State your supplementation



Genetic dead end
Aug 14, 2018
  1. Wellman
    apparently Gandys been 'taking wellman since my twenties to support my health and hectic lifestyle'
  2. Sunflower Lecithin
  3. vitamin C
  4. vitamin D3
  5. Zinc, magnesium and vitamin B6
  6. 5HTP
  7. Probiotic
  8. I bought calcium but Im not sure about using ive seen stuff online about heart troubles and dementia
  9. I took D-Aspartic acid for the first time today
I spend all my money on supplements and gymcelling fuel and whey protein
What do you take and what do you think the most important supps for optimising the male are?
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Setipiprant 3g/day
Zinc zma 2 servings a day
L arginine 6g/day
Test booster

Upcoming supps are d3, k2, glucosamine, mk677/hgh and maybe test
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I really don't have a lot of money so I cannot get many supplements. The only supplement I take are vitamin B12 and vitamin D3 during the winter. I supplemented zinc for a long time but stopped some time ago because of money. Supplementing zinc is really beneficial though.
How do you feel after using whey protein? It seems really disgusting. I'm pretty sure it would make my acne break out in an extreme way.
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Gummy multi that covers all b vitamin bases plus has vitamin K



Extra vitamin C and D

Finasteride 1mg daily as preventative hair loss measure for my anti-DHT lifestyle
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  1. Wellman View attachment 44 apparently Gandys been 'taking wellman since my twenties to support my health and hectic lifestyle'
  2. Sunflower Lecithin
  3. vitamin C
  4. vitamin D3
  5. Zinc, magnesium and vitamin B6
  6. 5HTP
  7. Probiotic
  8. I bought calcium but Im not sure about using ive seen stuff online about heart troubles and dementia
  9. I took D-Aspartic acid for the first time today
I spend all my money on supplements and gymcelling fuel and whey protein
What do you take and what do you think the most important supps for optimising the male are?
Solid supps

I take:
1. Protein
2. Creatine
3. Fenugreek
4. Centrum multivitamin
5. Allergy pills
6. Minocycline to keep my skin clear (my skin care routine is posted in my skin megathread)
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1.) whey protein
2.) creatine
3.) centrum multivitamin

and soon to be testosterone ethanate
  • +1
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calcium + magnesium
beta carotene
  • +1
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  • +1
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Poor Colombiancel here,
Whey protein
Caseine Whey
Megamen in the past
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I personally take vitamin steroid at 17.

Im gonna make a thread later on to start a conversation on weather or not taking Steroids before the growth plates have closed can affect cheekbones, shoulder width, height ect ect. Personally, I've noticed an increase in all 3. (Only 1-2cm height tho). I did also get more facial hair from the DHT.

Anyways, my previous and only cycle was;

Testosterone Ethanate - 450mg/week for 12 weeks
Nandrolone-PhenylProproenate - 350mg/week for 12 weeks
Turinabol - 60mg/day for 6 weeks
Winstrol - 100mg/day for 4 weeks.

I went up 5-6kgs in Lean body mass, and dropped 2-3% body fat after PCT.
  • +1
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I personally take vitamin steroid at 17.

Im gonna make a thread later on to start a conversation on weather or not taking Steroids before the growth plates have closed can affect cheekbones, shoulder width, height ect ect. Personally, I've noticed an increase in all 3. (Only 1-2cm height tho). I did also get more facial hair from the DHT.

Anyways, my previous and only cycle was;

Testosterone Ethanate - 450mg/week for 12 weeks
Nandrolone-PhenylProproenate - 350mg/week for 12 weeks
Turinabol - 60mg/day for 6 weeks
Winstrol - 100mg/day for 4 weeks.

I went up 5-6kgs in Lean body mass, and dropped 2-3% body fat after PCT.

17 years old and already on test...

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How do you feel after using whey protein? It seems really disgusting. I'm pretty sure it would make my acne break out in an extreme way.
they're usually flavoured e.g. cookie dough, vanilla, chocolate if you add milk =fuckin delicious, ive never heard of that before maybe you could get some hemp protein?
Anyways, my previous and only cycle was;

Testosterone Ethanate - 450mg/week for 12 weeks
Nandrolone-PhenylProproenate - 350mg/week for 12 weeks
Turinabol - 60mg/day for 6 weeks
Winstrol - 100mg/day for 4 weeks.
damn son, theyz some stacks, don't you worry about fuckin up your hormones and stuff?
  • +1
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they're usually flavoured e.g. cookie dough, vanilla, chocolate if you add milk =fuckin delicious, ive never heard of that before maybe you could get some hemp protein?

damn son, theyz some stacks, don't you worry about fuckin up your hormones and stuff?

