Steroids in Puberty for Giga Chad Status



Mentalcel in Denial
May 5, 2020
What won't permanently mess a teenager up, but also give them high test and dht? Idgaf if it's steroids, sarms, prohormones, or anything else. I have a good bit of money and I'm not scared of needles. The only thing I'm worried about is permanent suppression. I'm still in puberty and only 14, JFL if you're beta and past puberty. Considering DHT gel, Proviron, Aromasin, and definitely HGH.
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  • JFL
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What won't permanently mess a teenager up, but also give them high test and dht? Idgaf if it's steroids, sarms, prohormones, or anything else. I have a good bit of money and I'm not scared of needles. The only thing I'm worried about is permanent suppression. I'm still in puberty and only 14, JFL if you're beta and past puberty. Considering DHT gel, Proviron, Aromasin, and definitely HGH.
get on HGH , and DHT gel but use sparingly to not shut you down u really dont need anything else you can start roiding once ur hpta is fully developed
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Good luck finding dht gel buddy
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i think u should just play a sport, focus on getting into a good college, and try to develop a wide social circle.
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Proviron is good from. I don't reccomend the usage of aromasin though. It can permantly fuck up the aromatase enzyme and low e sucks ass.
Do not take steroids during puberty
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“14 yo asking his 17 yo elders about their experience with body-altering hormones”

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Brutal at 14yo i was playing clash of clans
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  • JFL
  • So Sad
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Wish I found this site at 14
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  • JFL
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Who do you think is gonna help a teenager drug himself?
  • JFL
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op's name fits this thread perfectly
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Stats and picture to tell if you even need anything first
Proviron is good from. I don't reccomend the usage of aromasin though. It can permantly fuck up the aromatase enzyme and low e sucks ass.
where did you find out that aromasin can permanently screw your estrogen? just curious btw

bodybuilders take it for years for their cycles. your body recovers after a few days.
the reality is, all of this is just cope. nobody here has tried the shit they are recommending. it's better to just leave the forum and better your mental health because you aren't gonna get any bitches if you act like an autist
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the reality is, all of this is just cope. nobody here has tried the shit they are recommending. it's better to just leave the forum and better your mental health because you aren't gonna get any bitches if you act like an autist
the reality is, all of this is just cope. nobody here has tried the shit they are recommending. it's better to just leave the forum and better your mental health because you aren't gonna get any bitches if you act like an autist
No there's been a few good before and afters of steroids and hgh use in puberty. But the biggest factors in making you chad are out of your control, hormones definitely help but they still do very little in some regards.

bruh you can't be pulling this shit as a greycel
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What won't permanently mess a teenager up, but also give them high test and dht? Idgaf if it's steroids, sarms, prohormones, or anything else. I have a good bit of money and I'm not scared of needles. The only thing I'm worried about is permanent suppression. I'm still in puberty and only 14, JFL if you're beta and past puberty. Considering DHT gel, Proviron, Aromasin, and definitely HGH.
Take aromasin with whatelse you are taking. It will slowdown the growth plates closing and will make your puberty longer
No there's been a few good before and afters of steroids and hgh use in puberty. But the biggest factors in making you chad are out of your control, hormones definitely help but they still do very little in some regards.

bruh you can't be pulling this shit as a greycel
shut up greycel keepkeep crying for my superior post to reputation ratio
Incredibly based. What if i want to take 3g though?
He was being sarcastic, tren is the monster of all roids. 3gs is insane even for pro bodybuilers
I dont know whether to envy you for finding the black pill at 14 or simply feel bad for you
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i think u should just play a sport, focus on getting into a good college, and try to develop a wide social circle.
this works for average or higher men

not for subhuman like me.

