for him to hide what he was feeling since everything was intensified.

After what seemed like an eternity, the limo finally pulled up to her large home, the driver stopping at the front to drop them off. Kate exited the door, the blond model following behind her and shutting the door behind him. She glanced down at him, laughing a bit at the tent in his pants. “Come on.” She grabbed his hand and made her way to the front door, getting her keys out to unlock it.

“You know where my bedroom is, baby?” Jordan nodded, recalling the layout of her place since this wasn’t his first time here. “You’re gonna go straight there and wait for me naked on my bed on all fours, got it?” An unexpected shiver of arousal tickled his spine at the request; hesitating a bit before nodding in agreement. “Good boy.” Kate opened the door and walked inside. “I’ll meet you there, I need to lock up the house first.” She spoke, planting a kiss on the boy’s cheek.

Too flustered to speak, Jordan walked up the staircase and down the hallway to her room. As he stepped inside and closed the door behind him, his legs felt like jelly, head spinning from the heroin and everything that was going on right now. Why was he doing all of this for her? He could walk out right now while he had the chance, yet deep down there was some sick part of him that wanted to see where this would lead.

Jordan unbuttoned his shirt, sliding it off of himself and tossing it on the chair, followed by his jeans and then boxers. Arousal pooled up in his lower stomach, tip leaking precum from how horny all of this was making him. The boy climbed onto the bed, and in a state of desperation he did something completely shameful. It wasn’t even something his sober self would do, but he needed sweet release.

Jordan grabbed one of her pillows and put it under himself, grinding himself into it, desperate for any sort of friction. He closed his eyes in pleasure, letting out soft moans as he did so. He was right on the cusp of climax from all of the foreplay, getting himself off on her pillow. Burying his head into the fabric of the comforter as he flipped over onto his stomach, Jordan could hardly control the volume of his moans; he was like an animal in heat, the position he was in being shameful as he arched his back from the overwhelming pleasure.

He barely heard the door open until he heard Kate’s voice, snapping him out of the horny trance he was in. “What do you think you’re doing??” He immediately stopped, heart sinking to his stomach anxiously. “Fuck, I-I’m sorry I just needed something…” he flipped over onto his back now, red in the face and having trouble looking her in the eyes. Kate had taken the liberty of changing into dark and sexy see through lingerie. The very sight of her drove Jordan all the more wild.

“I didn’t say you could do that, did I? I told you what I expected from you, and you disobeyed.” It sounded like a threat, not sure what to say, he just swallowed anxiously. “You’re not getting any release tonight now, baby. You need to be taught a lesson.” Jordan scoffed at her words, now this was starting to piss him off a bit, it felt demeaning as hell. “Are you fucking kidding me? Kate, I’m sick of this. You play around with my emotions and now you’re leaving me like this, I’m done. This was a mistake.”

Jordan stood up and went to grab his clothes, but she stood in the way, blocking him. He looked at her for a moment, sick of these games. “Kate, come on.” He sighed heavily. “Actually, you aren’t going anywhere.” Jordan stared at her, not amused by the response, blank faced and clearly peeved off. He was high as fuck and super horny, either wanting her to just jerk him off or let him leave at this point.

“I’m leaving now.” He tried to push past her again, but this time Kate shoved him down onto the bed. With the heroin flowing through his veins, he didn’t feel as physically strong as he normally did, and the bed felt rather nice so he just laid there for a moment, a small groan escaping his lips. “You’re too weak to go anywhere.”

“I’m not. And I’m not a fucking child, Kate, stop treating me like one.” He went to stand up, but before he could, Kate had pinned him down to the bed and got onto him, straddling his lap and grinding up against him slowly. “You’re my little boy, Jordan, just let me take care of you…” she whispered sensually, continuing to tease his cock with her grinding.

“You’ll learn to love this, hun… Now, do as I’d said and get onto all fours for me.” She commanded. “Why… what are you gonna-“ he was cut off by something he didn’t know Kate was capable of doing; she took a swing at his face, and forcefully grabbed him, flipping him onto his stomach. Jordan exclaimed in agony, cursing. “What the fuck was that??” Trembling, he got up onto his knees to stand. “Stay the fuck down, or I’ll do worse.” Jordan shuddered at the threat. She wouldn’t do anything horrible to him… would she?

“You’re so bratty, you just can’t listen, can you… I’ll train you over time, you’ll learn.” Jordan breathed heavily, not daring to make another move in fear of what she may do. Kate obviously had more strength than he did right now, and he wasn’t sure what she was capable of doing to him. He didn’t feel the warmth from her body for a few moments, only hearing her fumbling around and doing something, but he wasn’t quite sure what.

Jordan felt her hands on either side of his hips, feeling her body near his yet again. She climbed up onto the bed behind him, and he felt a sensation that was completely foreign to him, causing him to jump a little; something at the rim of his ass, something covered in lubricant. “Kate…” His voice was quiet and whiny, unsure of what it was she was going to do, but he had a clue, and he hoped that he wasn’t right. “Just stay still.” Her voice was eerily soothing.

