social anxiety disorder nardil mini guide



winter's mine
Oct 8, 2021
hi, it's likely u don't know me, i used2 use this forum a lot and wanted to depart some knowledge for ascensions b4 i myself 4ever leave this forum ...

tldr: nardil will erase SAD by increasing GABA levels

Why do people have social anxiety disorder?
ppl with social anxiety disorder will almost always unequivocally have some other nervousness or anxiety that persists in other parts of their life, perhaps in their character, personality, habits, disorders, etc. if that's the case for you, this is likely because there should be GABA in your brain that is simply not present. social anxiety disorder, at least for those who experience it on an innate, psychological level, is often caused by an overall dysfunction of Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) in the brain. if you experience social anxiety that is present regardless of long term social exposure, you most likely have underproduction of GABA, or your GABA neuroreceptors are somehow naturally downregulated. while there are a billion actual individual reasons, addressing GABA production will almost always help.

What is GABA?
Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) is an amino acid that serves as the primary inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brain, central nervous system, and spinal cord. It exerts its primary function in the synapse between neurons by binding to post-synaptic GABA receptors which modulate ion channels, hyperpolarizing the cell and inhibiting the transmission of an action potential. The clinical significance of GABA cannot be underestimated. Disorder in GABA signaling is implicated in a multitude of neurologic and psychiatric conditions. Modulation of GABA signaling is the basis of many pharmacologic treatments in neurology, psychiatry, and anesthesia.

Because GABA is the fundamental neurotransmitter for inhibiting neuronal firing, its function is determined by the neural circuit that it is inhibiting. It is involved in complex circuits throughout the central nervous system. For example, GABA is released by striatal neurons in both the direct and indirect pathways projecting to the globus pallidus, which in turn extends GABA neurons to other brain areas, inhibiting unwanted motor signals. Another example is that GABA signaling in the medulla is involved in the maintenance of respiratory rate. Increased GABA signaling reduces the respiratory rate. A third example is found in the spinal cord, where GABA serves in the inhibitory interneurons. These neurons help to integrate excitatory proprioceptive signals, allowing for the spinal cord to integrate sensory information and create smooth movements.
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in simpler terms, GABA is responsible for binding to your GABA-A and GABA-B receptors and causing the sleepy/sedating/anxiolytic/drowsy/smooth/relaxing effects that are felt by alchol, xanax/valium/klonopin/benzos, barbituates, ambien (GABA-A receptors), and phenibut, GHB, baclofen, alcohol (GABA-B receptors). so if you've ever taken any of those and felt relief from your social anxiety, it's most likely because they're GABA receptor agonists, though they're unsustainable for long term usage and treatment of social anxiety disorder.

How do I increase my GABA levels?
besides the previously mentioned drugs, there are a lot of methods and natural supplements that can increase GABA levels, though idgaf abt them as someone with persistent and chronic social anxiety, because what we're really after is a drug known in the world of medicine as "the golden standard for social anxiety," Nardil. though, you definitely have never heard of it, this is because it's a cheap older drug that is not very profitable or even marketable for large pharmaceutical companies, it's mainly used as an antidepressant, so it's been slowly phased out of usage in favor for modern SSRIs and SNRIs, which are known on this forum as "jew pills." unlike SSRIs, nardil does not have the mortifying long term side effects, nor the awful zombie feeling many users report. this is because of it's mechanism of simply inhibiting monoamine oxidase enzymes, which are responsible for breaking down dopamine, serotonin, norephedrine, ephedrine, etc. this creates a very different feeling from SSRIs, which as indicated in the name, inhibit the reuptake of serotonin, basically stopping used serotonin from being cycled out of your brain. whereas nardil has our desired effect on GABA because it's metabolized into phenethylidenehydrazine, which inhibits GABA-T (which itself inhibits and manages GABA levels, keeping them down) and subsequently raises GABA-A and GABA-B activity.

