Society hates the male sex drive and represses our instinctive virility


Deleted member 42566

Aug 31, 2023
Think about it for a moment and reflect, all your attempts and all your superhuman effort to ascend is based on the vital need to reproduce and spread your genes to the next generation in the pussy of a FOID.

Men have an extraordinarily high libido. We think about sex all day long. At the same time, FOID walks around in a mini skirt to catch Chad's attention and reject the sub 6 PSL.

Society sexually tortures sub5 men, encourages exponential hypergamy, female promiscuity, and the visual sexualization of women. And she hates the male impulse to want to fuck. Society has really gone crazy, and we are caged lab mice, with female rats behind bars, opening their pussies in front of us, but hitting us every time we get too close. (harassment laws)

Where will all this civilizational decline go? The world was created by pussy-hungry men and women, and masculinity was abruptly taken from this
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That's why prostitution was made way early.
Insane sex drive ? Just pay and fuck
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You are underestimating Women's sex drive, They think of dick 24 x 7, Wish they get raped obviously by chad's dick not yours
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Geomaxxing or rapemaxxing are the only ways for subchads to alleviate their sexual desires.
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That's why prostitution was made way early.
Insane sex drive ? Just pay and fuck
You can't compare a cheap whore to your wife who you fuck every hour every day. Just like our grandfathers did, and every normal man before the sexual revolution.
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You are underestimating Women's sex drive, They think of dick 24 x 7, Wish they get raped obviously by chad's dick not yours
i remember my fat 5”7 redpilled friend told me women don’t enjoy sex at all, yeah they don’t enjoy it with you that’s for sure
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  • JFL
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You can't compare a cheap whore to your wife who you fuck every hour every day. Just like our grandfathers did, and every normal man before the sexual revolution.
Yes you can
Marriage itself is prostitution but way worse, if divorced pay her half the bills and only get to fuck the same girl for years which is again against the "instincts" of a man. You are new to blackpill you will learn in sometime. Most blackpilled guys end up with escorts coz that's the best way and not a cope if it was a cope then all the kings before wouldn't do it.
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Yes you can
Marriage itself is prostitution but way worse, if divorced pay her half the bills and only get to fuck the same girl for years which is again against the "instincts" of a man. You are new to blackpill you will learn in sometime. Most blackpilled guys end up with escorts coz that's the best way and not a cope if it was a cope then all the kings before wouldn't do it.
Before feminist liberalism got its claws in, divorce did not exist and was not morally and socially acceptable.

Divorce, like abortion and other garbage, are feminist devices to further increase hypergamy and female promiscuity.

Women have been really smart for the last 100 years making blue pills imbeciles believe they were fighting for their dignity, when they were only fighting as a tribe to increase their sexual standards without consequences before society and morality.