The object started to slide into him as he gasped, the pain and feeling unlike anything he’d ever experienced before. “Kate, Kate, no, please no, it hurts.” He pleaded, tears forming at the corners of his eyes, though she didn’t seem to care, only sliding herself in deeper. “Poor baby.” She teased. Through all the pain, Jordan felt a shiver of arousal as she hit his g spot, forcing out a moan from his mouth.

Swiftly, the older woman pulled out and then forcefully shoved back into his tight hole. It’d hurt more than the first time, making Jordan cry out. His arms felt wobbly, his abdomen clenching instinctively at the sensation, forcing his abs to tense. She continued the brutal act on the younger male model, shoving herself in and out of him. The pain was starting to mix with the pleasure at certain points, Jordan’s arms finally giving out as he clenched the blankets with his hands, burying his face into the softness of the fabric.

Tears were streaming down his cheeks, mixed with little moans and curses here and there. He was getting pretty close to orgasming, and it was getting hard to hold it back any longer. Breath hitching, an intense wave of pleasure washed over him, cum squirting out messily onto the bed in front of him, the woman continuing to pound in and out of him relentlessly as he did so. After the climax had passed, the pleasure aspect was completely gone, and the pegging just flat out hurt.

Weakly, he lifted his head up a bit. “Kate, it fucking hurts, stop!” He sobbed. It felt as if she was tearing up his insides with each violent thrust. After what seemed like forever, she finally pulled herself out of him. She took off the strap on and climbed off of the bed, giving his ass cheek a little squeeze in the process.

“You know where my bathroom is. Go get yourself cleaned up and then grab some fresh bedsheets from the closet and make up the bed for us.” She ordered. Jordan rolled over onto his side, still teary eyed from the events that’d just transpired. He didn’t want to talk to her, he felt betrayed and violated. So instead, he just followed her orders without saying a word, grabbing his clothes and walking to her bathroom, closing the door behind him.

Jordan glanced at himself in the mirror, feeling his stomach churn at the sight. There was a beginning outline of a bruise on his eye from where she’d hit him. Gently, he traced his fingers over it, taking note of the tears staining his cheeks. This had to have been illegal, yet he found himself unable to even think about turning her in to the cops, after all, she’d done so much for him and his career.


After a shower and changing back into some clothes, Jordan grabbed a fresh pair of bedding like she’d asked, and went back into the room. The tension was so thick, and things now felt awkward between them. Kate had changed into a robe, now sitting on the couch and flipping through a magazine. He stood there aimlessly for a moment before she glared over towards him. “Well? Get to work, I’m tired, and I’m sure you are too.”

Sleeping sounded really nice right about now, he was sick of feeling drugged up and just wanted it to be the next day already. “Just toss the messy blankets into a pile over there, I’ll mess with them tomorrow.” She spoke. Jordan got to work, changing the bed and putting on fresh linen and whatnot. He wasn’t quite sure why he was obeying her blindly after all she’d just done to him, maybe it was out of fear, or maybe in a subconscious level he respected her in that way.

Once the bed was made up, Kate took the liberty of taking her robe off and sliding underneath the blankets. “Can you turn the light off on your way over?” She asked. Jordan had spent the night before, but never like this. Of course, it’d always been just as friends, and never in the same bed, especially nude.

Turning the light off, the boy took off his shirt and pants, climbing into the other side of the bed. He lay there restlessly, staring at the wall as his heart raced. It was from a mixture of his mind racing and rein-acting all of the prior events, as well as anxiety about the future between the two of them. Suddenly he felt Kate’s arms wrap around him, pulling him close against her breasts. Jordan blushed, yet the feeling was oddly comforting, and he soon fell asleep.


He groggily awoke the next morning to the sound of an alarm going off across the room. Before he opened his eyes it took him a moment to remember that he’d set an alarm because he had a photoshoot at noon. Kate was still asleep and spooning him. Carefully, he slipped out of her grasp and across the room to his phone which was in his pants pocket, shutting the alarm tone off. The sunlight shone through the curtains, barely illuminating any space.

Even though he’d showered before bed, he needed to look fresh for this shoot, so headed into the bathroom. The warm water against his bare skin felt relaxing in contrast to the events of last night replaying in his head. He wasn’t sure why Kate would do something like that to him, and he felt differently about her now. Nobody had ever touched him there before, and while he wouldn’t have been opposed to the idea, he’d have appreciated her speaking with him about it before just going all in. Just the recollection of the pain made him cringe…

As Jordan dried himself off, he took another look at himself in the mirror to see that the bruise was even more prominent now. He cursed underneath his breath to nobody inparticular, knowing this couldn’t be good for the photoshoot. Now, he knew that Kate had to have makeup somewhere around here, but he didn’t want to just go poking through her belongings, either.