How do I get Nardil?
unfortunately, nardil is extremely difficult to get, it has supply issues, and large pharmaceutical companies "financially incentivize the teaching of modern medicine in american colleges." (they bribe education officials to promote their most profitable and easily marketed drugs.) you will have to find a psychiatrist willing to prescribe nardil, so a good place to start is, as it has a list of doctors that have prescribed MAOIs (nardil's drug class). generally, MAOIs are used as a last attempt, for treatment resistant depression, so you'll probably have to tell your psychiatrist you've tried SSRIs, SNRIs, antipsychotics, gabapentinoids, and benzos before you found nardil, yes you can lie to a psychiatrist, they won't know what other drugs you've been prescribed, although you'll have to learn about each of these drug classes and come up with a reasonable timeline of taking them to tell to your psychiatrist incase they inquire about your experience.|
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I’m on day 10 of nardil. Taking 60mg already daily since day 3. Not really feeling much, but I feel more stressed out and but less anxious, I only slept 3-5 hours these past few days but my depression is 70% gone, my social anxiety and shit is still there though but better

Im also taking pregabalin for social anxiety/anxiety
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side effects?
daytime fatigue, insomnia, bowel issues, weight gain, sexual dysfunction seem to be the most common, but they're supposed to go away after a month or two.
I’m on day 10 of nardil. Taking 60mg already daily since day 3. Not really feeling much, but I feel more stressed out and but less anxious, I only slept 3-5 hours these past few days but my depression is 70% gone, my social anxiety and shit is still there though but better

Im also taking pregabalin for social anxiety/anxiety
at half your dosage for 7 days i feel pretty similarly, just not as pronounced, as expected. from what i understand for depression there's a unique therapeutic dosage that's different for everyone, and once you maintain that for about a month, you'll start to experience the full depression effects, it's interesting you're already feeling them so early on.

the more stress is normal, and actually a sign it's working, it's probably to do with adrenaline response if i had to guess. goodluck bro.
Found a thread about it on reddit. Interdasting will do further research

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Found a thread about it on reddit. Interdasting will do further research

it's the highest rated antidepressant for a reason, it's the ppl that educate the doctors that push against it so hard and are the reason it's so unknown today (they're on some big pharma payroll)
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people seemed to prefer Parnate in the other thread. thoughts?

anyway is it really worth? social anxiety can mostly be nuked by exposure and larping low inhib
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at half your dosage for 7 days i feel pretty similarly, just not as pronounced, as expected. from what i understand for depression there's a unique therapeutic dosage that's different for everyone, and once you maintain that for about a month, you'll start to experience the full depression effects, it's interesting you're already feeling them so early on.

the more stress is normal, and actually a sign it's working, it's probably to do with adrenaline response if i had to guess. goodluck bro.
Yes I feel some sort of extreme pressure and stimulation and it’s uncomfortable, I feel wired in a strange way, this will definitely help with getting shit done, I’m mentally wired and physically tired. I’m taking the whole dosage at once, maybe I should spilt it into 2x or 3x a day? @Cope
people seemed to prefer Parnate in the other thread. thoughts?

anyway is it really worth? social anxiety can mostly be nuked by exposure and larping low inhib
I’ll report back in 2 months to see if it’s worth, which I have a feeling it is
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people seemed to prefer Parnate in the other thread. thoughts?
which thread? and they're both MAOIs so it doesn't really matter in the end, nardil just has effects on GABA so it will undoubtedly be better for anxiety.
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social anxiety can mostly be nuked by exposure and larping low inhib
if you have minor social anxiety, then sure. for ppl like me with genetic GABA imbalances and that have felt social anxiety disorder since i was born, it's innate, so things like nardil are needed
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if you have minor social anxiety, then sure. for ppl like me with genetic GABA imbalances and that have felt social anxiety disorder since i was born, it's innate, so things like nardil are needed
Literally this. Chemical imbalances need to be addressed, no amount of exposure or therapy helps with it .
been extremely uncomfortable around the vast majority of people including parents, tried klonopin once and fell in love

Being able to function in society feels extremely alleviating
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which thread? and they're both MAOIs so it doesn't really matter in the end, nardil just has effects on GABA so it will undoubtedly be better for anxiety.
supposedly better sides/long term
Literally this. Chemical imbalances need to be addressed, no amount of exposure or therapy helps with it .
been extremely uncomfortable around the vast majority of people including parents, tried klonopin once and fell in love

Being able to function in society feels extremely alleviating
we're not too dissimilar, except for me it was alprazolam, hope this nardil shit goes well for the both of us gng.
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Will Nardil make my speech sound more NT?

I think my voice is alright but I talk in a weird way. I've analyzed my speech many times but I still can't pin point what is off exactly.