I mean yeah, but Im 17 and 6'1, I dont care much of my height stops now. Max I want to be 6'2 and not an inch more. At the end of the day, you do what you gotta do right? Whatever it takes. The DHT has done wonders for my facial hair growth and voice deepening. I feel like my shoulders have gotten wider. 21.5 inch shoulders and 12" inch waist for that V-taper and im a begginer lifter so thats gonna get even better.
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Vitamin D3
Vitamin K2
Cjc no dac

Protein powder
concentrated prune juice
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17 years old and already on test...

It's the only way to ascend.
I mean yeah, but Im 17 and 6'1, I dont care much of my height stops now. Max I want to be 6'2 and not an inch more. At the end of the day, you do what you gotta do right? Whatever it takes. The DHT has done wonders for my facial hair growth and voice deepening. I feel like my shoulders have gotten wider. 21.5 inch shoulders and 12" inch waist for that V-taper and im a begginer lifter so thats gonna get even better.

Memes aside. Has DHT affected your sexual confidence and low inhib behaviour?
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Green tea extract
Ginseng extract
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It's the only way to ascend.

Memes aside. Has DHT affected your sexual confidence and low inhib behaviour?

Well, im assuming inhib means confidence, social-skills ect? Well tbh, I used to have bad social-skills and confidence as a child but for the past couple years I've been one of the more popular kids at school, not like THE most popular but a ways above average. Most my friends are female, like 65-70%, and they say im confident, sometimes too confident ?.

But when I started steroids...

Idk if it was the Test (Testosterone ethanate), The 19-NOR (Nandrolone Phenyl-Proprienate) or the DHT (Turinabol & winstrol) derititive cause this but:

My confidence was through the roof. I approached girls more often, In fact I got rejected by a girl I actually really wanted not for any incel-related-reason, but because she thought I was too arrogant...

I held my shoulders back, took more powerful strides, walked taller head up straight. Most people got out of my way now on the high street, and they were the first ones to discontinue eye contact. Maybe it was phychological idk.

My libido was really stronge though.
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It's the only way to ascend.

Memes aside. Has DHT affected your sexual confidence and low inhib behaviour?

If the prev reply was TL;DR

Yeah it has I'd say
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- MK-4
- Vitamin D
- Vitamin C
- MK677
- Astaxanthin
- Zinc
- Magnesium
- Calcium
- Melatonin
- Glycine
- Glucosamine
- Multivitamin
- Biotin
- Proteine
- L-dopa
- Niacin (non flush)
- Glutamine
- L-arginine
- L-ornithine
- Ashwagandha

Maybe I forgot something idk :unsure:
  • +1
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- MK-4
- Vitamin D
- Vitamin C
- MK677
- Astaxanthin
- Zinc
- Magnesium
- Calcium
- Melatonin
- Glycine
- Glucosamine
- Multivitamin
- Biotin
- Proteine
- L-dopa
- Niacin (non flush)
- Glutamine
- L-arginine
- L-ornithine
- Ashwagandha

Maybe I forgot something idk :unsure:
jeez boyo lmao: what category do these all fall into...(like increasing test, boosting mood, or hair growth, etc). might have to pick some of these up, except biotin as it made me break out like crazy
  • +1
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- MK-4
- Vitamin D
- Vitamin C
- MK677
- Astaxanthin
- Zinc
- Magnesium
- Calcium
- Melatonin
- Glycine
- Glucosamine
- Multivitamin
- Biotin
- Proteine
- L-dopa
- Niacin (non flush)
- Glutamine
- L-arginine
- L-ornithine
- Ashwagandha

Maybe I forgot something idk :unsure:

Bro how much does that cost. For way cheaper than this you could get some Testosterone, Trenbolone and PCT and get WAY BETTER RESULTS.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 6401
Bro how much does that cost. For way cheaper than this you could get some Testosterone, Trenbolone and PCT and get WAY BETTER RESULTS.

Idk how much it costs but money isn't really a problem.

