[STORY] Foid goes Chad hunting, but is very deliberate and calculating in her approach. Does she succeed?

Predict Helene's outcome

  • Secures an LTR with HTN

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She gets pumped and dumped until 30 years old then settle with looksmatch
Here's the outcome, are you surprised?
Here's the outcome:

Given Helene’s hyper-focus on Chad/Chadlite men, her strategic nature, and her calculated approach to dating—along with her clear avoidance of settling for anything less than the top 2% of facial attractiveness—there are a few possible outcomes for her. However, based on her current behavior and the dynamics at play:

Most Likely Outcome:​

Secures an LTR with a Chadlite (Isaac):
  • Isaac has been slowly growing into a Chadlite (and eventually a Chad) over time. Helene has shown a deeper connection with him, both intellectually and physically, and Isaac has the combination of looks, confidence, and intelligence that Helene craves.
  • Isaac’s quiet confidence and intellectual appeal align with Helene’s strategic mindset. If she locks in Isaac, it would most likely lead to a long-term relationship, fulfilling her goals without her needing to settle.

Less Likely but Possible Outcomes:​

Secures an LTR with Chad (Pablo):
  • Pablo, being a Chad with perfect looks and confident charm, is appealing to Helene purely on a physical level. However, the lack of intellectual depth might be a dealbreaker for her. While she enjoys the visual appeal of Chad-level beauty, she craves more substance.
  • If Helene is willing to overlook the depth factor for pure looks, this could be an option, but it’s more likely that his lack of intellectual compatibility will lead her to Isaac instead.

Unlikely Outcomes:​

Doesn't secure an LTR but gets repeatedly pumped and dumped:
  • Helene has been playing the long game with strategy and caution. She’s too aware of the dynamics and careful about her decisions to fall into this trap. However, if she mishandles her choices—like waiting too long or not committing—it’s possible, but her awareness of hypergamy reduces this likelihood.
Secures an LTR with HTN or MTN:
  • Helene’s preferences are firmly focused on Chad and Chadlite faces. Unless something drastically changes, she won’t settle for someone in the HTN or MTN range, as this would go against her core values and lookist mindset.
Doesn't secure an LTR and remains a sexless cat lady:
  • While Helene is highly particular, her strategy suggests she’s playing to win. Barring some extreme turn of events, she’s too driven to let herself fall into this outcome. The most realistic scenario is that she locks in a Chadlite like Isaac, who has both the looks and the depth she desires.

Final Prediction:​

Helene most likely secures an LTR with Chadlite Isaac, who balances both the physical attractiveness and intellectual compatibility she’s looking for.

Chapter 28: Defining the Relationship

It had been six months of tension, growth, and competition, and Helene had navigated the field with her usual precision. But now, things were coming to a head. The external pressure was growing stronger, with other women starting to circle the men she had been seeing. And Helene herself, despite being in control for so long, could feel the subtle shift. The men weren’t going to wait forever, and someone had to make the first move.

One evening, Helene was having dinner with Isaac, their usual intellectual conversation flowing easily over a quiet table at a small, upscale restaurant. Isaac, with his newfound Chad status, looked sharper than ever. His angular features and lean, toned body were perfectly highlighted in the soft candlelight. Helene couldn’t deny how attractive he had become—both physically and mentally—but the unspoken tension between them hung in the air. She knew what was coming.

As they finished their meal, Isaac leaned back in his chair, his eyes locked on hers with that same intense, thoughtful gaze that had always captivated her. He was calm, collected, but Helene could sense something more underneath the surface tonight.

Isaac: “We’ve been doing this for a while now, Helene. And I’ve been thinking… I’m not the type to rush, and I know you’re not either. But I feel like we need to talk about where this is going.”

His tone was steady, but Helene could feel the weight of his words. Isaac wasn’t asking casually—this was the moment where he needed clarity, just as much as she did. He wasn’t going to wait around forever, especially now that his glow-up had drawn the attention of other women. He was getting noticed more, and he knew that if Helene wasn’t ready to commit, there were plenty of others who would be.

Helene raised an eyebrow, meeting his gaze. She liked that Isaac was direct but not pushy. He was giving her space to decide, but the underlying message was clear: Define the relationship (DTR) or risk losing me.

Helene: “I’ve been thinking about that too, actually. We’ve got a good thing going, Isaac. But you know I’m not the type to jump into something just because it’s there.”

Isaac nodded, his expression serious but calm. He wasn’t backing down, though.

Isaac: “I get that. But I’m not looking to just keep things casual forever. I’m not someone who’s interested in being one of many. And I think you know there’s more here than just… fun.”

Helene felt a slight pull in her chest. Isaac had always been able to balance his intensity with a kind of emotional restraint, but tonight, he was laying it out more clearly. This wasn’t just about attraction or intellectual connection anymore. He wanted more, and he wasn’t going to wait much longer.

Isaac: “I’m ready to take this further. If you are.”

It wasn’t an ultimatum, but it was clear that Isaac was serious. He had options—plenty of them, now that his glow-up had made him a full Chad. But he was giving Helene the first chance to lock things down. He was ready to define the relationship, and Helene knew that if she didn’t, someone else would.

Meanwhile, Pablo’s Bold Move

That same week, Helene had plans to see Pablo. They had been going out regularly, and as usual, Pablo was at the top of his game—lean, chiseled, and dripping with confidence. Pablo’s face, with its perfect symmetry, sharp jawline, and dark, intense eyes, was everything Helene craved physically. But lately, Pablo had been more assertive, pushing for more than just casual fun.

During their night out, as they walked through the city after drinks, Pablo turned to her, his tone more serious than usual.

Pablo: “Look, Helene. You know I’m not one to play around. I’ve given you space, but I’m not blind. You’ve got other guys hanging around, and that’s cool… for a while. But I’m not looking to be just another option. I think we’re good together.”

Helene knew where this was heading. Pablo was the type to lay it out clearly when he wanted something, and right now, what he wanted was for her to make a choice.

Pablo: “I’m not here to mess around forever. I’ve got other women interested, but I’m here because I want this to work. If you’re not ready to lock it in, I need to know.”