I feel like my speed is all over the place, I talk too fast and my voice loses strength towards the end of a sentence. Maybe because in my head, my inner voice almost skips the ends of a sentence and goes to a new one before I finished the last one.

Sometimes I repeat a sentence that sounded weird, and I just try to say the last two words with more intent and it sounds better already. I wish I would be able to do that non-consciously.
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That’s actually just PTSD from being treated like shit by people
Will Nardil make my speech sound more NT?

I think my voice is alright but I talk in a weird way. I've analyzed my speech many times but I still can't pin point what is off exactly.

I feel like my speed is all over the place, I talk too fast and my voice loses strength towards the end of a sentence. Maybe because in my head, my inner voice almost skips the ends of a sentence and goes to a new one before I finished the last one.

Sometimes I repeat a sentence that sounded weird, and I just try to say the last two words with more intent and it sounds better already. I wish I would be able to do that non-consciously.
yes, probably. but thats like asking if a percocet is gonna help with elbow scrape, so i'd probably take like 15-45 mg if i were you, if you can even get nardil prescribed for a speech impediment.
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I was on this shit for years at the max dose of 90mg. If it did anything it was like a 10% reduction in symptoms. Definitely did not come even close to curing my SA. It's amazing as an antidepressant, especially at first, like way better than any modern shit. Downside is that it caused massive weight gain. I've been on so many other psych meds, none have caused weight gain. I got so fat on Nardil, and I was playing tennis for hours every day, too. I have extensive experience cutting weight, getting lean, counting calories. I could not do it. It made losing weight so miserable. Then as soon as I stopped taking it, I lost the weight over the course of like a month or two - like 40lbs. It also could be bad for your liver. If I were going to go the MAOI route, I'd probably go parnate.
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Highly considering but do you have to take it for as long as you want to get rid of social anxiety or does it work permanently after some time on it?

By work permanently I mean by changing your brain chemistry to have no social anxiety anymore and not by practicing 294748 social interactions while having the confidence when you were on it, since my abused dog traumatised self has deep rooted social anxiety no amount of practice could fix
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Highly considering but do you have to take it for as long as you want to get rid of social anxiety or does it work permanently after some time on it?

By work permanently I mean by changing your brain chemistry to have no social anxiety anymore and not by practicing 294748 social interactions while having the confidence when you were on it, since my abused dog traumatised self has deep rooted social anxiety no amount of practice could fix
About 50% of people who take it say it nukes social anxiety for them, they speak better, feel better, and feel like social gods,

Another 25% feels relief but don’t get that social effect and the last 25% don’t feel shit

Gonna have to push through it if it doesn’t come for me

@Cope feel free to chime in ab your experience and others u know bro
I was on this shit for years at the max dose of 90mg. If it did anything it was like a 10% reduction in symptoms. Definitely did not come even close to curing my SA. It's amazing as an antidepressant, especially at first, like way better than any modern shit. Downside is that it caused massive weight gain. I've been on so many other psych meds, none have caused weight gain. I got so fat on Nardil, and I was playing tennis for hours every day, too. I have extensive experience cutting weight, getting lean, counting calories. I could not do it. It made losing weight so miserable. Then as soon as I stopped taking it, I lost the weight over the course of like a month or two - like 40lbs. It also could be bad for your liver. If I were going to go the MAOI route, I'd probably go parnate.
you probably had low b6 honestly
people seemed to prefer Parnate in the other thread. thoughts?

anyway is it really worth? social anxiety can mostly be nuked by exposure and larping low inhib
Biggest issue with Nardil is its accessibility, it’s nearly impossible to get without prescription.
I would also say it’s reported side effects are somewhat worse than parnate, hence some people that experienced amazing effects on Nardil still had to stop using it.
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Will Nardil make my speech sound more NT?

I think my voice is alright but I talk in a weird way. I've analyzed my speech many times but I still can't pin point what is off exactly.

I feel like my speed is all over the place, I talk too fast and my voice loses strength towards the end of a sentence. Maybe because in my head, my inner voice almost skips the ends of a sentence and goes to a new one before I finished the last one.

Sometimes I repeat a sentence that sounded weird, and I just try to say the last two words with more intent and it sounds better already. I wish I would be able to do that non-consciously.
nardil helped me a lot of with this honestly, i don't blush or really get that flustered about talking anymore
Great thread. Any updates?
Wanna try a MAOI now. Will be looking into this

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