Someone REALLY needs to make a guide on how to talk with women

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Obviously, because Im ugly I CANT have experience with foids

I dont watch it, my point still standswomen will make it very clear when they like you, your actions dont really matter
I know, a girlfriend I had a little time ago literally approached me saying I was "so fucking handsome", while I was sitting as a drunk driver for my buddy in a bar. She had obviously been drinking with her friend though. I fucked it up after we started dating, because I foolishly thought I didn't have to message her daily and it'd be enough if I just saw her once in a while. She broke it up.
I know, a girlfriend I had a little time ago literally approached me saying I was "so fucking handsome", while I was sitting as a drunk driver for my buddy in a bar. She had obviously been drinking with her friend though. I fucked it up after we started dating, because I foolishly thought I didn't have to message her daily and it'd be enough if I just saw her once in a while. She broke it up.
Look, I dont want to ruin your fantasy, but its clear this foid changed her mind about you. She was drunk when she approached you, after getting sober she thought: well maybe it can work, but then changed her mind
Look, I dont want to ruin your fantasy, but its clear this foid changed her mind about you. She was drunk when she approached you, after getting sober she thought: well maybe it can work, but then changed her mind
We didn't start dating that night, we just chatted and plaid some pool. Only after I had visited her place a week later.
1.) You can afford to lose this shot. If this girl was attracted to you, other girls of similar PSL will be too. You are getting valuable practice for the next girl who is attracted to you.

2.) Your dates should ideally be activity dates so the conversation naturally flows around what is happening rather than interview stuff. Bowling, Ice Skating, Dancing, Arcade Games, just as long as it keeps you guys busy. Invite her to watch netflix with you on date 3.

3.) Escalate the girl sexually according to this timeline:

4.) Don't worry about awkwardness too much. It's ok to make small mistakes, and remember that she likes you.

That's my advice, based on my (admittedly limited) experience. This is how I lost my virginity though.
open mouth stimulate noise

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