As if on cue, he could hear her rummaging around in the room and realized she must’ve been awake. “Kate, uh… do you have any eyeshadow or anything for this?” He opened the door, asking as he pointed to the bruise. Kate glanced over at him and walked over, having put the robe back on herself.

“Yeah, come sit down on the bed, I’ll help you out.” Hesitating, he walked over to the bed and sat down, running a hand through his damp hair, a few strands falling down messily into his face. She returned a few moments later with a makeup bag and sat down next to him.

Jordan watched as she took some sort of liquid and applied it to a sponge, dotting it on the bruise. He winced at first from the pain, but quickly got used to it. Kate held his chin steady with the other hand; the silence was awkward between them. “Sorry about that, baby. Sometimes I’ve gotta put you in your place.” She mused, giving him a kiss on the cheek before pulling away.

“What do you say?” She questions, looking at him as if waiting for something. “What?”

“What do you say when someone helps you out?”

“Oh… thank you.”

“Thank you, what?”

Jordan swallowed, wondering what game she wanted to play. “Thank you, Kate.” Maybe she just wanted to hear him acknowledge that it was her doing. “That’s not how you’re going to refer to me from now on… in public, it’s ma’am, and in private… mommy. So… what do you say?”

Blood rushed to Jordan’s cheeks, unable to look her in the eye at the request. After she’d done everything to him, after she’d left marks on him, why is it that he still felt the need to report to her as if he were her puppy? “Thank you, mommy…”

“Good boy. You’ll do great today, you look pretty.” She teasingly ruffled his hair, retreating back to the bathroom to put the bag away. Jordan knew there’d be a change of clothes for him at the location, so it wasn’t too big of a deal that he wore last night’s clothes. He was left with a minor headache as he was still coming down off of the heroin, but it wasn’t anything he couldn’t handle.

He called up his driver to confirm that he was on the way to pick him up. “I’m sorry, Mr. Barrett, but there must’ve been a miscommunication, I thought the photoshoot was tomorrow, I’m two hours in the opposite direction right now.” The guy on the other line explained. “What? What am I supposed to do? Just uh, nevermind, I’ll figure something else out.” Jordan huffed, hanging up the phone.

He sighed heavily, looking at the time and noticing that if he wanted to be there at noon he’d need to leave right now. “Do you need a ride, baby?” Kate asked, turning towards him and leaning against the doorframe. “Um… fuck, yeah, I think I might if that’s okay.” He felt slightly bad for asking, unsure if she had plans of her own.

“Yeah, I don’t mind, when do you need to leave?”

“Like… right now I guess.” He explained sheepishly. She seemed to have been doing her own makeup and getting cleaned up for the day whilst he’d been showering. “Alright, let’s go.” Her attire was a mix between formal and casual, a black skirt along with a slightly revealing white top and a cover to go over it.

He nodded, heading to the front door with her, where she slipped on a pair of stylish boots, leading him out the front door and to her garage where her cars were parked. Kate smirked a bit to herself, knowing that there was no such thing as a ‘mistake.’ It’d been her that sabotaged his driver not arriving on time this morning; anyone would lie for the right amount of money, and Kate was desperate to have Jordan rely solely on her for everything. And whether she’d give him what he wanted would be up to her.

She knew that it was sadistic and wrong, but she couldn’t resist getting the younger model caught up in this game of hers. She plugged the address into the car’s GPS and started off towards the place. “Thanks again for driving me.” Jordan spoke up after a bit of silence filling the air. Up until this point, there’d never been awkward pauses or tension in the air between them, because they were friends, and that’s all it’d ever been; but now things were different and everything had changed.

Part of this whole thing made Jordan’s skin crawl, thinking about her made his stomach churn, yet at the same time he was clinging to her as if he didn’t have a choice. There was something so sickeningly sweet about the way she went about using him that he was intrigued about. He wanted to get away, and he could’ve gotten away, but he didn’t. Jordan didn’t know what he was sticking around and waiting for because it was as if the woman he’d known had changed entirely in the course of a day.

A ways into the drive, Kate slid her hand onto his thigh, rubbing dangerously close to his clothed cock. “Not now…” he insisted, gently grabbing her wrist to stop her. “Excuse me?” She tore away from his grip, voice cold as ice, giving a quick yet intimidating glance in his direction.

“I can’t have that uh… during my shoot.” He swallowed a sudden wave of nervousness. If she got him hard for his photoshoot he knew nothing good would come of it. “That reminds me, I need to speak to you about business between us.” She started after a moment of silence, changing the subject. Jordan was thankful she hopped off the idea of giving him a boner, though the tone in her voice had a playful and serious tone to it which was a bit nerve wracking.


“Well, you know I’ve been toying around with the idea of having you come work specifically for my agency, right?” He nodded in response to the question as she continued, “I think that’s what we’re going to do, but I figure now may be a good time to go over what’s expected of you.”