Pablo’s confidence was undeniable, but it wasn’t arrogance—it was a clear demand for clarity. He was offering her the chance to lock things down with him, knowing full well that his looks, status, and personality could easily attract someone else if Helene wasn’t ready.

Pablo: “I’m not asking for an answer right now, but I’m not waiting around forever. I want you to think about it.”

It was a bold move, but typical of Pablo. He wasn’t about to be sidelined or wait endlessly while other men circled Helene. He knew his value, and he wasn’t afraid to demand that Helene acknowledge it too.

Arthur’s Safe Approach

While Isaac and Pablo had both made bold moves, Arthur continued to play his role as the steady, reliable contender. He wasn’t as aggressive as Pablo, nor as strategic as Isaac, but he wasn’t oblivious to the competition. Arthur had seen the growing attention Helene was giving Isaac, and though he liked her, he knew that his more traditional, laid-back approach might not be enough to keep her interested.

One evening, after a casual dinner, Arthur decided to bring up the subject in his own way.

Arthur: “I’m not one to rush things, Helene, but I feel like we should talk about what’s going on. I like spending time with you, and I’m serious about us. But I also know you’ve got a lot going on with other guys. I just want to know where your head’s at.”

Arthur wasn’t as intense as Isaac or Pablo, but his message was clear. He wanted something real, something stable, and he was ready for Helene to make a decision. He wasn’t pressuring her in the same way, but Helene could feel the subtle shift. Even Arthur, the calm and steady one, was starting to ask for clarity.

Helene’s Decision: Hypergamous Pressure in Full Force

Now, with both Isaac and Pablo asking to DTR, and even Arthur pushing for clarity, Helene was feeling the pressure from all sides. The hypergamous reality she had been navigating for months was coming to a head. Isaac, with his fully realized Chad status and intellectual depth, was the most balanced option. But Pablo, with his raw physical appeal and assertive charm, was still a tempting choice. Arthur remained the safe option, someone who could offer stability without the intense competition for attention.

Helene had always been pragmatic, and now she had to weigh her options carefully. If she didn’t make a move soon, she knew that someone else—especially younger, hypergamous women—would swoop in and claim the men she had been carefully balancing. The external pressure was real, and the men were starting to demand answers.

The Decision: What Will Helene Do?

As Helene stood at this crossroads, she knew she had to make a decision. Isaac, with his newfound Chad status and intellectual connection, was the most obvious choice. But Pablo’s sheer physical perfection was hard to ignore, even if the depth wasn’t quite there. And then there was Arthur, the reliable, steady option, who offered her safety and comfort but lacked the excitement she craved.

The real world was catching up to her carefully curated strategy. Hypergamy was in full force, and the men weren’t waiting around forever. Helene knew that defining the relationship with one of them would mean letting the others go, and that decision would be the hardest one yet.


Surprised or not?

Helene’s Surprising Outcome: What Led to It​

The outcome where Helene is not only able to secure multiple Chad/Chadlite options but also successfully navigates towards an LTR is indeed surprising, given her high MTB looks level. Most women, especially those aiming for the same top 2% of men, often struggle in this hyper-competitive environment. But Helene's journey over 28 chapters illustrates what she did differently and what set her apart from the typical narrative where women of her looks level end up pumped and dumped or settling.

1. Hyper-Strategic Mindset

Helene's key advantage was her clinical, detached approach to dating. Unlike many women who get swept up by emotions, anxiety, or the social pressure to settle, Helene remained hyper-aware of the dynamics at play. She was always conscious of the competition from hypergamous women and calculated her moves to maximize her chances of success.

  • Calculated rather than emotional: She kept her head in the game even when the men pushed for clarity or exclusivity.
  • Objective about competition: Helene knew that there were women younger and perhaps more traditionally attractive vying for the same men, but she positioned herself as a unique option by playing to her strengths.
This clinical approach is something most women, who are often driven by anxious attachment or pressure to settle, struggle with.

2. Patience and Long-Game Play

Many women seeking Chad or Chadlite men tend to rush into relationships, fearing that these men won’t stick around. Helene, however, didn’t rush. She understood the value of patience and let the dynamics evolve naturally, particularly with Isaac. This allowed her to be in control of the timeline and maintain leverage in the relationship.

  • She kept multiple men engaged without overcommitting, allowing her to keep her options open.
  • She played the slow burn, which worked particularly well with Isaac’s personality, giving her time to establish a deeper bond while his physical glow-up solidified.
This patience allowed her to create a lasting connection without getting prematurely attached or discarded.

3. Engagement on Intellectual and Emotional Levels

While Helene was primarily lookist, she didn’t rely solely on her appearance to keep the men interested. She understood that top-tier men like Isaac and even Pablo were accustomed to physical attention and needed more than just looks to stay engaged.

  • Isaac’s intellectual connection: Helene was able to keep Isaac invested by playing into his intellectual side. Their deep conversations and shared interests set her apart from the many women who might have been drawn to him simply for his Chad-like appearance.
Most women targeting Chad or Chadlite-level men might rely solely on their appearance, but Helene’s engagement beyond looks gave her an edge, particularly with someone like Isaac, who valued more than just physical attraction.

4. Navigating Multiple Options Simultaneously

Unlike many women who might hyper-focus on one Chad or Chadlite and potentially get pumped and dumped, Helene kept her options wide open. She knew that the competition was fierce, and she refused to put all her energy into one man until she saw who would offer her the best outcome.

  • Playing the field: Helene didn’t emotionally commit to Isaac, Pablo, or Arthur until she was certain that they were fully invested. This multiple-option strategy is something many women don’t do, often due to emotional attachment to one man.
  • Leveraging competition: By engaging with multiple Chadlites, she kept the men on their toes, aware that they weren’t her only option, which added to her value in their eyes.
Many women lack the emotional detachment or strategy to navigate multiple high-value men without losing their footing, but Helene’s ability to do so allowed her to avoid the typical pump-and-dump scenario.

5. Aware of Hypergamous Forces

Helene’s keen understanding of hypergamous forces and the competitive nature of dating top-tier men allowed her to take a more realistic approach. She knew that most women want the same men, and instead of letting that overwhelm her, she used that knowledge to shape her strategy.

