Status deniers GTFIH

Deleted member 6512

Deleted member 6512

Mog or be mogged
Apr 20, 2020
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In the WhatsApp chat she is saying that she wants this guy, who is a soccer player in a minor team in italy, to cum on the floor, so she can lick it, and after that she wants him to piss in her mouth, she said that she will swallow everything.
Jfl even if you are a boneless chuck she will lick your cum from the ground if you are statusmaxxed enough.
283735 1449061438
  • +1
  • JFL
  • Ugh..
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I am simple man

Conor says it, I believe it
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In the WhatsApp chat she is saying that she wants this guy, who is a soccer player in a minor team in italy, to cum on the floor, so she can lick it, and after that she wants him to piss in her mouth, she said that she will swallow everything.
Jfl even if you are a boneless chuck she will lick your cum from the ground if you are statusmaxxed enough.

This is the kind of foid you get when subhuman and statusmaxxed.
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 1973, Mouthbreath, Be_ConfidentBro and 15 others
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  • JFL
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She is ugly as fuck. I can make ugly foid like that too.
  • +1
Reactions: Jamal2222, Deleted member 685, Krezo and 3 others
Most of status maxxed guys are bluepilled that’s why they are happy

you do realise that guy is decent looking right? You’re acting as if it’s some incel
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Imagine you have a daughter

btw, you are from Italy?
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In the WhatsApp chat she is saying that she wants this guy, who is a soccer player in a minor team in italy, to cum on the floor, so she can lick it, and after that she wants him to piss in her mouth, she said that she will swallow everything.
Jfl even if you are a boneless chuck she will lick your cum from the ground if you are statusmaxxed enough.
View attachment 799627View attachment 799628

He is not q subhuman he has good cheek bone definiation and his feautres fit in harmoniously he isnt perfect but that doest mean he is unfixable
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 1973, Subhuman trash and Deleted member 8623
Imagine you have a daughter

btw, you are from Italy?

He is not q subhuman he has good cheek bone definiation and his feautres fit in harmoniously he isnt perfect but that doest mean he is unfixable

Bro he doesn't look like shit but he is not gl by any means I would say a 4 PSL
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  • JFL
  • Hmm...
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Who denies status? Anyone who has gone to school knows about it even normies , aslong as your not deformed being popular can easily get you beckys
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 1973, Be_ConfidentBro, Deleted member 4797 and 2 others
Only autistic dudes believe mere PSL aesthetics make women wet, what does are numerous, here a few that can even mog muh psl:
- NTmaxx, JBFmaxx
- Appeal maxx
- Money max
- statut maxx

PSL doesn't even correlate always with appeal jfl, look at de Poo.
  • +1
Reactions: Be_ConfidentBro, DharkDC, nastynas and 6 others
Only autistic dudes believe mere PSL aesthetics make women wet, what does are numerous, here a few that can even mog muh psl:
- NTmaxx, JBFmaxx
- Appeal maxx
- Money max
- statut maxx

PSL doesn't even correlate always with appeal jfl, look at de Poo.
your a wise man , these cunts truly believe just looks will get you laid with top tier girls
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your a wise man , these cunts truly believe just looks will get you laid with top tier girls
I mean, i experienced it first hand. When i was chadlite but autistic i got less approached than when i was fatter but super NTmaxxed. Means everything.
But basement dwellers can't understand reality, they live in their bunkers.
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I mean, i experienced it first hand. When i was chadlite but autistic i got less approached than when i was fatter but super NTmaxxed. Means everything.
But basement dwellers can't understand reality, they live in their bunkers.
ofc you can look like this
but if you actually have 0 social skills you will destroy the appeal especially if acting low t ,
chadlite with high t personality and nt mogs 7 psl autist in all scenarios
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  • JFL
Reactions: Be_ConfidentBro, Deleted member 5393, owlofathena and 3 others
ofc you can look like this
View attachment 799710 but if you actually have 0 social skills you will destroy the appeal especially if acting low t ,
chadlite with high t personality and nt mogs 7 psl autist in all scenarios
Ded srs mirin sentient. Like ALL girls are getting wet by such body+face, but once he speaks - if he was autistic - and is insecure, it's an INSTANT pussy dryer.ALWAYS.
Muh chad, if you don't work on yourself first, ascension is cope.
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This is a looksmaxxing forum. Keep your bluepilled bullshit outta here.
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: ConspiracyTheory, Be_ConfidentBro and mewcoper
This is a looksmaxxing forum. Keep your bluepilled bullshit outta here.