An ominous cloud filled the air between them, the way she spoke of it made him feel uneasy. It was a great opportunity for his career, but what would this mean for him, and why was she bringing it up all of the sudden? “Like…?” He wondered aloud.

“I’m going to be handling your personal finance from now on, money and belongings. Don’t worry, I won’t steal any from you, but it’s just good to have someone to… keep you in check. You’re going to move in to my house, when you’re not conducting business you’ll be working personally for me.” As she explained all of this, Jordan could feel his body tense up uncomfortably. What was she getting at here, how was this going to benefit him? He was too blind to realize this was all part of her game, and that the only thing he’d be earning from this was being hers.

“I don’t understand, Kate, why?”

“We’re here… I can speak with you about this afterwards.” She pulled up to the door of the building to drop him off. Jordan hesitated for a moment, giving another ‘thank you’ underneath his breath before he headed inside.

The only thing on his mind the entire time he was working was her proposal and what it’d mean for him. It sounded life altering and probably something that he shouldn’t be taking lightly. Although, Kate was a big name, bigger than he was, and some publicity wouldn’t be bad, nor would the income…

After the photoshoot he headed to the dressing room to get changed back into his normal attire. To his shock, Kate was in the room already when he walked in. Jumping a bit, he closed and locked the door behind him. “What are you doing here?”

“Why so surprised? You were asking about this opportunity and truthfully… I’ve been thinking about this for a while now, so much so that I already have made a contract you could look over before you sign yourself over to me.” She explained, setting a piece of paper down on the desk in the room. Jordan walked over and glanced down at it, starting to read over it; shit, it was pretty long.

It seemed promising, offering a lot of money and whatnot, but as he started to read further his blood ran completely cold. In the contract it explained how his body, his money, and every aspect about him and his life would and could be used for anything that Kate wanted, unable to warrant any legal issues. He’d serve her 24/7, referring to her only as ‘ma’am.’ It was some serious BDSM shit he didn’t want to get himself into. Just who did she think she was? He couldn’t read any further, as the list only got worse the farther down he read. No sum of money would be worth the amount of humiliation and abuse this would bring on.

“What the fuck is this, a joke?” He tried to laugh it off a bit, hoping Kate wasn’t as sadistic as she was letting off to be. “You’re going to sign it.” She gave a little condescending smile with hidden intent. “The fuck I am!” He scoffed, appalled that she’d try and pull this on him. “No, I don’t think you understand. You’re going to sign it.” Her smile remained. “And just why do you think I’m gonna do that?”

“Well, if you don’t, I can release both the video recorded on my camera of you getting fucked in the ass like a little faggot, and the video of you trying to fuck my pillow like a dog in heat. And if that’s not enough to convince you… I can always leave some more bruises on that beautiful face of yours. So what’ll it be?”

Jordan froze up. He couldn’t begin to believe or comprehend why she’d do this to him. It was sadistic, no, it was evil. The younger model stared at her in horror and disbelief for a few moments before she handed him a pen. “I’ll take that as a yes. This is a legally binding contract, I expect you to follow and read carefully about everything listed on here.”

His body was shaking, he felt like his legs were going to give out. There wasn’t a choice for him, his career would be destroyed if those videos were released. His vision unfocused as he leaned down to start signing the bottom of the paper. “Good boy. You’ll learn quickly, I know you will.” She praised, giving him a hug from behind, trailing her hands over his body.

Jordan finished signing the contract, dropping the pen on the desk. What had he done…
@Pei if want to read
Jordan grabbed one of her pillows and put it under himself, grinding himself into it, desperate for any sort of friction. He closed his eyes in pleasure, letting out soft moans as he did so. He was right on the cusp of climax from all of the foreplay, getting himself off on her pillow. Burying his head into the fabric of the comforter as he flipped over onto his stomach, Jordan could hardly control the volume of his moans; he was like an animal in heat, the position he was in being shameful as he arched his back from the overwhelming pleasure.
What is my PSL goat doing?
  • +1
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I can’t believe ur real
@andy9432 awake?
Answer bro
Dnrd + u have jinn possession @The False Prophet
This guy has jinn possession
Dnrd + u have jinn possession @The False Prophet
This guy has jinn possession
Wdym can tell me what it means did u read it i need opinion ig likes ill continue stories took 2 hours
It's funny because u think ur a gangster