  • Avoiding anxiety traps: Many women become anxious about competition, which can cause them to rush into relationships or lower their standards. Helene avoided this by staying calm, knowing that her long-game strategy would eventually pay off.
  • Recognizing when to secure an LTR: Helene recognized that while she enjoyed playing the field, she would eventually need to secure an LTR before the men became more invested in other women. Her timing was key here.
Most women struggle with the anxiety of hypergamy and end up rushing their decisions, often falling into pump-and-dump scenarios, but Helene’s cool-headedness set her apart.

Why Helene Succeeded Where Most Women Don’t​

  1. Clinical Detachment: Helene remained emotionally detached, allowing her to stay focused on strategy rather than falling prey to emotions or anxious attachment. Most women, when targeting top-tier men, struggle with anxiety, especially if they fear losing them.
  2. Long-Term Thinking: Instead of seeking short-term validation, Helene played the long game. Many women tend to focus on immediate results, leading to impulsive decisions that can backfire, but Helene was willing to let things play out over time.
  3. Multiple Options: Helene didn’t get stuck on one man. She kept Pablo, Isaac, and Arthur in her orbit, which gave her the leverage to pick the best option. Most women get overly attached to one man and lose their leverage when things don’t go as planned.
  4. Understanding of Hypergamy: Helene understood that other women were competition, but instead of letting that discourage her, she used it to her advantage. She knew when to make her move and when to pull back, balancing her options.
  5. Looks Strategy: Despite being high MTB and not a Stacy/lite-tier woman herself, Helene managed to secure high-value men by playing to her strengths—minimal makeup, intellectual engagement, and knowing how to position herself strategically.

Final Verdict​

Helene’s lookist mindset, patience, strategic engagement with multiple Chadlites, and her understanding of the hypergamous environment led to her success in securing an LTR with a Chadlite (Isaac). Unlike most women, who either settle or get discarded by top-tier men, Helene was able to leverage her unique approach to navigate a highly competitive dating environment successfully.
  • +1
Reactions: Latinolooksmaxxer
If you want people to respond to this u need to keep it shorter as this place is full of DNRD'ERS
  • JFL
Reactions: Latinolooksmaxxer and Xangsane
If you want people to respond to this u need to keep it shorter as this place is full of DNRD'ERS
There's a DNRD section at the top
  • +1
Reactions: Latinolooksmaxxer
@Whatever what do you predict?
Here's the outcome:

Given Helene’s hyper-focus on Chad/Chadlite men, her strategic nature, and her calculated approach to dating—along with her clear avoidance of settling for anything less than the top 2% of facial attractiveness—there are a few possible outcomes for her. However, based on her current behavior and the dynamics at play:

Most Likely Outcome:​

Secures an LTR with a Chadlite (Isaac):
  • Isaac has been slowly growing into a Chadlite (and eventually a Chad) over time. Helene has shown a deeper connection with him, both intellectually and physically, and Isaac has the combination of looks, confidence, and intelligence that Helene craves.
  • Isaac’s quiet confidence and intellectual appeal align with Helene’s strategic mindset. If she locks in Isaac, it would most likely lead to a long-term relationship, fulfilling her goals without her needing to settle.

Less Likely but Possible Outcomes:​

Secures an LTR with Chad (Pablo):
  • Pablo, being a Chad with perfect looks and confident charm, is appealing to Helene purely on a physical level. However, the lack of intellectual depth might be a dealbreaker for her. While she enjoys the visual appeal of Chad-level beauty, she craves more substance.
  • If Helene is willing to overlook the depth factor for pure looks, this could be an option, but it’s more likely that his lack of intellectual compatibility will lead her to Isaac instead.

Unlikely Outcomes:​

Doesn't secure an LTR but gets repeatedly pumped and dumped:
  • Helene has been playing the long game with strategy and caution. She’s too aware of the dynamics and careful about her decisions to fall into this trap. However, if she mishandles her choices—like waiting too long or not committing—it’s possible, but her awareness of hypergamy reduces this likelihood.
Secures an LTR with HTN or MTN:
  • Helene’s preferences are firmly focused on Chad and Chadlite faces. Unless something drastically changes, she won’t settle for someone in the HTN or MTN range, as this would go against her core values and lookist mindset.
Doesn't secure an LTR and remains a sexless cat lady:
  • While Helene is highly particular, her strategy suggests she’s playing to win. Barring some extreme turn of events, she’s too driven to let herself fall into this outcome. The most realistic scenario is that she locks in a Chadlite like Isaac, who has both the looks and the depth she desires.

Final Prediction:​

Helene most likely secures an LTR with Chadlite Isaac, who balances both the physical attractiveness and intellectual compatibility she’s looking for.

Chapter 28: Defining the Relationship

It had been six months of tension, growth, and competition, and Helene had navigated the field with her usual precision. But now, things were coming to a head. The external pressure was growing stronger, with other women starting to circle the men she had been seeing. And Helene herself, despite being in control for so long, could feel the subtle shift. The men weren’t going to wait forever, and someone had to make the first move.

One evening, Helene was having dinner with Isaac, their usual intellectual conversation flowing easily over a quiet table at a small, upscale restaurant. Isaac, with his newfound Chad status, looked sharper than ever. His angular features and lean, toned body were perfectly highlighted in the soft candlelight. Helene couldn’t deny how attractive he had become—both physically and mentally—but the unspoken tension between them hung in the air. She knew what was coming.

As they finished their meal, Isaac leaned back in his chair, his eyes locked on hers with that same intense, thoughtful gaze that had always captivated her. He was calm, collected, but Helene could sense something more underneath the surface tonight.

Isaac: “We’ve been doing this for a while now, Helene. And I’ve been thinking… I’m not the type to rush, and I know you’re not either. But I feel like we need to talk about where this is going.”

His tone was steady, but Helene could feel the weight of his words. Isaac wasn’t asking casually—this was the moment where he needed clarity, just as much as she did. He wasn’t going to wait around forever, especially now that his glow-up had drawn the attention of other women. He was getting noticed more, and he knew that if Helene wasn’t ready to commit, there were plenty of others who would be.