Status is a expansion of your looks and your money these 3 are very connected infact are useful inferences for good genetic out put my brother mogs me in face and he is a lot smarter than me generally better looking people are more intellgent
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Reactions: mewcoper, Jagged0, Deleted member 6512 and 1 other person
Status is a expansion of your looks and your money these 3 are very connected infact are useful inferences for good genetic out put my brother mogs me in face and he is a lot smarter than me generally better looking people are more intellgent
You have it all wrong, beautiful people look more intelligent because of the halo effect, not the other way around.
Not to mention beautiful people probably lived easier lives with people catering to them more and without any big issues that may have impacted their development.
  • +1
Reactions: owlofathena and Stevensmithgerard
You have it all wrong, beautiful people look more intelligent because of the halo effect, not the other way around.
Not to mention beautiful people probably lived easier lives with people catering to them more and without any big issues that may have impacted their development.

This is a black pill cope beautiful people are assumed to be intellgent because they are more intellgent or more potential to be intellgent its not like looks are an isolated factor it all works together
  • +1
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This is better than anyone can get here, even legit Chads.
No wonder you can't land a foid being so desperate.

Quality women have standards and won't fall for a simp salvinating to an ugly post wall tattooed roastie licking cum from the floor.

I would rather pay my shekles not to fuck her should somebody tried to force me.

I just have my standards, sorry dude
  • +1
  • Hmm...
Reactions: ConspiracyTheory, Deleted member 6512 and Stevensmithgerard
The guy in question isnt ugly, they are about looksmatched. JFL at that womans pheno tbh, she looks like a stereotypical roastie. Status is overrated tbh, its a good cheatcode for fucking women well above your league through betabuxxing but status will never be a substitute for genuine attracting.

I firmly believe that people will end up dating their "looksmatch" (a Looksmatched couple is subjective). Any couples who arent looksmatched will have volatile and short lived relationships. I also believe that status and looks go hand in hand. High status is usually accompinied with above average looks.
  • +1
Reactions: NorwoodStyle
Most of status maxxed guys are bluepilled that’s why they are happy

you do realise that guy is decent looking right? You’re acting as if it’s some incel
Man WTF leads you guys to think you‘re blackpilled? High status dudes see how they can fuck any girl they want. They are more blackpilled on female nature as 99% of this forum. What brutal pill has he to swallow that would make him fucking depressed?
  • +1
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ofc you can look like this
View attachment 799710 but if you actually have 0 social skills you will destroy the appeal especially if acting low t ,
chadlite with high t personality and nt mogs 7 psl autist in all scenarios
Exactly this ,what in hell is so hard to understand about that
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 7863
In the WhatsApp chat she is saying that she wants this guy, who is a soccer player in a minor team in italy, to cum on the floor, so she can lick it, and after that she wants him to piss in her mouth, she said that she will swallow everything.
Jfl even if you are a boneless chuck she will lick your cum from the ground if you are statusmaxxed enough.
View attachment 799627View attachment 799628

Jfl. You say subhumans can get bitches if they statusmax. I hate fags like you go kill yourself you dumb fuck. That guy in the picture mogs me to the rings of saturn and back. Post a real subhuman next time you faggot.
  • So Sad
Reactions: Deleted member 6512
Who denies status? Anyone who has gone to school knows about it even normies , aslong as your not deformed being popular can easily get you beckys

Cope. Status has nothing to do with dominance. And this doesnt work for ricecels because we are the ugliest race facially. Femoid parasites only go for looks, you redpilled retard. This is why you don't see foids with posters of bruce lee or famous kungfu fighters in their bedrooms, only posters of handsome chads.
  • JFL
Reactions: NorwoodStyle, Deleted member 6512 and Deleted member 7863
Jfl. You say subhumans can get bitches if they statusmax. I hate fags like you go kill yourself you dumb fuck. That guy in the picture mogs me to the rings of saturn and back. Post a real subhuman next time you faggot.
9A8305FA EF7D 4F77 8859 837CF48842E8
9A8305FA EF7D 4F77 8859 837CF48842E8
  • +1
  • WTF
Reactions: Deleted member 8623, Deleted member 6512 and Deleted member 7863
I have several biographies about me (I’m in the ent. Industry) yet bitches will still think they’re better than me