Monogamy was what created civilization as we know it. Polygamy is practiced only by African blacks and uncivilized Muslims. Long live Christ the King.
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You are underestimating Women's sex drive, They think of dick 24 x 7, Wish they get raped obviously by chad's dick not yours
they dont want to get raped but think about dick 24/7
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they dont want to get raped but think about dick 24/7
We literally have a key that is under pressure all day long, between our legs, and this forum and its people claim that the female libido is the same as men's? they went crazy.
We literally have a key that is under pressure all day long, between our legs, and this forum and its people claim that the female libido is the same as men's? they went crazy.
60% of women literally admit they fantasise about being raped 24/7 but sure keep coping and thinking women don’t crave chads dick 24:7
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  • JFL
Reactions: BowlCutMogger and Deleted member 6128
It is completely different. A woman's brain and a man's brain differ markedly. Most likely we are here in front of the desk, only thanks to the impulse of a man who insisted on fucking, in front of the reluctance of a FOID. What has built mankind is the male sexual impulse. We literally possess 10 times more testosterone than a FOID, that is, biologically, we have 10 times more sex drive.
60% of women literally admit they fantasise about being raped 24/7 but sure keep coping and thinking women don’t crave chads dick 24:7
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It is completely different. A woman's brain and a man's brain differ markedly. Most likely we are here in front of the desk, only thanks to the impulse of a man who insisted on fucking, in front of the reluctance of a FOID. What has built mankind is the male sexual impulse. We literally possess 10 times more testosterone than a FOID, that is, biologically, we have 10 times more sex drive.
10x the sex drive, but 10x or even infinitely less smv. Broooooootal
  • JFL
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10 veces el deseo sexual, pero 10 veces o incluso infinitamente menos smv. Broooootal
Por eso los maricones ahora usan tetas. Ser tratado mejor por la sociedad. Ser hombre en el siglo XXI es ser esclavo. y los transexuales lo saben.
That's why fags now wear boobs. To be treated better by society. To be a man in the 21st century is to be a slave. and trannys know it.
Yes you can
Marriage itself is prostitution but way worse, if divorced pay her half the bills and only get to fuck the same girl for years which is again against the "instincts" of a man. You are new to blackpill you will learn in sometime. Most blackpilled guys end up with escorts coz that's the best way and not a cope if it was a cope then all the kings before wouldn't do it.
Escorts are kind of a shit experience, have you tried it befor
Nah, disagree.

The world was created by pussy-hungry men and women

1. Women didn't create shit
2. Men who created things weren't "pussy hungry"

The men who did incredible things were extremely rational + not overcome with sexual desire

I actually think the more "pussy hungry" you are the more retarded
Think of the stereotypically most virile people, blacks, mexicans
They have the lowest IQ statistically
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You are underestimating Women's sex drive, They think of dick 24 x 7, Wish they get raped obviously by chad's dick not yours
does gender really matter for sex drive? i think it depends on person tbh.
Nah, disagree.

1. Women didn't create shit
2. Men who created things weren't "pussy hungry"

The men who did incredible things were extremely rational + not overcome with sexual desire

I actually think the more "pussy hungry" you are the more retarded
Think of the stereotypically most virile people, blacks, mexicans
They have the lowest IQ statistically
All of humanity has been built on male sexual desire that craves sex with young women. None of the great inventors and literate men would have cultivated their genius if there had not been fresh women with wet pussies waiting to fuck cool guys.
All of humanity has been built on male sexual desire that craves sex with young women. None of the great inventors and literate men would have cultivated their genius if there had not been fresh women with wet pussies waiting to fuck cool guys.
Not necessarily, have you ever just been interested in a topic for the sake of the topic alone

Issac newton wasn't thinking about banging his 16 yr old neighbor's brains out when inventing mechanics, he was just obsessed with the problem

There's a certain feeling when you work on something so hard it takes over your mind, you can think of nothing else

It's not about sex at all, it feels even better

I can tell you are young
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Not necessarily, have you ever just been interested in a topic for the sake of the topic alone

Issac newton wasn't thinking about banging his 16 yr old neighbor's brains out when inventing mechanics, he was just obsessed with the problem

There's a certain feeling when you work on something so hard it takes over your mind, you can think of nothing else
It's not about sex at all, it feels even better

If you think about sex while doing things you won't do them well which is why sex obsessed ppl are dumb

Doing things well/ inventing things requires thinking nothing but about the task at hand, which people who can't control themselves either sexually or cannot focus will not accomplish anything of value

I can tell you are young
Tell the engineers and builders of the Roman colosseum that after their hard work of 18 hours of limestone chipping, they would have to come home to masturbate without access to a legitimate pussy. And in two days you would have had a work stoppage.

Tell the Roman legionaries, that once they conquered French Gaul and Germania, they would have to masturbate to de-stress themselves instead of fucking hot Nordic pussies.

Tell the Nazis of the Blitzkrieg that once France was conquered, they would have to masturbate to get the cum out of their balls.
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Nah, disagree.

