Tall guy called me little man

Wow isn’t your mom a little angel. You’re seriously calling your mom a whore. Hahaha you fucking suck man. You’re so obsessed with Chad’s and Tyrone’s. Have you ever considered if you’re a fucking faggot? Maybe that’s why you’re so obsessed with them. Just go and get cucked and get throatfucked by niggas you fucking brainrotted retard.
I’m a faggot if I speak the truth ?? How ??
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  • JFL
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That’s the thing. You’re not speaking the truth. You’re fucked in the brain.
Fuck off. Foids won’t stay loyal to ugly ass men
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Fuck off. Foids won’t stay loyal to ugly ass men
Alr bro, I guess everyone has a different coping mechanism. And yours is apparently to glaze and meatride chads and blame all your problems on chads and “foids”.
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Alr bro, I guess everyone has a different coping mechanism. And yours is apparently to glaze and meatride chads and blame all your problems on chads and “foids”.
I’m truecel. Deformed as fuck. So what do you expect?
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I’m truecel. Deformed as fuck. So what do you expect?
I get that. And I’m very insecure and depressed myself. I mean I’m on this forum after all and clearly autistic. And I wasn’t trying to be mean to you. Just reality check you, for your sake. I also want to say that I’m not that tall(around 5”10) and my looks aren’t the greatest. But 1 and a half years ago when I was even shorter and had acne a pretty girl that I hadn’t met in a while still asked me out. And I know she wasn’t joking because she wrote a whole damn paragraph as her confession. I rejected her in a nice way and she seemed kinda sad. So don’t loose hope.
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I get that. And I’m very insecure and depressed myself. I mean I’m on this forum after all and clearly autistic. And I wasn’t trying to be mean to you. Just reality check you, for your sake. I also want to say that I’m not that tall(around 5”10) and my looks aren’t the greatest. But 1 and a half years ago when I was even shorter and had acne a pretty girl that I hadn’t met in a while still asked me out. And I know she wasn’t joking because she wrote a whole damn paragraph as her confession. I rejected her in a nice way and she seemed kinda sad. So don’t loose hope.
Yeah. Sometimes you can get lucky in life but it’s easy to get traumatised by tall moggers when someone is a dwarf and looks like a wild boar like me. At this point, your whole life becomes a fucking joke. I’ve already lost all hopes and it’s completely over
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Yeah. Sometimes you can get lucky in life but it’s easy to get traumatised by tall moggers when someone is a dwarf and looks like a wild boar like me. At this point, your whole life becomes a fucking joke. I’ve already lost all hopes and it’s completely over
Same. I had acne for about four years. It was really hard. Still is. I’m still traumatized from it. Especially from a Stacy calling me ugly jfl. I’ve even considered roping multiple times. Yet still I have managed to get gf’s before. It’s not over until you give up. U can still live a good life if you want to. That’s what I like to think at least.
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Same. I had acne for about four years. It was really hard. Still is. I’m still traumatized from it. Especially from a Stacy calling me ugly jfl. I’ve even considered roping multiple times. Yet still I have managed to get gf’s before. It’s not over until you give up. U can still live a good life if you want to. That’s what I like to think at least.
I have been called ugly and disgusting multiple times by foids. Yes, I understand that you shouldn’t give up but there’s really no hope for some people.Maybe you can be saved but I’m doomed.
I have been called ugly and disgusting multiple times by foids. Yes, I understand that you shouldn’t give up but there’s really no hope for some people.Maybe you can be saved but I’m doomed.
Alr bro. Don’t give up tho. It can turn around for you later in life. Remember. Suicide is a permanent solution to a most often temporary problem. Even if you think there is no love for you and that you look horrible, that will probably change in the future.
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Alr bro. Don’t give up tho. It can turn around for you later in life. Remember. Suicide is a permanent solution to a most often temporary problem. Even if you think there is no love for you and that you look horrible, that will probably change in the future.
Not getting love is one issue but I can’t accept getting brutally mogged 24/7 by pretty much everyone. Vasiliy Stepanov looks and height or death. His photo will be close to my dead body the day I kms because I want to look like him and hate being a genetic dead end.I’m traumatised from all the moggings I’ve received.Maybe in the next life, if there is one I get to walk around without getting mogged 24/7 by everyone.
Not getting love is one issue but I can’t accept getting brutally mogged 24/7 by pretty much everyone. Vasiliy Stepanov looks and height or death. His photo will be close to my dead body the day I kms because I want to look like him and hate being a genetic dead end.I’m traumatised from all the moggings I’ve received.
Damn bro, but wasn’t you tall? And also it probably ain’t that bad.
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Damn bro, but wasn’t you tall? And also it probably ain’t that bad.
I’m dwarf. Real height is around 5’10. ( 176.5cm exact height) . Not even 5’10 lol
I’m dwarf. Real height is around 5’10. ( 176.5cm exact height) . Not even 5’10 lol
Lol we’re the same height😆. Where you from bro?
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Nah. I’m not from there but most zoomers are tall af. Lots of 6’0-6’4 guys
Really? I thought they were short in Afghanistan
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In my country people call eachother big man no matter the height difference. I always thought it was patronising when someone taller than me (5'11) called me "big man" until some tall ugly freak called me little man
Id rope
Call him baby cock. He'll like that one.

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