Keep larping tho it's entertaining
he thinks that?
  • JFL
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“Finally, Kate reached into his boxers and started to stroke his hard on. Jordan’s dick twitched excitedly, letting out small moans as she continued to jerk him off. Pleasure started to build up in his lower stomach, legs tensing up and he knew that he was close.
why have I just seen this in my recommended you absolute gay cuck, you have no right to call me a faggot currycel
why have I just seen this in my recommended you absolute gay cuck, you have no right to call me a faggot currycel
@Pei why he callsnme curry and i didnt make this and its inaginery to real stupid fuck just fantasty
@Pei why he callsnme curry and i didnt make this and its inaginery to real stupid fuck just fantasty
call your boyfriend once again you Indian and why post this then? having fantasies about Jordan? :lul::lul::lul::lul: absolute dalit faggot
Wdym can tell me what it means did u read it i need opinion ig likes ill continue stories took 2 hours
so you took 2 hours to make this? Fuarkinn ell, instead of getting those nutrients from mama vishnus curry ur doing all of this :lul: :lul:
call your boyfriend once again you Indian and why post this then? having fantasies about Jordan? :lul::lul::lul::lul: absolute dalit faggot
I already did face reveal
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Still rock hard, he zipped his pants back up and tightened his belt around his waist, sitting up against the chair. His boner was visible and uncomfortable, and Kate could see that it was bothering him. He was a dark shade of red, and she’d never seen him this flustered before. Jordan could hardly even speak because he wasn’t sure what to say.

The tension in the air was thick, it’d never been this awkward between the two of them before; Kate enjoyed toying with his emotions and seeing all of his little reactions. Especially when he was so drugged up like this, it wasn’t easy for him to hide what he was feeling since everything was intensified.

After what seemed like an eternity, the limo finally pulled up to her large home, the driver stopping at the front to drop them off. Kate exited the door, the blond model following behind her and shutting the door behind him. She glanced down at him, laughing a bit at the tent in his pants. “Come on.” She grabbed his hand and made her way to the front door, getting her keys out to unlock it.

“You know where my bedroom is, baby?” Jordan nodded, recalling the layout of her place since this wasn’t his first time here. “You’re gonna go straight there and wait for me naked on my bed on all fours, got it?” An unexpected shiver of arousal tickled his spine at the request; hesitating a bit before nodding in agreement. “Good boy.” Kate opened the door and walked inside. “I’ll meet you there, I need to lock up the house first.” She spoke, planting a kiss on the boy’s cheek.

Too flustered to speak, Jordan walked up the staircase and down the hallway to her room. As he stepped inside and closed the door behind him, his legs felt like jelly, head spinning from the heroin and everything that was going on right now. Why was he doing all of this for her? He could walk out right now while he had the chance, yet deep down there was some sick part of him that wanted to see where this would lead.

Jordan unbuttoned his shirt, sliding it off of himself and tossing it on the chair, followed by his jeans and then boxers. Arousal pooled up in his lower stomach, tip leaking precum from how horny all of this was making him. The boy climbed onto the bed, and in a state of desperation he did something completely shameful. It wasn’t even something his sober self would do, but he needed sweet release.

Jordan grabbed one of her pillows and put it under himself, grinding himself into it, desperate for any sort of friction. He closed his eyes in pleasure, letting out soft moans as he did so. He was right on the cusp of climax from all of the foreplay, getting himself off on her pillow. Burying his head into the fabric of the comforter as he flipped over onto his stomach, Jordan could hardly control the volume of his moans; he was like an animal in heat, the position he was in being shameful as he arched his back from the overwhelming pleasure.

He barely heard the door open until he heard Kate’s voice, snapping him out of the horny trance he was in. “What do you think you’re doing??” He immediately stopped, heart sinking to his stomach anxiously. “Fuck, I-I’m sorry I just needed something…” he flipped over onto his back now, red in the face and having trouble looking her in the eyes. Kate had taken the liberty of changing into dark and sexy see through lingerie. The very sight of her drove Jordan all the more wild.

“I didn’t say you could do that, did I? I told you what I expected from you, and you disobeyed.” It sounded like a threat, not sure what to say, he just swallowed anxiously. “You’re not getting any release tonight now, baby. You need to be taught a lesson.” Jordan scoffed at her words, now this was starting to piss him off a bit, it felt demeaning as hell. “Are you fucking kidding me? Kate, I’m sick of this. You play around with my emotions and now you’re leaving me like this, I’m done. This was a mistake.”

Jordan stood up and went to grab his clothes, but she stood in the way, blocking him. He looked at her for a moment, sick of these games. “Kate, come on.” He sighed heavily. “Actually, you aren’t going anywhere.” Jordan stared at her, not amused by the response, blank faced and clearly peeved off. He was high as fuck and super horny, either wanting her to just jerk him off or let him leave at this point.

“I’m leaving now.” He tried to push past her again, but this time Kate shoved him down onto the bed. With the heroin flowing through his veins, he didn’t feel as physically strong as he normally did, and the bed felt rather nice so he just laid there for a moment, a small groan escaping his lips. “You’re too weak to go anywhere.”

“I’m not. And I’m not a fucking child, Kate, stop treating me like one.” He went to stand up, but before he could, Kate had pinned him down to the bed and got onto him, straddling his lap and grinding up against him slowly. “You’re my little boy, Jordan, just let me take care of you…” she whispered sensually, continuing to tease his cock with her grinding.