1. Women didn't create shit
2. Men who created things weren't "pussy hungry"

The men who did incredible things were extremely rational + not overcome with sexual desire

I actually think the more "pussy hungry" you are the more retarded
Think of the stereotypically most virile people, blacks, mexicans
They have the lowest IQ statistically
Yeah Tesla all these guys were virgins who redirected their sexual energy toward purposeful endeavours
This person is a retard lol
All of humanity has been built on male sexual desire that craves sex with young women. None of the great inventors and literate men would have cultivated their genius if there had not been fresh women with wet pussies waiting to fuck cool guys.
Cope society was made by reptile elite
You’re just cucked and retarded
Tell the engineers and builders of the Roman colosseum that after their hard work of 18 hours of limestone chipping, they would have to come home to masturbate without access to a legitimate pussy. And in two days you would have had a work stoppage.

Tell the Roman legionaries, that once they conquered French Gaul and Germania, they would have to masturbate to de-stress themselves instead of fucking hot Nordic pussies.

Tell the Nazis of the Blitzkrieg that once France was conquered, they would have to masturbate to get the cum out of their balls.
Wars accomplished nothing in humanity and only set civilization backwards

You are using Nazis to support your example ffs
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Wars accomplished nothing in humanity and only set civilization backwards

You are using Nazis to support your example ffs
You cannot look at historical processes with the magnifying glass of a backward leftist who only sees oppressed vs. oppressor. There would be no West without the Romanization and Catholicization of Europe.
I dont blame men that end up roping
I mean what alternative do they have?
Recess is over, go back to your classroom, you fucking retard, the adults are talking.
You have no idea how the world works
Ur 14 and live in your mom basement
A fucking grey cel is IQ mogging you
Recess is over, go back to your classroom, you fucking retard, the adults are talking.
Society and the economy is based of reptile men (A lot of jews???).
You not knowing that, and thinking male drive for pussy is everything shows a lot.
some based take, some sub 80 iq claims
Think about it for a moment and reflect, all your attempts and all your superhuman effort to ascend is based on the vital need to reproduce and spread your genes to the next generation in the pussy of a FOID.

Men have an extraordinarily high libido. We think about sex all day long. At the same time, FOID walks around in a mini skirt to catch Chad's attention and reject the sub 6 PSL.

Society sexually tortures sub5 men, encourages exponential hypergamy, female promiscuity, and the visual sexualization of women. And she hates the male impulse to want to fuck. Society has really gone crazy, and we are caged lab mice, with female rats behind bars, opening their pussies in front of us, but hitting us every time we get too close. (harassment laws)

Where will all this civilizational decline go? The world was created by pussy-hungry men and women, and masculinity was abruptly taken from this
Even chadlites are struggling it's over jfl
Before feminist liberalism got its claws in, divorce did not exist and was not morally and socially acceptable.

Divorce, like abortion and other garbage, are feminist devices to further increase hypergamy and female promiscuity.

Women have been really smart for the last 100 years making blue pills imbeciles believe they were fighting for their dignity, when they were only fighting as a tribe to increase their sexual standards without consequences before society and morality.

Monogamy was what created civilization as we know it. Polygamy is practiced only by African blacks and uncivilized Muslims. Long live Christ the King.
The widespread use of birth control definitely paved the way for promiscuity and control to be handed to women, prehistoric women always bore the responsibility of child rearing, now they are all mentally ill and have no understanding of withholding simple pleasures. A carnal act which furthered pair bonding was reduced to a mere pastime. This furthered the production of pornography which had its own drastic effects on man’s psyche.
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It is completely different. A woman's brain and a man's brain differ markedly. Most likely we are here in front of the desk, only thanks to the impulse of a man who insisted on fucking, in front of the reluctance of a FOID. What has built mankind is the male sexual impulse. We literally possess 10 times more testosterone than a FOID, that is, biologically, we have 10 times more sex drive.
Woman are extremely aroused by a dick attached to a man who is attractive hence why we see women fantasise all the time about male celebrities even as children I remember the way teen girls would treat 1 Direction members and Justin Bieber.
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