So apparently my cousin is anorexic? She is like 30 lbs underweight?

This is why I wish I had a girlfriend with abandonment issues. Unfortunately no foid will give me the time of day because I have no value in their eyes.
its brutal man. personally, im a hapa manlet with a deformed face, bad frame, feminine development, and extremely non NT and anti social. no woman ever be attracted to me but im obsessed with sex since i have anhedonia masturbation the only thing to make me remember what pleasure feels like
its brutal man. personally, im a hapa manlet with a deformed face, bad frame, feminine development, and extremely non NT and anti social. no woman ever be attracted to me but im obsessed with sex since i have anhedonia masturbation the only thing to make me remember what pleasure feels like
I'm hapa too, and I have been diagnosed with autism and ADHD. It's so fucking over. Sometimes I wish my white cuck father didn't marry my short Asian bitch mom. He wasted his height (6'0) on some short subhuman. I'm also a fucking manlet with a shit frame, lazy eye, shitty teeth, and my face is incredibly flat and round like a pancake jfl
  • Woah
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I'm hapa too,
unexpected coincidence fellow hapacel
and I have been diagnosed with autism and ADHD
BRUTAL . every1 call me autistic and im very ADHD but i refused testing. its over now u cant donate sperm (u probably couldnt anyway as a manlet) just dont take any meds
Sometimes I wish my white cuck father didn't marry my short Asian bitch mom
i wish so of myself every day. i wish i didnt exist. i never forgive my dad and my mom shouldnt have reproduced. fuck this kalergi plan man. our dads are POSSESSED , i mean i cant even get hard from gooks
I'm also a fucking manlet with a shit frame, lazy eye, shitty teeth, and my face is incredibly flat and round like a pancake jfl
brutal. its ovER. i believe there is still meaning to our lives but not looksmaxxing , its cope for subhumans. i am evilmaxxing
unexpected coincidence fellow hapacel

BRUTAL . every1 call me autistic and im very ADHD but i refused testing. its over now u cant donate sperm (u probably couldnt anyway as a manlet) just dont take any meds

i wish so of myself every day. i wish i didnt exist. i never forgive my dad and my mom shouldnt have reproduced. fuck this kalergi plan man. our dads are POSSESSED , i mean i cant even get hard from gooks

brutal. its ovER. i believe there is still meaning to our lives but not looksmaxxing , its cope for subhumans. i am evilmaxxing
I'm mirin the evilmaxxing bro, keep at it. Also, yeah. White foids are so much better then gook bitches, but theyre more high maintenance and my dad prolly has the JBW halo, which he denied his son from having JFL. My mom used to tell me that being half asian was a good thing too lmao, like I could get more girls that way. The gaslighting is unreal. How tall are btw
  • +1
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I'm mirin the evilmaxxing bro, keep at it. Also, yeah. White foids are so much better then gook bitches, but theyre more high maintenance and my dad prolly has the JBW halo, which he denied his son from having JFL. My mom used to tell me that being half asian was a good thing too lmao, like I could get more girls that way. The gaslighting is unreal. How tall are btw
PM me and we can talk
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lol i only weigh 10 lbs more than her. i fucking hate my weight, its so rare for a foid to be lighter than me in weight. based on my weight, i should be attracted to 8 year olds. i envy men of average weight who can view women as small.
How tall are you
Its not over at 5’7 wtf
bro im heightmogged by foids and normtards have called me short so many times its traumatic. literally i want to die
have sex with her
bro im heightmogged by foids and normtards have called me short so many times its traumatic. literally i want to die
Yeah you are short but death tier height is like 5’5

If all else fails you might have to femboymaxx buddy boyo
  • Ugh..
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have sex with her

1. Freeze sperm
2. Get a vasectomy
3. Then go balls deep no consequence condom free

This is what I do but she's not my cousin
  • JFL
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