i wish my parents had given me gh and test and aromasin at 15
Steroids during puberty cause your growth plates to seal earlier, stunting your growth
If you’re a short richcel going then you can try and get hgh through a clinic, other than that I wouldn’t recommend you take any hormone altering drugs. Do make sure you’re doing everything you can to maximise sleep/diet and you’re training 4-6x a week for a non pussy sport
dont mess up your hormones you will develop without them, save up money for surgerys, maybe you will not need one if you develop correclty
  • +1
Reactions: Nero
What won't permanently mess a teenager up, but also give them high test and dht? Idgaf if it's steroids, sarms, prohormones, or anything else. I have a good bit of money and I'm not scared of needles. The only thing I'm worried about is permanent suppression. I'm still in puberty and only 14, JFL if you're beta and past puberty. Considering DHT gel, Proviron, Aromasin, and definitely HGH.
aromasin is half off on alldaypajeet rn if you're interested
  • JFL
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Last edited:
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To be fair the risk/reward and return on investment probably isn’t the best for many people. Especially for those already above average in looks or lower income.
To be fair the risk/reward and return on investment probably isn’t the best for many people. Especially for those already above average in looks or lower income.
average doesn't cut it today you have lots to learn
average doesn't cut it today you have lots to learn
Just ignore him. Drug use can always provide advantages, that's why it's almost a trillion dollar industry.
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average doesn't cut it today you have lots to learn
I literally said above average. I know it’s a meme but some of you guys literally don’t read. Someone who’s that young, doesn’t have poverty genetics, and only in it for looks DEFINITELY doesn’t need to be taking suppressive or higher risk compounds. There’s actually more downside than upside for them if things go wrong. If all of these drugs were purchasable over the counter or you had a high quality source then maybe it would be a little different.

JFL at all of the mentcels pinning and taking suppressive compounds with zero/limited clinical data, mediocre diets, habits and barely any training experience. Not to mention increased chance of injury and health issues which could slow growth and prevent training. I highly doubt a 14 year old is going to be able to get consistent bloodwork when needed and also be able to properly analyze his biomarkers either(especially during puberty). A low dose of hgh is the most one should be doing at that young age of an age. Risking screwing your endocrine system, accelerating balding, or other conditions for the marginal gains you’d be making as someone who isn’t even in the later stages of puberty and doesn’t even know their potential is retarded. Your frame is no where near even filled out at 14 either. At the end of the day there’s no body for face and growth is mostly genetic and lifestyle regardless.

It’s sad that one day someone will come through here and will end up a manlet, injured, bald, have health issues or end up on trt for life listening to some questionable advice sarcastic or not. It’s their life though and not everyone will get away unscathed regardless so if they want to play the dice roll it is what it is.
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I literally said above average. I know it’s a meme but some of you guys literally don’t read. Someone who’s that young, doesn’t have poverty genetics, and only in it for looks DEFINITELY doesn’t need to be taking suppressive or higher risk compounds. There’s actually more downside than upside for them if things go wrong. If all of these drugs were purchasable over the counter or you had a high quality source then maybe it would be a little different.

JFL at all of the mentcels pinning and taking suppressive compounds with zero/limited clinical data, mediocre diets, habits and barely any training experience. Not to mention increased chance of injury and health issues which could slow growth and prevent training. I highly doubt a 14 year old is going to be able to get consistent bloodwork when needed and also be able to properly analyze his biomarkers either(especially during puberty). A low dose of hgh is the most one should be doing at that young age of an age. Risking screwing your endocrine system, accelerating balding, or other conditions for the marginal gains you’d be making as someone who isn’t even in the later stages of puberty and doesn’t even know their potential is retarded. Your frame is no where near even filled out at 14 either. At the end of the day there’s no body for face and growth is mostly genetic and lifestyle regardless.

It’s sad that one day someone will come through here and will end up a manlet, injured, bald, have health issues or end up on trt for life listening to some questionable advice sarcastic or not. It’s their life though and not everyone will get away unscathed regardless so if they want to play the dice roll it is what it is.
Dude, you don't have the looksmax rep to give quality advice. Everyone here knows everything. If they rep you it means you're smart.
  • JFL
Reactions: Nero
What won't permanently mess a teenager up, but also give them high test and dht? Idgaf if it's steroids, sarms, prohormones, or anything else. I have a good bit of money and I'm not scared of needles. The only thing I'm worried about is permanent suppression. I'm still in puberty and only 14, JFL if you're beta and past puberty. Considering DHT gel, Proviron, Aromasin, and definitely HGH.
how the fuck do you end up on a forum like this at 14 before the years of life experience to realize how important looks are
  • JFL
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average doesn't cut it today you have lots to learn
Bruh567: 'I only listen to fellow looksmaxxers who have a high rep like myself. We give each other quality advice.'


Bruh567's +rep homies
Dsaoc home 07
  • JFL
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For the love of god, please do not take shit like steroids during puberty.
You're 14 you are just starting to develop, hell who knows you might be a latebloomer.
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In theory steroids during puberty should result in superior penis growth. This is just theory though.
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Risks outweigh rewards at regular dosages for steroids
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Steroids make your growth plates close sooner than they would have.
The reason is your body raises estrogen to make up for the high T. High estrogen makes your growth plates close sooner.

So better wait. Just sleep and exercise and take suppliments to enhance genetic potential and eat good quality calories instead of trash

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