Helene raised an eyebrow, meeting his gaze. She liked that Isaac was direct but not pushy. He was giving her space to decide, but the underlying message was clear: Define the relationship (DTR) or risk losing me.

Helene: “I’ve been thinking about that too, actually. We’ve got a good thing going, Isaac. But you know I’m not the type to jump into something just because it’s there.”

Isaac nodded, his expression serious but calm. He wasn’t backing down, though.

Isaac: “I get that. But I’m not looking to just keep things casual forever. I’m not someone who’s interested in being one of many. And I think you know there’s more here than just… fun.”

Helene felt a slight pull in her chest. Isaac had always been able to balance his intensity with a kind of emotional restraint, but tonight, he was laying it out more clearly. This wasn’t just about attraction or intellectual connection anymore. He wanted more, and he wasn’t going to wait much longer.

Isaac: “I’m ready to take this further. If you are.”

It wasn’t an ultimatum, but it was clear that Isaac was serious. He had options—plenty of them, now that his glow-up had made him a full Chad. But he was giving Helene the first chance to lock things down. He was ready to define the relationship, and Helene knew that if she didn’t, someone else would.

Meanwhile, Pablo’s Bold Move

That same week, Helene had plans to see Pablo. They had been going out regularly, and as usual, Pablo was at the top of his game—lean, chiseled, and dripping with confidence. Pablo’s face, with its perfect symmetry, sharp jawline, and dark, intense eyes, was everything Helene craved physically. But lately, Pablo had been more assertive, pushing for more than just casual fun.

During their night out, as they walked through the city after drinks, Pablo turned to her, his tone more serious than usual.

Pablo: “Look, Helene. You know I’m not one to play around. I’ve given you space, but I’m not blind. You’ve got other guys hanging around, and that’s cool… for a while. But I’m not looking to be just another option. I think we’re good together.”

Helene knew where this was heading. Pablo was the type to lay it out clearly when he wanted something, and right now, what he wanted was for her to make a choice.

Pablo: “I’m not here to mess around forever. I’ve got other women interested, but I’m here because I want this to work. If you’re not ready to lock it in, I need to know.”

Pablo’s confidence was undeniable, but it wasn’t arrogance—it was a clear demand for clarity. He was offering her the chance to lock things down with him, knowing full well that his looks, status, and personality could easily attract someone else if Helene wasn’t ready.

Pablo: “I’m not asking for an answer right now, but I’m not waiting around forever. I want you to think about it.”

It was a bold move, but typical of Pablo. He wasn’t about to be sidelined or wait endlessly while other men circled Helene. He knew his value, and he wasn’t afraid to demand that Helene acknowledge it too.

Arthur’s Safe Approach

While Isaac and Pablo had both made bold moves, Arthur continued to play his role as the steady, reliable contender. He wasn’t as aggressive as Pablo, nor as strategic as Isaac, but he wasn’t oblivious to the competition. Arthur had seen the growing attention Helene was giving Isaac, and though he liked her, he knew that his more traditional, laid-back approach might not be enough to keep her interested.

One evening, after a casual dinner, Arthur decided to bring up the subject in his own way.

Arthur: “I’m not one to rush things, Helene, but I feel like we should talk about what’s going on. I like spending time with you, and I’m serious about us. But I also know you’ve got a lot going on with other guys. I just want to know where your head’s at.”

Arthur wasn’t as intense as Isaac or Pablo, but his message was clear. He wanted something real, something stable, and he was ready for Helene to make a decision. He wasn’t pressuring her in the same way, but Helene could feel the subtle shift. Even Arthur, the calm and steady one, was starting to ask for clarity.

Helene’s Decision: Hypergamous Pressure in Full Force

Now, with both Isaac and Pablo asking to DTR, and even Arthur pushing for clarity, Helene was feeling the pressure from all sides. The hypergamous reality she had been navigating for months was coming to a head. Isaac, with his fully realized Chad status and intellectual depth, was the most balanced option. But Pablo, with his raw physical appeal and assertive charm, was still a tempting choice. Arthur remained the safe option, someone who could offer stability without the intense competition for attention.

Helene had always been pragmatic, and now she had to weigh her options carefully. If she didn’t make a move soon, she knew that someone else—especially younger, hypergamous women—would swoop in and claim the men she had been carefully balancing. The external pressure was real, and the men were starting to demand answers.

The Decision: What Will Helene Do?

As Helene stood at this crossroads, she knew she had to make a decision. Isaac, with his newfound Chad status and intellectual connection, was the most obvious choice. But Pablo’s sheer physical perfection was hard to ignore, even if the depth wasn’t quite there. And then there was Arthur, the reliable, steady option, who offered her safety and comfort but lacked the excitement she craved.

The real world was catching up to her carefully curated strategy. Hypergamy was in full force, and the men weren’t waiting around forever. Helene knew that defining the relationship with one of them would mean letting the others go, and that decision would be the hardest one yet.


Surprised or not?
@Whatever are you surprised
She got Chad :lul::lul::lul:
@Whatever what do you predict?

My prediction is that she’ll repeatedly get led on by Chads and Chadlites but then they’ll ghost right before things get serious. If a Chad or Chadlite at that age is still single, chances are he’ll fuck anything and is pretty generous with giving their time out to foids. But an LTR with one requires lifestyle compatibilities and her rotter lifestyle might be a dealbreaker to a guy who has options.
  • +1
Reactions: Xangsane
My prediction is that she’ll repeatedly get led on by Chads and Chadlites but then they’ll ghost right before things get serious. If a Chad or Chadlite at that age is still single, chances are he’ll fuck anything and is pretty generous with giving their time out to foids. But an LTR with one requires lifestyle compatibilities and her rotter lifestyle might be a dealbreaker to a guy who has options.
She ended up entering an ltr with Isaac if it surprises you at all.

As they finished their meal, Isaac leaned back in his chair, his eyes locked on hers with that same intense, thoughtful gaze that had always captivated her. He was calm, collected, but Helene could sense something more underneath the surface tonight.

