Tall guy called me little man

You can tell if someone is happy most often. And they’re happy.
Yes.They're happy to live a cucked life and enjoy getting cucked by 6'5 Tyrone with 7.5inch NBP cock. If that's what one is into, ,then happiness is guaranteed life.
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Yes.They're happy to live a cucked life and enjoy getting cucked by 6'5 Tyrone with 7.5inch NBP cock. If that's what one is into, ,then happiness is guaranteed life.
Lol you’re fucking retarded. Again this is just based on your (blacked by a 10” bbc) brain and your fucked up family. Doesn’t apply to normal healthy people jfl
  • JFL
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Do you have any statistics supporting this? Fucking retard. You’re actually retarded. You’re making this up based on what study? You’re little social circle of your miserable divorced parents? Just because your mum cheated on your dad with Tyrone doesn’t mean everyone does.
My mom didn't cheat on Tyrone nigga. Yours did and the guys in your family are the ones who got cuckedon by 6'7 Chads and Tyrones, and that's why you're a midget who's offended when I tell him that his height ain't shit.The men in your family are happy because they know they can't compete wih elite genes and they smile as a coping mechanism.
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Lol you’re fucking retarded. Again this is just based on your (blacked by a 10” bbc) brain and your fucked up family. Doesn’t apply to normal healthy people jfl
You're the retarded one who refuse to accept reality.
  • +1
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My mom didn't cheat on Tyrone nigga. Yours did and the guys in your family are the ones who got cuckedon by 6'7 Chads and Tyrones, and that's why you're a midget who's offended when I tell him that his height ain't shit.The men in your family are happy because they know they can't compete wih elite genes and they smile as a coping mechanism.
I’m not short jfl, I’m just not retarded and delulu fucked in the brain like you. Like seriously how much meth have you been taking to rot your brain that much. Like your brain must be crispy charcoal by now lol. Again you’re just yapping empty words based on nothing except TikTok and retarded blackpill “statistics” and “personal experiences” made by autistic retards.
  • JFL
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@KermitFace . If you don't look like the guy in my avi, IT'S OVERRRR !!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • JFL
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You're the retarded one who refuse to accept reality.
At least I Iive in reality you fucking incel rotted unloved child. I just don’t accept your fucked up incel reality that u made up in your raped brain.
  • JFL
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I’m not short jfl, I’m just not retarded and delulu fucked in the brain like you. Like seriously how much meth have you been taking to rot your brain that much. Like your brain must be crispy charcoal by now lol. Again you’re just yapping empty words based on nothing except TikTok and retarded blackpill “statistics” and “personal experiences” made by autistic retards.
What tiktok are you talking about ?? Irl, 6'4-6'6 guys are slaying. Muh tiktok as if dwarfs are slaying more than tall guys irl.
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At least I Iive in reality you fucking incel rotted unloved child. I just don’t accept your fucked up incel reality that u made up in your raped brain.
ok. So you tellin me that foids would reject guys like Kelly Oubre JR and date you irl ?? Real life is different than online, isn't it??
It should be possible
  • +1
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My mom didn't cheat on Tyrone nigga. Yours did and the guys in your family are the ones who got cuckedon by 6'7 Chads and Tyrones, and that's why you're a midget who's offended when I tell him that his height ain't shit.The men in your family are happy because they know they can't compete wih elite genes and they smile as a coping mechanism.
Man, you’re seriously autistic lol
I’m not short jfl, I’m just not retarded and delulu fucked in the brain like you. Like seriously how much meth have you been taking to rot your brain that much. Like your brain must be crispy charcoal by now lol. Again you’re just yapping empty words based on nothing except TikTok and retarded blackpill “statistics” and “personal experiences” made by autistic retards.
This is what happens when you listen to 14 year olds on blackpill tiktok. Your brain becomes a smoothie
  • +1
  • JFL
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What tiktok are you talking about ?? Irl, 6'4-6'6 guys are slaying. Muh tiktok as if dwarfs are slaying more than tall guys irl.
JFL Im about to reality check you so hard rn. My friend is like 6”6 and height moths everyone near him. But he hasn’t had a gf for about a year now. Meanwhile a guy in his class is around 5”9 or smth and has a gf. And no. My tall friend is not going around fuckinf Stacy’s.
  • +1
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Man, you’re seriously autistic lol