“You’ll learn to love this, hun… Now, do as I’d said and get onto all fours for me.” She commanded. “Why… what are you gonna-“ he was cut off by something he didn’t know Kate was capable of doing; she took a swing at his face, and forcefully grabbed him, flipping him onto his stomach. Jordan exclaimed in agony, cursing. “What the fuck was that??” Trembling, he got up onto his knees to stand. “Stay the fuck down, or I’ll do worse.” Jordan shuddered at the threat. She wouldn’t do anything horrible to him… would she?

“You’re so bratty, you just can’t listen, can you… I’ll train you over time, you’ll learn.” Jordan breathed heavily, not daring to make another move in fear of what she may do. Kate obviously had more strength than he did right now, and he wasn’t sure what she was capable of doing to him. He didn’t feel the warmth from her body for a few moments, only hearing her fumbling around and doing something, but he wasn’t quite sure what.

Jordan felt her hands on either side of his hips, feeling her body near his yet again. She climbed up onto the bed behind him, and he felt a sensation that was completely foreign to him, causing him to jump a little; something at the rim of his ass, something covered in lubricant. “Kate…” His voice was quiet and whiny, unsure of what it was she was going to do, but he had a clue, and he hoped that he wasn’t right. “Just stay still.” Her voice was eerily soothing.

The object started to slide into him as he gasped, the pain and feeling unlike anything he’d ever experienced before. “Kate, Kate, no, please no, it hurts.” He pleaded, tears forming at the corners of his eyes, though she didn’t seem to care, only sliding herself in deeper. “Poor baby.” She teased. Through all the pain, Jordan felt a shiver of arousal as she hit his g spot, forcing out a moan from his mouth.

Swiftly, the older woman pulled out and then forcefully shoved back into his tight hole. It’d hurt more than the first time, making Jordan cry out. His arms felt wobbly, his abdomen clenching instinctively at the sensation, forcing his abs to tense. She continued the brutal act on the younger male model, shoving herself in and out of him. The pain was starting to mix with the pleasure at certain points, Jordan’s arms finally giving out as he clenched the blankets with his hands, burying his face into the softness of the fabric.

Tears were streaming down his cheeks, mixed with little moans and curses here and there. He was getting pretty close to orgasming, and it was getting hard to hold it back any longer. Breath hitching, an intense wave of pleasure washed over him, cum squirting out messily onto the bed in front of him, the woman continuing to pound in and out of him relentlessly as he did so. After the climax had passed, the pleasure aspect was completely gone, and the pegging just flat out hurt.

Weakly, he lifted his head up a bit. “Kate, it fucking hurts, stop!” He sobbed. It felt as if she was tearing up his insides with each violent thrust. After what seemed like forever, she finally pulled herself out of him. She took off the strap on and climbed off of the bed, giving his ass cheek a little squeeze in the process.

“You know where my bathroom is. Go get yourself cleaned up and then grab some fresh bedsheets from the closet and make up the bed for us.” She ordered. Jordan rolled over onto his side, still teary eyed from the events that’d just transpired. He didn’t want to talk to her, he felt betrayed and violated. So instead, he just followed her orders without saying a word, grabbing his clothes and walking to her bathroom, closing the door behind him.

Jordan glanced at himself in the mirror, feeling his stomach churn at the sight. There was a beginning outline of a bruise on his eye from where she’d hit him. Gently, he traced his fingers over it, taking note of the tears staining his cheeks. This had to have been illegal, yet he found himself unable to even think about turning her in to the cops, after all, she’d done so much for him and his career.


After a shower and changing back into some clothes, Jordan grabbed a fresh pair of bedding like she’d asked, and went back into the room. The tension was so thick, and things now felt awkward between them. Kate had changed into a robe, now sitting on the couch and flipping through a magazine. He stood there aimlessly for a moment before she glared over towards him. “Well? Get to work, I’m tired, and I’m sure you are too.”

Sleeping sounded really nice right about now, he was sick of feeling drugged up and just wanted it to be the next day already. “Just toss the messy blankets into a pile over there, I’ll mess with them tomorrow.” She spoke. Jordan got to work, changing the bed and putting on fresh linen and whatnot. He wasn’t quite sure why he was obeying her blindly after all she’d just done to him, maybe it was out of fear, or maybe in a subconscious level he respected her in that way.

Once the bed was made up, Kate took the liberty of taking her robe off and sliding underneath the blankets. “Can you turn the light off on your way over?” She asked. Jordan had spent the night before, but never like this. Of course, it’d always been just as friends, and never in the same bed, especially nude.

Turning the light off, the boy took off his shirt and pants, climbing into the other side of the bed. He lay there restlessly, staring at the wall as his heart raced. It was from a mixture of his mind racing and rein-acting all of the prior events, as well as anxiety about the future between the two of them. Suddenly he felt Kate’s arms wrap around him, pulling him close against her breasts. Jordan blushed, yet the feeling was oddly comforting, and he soon fell asleep.


