Survey: Height and lay count

22 years old
5.9"ft in morning and 5.8.5"ft in evening
7 lays and 4 of them i were in relationship with .
5'10, 0 lays
5'8, 24, 14 lays

how did you gain that much muscle in a year?
Beginner lifter and I was already underweight, plus I was consuming a ton of protein/calories, I’m about 18 pounds was muscle. Trained 2-3 hours in the gym with proper form and went hard. Could’ve made a lot more progress can’t wait to go back.
Beginner lifter and I was already underweight, plus I was consuming a ton of protein/calories, I’m about 18 pounds was muscle. Trained 2-3 hours in the gym with proper form and went hard. Could’ve made a lot more progress can’t wait to go back.

do you have any helpful guides? on youtube and forums? i'm underweight as well and just can't seem to eat enough before i feel ill and want to puke.
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Reactions: JustTrynnaAscend
do you have any helpful guides? on youtube and forums? i'm underweight as well and just can't seem to eat enough before i feel ill and want to puke.
Count the amount of calories you need to maintain you’re current weight and add 500. Honestly, there’s more efficients way but if you’re underweight just consume a shit ton of food but make sure it’s clean and protein, if you are struggling consume protein shakes and put protein powder and other good shit in it. And, get on a starting program for lifting just search up a routine such as Push Pull, or like Starting Strength.
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Reactions: far336 and Deleted member 7098
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Reactions: far336
The purpose of this thread is to gather data to see what height results in the highest lay count.

Use this to measure your height:

Note about lay count:
  • Lay count includes a scenario where a female (not male) touches your genitals on purpose. For example, vaginal sex, handjob, blowjob, anal, etc.
  • Physical check ups by doctors don't count.
  • Lay count from paid acts do not count. For example, having sex with prostitutes or escorts don't count.
  • Lays from same female only counts as one lay. For example, if you've laid the same girl 500 times, that counts as one lay.
  • If more than one new female participates in this act at the same time, then that counts as multiple lays. For example, a threesome with two new females counts as 2 lays.
What you need to do: Post your height and lay count, with honesty. Any strange reports will be ignored (height 1'0, 10000 lays) Please avoid posting anything irrelevant. If you have a comment or question, then PM me instead.

I'll gather the data and present it in graphical form in a new thread on June 1, 2020. I'll provide a link to it in this thread.

I appreciate your participation in this survey :)

Other surveys like this:
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View attachment 405920

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6’5 28 lays
6’5 28 lays
I’m 21
Im 21
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To prove that I am serious about this, I will post the results so far:

Ages less than 18. Total participants: 5
Height intervals of 1 inches

Height intervals of 2 inches

Height intervals of 3 inches

Ages 18-30. Total participants: 11
Height intervals of 1 inches

Height intervals of 2 inches

Height intervals of 3 inches

Ages over 30. Total participants: 0

No data

Unknown ages. Total participants: 37
Height intervals of 1 inches

Height intervals of 2 inches

Height intervals of 3 inches

All ages. Total participants: 53

Height intervals of 1 inches

Height intervals of 2 inches

Height intervals of 3 inches

Thank you to the people that participated :)

For future posters, include your age as well.
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5'10", 1, 19
About half were ugly so doesn't count.
Based. Most guys with high lay count, have to fat /ugly from time to times. Because of their high sex drive, they need to be like that.
On 1 hand I respect the dedication, passion and energy. On the other hand, it plays right into the hypergamy and is 1 of the causes for it being so rampant. Since women have lower sex drive then men
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 6341 and far336
6’0 70 if you’re counting non p in v non paid
The purpose of this thread is to gather data to see what height results in the highest lay count.

Use this to measure your height:

Note about lay count:
  • Lay count includes a scenario where a female (not male) touches your genitals on purpose. For example, vaginal sex, handjob, blowjob, anal, etc.
  • Physical check ups by doctors don't count.
  • Lay count from paid acts do not count. For example, having sex with prostitutes or escorts don't count.
  • Lays from same female only counts as one lay. For example, if you've laid the same girl 500 times, that counts as one lay.
  • If more than one new female participates in this act at the same time, then that counts as multiple lays. For example, a threesome with two new females counts as 2 lays.
What you need to do: Post your height and lay count, with honesty. Any strange reports will be ignored (height 1'0, 10000 lays) Please avoid posting anything irrelevant. If you have a comment or question, then PM me instead.

I'll gather the data and present it in graphical form in a new thread on June 1, 2020. I'll provide a link to it in this thread.

I appreciate your participation in this survey :)

Other surveys like this:
View attachment 405931

View attachment 405920

View attachment 405927
5foot8 and my lay count is 0
Didn't read but no height for your jaw
6'7 - fat fucking zero
6'3" in the afternoon barefoot, ZERO lays I am a subhuman
Lay Count: 0
5ft9 20 lays
Height: 6’1
Lays: 57
6'3 she wanted to fuck but i didn't. Virgin till marriage boyos

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