Test ages you which I'm afraid for.
jeez boyo lmao: what category do these all fall into...(like increasing test, boosting mood, or hair growth, etc). might have to pick some of these up, except biotin as it made me break out like crazy

- MK-4 ( wider cheekbones, jaw, wrists)
- Vitamin D ( mood, general health, needed in addition to MK-4)
- Vitamin C (skin, leaner face)
- MK677 (gh boosting, better skin, better gym gainz)
- Astaxanthin (red glow on ur skin)
- MSM (hair, nails, skin)
- Zinc (test boosting, skin)
- Magnesium (sleep)
- Calcium (bones, in addition to MK-4)
- Melatonin (sleep and GH boosting)
- GABA (GH boosting)
- Glycine (GH boosting, skin aging)
- Glucosamine (keeping morning height troughout the day)
- Multivitamin (general health)
- Biotin (Hair)
- Proteine (Gym)
- L-dopa (GH boosting)
- Niacin (non flush) (GH boosting and general health)
- Glutamine (GH boosting)
- L-arginine (GH boosting)
- L-ornithine (GH boosting)
- Ashwagandha (test boosting, less anxiety, better mood)
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Well, im assuming inhib means confidence, social-skills ect? Well tbh, I used to have bad social-skills and confidence as a child but for the past couple years I've been one of the more popular kids at school, not like THE most popular but a ways above average. Most my friends are female, like 65-70%, and they say im confident, sometimes too confident ?.

But when I started steroids...

Idk if it was the Test (Testosterone ethanate), The 19-NOR (Nandrolone Phenyl-Proprienate) or the DHT (Turinabol & winstrol) derititive cause this but:

My confidence was through the roof. I approached girls more often, In fact I got rejected by a girl I actually really wanted not for any incel-related-reason, but because she thought I was too arrogant...

I held my shoulders back, took more powerful strides, walked taller head up straight. Most people got out of my way now on the high street, and they were the first ones to discontinue eye contact. Maybe it was phychological idk.

My libido was really stronge though.

you're like 6'2 and look above average for your race facially

of course you are popular w/ girls lol

I hope none of the 5'8 incels on here think taking roids and dht will make them "schlayurs"

  • +1
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you're like 6'2 and look above average for your race facially

of course you are popular w/ girls lol

I hope none of the 5'8 incels on here think taking roids and dht will make them "schlayurs"


How u know what I look like? ??
you're like 6'2 and look above average for your race facially

of course you are popular w/ girls lol

I hope none of the 5'8 incels on here think taking roids and dht will make them "schlayurs"


Oh nvm, I remember I posted a pic. What would you give me out of 10?
  • +1
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I really don't have a lot of money so I cannot get many supplements. The only supplement I take are vitamin B12 and vitamin D3 during the winter. I supplemented zinc for a long time but stopped some time ago because of money. Supplementing zinc is really beneficial though.
How do you feel after using whey protein? It seems really disgusting. I'm pretty sure it would make my acne break out in an extreme way.
I have to use vegan protein powder because of acne, cunt at the store tricked me into buying a beef protein powder saying it tastes great. Tastes like a sweaty vanilla hamburger. Last time I trust people at these supplement places.
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Idk how much it costs but money isn't really a problem.

Test ages you which I'm afraid for.

  • MK-4 ( wider cheekbones, jaw, wrists)
  • Vitamin D ( mood, general health, needed in addition to MK-4)
  • Vitamin C (skin, leaner face)
  • MK677 (gh boosting, better skin, better gym gainz)
  • Astaxanthin (red glow on ur skin)
  • MSM (hair, nails, skin)
  • Zinc (test boosting, skin)
  • Magnesium (sleep)
  • Calcium (bones, in addition to MK-4)
  • Melatonin (sleep and GH boosting)
  • GABA (GH boosting)
  • Glycine (GH boosting, skin aging)
  • Glucosamine (keeping morning height troughout the day)
  • Multivitamin (general health)
  • Biotin (Hair)
  • Proteine (Gym)
  • L-dopa (GH boosting)
  • Niacin (non flush) (GH boosting and general health)
  • Glutamine (GH boosting)
  • L-arginine (GH boosting)
  • L-ornithine (GH boosting)
  • Ashwagandha (test boosting, less anxiety, better mood)

Tfw still ugly

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