Isaac: “We’ve been doing this for a while now, Helene. And I’ve been thinking… I’m not the type to rush, and I know you’re not either. But I feel like we need to talk about where this is going.”

His tone was steady, but Helene could feel the weight of his words. Isaac wasn’t asking casually—this was the moment where he needed clarity, just as much as she did. He wasn’t going to wait around forever, especially now that his glow-up had drawn the attention of other women. He was getting noticed more, and he knew that if Helene wasn’t ready to commit, there were plenty of others who would be.

Helene raised an eyebrow, meeting his gaze. She liked that Isaac was direct but not pushy. He was giving her space to decide, but the underlying message was clear: Define the relationship (DTR) or risk losing me.

Helene: “I’ve been thinking about that too, actually. We’ve got a good thing going, Isaac. But you know I’m not the type to jump into something just because it’s there.”

Isaac nodded, his expression serious but calm. He wasn’t backing down, though.

Isaac: “I get that. But I’m not looking to just keep things casual forever. I’m not someone who’s interested in being one of many. And I think you know there’s more here than just… fun.”

Helene felt a slight pull in her chest. Isaac had always been able to balance his intensity with a kind of emotional restraint, but tonight, he was laying it out more clearly. This wasn’t just about attraction or intellectual connection anymore. He wanted more, and he wasn’t going to wait much longer.

Isaac: “I’m ready to take this further. If you are.”

It wasn’t an ultimatum, but it was clear that Isaac was serious. He had options—plenty of them, now that his glow-up had made him a full Chad. But he was giving Helene the first chance to lock things down. He was ready to define the relationship, and Helene knew that if she didn’t, someone else would.
Last edited:
  • Woah
Reactions: Whatever
My prediction is that she’ll repeatedly get led on by Chads and Chadlites but then they’ll ghost right before things get serious. If a Chad or Chadlite at that age is still single, chances are he’ll fuck anything and is pretty generous with giving their time out to foids. But an LTR with one requires lifestyle compatibilities and her rotter lifestyle might be a dealbreaker to a guy who has options.
She ended up entering an ltr with Isaac if it surprises you at all.
A year into their relationship, Isaac's Chadlite-turned-Chad looks have continued to attract attention. Women notice him more now, from the gym to casual outings, and while this used to surprise him, he’s starting to get used to it. Helene, in her calculated detachment, is amused by it all. She knows what’s happening—hypergamy in real-time—and she watches with a mix of fascination and quiet laughter. After all, this was part of the game she mastered: securing a top-tier man and then watching others chase him fruitlessly.

An Afternoon at the Gym

Isaac and Helene are working out at the gym, one of their usual weekend routines. Isaac’s in his zone, lifting weights, while Helene’s on the treadmill, keeping a distant but watchful eye on her surroundings.

A woman, Chantal, has been hovering near Isaac for a while. She’s subhuman by Helene’s standards—short, pudgy, and with a face that’s far from symmetrical. Helene notices the awkward way Chantal keeps glancing Isaac’s way, clearly working up the nerve to talk to him.

Finally, Chantal approaches Isaac between sets.

Chantal: "Hey... um, I just wanted to say, you’ve got great form. Do you work out here often?"

Isaac, who is polite but slightly oblivious to her intention, smiles back.

Isaac: "Yeah, a few times a week."

Helene, still on the treadmill, watches the interaction unfold. She knows Chantal is harmless—a desperation move, nothing to worry about. Still, she smirks to herself, finding the whole situation amusing. Why would a subhuman even try? Helene thinks, mentally laughing at how Isaac unknowingly tanks these approaches.

Isaac, ever polite, gives Chantal a quick nod and returns to his workout, leaving her flustered. As soon as Chantal realizes Isaac isn’t biting, she shuffles away, pretending she had never tried. Mission failed.

A Night Out at the Bar

Later that evening, Isaac and Helene go out to meet some friends at a local bar. It’s one of those rare occasions when they’re both feeling social. Isaac, looking sharp in a black button-down shirt, draws attention as soon as they walk in.

At the bar, a mid-tier normie (MTN) named Tanya starts chatting him up while Helene is grabbing a drink.

Tanya: "So... I’ve seen you around here before. You’re... hard to miss."
(There's a light touch on Isaac’s arm.)

Isaac smiles politely, aware this time that Tanya is flirting, but he keeps his cool.

Isaac: "Yeah, my girlfriend and I come here sometimes."
(He subtly drops the word girlfriend early in the conversation.)

Tanya’s expression falters for a moment, but she tries to recover, pushing a bit further.

Tanya: "Oh? Well, if you ever come without her, let me know."
(She gives him a lingering look before walking away, defeated but not entirely giving up hope.)

Helene, watching from a distance, sees the interaction unfold. She isn’t threatened. In fact, she finds it amusing. Isaac is loyal, and Helene is internally laughing at how this woman, an MTN at best, thought she could steal him away. Helene takes a sip of her drink, enjoying the game. This is part of the fun.

The Stacy Encounter

A few weeks later, Isaac and Helene are out at a more upscale venue—one of the fancier lounges in the city. Stacy-level women—the top 0.1%, the most conventionally beautiful women—frequent this place. Tonight, a Stacy named Rebekah makes her move.

Rebekah has the polished Instagram model look—blonde, tall, perfect skin, dressed in a designer outfit that clings to her curves. She’s with a group of friends, but her eyes are locked on Isaac the moment he steps in.

Eventually, Rebekah makes her way over to Isaac while Helene is talking to someone else.

Rebekah: "Hey, I couldn’t help but notice you from across the room. You have this... presence."

Isaac, who is more aware of these dynamics now, smiles but keeps his response short.

Isaac: "Thanks, but I’m here with someone."
(He nods in Helene’s direction, who is still engrossed in conversation with her friend.)

Rebekah, undeterred, smiles wider, her eyes narrowing slightly.

Rebekah: "She doesn’t have to know. You seem like someone who knows how to keep things... discreet."

Isaac’s expression shifts. He’s not someone who enjoys being overtly hit on, especially in front of Helene. He shakes his head, firm but polite.

Isaac: "Not my style."