He groggily awoke the next morning to the sound of an alarm going off across the room. Before he opened his eyes it took him a moment to remember that he’d set an alarm because he had a photoshoot at noon. Kate was still asleep and spooning him. Carefully, he slipped out of her grasp and across the room to his phone which was in his pants pocket, shutting the alarm tone off. The sunlight shone through the curtains, barely illuminating any space.

Even though he’d showered before bed, he needed to look fresh for this shoot, so headed into the bathroom. The warm water against his bare skin felt relaxing in contrast to the events of last night replaying in his head. He wasn’t sure why Kate would do something like that to him, and he felt differently about her now. Nobody had ever touched him there before, and while he wouldn’t have been opposed to the idea, he’d have appreciated her speaking with him about it before just going all in. Just the recollection of the pain made him cringe…

As Jordan dried himself off, he took another look at himself in the mirror to see that the bruise was even more prominent now. He cursed underneath his breath to nobody inparticular, knowing this couldn’t be good for the photoshoot. Now, he knew that Kate had to have makeup somewhere around here, but he didn’t want to just go poking through her belongings, either.

As if on cue, he could hear her rummaging around in the room and realized she must’ve been awake. “Kate, uh… do you have any eyeshadow or anything for this?” He opened the door, asking as he pointed to the bruise. Kate glanced over at him and walked over, having put the robe back on herself.

“Yeah, come sit down on the bed, I’ll help you out.” Hesitating, he walked over to the bed and sat down, running a hand through his damp hair, a few strands falling down messily into his face. She returned a few moments later with a makeup bag and sat down next to him.

Jordan watched as she took some sort of liquid and applied it to a sponge, dotting it on the bruise. He winced at first from the pain, but quickly got used to it. Kate held his chin steady with the other hand; the silence was awkward between them. “Sorry about that, baby. Sometimes I’ve gotta put you in your place.” She mused, giving him a kiss on the cheek before pulling away.

“What do you say?” She questions, looking at him as if waiting for something. “What?”

“What do you say when someone helps you out?”

“Oh… thank you.”

“Thank you, what?”

Jordan swallowed, wondering what game she wanted to play. “Thank you, Kate.” Maybe she just wanted to hear him acknowledge that it was her doing. “That’s not how you’re going to refer to me from now on… in public, it’s ma’am, and in private… mommy. So… what do you say?”

Blood rushed to Jordan’s cheeks, unable to look her in the eye at the request. After she’d done everything to him, after she’d left marks on him, why is it that he still felt the need to report to her as if he were her puppy? “Thank you, mommy…”

“Good boy. You’ll do great today, you look pretty.” She teasingly ruffled his hair, retreating back to the bathroom to put the bag away. Jordan knew there’d be a change of clothes for him at the location, so it wasn’t too big of a deal that he wore last night’s clothes. He was left with a minor headache as he was still coming down off of the heroin, but it wasn’t anything he couldn’t handle.

He called up his driver to confirm that he was on the way to pick him up. “I’m sorry, Mr. Barrett, but there must’ve been a miscommunication, I thought the photoshoot was tomorrow, I’m two hours in the opposite direction right now.” The guy on the other line explained. “What? What am I supposed to do? Just uh, nevermind, I’ll figure something else out.” Jordan huffed, hanging up the phone.

He sighed heavily, looking at the time and noticing that if he wanted to be there at noon he’d need to leave right now. “Do you need a ride, baby?” Kate asked, turning towards him and leaning against the doorframe. “Um… fuck, yeah, I think I might if that’s okay.” He felt slightly bad for asking, unsure if she had plans of her own.

“Yeah, I don’t mind, when do you need to leave?”

“Like… right now I guess.” He explained sheepishly. She seemed to have been doing her own makeup and getting cleaned up for the day whilst he’d been showering. “Alright, let’s go.” Her attire was a mix between formal and casual, a black skirt along with a slightly revealing white top and a cover to go over it.

He nodded, heading to the front door with her, where she slipped on a pair of stylish boots, leading him out the front door and to her garage where her cars were parked. Kate smirked a bit to herself, knowing that there was no such thing as a ‘mistake.’ It’d been her that sabotaged his driver not arriving on time this morning; anyone would lie for the right amount of money, and Kate was desperate to have Jordan rely solely on her for everything. And whether she’d give him what he wanted would be up to her.

She knew that it was sadistic and wrong, but she couldn’t resist getting the younger model caught up in this game of hers. She plugged the address into the car’s GPS and started off towards the place. “Thanks again for driving me.” Jordan spoke up after a bit of silence filling the air. Up until this point, there’d never been awkward pauses or tension in the air between them, because they were friends, and that’s all it’d ever been; but now things were different and everything had changed.