This is what happens when you listen to 14 year olds on blackpill tiktok. Your brain becomes a smoothie
muh tiktok. Yeah, irl anything is possible. Just be a dwarf and deformed theory
  • JFL
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ok. So you tellin me that foids would reject guys like Kelly Oubre JR and date you irl ?? Real life is different than online, isn't it??
It should be possible
Yes if they love you jfl. It’s clear your you haven’t experienced love at all in your life which is very sad. Prob haven’t seen your parents in love either LOL.
  • JFL
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No offence but he is right. Anything below 6'1 = Dwarfism
Only in agartha. Height is cope past 5’10 till 6’4 where it becomes a halo. 6’3 is minimally better than a 5’10 guy of the same face unless the girl is a tranny 6’2 lanket (1 in a thousand , never pretty)
  • +1
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JFL Im about to reality check you so hard rn. My friend is like 6”6 and height moths everyone near him. But he hasn’t had a gf for about a year now. Meanwhile a guy in his class is around 5”9 or smth and has a gf. And no. My tall friend is not going around fuckinf Stacy’s.
Yor friend is an outlier.Respond to my question. Foids irl will choose you or Kelly Oubre JR??
If the bp is bullshit and I'm making things up, then you shouln't have any issue. Why come to a looksmax forum online and try to improve your looks if they don;t matter that much irl.
  • +1
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Only in agartha. Height is cope past 5’10 till 6’4 where it becomes a halo. 6’3 is minimally better than a 5’10 guy of the same face unless the girl is a ctranny 6’2 lanket (1 in a thousand , never pretty)
cmon that is complete horse shit
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Yes if they love you jfl. It’s clear your you haven’t experienced love at all in your life which is very sad. Prob haven’t seen your parents in love either LOL.
Experiencing love as a genetically inferior male doens't mean shit. If your 5'11 dwarf and you've experienced love, that doens't mean that you lifemog guys like Vasiliy Stepanov. You will get lifemogged to oblivion by Chads/Tyrones.
  • +1
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Yor friend is an outlier.Respond to my question. Foids irl will choose you or Kelly Oubre JR??
If the bp is bullshit and I'm making things up, then you shouln't have any issue. Why come to a looksmax forum online and try to improve your looks if they don;t matter that much irl.
Looks do matter, I’m not saying they don’t and I’m on here because I’m insecure, depressed and autistic. And to answer your question I think it depends. If it was just like tinder or in the club . They’d prob choose that guy. But not every girl. All girls can’t swarm one guy. There’s gonna be other girls in the club that you can talk to. And also. If you’re talking with someone that makes it entirely different. If a relationship is more intimate with talking and personalities. Than it’s not as simple as saying “ oh he’s more attractive I’ll date him”. That ain’t how it works for normal people. They love someone and want to be with them.
  • +1
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ok. So you tellin me that foids would reject guys like Kelly Oubre JR and date you irl ?? Real life is different than online, isn't it??
It should be possible
IMG 2311

Literal chad face nigga ur point doesn’t work. If he was 5’8 he’d still slay.
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Experiencing love as a genetically inferior male doens't mean shit. If your 5'11 dwarf and you've experienced love, that doens't mean that you lifemog guys like Vasiliy Stepanov. You will get lifemogged to oblivion by Chads/Tyrones.
Lol why would I care about getting lifemogged hahahaha you’re retarded. If I’m happy and content with my life, why would I give a fuck about some Tyrone guys life JFL.
  • +1
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That ain’t how it works for normal people. They love someone and want to be with them.
You're delusional. It's all about fACE AND HEIGHT. Of course a few girls are gonnna choose you because they kmow that Chads won;t settle for them but they would cuck your subhuman ass in an instant given the chance to suck Chads' cocks.As I said, you cannot live a good life and win if you aren't Chad or Tyrone
  • +1
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You're delusional. It's all about fACE AND HEIGHT. Of course a few girls are gonnna choose you because they kmow that Chads won;t settle for them but they would cuck your subhuman ass in an instant given the chance to suck Chads' cocks.As I said, you cannot live a good life and win if you aren't Chad or Tyrone
Lmao what do you think women are hahahah. Fuck robot that get on their knees and suck any chads cock that they so in public? hahahaha. You’re fucking retarded. It’s truly sad that you think of women that way, don’t you talk with your mom lol?
  • +1
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His height allows him to slay more and lifemog other people to oblivion. You can't be dominant when you're a dwarf.
5’9+ isn’t dwarf, nigga saying Mike Tyson ain’t dominant cuz he’s barely above average height :feelskek:
  • +1
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Lol why would I care about getting lifemogged hahahaha you’re retarded. If I’m happy and content with my life, why would I give a fuck about some Tyrone guys life JFL.
Sure. Keep tellin yourself that. When you see how easy others have it and the day your foid cucks you with a guy that mogs you to oblivion, then you'll be 10x happier. There will always be people who are better than you, but you will stp caring when you're at the top.6'4 Chad /6'6 Tyrone and you're safe. Content 24/7. 0 Insecurity. Good Life.No improvement Needed.
  • +1
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You're delusional. It's all about fACE AND HEIGHT. Of course a few girls are gonnna choose you because they kmow that Chads won;t settle for them but they would cuck your subhuman ass in an instant given the chance to suck Chads' cocks.As I said, you cannot live a good life and win if you aren't Chad or Tyrone
Delusional tier black pill. Your mother would cheat on ur father for chad? Women aren’t objects nigga they have a sentience, like saying any guy would cheat on their spouse for a hotter girl. Applicable to some, never to all.
  • +1
  • JFL
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Sure. Keep tellin yourself that. When you see how easy others have it and the day your foid cucks you with a guy that mogs you to oblivion, then you'll be 10x happier. There will always be people who are better than you, but you will stp caring when you're at the top.6'4 Chad /6'6 Tyrone and you're safe. Content 24/7. 0 Insecurity. Good Life.No improvement Needed.
You obviously have a problem. Maybe a family problem? Because my dad hasn’t been cucked and he’s really happy with his life and is now a painter. Jfl you’re seriously saying that 99% of the people on earth are miserable and depressed. You’re fucking retarded.
  • +1
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Delusional tier black pill. Your mother would cheat on ur father for chad? Women aren’t objects nigga they have a sentience, like saying any guy would cheat on their spouse for a hotter girl. Applicable to some, never to all.
What are you on?? It's in their nature to be hypergamous.
Who wouldn't want Chad?? You'rethe one who is delusional here, not me.
So you're telling me that foids would refuse to be with a guy like Vasiliy Stepanov and be happy with some 6'1 loser with a HTN face ??
  • +1
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What are you on?? It's in their nature to be hypergamous.
Who wouldn't want Chad?? You'rethe one who is delusional here, not me.
So you're telling me that foids would refuse to be with a guy like Vasiliy Stepanov and be happy with some 6'1 loser with a HTN face ??
Your point is that women would cheat on their bfs for chad, not always true.