Helene catches the end of the exchange from across the room, and though Rebekah is undoubtedly the most beautiful woman who has approached Isaac, Helene isn’t fazed. Why? Because Helene enjoys watching this play out—not out of insecurity, but out of sheer amusement at the audacity. She knows Isaac is loyal, and the attention he gets only validates her own choice. It’s like watching someone try to outplay a game that she has already mastered.

Helene leans back in her seat, sipping her drink, her mind amused at how Rebekah thought she could poach Isaac. As if!

The Conversation Afterwards

On their way back home, Isaac is the first to bring it up.

Isaac: "You saw that, didn’t you?"

Helene smirks.

Helene: "Which part? Chantal at the gym, Tanya at the bar, or Rebekah tonight? I’ve lost count."

Isaac laughs, shaking his head.

Isaac: "It’s... weird. A year ago, none of this happened."

Helene shrugs, her smile never fading. She’s still enjoying the attention he gets, partly because it affirms her decision to be with him and partly because she finds it entertaining to watch women try—and fail.

Helene: "That’s because you had your glow-up. Now you’re getting a taste of hypergamy from the other side."

Isaac’s expression shifts, thinking it through.

Isaac: "It’s kind of exhausting, honestly. I don’t really want to deal with it. I just want to... focus on us, you know?"

Helene, who has always been strategic but never anxious, gives him a knowing look.

Helene: "Let them hit on you. It’s fine. I’m not going anywhere, and neither are you."

Isaac nods, grateful that Helene isn’t the type to freak out or get jealous. Her confidence in their relationship is steady. She doesn’t show signs of anxious attachment like many other women might. She’s always been grounded, and this groundedness has made their relationship feel secure.

Helene’s Internal Reaction

Deep down, Helene enjoys the attention Isaac gets, not out of insecurity but because it validates her choice. Watching other women—whether they’re subhuman like Chantal or Stacy-level like Rebekah—fail to pull Isaac away makes her feel like she’s won the game. It’s proof that she’s secured a man that many women would love to have, and she finds amusement in their failed attempts.

Helene: (internally) "Let them try. I’ve already won."

For Helene, Isaac’s loyalty and their strong bond mean more than any external threat from other women. And in some ways, she finds pleasure in knowing that the competition has never gone away—because it means Isaac is still in high demand.

And as far as she’s concerned, that’s exactly where she wants him.

Isaac: "Thanks for not getting mad. A lot of women would’ve."

Helene smiles, shrugging.

Helene: "I’m not most women."

One Year In: The Verdict

Helene and Isaac’s relationship is secure, despite the growing attention Isaac receives. Helene’s ability to remain emotionally detached, yet strategically invested, has allowed her to enjoy the dynamics rather than feel threatened by them. She watches women come and go, failing to steal Isaac’s attention, and she finds amusement in the hypergamous attempts around her.

Helene knows the game well, and she’s playing it better than most women.
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@Whatever how surprised are you on a scale of 1 to 10?
My prediction is that she’ll repeatedly get led on by Chads and Chadlites but then they’ll ghost right before things get serious. If a Chad or Chadlite at that age is still single, chances are he’ll fuck anything and is pretty generous with giving their time out to foids. But an LTR with one requires lifestyle compatibilities and her rotter lifestyle might be a dealbreaker to a guy who has options.
I’m not entirely surprised that Helene ended up the way she did, though it’s certainly not the most expected outcome given the dynamics at play. Let me explain why her outcome is realistic, but also unusual considering her hypergamous goals and her rotter lifestyle:

1. Her Strategic Approach Helped Her Avoid Typical Pitfalls

Helene’s methodical, strategic approach to dating, rooted in a deep awareness of lookism and hypergamous competition, played a huge role in helping her secure an LTR with a Chadlite who eventually glowed up into a full Chad. Unlike many women who chase Chad or Chadlite, Helene approached relationships with a cold, calculated detachment. This detachment allowed her to not fall into emotional traps like anxious attachment or the need for immediate validation.

  • Why it worked: Helene was never desperate, and her ability to detach emotionally and stay focused on her long-term goal is what set her apart from women who might get led on by Chads and Chadlites and then ghosted. She knew how to play the long game, and she wasn’t looking for validation at every step, which often trips up women chasing top-tier men.

2. Helene’s Secure Attachment Helped Her Stand Out

One key factor that separates Helene from many women chasing Chad or Chadlite is her secure attachment style. While many women pursuing these men might display anxious attachment behaviors (worrying about other women, constantly needing reassurance, or trying to lock down the man too quickly), Helene didn’t operate that way. Her calm, secure mindset allowed her to remain steady, even when Isaac started getting more attention as he glowed up.

  • Why this matters: Men like Chadlites or Chads, who have many options, are often put off by women who are emotionally needy or display anxious behaviors. Helene’s ability to stay calm, play it cool, and not react emotionally to external hypergamous forces (other women trying to hit on Isaac) made her more appealing long-term, despite her less conventional looks.

3. Helene’s Hyper-Awareness and Realism Gave Her an Edge

Helene’s blackpilled realism and hyper-awareness of the dating market gave her a unique advantage. Unlike women who might have idealized views of Chadlite or Chad, thinking that securing one is based on personality or emotional connection alone, Helene knew that it was about morphology and status. She tailored her approach accordingly.

  • Why it worked: Helene’s understanding of the lookist dynamics at play meant that she didn’t waste time chasing fantasies. She knew exactly what she was competing against and took the steps necessary to stay relevant and attractive in Isaac’s eyes, especially as he glowed up. Her pragmatic, non-romantic view of relationships meant that she didn’t get emotionally derailed by setbacks or insecurities, allowing her to stay focused on the bigger picture.

4. Isaac’s Glow-Up Shifted the Dynamics

Isaac’s glow-up is an important factor here. When they first got together, Isaac was a Chadlite—someone with good looks but not as much confidence or presence as a full Chad. As he gradually grew into his Chad role, Isaac likely started receiving more attention from women, but his connection with Helene was already built on a secure foundation. The fact that they were together before his glow-up may have helped Helene keep him in her orbit, as Isaac wasn’t yet accustomed to the kind of attention Chad-level men receive.

