so this girl stop liking me because

Well, my last girl, after 3 months we hanged out WITHOUT sex, just started to ghost me cause... well, she doesn't like me that much?

just hit her with a rock and cavemanmax Bro.

ughhhaa booogieaa
You have kind eyes. You need to eyebrowmaxx
20190112 123440
if I got plastic surgery I'd tell everyone because secrets make things weird.

tell your secret and it's no longer this big weird monster in your life

life advice bro.

it negates the shame and pretty much turns the tides to you. of course it's always harder than it seems to do and will make you cringe doing it.

but once you do it then no one can say shir. just own that motherfucker
Nah, very, very bad idea, here is why. Women desire men for their genes, saying that you're faking your genes will make you look very unattractive. It's like thinking this girl is super hot and you screw her while she has makeup on and then seeing her without makeup and coming to the realisation that she looks like a subhuman, this will result in a feeling of betrayal and disgust, when you tell women you faked your good looks with plastic surgery, they will have the same feeling of disgust and betrayal. Keep it a secret, lie and deny as much as you have to. Plastic surgery is something you take to your grave.
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Well, my last girl, after 3 months we hanged out WITHOUT sex, just started to ghost me cause... well, she doesn't like me that much?

no serious bro don't listen to anyone on here with their blackpill defeatist thinking.

takke all the looksmaxxing advice use it and hold on to your bluepill hope cope. and keep living bro. you gonna make it bro ..

become gold pill.
Nah, very, very bad idea, here is why. Women desire men for their genes, saying that you're faking your genes will make you look very unattractive. It's like thinking this girl is super hot and you screw her while she has makeup on and then seeing her without makeup and coming to the realisation that she looks like a subhuman, this will result in a feeling of betrayal and disgust, when you tell women you faked your good looks with plastic surgery, they will have the same feeling of disgust and betrayal. Keep it a secret, lie and deny as much as you have to. Plastic surgery is something you take to your grave with you.

isn't admitting mewing the same thing? I told one of my ex's I got this way cuz of good posture and she still fucked my brains out and even let me not use a condom off birth control lol

then again I guess your right plastic surgery is fake. mewing is more just reaching your genetic potential
vegan bitches are hypocrites. they'll bitch about muh ethical consumption but then suck dick.

what even is their endgame?
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vegan bitches are hypocrites. they'll bitch about muh ethical consumption but then suck dick.

what even is their endgame?

I was vegan so trying to see it from their side is ...easy I admit they would think we are evil and demons. but once you stop believing everything the media says...and do your own critcal thinking you realize we are made to eat some form of meat ...maybe not 24/7 but something
I thought about it but a lot of vegans in my area are also straight edgers. annoying Chadlite pricks who need to have their house shows shot up.

I thought about it but a lot of vegans in my area are also straight edgers. annoying Chadlite pricks who need to have their house shows shot up.

I'm straightedge bro I smoked weed for years and had to stop due to scitzo like traits showing up. so now it's only water and good food for me. no smoking or anything or drinking.

also before anyone calls me a light smoker. no I was heavy and legit almost passed out a few times due to weed. it gave me the most scary experience of my life in the end ....legit it was bad
I get it it just people being militant about it that gets me annoyed. I smoke cigs but weed is a big no no unless you want me to become a serial murderer. also Sockeye are a weird joke band. its not a dick, don't take it so hard.
most of my intake for intoxicants ends with nicotine and caffeine and occasional beer. anything else is poison to me.
you have to also realize most SxE people around here are soclibs and closet feminists or open feminists too.
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foids are strange beings tbh
no serious bro don't listen to anyone on here with their blackpill defeatist thinking.

takke all the looksmaxxing advice use it and hold on to your bluepill hope cope. and keep living bro. you gonna make it bro ..

become gold pill.


Well, anyway we don't write to each other since 31th dec, now she deleted me from instagram.
Sometimes a i take a bluepill and i like to think that maybe she has not much confidence in herself (there's a reason) and she deleted me cuz she's offended that i didn't write to her anymore.

But then i remember that when i asked her to hang out, she had always stuff to do often, even the 31th december, she couldn't see me for few minutes, so i understand and just stopped write to her. She never wrote to me either so the things are clear
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which is why I said yeah right
your saying I'm a normie right?

The space between your eyebrows is why you might look a little off (srs)
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It is because she is militant about her beliefs. Also, your hair is emo looking which is why you are not Chad yet

what hair should I try? I mean I cut it shorter.
it was this

["Cut my life into pieces, this is my last resort" starts playing]
She's just not that into you, otherwise she'd still bang you despite your diet. She probably has dozens of chads flirting with her which makes you disposable.
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This thread = AUTISM

The only thing you need to change is that Final Faggotry hairstyle. Everyone else commenting on "something looks off" is just finding any little thing to pick apart.

Short answer. She was just not vibing with you and probably has other guys to fuck around with . And it may not even have much if anything to do with your looks.

For reference. I made out with a girl once, only to have her ghost me for some uglier guy. NO JOKE

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