I made a whole girl google me when she asked about me and she still acts uninterested
  • Hmm...
Reactions: SLA
Cope. Status has nothing to do with dominance. And this doesnt work for ricecels because we are the ugliest race facially. Femoid parasites only go for looks, you redpilled retard. This is why you don't see foids with posters of bruce lee or famous kungfu fighters in their bedrooms, only posters of handsome chads.
jfl you fucking halfwit faggot ,you're asian. chadlite in your race dosent even mog normie white guy. This is for white only , you dont belong on this site you subhuman asian shitstain. Also i didnt say a subhuman , i said white chadlite do you know how gl that is? And you legit havent gone to school if you think a popular kid cant slay even tho their not chad by psl standards
  • JFL
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Femoid parasites only go for looks, you redpilled retard. This is why you don't see foids with posters of bruce lee or famous kungfu fighters in their bedrooms, only posters of handsome chads.
  • JFL
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Reactions: Toth's thot, Deleted member 6512 and Deleted member 7863
Status matters, Dimorphism Matters

But the fact women go nuts over a homeless PSL 7 Chad and ignore wealthy, tall ugly men prob means beauty is the most significant factor

6'4 Conan O Brien
9my5F8Kz9acS b87aFXlKqyc5PxZLAC0O4q3GpKmlU4

Vs. Homeless Chad
Article 2223761 15B43638000005DC 206 634x845
  • +1
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I have several biographies about me (I’m in the ent. Industry) yet bitches will still think they’re better than me

I made a whole girl google me when she asked about me and she still acts uninterested
If she has to google about you then you don't have status my friend.
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 3043
only basement dwellers psl autist believe it's always fully about looks.
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If she has to google about you then you don't have status my friend.
are u dumb or something?

i got higher status than 99% of my peers, i just told her that when she asked how old i was

and ima keep gaining more status lmao, this is just the beginning
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 6512
Tfw she doesnt lick your sborra
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 6512
You sir indeed prove my point. That guy also mogs me from the rings of saturn and back. Guess you have never seen a real subhuman before normie.
Google luca modric. Doesn’t get much more subhuman than that
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 8623
ngl, i wish i never took italian classes in middle school bc now i regret reading what i just read
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 5746 and Deleted member 6512
are u dumb or something?

i got higher status than 99% of my peers, i just told her that when she asked how old i was

and ima keep gaining more status lmao, this is just the beginning
I was a local rapper and I had more status than you, if you have to introduce yourself then it's not status my friend.
  • Hmm...
Reactions: Deleted member 6403
Google luca modric. Doesn’t get much more subhuman than that

jfl luca modric is a chad wtf are you talking about?!
I rather look like o pry and be autistic and unknown than being nt and famous.
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In all fairness he's not that bad looking. I've seen guys like that slay at nightclubs and I think a lot of people would describe him as handsome. Not that status isn't as important as looks, it definitely is. But he's ok looking. They're both looksmatched tbh

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In all fairness he's not that bad looking. I've seen guys like that slay at nightclubs and I think a lot of people would describe him as handsome. Not that status isn't as important as looks, it definitely is. But he's ok looking. They're both looksmatched tbh
Are you trying to tell me that this
283735 1449061438

Is looksmatched to this?
20431463 1460211574022791 5445296449864685512 n

Come on man let's not be delusional. He is dead average, would probably be made fun of if posted here.
View attachment 800639View attachment 800640

Yeah bro 100%. "Would probably be made fun of if posted here"? Maybe, but that doesn't mean shit.
FB IMG 1605213236345

She mogs him, that's just a screenshot from a porn video she sent him, of course she is gonna look subhuman.
He looks like nothing special, we have legit Chad here like @Amnesia but he doesn't fuck girls at this looks level.

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