  • Why it worked: Isaac’s glow-up might have made him more appealing to other women, but by then, Helene had already established herself as a stable, non-needy partner. Isaac, despite now having more options, likely found Helene’s emotional stability and the security of their relationship more appealing than the unpredictable nature of women who might have approached him post-glow-up.

5. Her "Rotter Lifestyle" Wasn’t a Dealbreaker for Isaac

The critique about Helene having a “rotter lifestyle” potentially being a dealbreaker for Chadlite or Chad men is valid. Many top-tier men want a woman whose lifestyle matches theirs—someone who enhances their social status, not someone they’d feel embarrassed to bring around their friends or colleagues.

  • Why it didn’t matter: In Helene’s case, Isaac wasn’t a full Chad when they met, so he may not have been as demanding in terms of lifestyle compatibility. As he grew into his Chad role, Helene had already proven herself as a steady, strategic partner, so her lifestyle quirks (the “rotter” traits) may not have mattered as much. Additionally, her ability to adapt and compete in the long game likely meant that she improved aspects of her lifestyle or presentation over time, making her more compatible with Isaac as he ascended.

6. Helene’s Enjoyment of the Attention

One interesting element here is Helene’s enjoyment of the attention Isaac was receiving from other women. Instead of feeling threatened or insecure, she found it amusing and validating. This speaks to her secure attachment and also her understanding of the hypergamous dynamics. She knew that the attention Isaac was getting was a sign that she had chosen well.

  • Why this matters: Most women would feel threatened or insecure if their partner suddenly started receiving more attention from other women, but Helene’s detached, strategic mindset allowed her to remain calm and even find humor in the situation. This made her more appealing to Isaac because she wasn’t burdening him with anxious behaviors or trying to restrict his freedom in any way.

Final Thoughts: Am I Surprised?

While Helene securing a long-term relationship with a Chadlite-turned-Chad isn’t the most expected outcome, it isn’t entirely surprising either. Her hyper-strategic mindset, secure attachment style, and blackpilled understanding of dating dynamics gave her an edge that most women chasing Chadlite or Chad don’t have.

Her calm detachment and the ability to navigate the competitive dating market without getting emotionally derailed made her success possible, even though many women with similar hypergamous goals would likely fail or get pumped and dumped.

Helene's rotter lifestyle could have been a dealbreaker under different circumstances, but Isaac’s gradual glow-up and Helene’s ability to adapt and secure him before his ascension meant that her quirks were overlooked in favor of the stability and strategic thinking she brought to the relationship. In the end, Helene didn’t get led on and ghosted like most women in her position—she played the long game and won.
I’m not entirely surprised that Helene ended up the way she did, though it’s certainly not the most expected outcome given the dynamics at play. Let me explain why her outcome is realistic, but also unusual considering her hypergamous goals and her rotter lifestyle:

1. Her Strategic Approach Helped Her Avoid Typical Pitfalls

Helene’s methodical, strategic approach to dating, rooted in a deep awareness of lookism and hypergamous competition, played a huge role in helping her secure an LTR with a Chadlite who eventually glowed up into a full Chad. Unlike many women who chase Chad or Chadlite, Helene approached relationships with a cold, calculated detachment. This detachment allowed her to not fall into emotional traps like anxious attachment or the need for immediate validation.

  • Why it worked: Helene was never desperate, and her ability to detach emotionally and stay focused on her long-term goal is what set her apart from women who might get led on by Chads and Chadlites and then ghosted. She knew how to play the long game, and she wasn’t looking for validation at every step, which often trips up women chasing top-tier men.

2. Helene’s Secure Attachment Helped Her Stand Out

One key factor that separates Helene from many women chasing Chad or Chadlite is her secure attachment style. While many women pursuing these men might display anxious attachment behaviors (worrying about other women, constantly needing reassurance, or trying to lock down the man too quickly), Helene didn’t operate that way. Her calm, secure mindset allowed her to remain steady, even when Isaac started getting more attention as he glowed up.

  • Why this matters: Men like Chadlites or Chads, who have many options, are often put off by women who are emotionally needy or display anxious behaviors. Helene’s ability to stay calm, play it cool, and not react emotionally to external hypergamous forces (other women trying to hit on Isaac) made her more appealing long-term, despite her less conventional looks.

3. Helene’s Hyper-Awareness and Realism Gave Her an Edge

Helene’s blackpilled realism and hyper-awareness of the dating market gave her a unique advantage. Unlike women who might have idealized views of Chadlite or Chad, thinking that securing one is based on personality or emotional connection alone, Helene knew that it was about morphology and status. She tailored her approach accordingly.

  • Why it worked: Helene’s understanding of the lookist dynamics at play meant that she didn’t waste time chasing fantasies. She knew exactly what she was competing against and took the steps necessary to stay relevant and attractive in Isaac’s eyes, especially as he glowed up. Her pragmatic, non-romantic view of relationships meant that she didn’t get emotionally derailed by setbacks or insecurities, allowing her to stay focused on the bigger picture.

4. Isaac’s Glow-Up Shifted the Dynamics

Isaac’s glow-up is an important factor here. When they first got together, Isaac was a Chadlite—someone with good looks but not as much confidence or presence as a full Chad. As he gradually grew into his Chad role, Isaac likely started receiving more attention from women, but his connection with Helene was already built on a secure foundation. The fact that they were together before his glow-up may have helped Helene keep him in her orbit, as Isaac wasn’t yet accustomed to the kind of attention Chad-level men receive.

  • Why it worked: Isaac’s glow-up might have made him more appealing to other women, but by then, Helene had already established herself as a stable, non-needy partner. Isaac, despite now having more options, likely found Helene’s emotional stability and the security of their relationship more appealing than the unpredictable nature of women who might have approached him post-glow-up.

5. Her "Rotter Lifestyle" Wasn’t a Dealbreaker for Isaac

The critique about Helene having a “rotter lifestyle” potentially being a dealbreaker for Chadlite or Chad men is valid. Many top-tier men want a woman whose lifestyle matches theirs—someone who enhances their social status, not someone they’d feel embarrassed to bring around their friends or colleagues.