Part of this whole thing made Jordan’s skin crawl, thinking about her made his stomach churn, yet at the same time he was clinging to her as if he didn’t have a choice. There was something so sickeningly sweet about the way she went about using him that he was intrigued about. He wanted to get away, and he could’ve gotten away, but he didn’t. Jordan didn’t know what he was sticking around and waiting for because it was as if the woman he’d known had changed entirely in the course of a day.

A ways into the drive, Kate slid her hand onto his thigh, rubbing dangerously close to his clothed cock. “Not now…” he insisted, gently grabbing her wrist to stop her. “Excuse me?” She tore away from his grip, voice cold as ice, giving a quick yet intimidating glance in his direction.

“I can’t have that uh… during my shoot.” He swallowed a sudden wave of nervousness. If she got him hard for his photoshoot he knew nothing good would come of it. “That reminds me, I need to speak to you about business between us.” She started after a moment of silence, changing the subject. Jordan was thankful she hopped off the idea of giving him a boner, though the tone in her voice had a playful and serious tone to it which was a bit nerve wracking.


“Well, you know I’ve been toying around with the idea of having you come work specifically for my agency, right?” He nodded in response to the question as she continued, “I think that’s what we’re going to do, but I figure now may be a good time to go over what’s expected of you.”

An ominous cloud filled the air between them, the way she spoke of it made him feel uneasy. It was a great opportunity for his career, but what would this mean for him, and why was she bringing it up all of the sudden? “Like…?” He wondered aloud.

“I’m going to be handling your personal finance from now on, money and belongings. Don’t worry, I won’t steal any from you, but it’s just good to have someone to… keep you in check. You’re going to move in to my house, when you’re not conducting business you’ll be working personally for me.” As she explained all of this, Jordan could feel his body tense up uncomfortably. What was she getting at here, how was this going to benefit him? He was too blind to realize this was all part of her game, and that the only thing he’d be earning from this was being hers.

“I don’t understand, Kate, why?”

“We’re here… I can speak with you about this afterwards.” She pulled up to the door of the building to drop him off. Jordan hesitated for a moment, giving another ‘thank you’ underneath his breath before he headed inside.

The only thing on his mind the entire time he was working was her proposal and what it’d mean for him. It sounded life altering and probably something that he shouldn’t be taking lightly. Although, Kate was a big name, bigger than he was, and some publicity wouldn’t be bad, nor would the income…

After the photoshoot he headed to the dressing room to get changed back into his normal attire. To his shock, Kate was in the room already when he walked in. Jumping a bit, he closed and locked the door behind him. “What are you doing here?”

“Why so surprised? You were asking about this opportunity and truthfully… I’ve been thinking about this for a while now, so much so that I already have made a contract you could look over before you sign yourself over to me.” She explained, setting a piece of paper down on the desk in the room. Jordan walked over and glanced down at it, starting to read over it; shit, it was pretty long.

It seemed promising, offering a lot of money and whatnot, but as he started to read further his blood ran completely cold. In the contract it explained how his body, his money, and every aspect about him and his life would and could be used for anything that Kate wanted, unable to warrant any legal issues. He’d serve her 24/7, referring to her only as ‘ma’am.’ It was some serious BDSM shit he didn’t want to get himself into. Just who did she think she was? He couldn’t read any further, as the list only got worse the farther down he read. No sum of money would be worth the amount of humiliation and abuse this would bring on.

“What the fuck is this, a joke?” He tried to laugh it off a bit, hoping Kate wasn’t as sadistic as she was letting off to be. “You’re going to sign it.” She gave a little condescending smile with hidden intent. “The fuck I am!” He scoffed, appalled that she’d try and pull this on him. “No, I don’t think you understand. You’re going to sign it.” Her smile remained. “And just why do you think I’m gonna do that?”

“Well, if you don’t, I can release both the video recorded on my camera of you getting fucked in the ass like a little faggot, and the video of you trying to fuck my pillow like a dog in heat. And if that’s not enough to convince you… I can always leave some more bruises on that beautiful face of yours. So what’ll it be?”

Jordan froze up. He couldn’t begin to believe or comprehend why she’d do this to him. It was sadistic, no, it was evil. The younger model stared at her in horror and disbelief for a few moments before she handed him a pen. “I’ll take that as a yes. This is a legally binding contract, I expect you to follow and read carefully about everything listed on here.”

His body was shaking, he felt like his legs were going to give out. There wasn’t a choice for him, his career would be destroyed if those videos were released. His vision unfocused as he leaned down to start signing the bottom of the paper. “Good boy. You’ll learn quickly, I know you will.” She praised, giving him a hug from behind, trailing her hands over his body.

Jordan finished signing the contract, dropping the pen on the desk. What had he done…
not a molecule shizo wtf is that
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Smut is for foids bro that shit is gay asf
Even if this is ironic, it is still 11/10 gay
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