Yeah if they were single they’d 100% choose the chad over the Htn, but if they were in a ltr w the Htn, most girls wouldn’t just cheat on their bfs for chad.
  • +1
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You obviously have a problem. Maybe a family problem? Because my dad hasn’t been cucked and he’s really happy with his life and is now a painter. Jfl you’re seriously saying that 99% of the people on earth are miserable and depressed. You’re fucking retarded.
You expect your mom to send you clips of her blowing 6'4 Chad ??
  • +1
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What are you on?? It's in their nature to be hypergamous.
Who wouldn't want Chad?? You'rethe one who is delusional here, not me.
So you're telling me that foids would refuse to be with a guy like Vasiliy Stepanov and be happy with some 6'1 loser with a HTN face ??
Lot that’s ironic. Because most guys like you say that women want one man that’s reliable to stay with when men instead want to spread their genes and have multiple women. Both of this theories are retarded tho and not applicable to modern day humans. Humans now have developed a much greater empathy and personality compared to cavemen. Oh wait not every human. You’re still a fucking retarded caveman jfl.
  • JFL
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You expect your mom to send you clips of her blowing 6'4 Chad ??
No lol but but most often you catch them cheating. Especially if you’ve been in a relationship with someone for 20+ yrs hahahhahaha.
  • +1
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No lol but but most often you catch them cheating. Especially if you’ve been in a relationship with someone for 20+ yrs hahahhahaha.
not everyone gets caught and maybe your dad enjoys getting cucked. That's why he puts a smile on his face
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  • +1
  • JFL
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They will.
“Trust me bro”. Lol you think we would trust you as a source when you’re clearly gang raped in your mind. Fuck I would not even be surprised if you had these tyrones in your head telling you to rope you fucking schizo.
  • +1
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Your mother would cheat on your father for chad? :feelskek:

Nigga watched too much Ntr hentai or some shit :aheago:
live in your bubble nigga.Real life ain't disneyland
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not everyone gets caught and maybe your dad enjoys getting cucked. That's why he puts a smile on his face
Lol you’re truly fucking retarded. Cucks are rare. Most men would not enjoy that retarded bitch ass behavior.
  • JFL
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skill issue

the bvll is 5'2 and no one ever called him little man because he carries himself with confidence
Is he for real?
  • +1
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live in your bubble nigga.Real life ain't disneyland
Wow isn’t your mom a little angel. You’re seriously calling your mom a whore. Hahaha you fucking suck man. You’re so obsessed with Chad’s and Tyrone’s. Have you ever considered if you’re a fucking faggot? Maybe that’s why you’re so obsessed with them. Just go and get cucked and get throatfucked by niggas you fucking brainrotted retard.
  • +1
  • JFL
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live in your bubble nigga.Real life ain't disneyland
Hahaha but real life is fucking brazzers and blacked-land instead? Hahahaha, you watch way too much gay cuck porn bro.
  • +1
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live in your bubble nigga.Real life ain't disneyland
I’m not christian and I don’t say this usually. But dude you should seriously consider deleting the internet and find god hahahaha. You clearly need him. Go outside. Be in the nature a little. Maybe meditate JFL. Then you can come back here and tell us how u changed your mind and instead of being a faggot retard you’ve become a good Christian man with a beautiful wife and 3 children JFL
  • +1
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live in your bubble nigga.Real life ain't disneyland
Either your mentally fucked and sub5 so you cope by portraying women as retarded cock fiends and glaze chads cuz to feel like one of them. Ooor you think your based for believing this shit. Either way, stop w the faggoted glazing you look like a gayboy.

“Muh chad fucks any girls brooo! Believe it! Chad rule everyone else drool!” :feelsuhh::feelsuhh::feelsuhh:
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  • JFL
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