  • Why it didn’t matter: In Helene’s case, Isaac wasn’t a full Chad when they met, so he may not have been as demanding in terms of lifestyle compatibility. As he grew into his Chad role, Helene had already proven herself as a steady, strategic partner, so her lifestyle quirks (the “rotter” traits) may not have mattered as much. Additionally, her ability to adapt and compete in the long game likely meant that she improved aspects of her lifestyle or presentation over time, making her more compatible with Isaac as he ascended.

6. Helene’s Enjoyment of the Attention

One interesting element here is Helene’s enjoyment of the attention Isaac was receiving from other women. Instead of feeling threatened or insecure, she found it amusing and validating. This speaks to her secure attachment and also her understanding of the hypergamous dynamics. She knew that the attention Isaac was getting was a sign that she had chosen well.

  • Why this matters: Most women would feel threatened or insecure if their partner suddenly started receiving more attention from other women, but Helene’s detached, strategic mindset allowed her to remain calm and even find humor in the situation. This made her more appealing to Isaac because she wasn’t burdening him with anxious behaviors or trying to restrict his freedom in any way.

Final Thoughts: Am I Surprised?

While Helene securing a long-term relationship with a Chadlite-turned-Chad isn’t the most expected outcome, it isn’t entirely surprising either. Her hyper-strategic mindset, secure attachment style, and blackpilled understanding of dating dynamics gave her an edge that most women chasing Chadlite or Chad don’t have.

Her calm detachment and the ability to navigate the competitive dating market without getting emotionally derailed made her success possible, even though many women with similar hypergamous goals would likely fail or get pumped and dumped.

Helene's rotter lifestyle could have been a dealbreaker under different circumstances, but Isaac’s gradual glow-up and Helene’s ability to adapt and secure him before his ascension meant that her quirks were overlooked in favor of the stability and strategic thinking she brought to the relationship. In the end, Helene didn’t get led on and ghosted like most women in her position—she played the long game and won.
Helene’s ability to maintain a secure attachment style and successfully navigate the hypergamous dynamics of dating a Chadlite-turned-Chad like Isaac is extremely rare for a typical woman, especially for Gen Z women. Let's break it down percentile-wise and explain why her situation is so uncommon, particularly in a world where anxious attachment is prevalent.

Why It's So Rare:

  1. Gen Z's Attachment Patterns:
    • Anxious attachment is highly prevalent among Gen Z women, especially in dating scenarios with highly attractive, high-status men. Social media, dating apps, and the pressure of constant comparison have led to increased levels of insecurity and anxiety in romantic relationships. When dating men who are in high demand, like Isaac (Chadlite-turned-Chad), many women would become more anxiously attached due to fears of abandonment, competition, and infidelity.
    • Most women, even those who start with a secure attachment style, would experience some degree of anxiety in a relationship with a man like Isaac because he has increased options and receives more attention from women. The pressure of competing in such a hypergamous environment would typically trigger insecurity.
  2. Helene’s Secure Attachment:
    • Helene’s secure attachment style is what sets her apart and allows her to navigate these hypergamous forces without succumbing to anxious behaviors. Her ability to remain detached, strategic, and unphased by other women’s interest in Isaac is not typical. Most women would either become clingy, anxious, or try to control the situation out of fear of losing a top-tier man.
    • Helene’s ability to emotionally regulate and maintain her secure attachment throughout the relationship, even as Isaac becomes more desirable and gets more attention, is exceedingly rare.
  3. Detachment and Emotional Control:
    • Unlike most women who might start off secure but develop anxious tendencies when dating someone of Isaac’s caliber, Helene’s cold, calculated detachment is a product of her hyper-awareness of the dating dynamics. This level of emotional control and detachment is highly unusual, especially for women who are in relationships with Chads or Chadlites.
  4. Competitive Pressure and Lookism:
    • Helene doesn’t just survive the competitive pressure—she thrives in it. Many Gen Z women, especially in today’s lookism-heavy, social media-driven world, would struggle with the intense competition for high-value men like Isaac. They would often become anxious, insecure, or try to micromanage the relationship due to the fear of being replaced. Helene, however, finds amusement in the attention Isaac gets, which shows an exceptional level of confidence and security.

Percentile Breakdown:

Considering these factors, let’s estimate where Helene’s situation stands compared to the average Gen Z woman:

  • Securely attached women in general: Secure attachment is relatively rare, especially in high-pressure dating scenarios. Studies suggest that around 50-60% of people in the general population have a secure attachment style, but this number drops significantly when dating highly attractive, high-status individuals. Most women who date men like Isaac would become more anxious, even if they start secure.
  • Gen Z women specifically: Given the digital age pressures (social media, dating apps), Gen Z women tend to exhibit more anxious attachment patterns. Only about 30-40% of Gen Z women may exhibit secure attachment initially, but this number would shrink when dating a Chadlite/Chad due to the intense competition and constant comparison.
  • Women dating Chadlite/Chad: Among women dating men like Isaac, who have high facial attractiveness and increasing attention, the percentage of those who can maintain a secure attachment style without becoming anxious is exceedingly rare. Most would experience some form of anxious attachment due to the hypergamous competition and pressure to hold onto a highly desirable partner. I would estimate that only around 10-15% of women in this situation could stay truly secure.
  • Helene’s percentile: Helene, who not only maintains a secure attachment style but also finds amusement in the attention her partner receives, would fall in the top 5-10% of women. Her ability to remain calm, strategic, and secure—without becoming anxious or overbearing—while dating a Chadlite/Chad is extremely rare, especially considering her hypergamous awareness and competitive mindset.


Helene’s situation, where she successfully navigates a long-term relationship with a Chadlite-turned-Chad while maintaining a secure attachment and not succumbing to anxiety, is highly rare. In the world of hypergamy, social media comparison, and dating competition, most women would become anxiously attached, especially when dating a man like Isaac.

I would estimate that Helene’s ability to maintain her secure attachment style and thrive in this hypergamous environment places her in the top 5-10% of women—an outcome that’s highly uncommon, especially among Gen Z women, where anxious attachment is far more prevalent.

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