Test at 16 with already high T (EXPERIENCED GEARHEADS GTFIH)



Aug 4, 2023
I’m 16 almost 17 with high T (1050 ng/dl, 200 free pg/ml) and want to run a test cycle, typical 16 weeks 500 mg per. Already an experienced lifter, peak bulk I benched 300 at 5’9 190 (currently 175, 22 FFMI). Ofc I’m looking for muscular gains but also cardio/athletics-wise I want gains, I’m prepping for wrestling season and I’m a blue belt in bjj: I need to make jumps in my grappling game as you can see. Is this realistic (cardio+muscle gains) with just test (of course assuming I train insanely hard on the mats and the gym and keep diet/sleep dialed)? How much muscle + endurance gains can I expect? Is it possible to make effective use of the cycle at 0.5-1lb/week gain? Most importantly, can my natural levels recover if I pop HCG when the cycle is over, and how long would that take?

additional info: I am not new to taking substances, I grew an inch after a whole 14 months of not growing by injecting GHRP2 + CJC DAC for 30 weeks and arimidex EOD. My labs were fine after as well, great even. I’ve taken GW for endurance at a point too. I also give zero fucks about looks, if I get acne and thinning it’s fine, I can accutane + fin later and I’m already (probably) getting a hair transplant by 30. Just need to make sure my natural T can recover.
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@autistic_tendencies @MTMM @Snowskinned idk who tf to tag haven’t been actually active in like a year plz
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test increases blood cel count so you will also have better cardio,but for fighting i heard cardarine is the shit but it will change your muscle fibers
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First test cycle of 500mgs a week I did I gained 30lbs in 12 weeks, 6-7lbs of that would've been water weight and 3-4lbs of that would've been fat, so about 20lbs of lean mass. Everybody responds differently, your androgen receptor desnisty/sensitivity matters a tonne. Your natural T could probably recover more or less fine but HCG is rarely used for PCT, I don't know exactly why this is but there must be a reason, it's usually run concurrently with test to prevent testicular atrophy.
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Cycles are an outdated concept that no one in bodybuilding takes seriously anymore.

Kill the idea of a "cycle".

Read these:

1. https://looksmax.org/threads/i-want-to-start-a-cycle-but-am-uninformed.1172167/post-17407854.
2. https://looksmax.org/threads/i-want-to-start-a-cycle-but-am-uninformed.1172167/post-17422332.
I am not doing this for bodybuilding purposes, but I am all for hearing you out. From what I am reading you advocate a titrating process, but I do not think I fully grasp the concept. Are you recommending someone starts low dose and slowly raises it as they experiment with the effects to find the optimal amount, then eventually come off? Or are you saying they should potentially stay on for an extremely long period of time after slowly raising the dose to a preferred amount?
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I am not doing this for bodybuilding purposes, but I am all for hearing you out. From what I am reading you advocate a titrating process, but I do not think I fully grasp the concept. Are you recommending someone starts low dose and slowly raises it as they experiment with the effects to find the optimal amount
then eventually come off? Or are you saying they should potentially stay on for an extremely long period of time after slowly raising the dose to a preferred amount?
Coming off depends on goals and personal preference. Frequently coming off is going to negatively impact performance and stability, and, imo, should only be done for fertility or serious health reasons or a total shift in worldview. It shouldn't be done as a frequent thing at all.
Or are you saying they should potentially stay on for an extremely long period of time after slowly raising the dose to a preferred amount?
Yes. If you are going to start using PEDs, it's likely best to be a lifelong commitment; if you are going to come off, it's not going to be best for gains but could be done in these cases:
fertility or serious health reasons or a total shift in worldview
or you can probably successfully come off and restore natural production if you back out early out of being enhanced, especially at a young age. However, if you are planning on being enhanced for a while, by the time you plan to come off, it will be far more challenging and unlikely to restore natural production. Hopping off in between "cycles" will only mess you up more. If you hop off, you hop off to/because of:

1. never come back on again
2. fertility or serious health reasons (even then, a lot of bodybuilders have their kids on cruises whilst running a fertility protocol)
3. other similar reasons.

Hopping on and off in between "cycles" is doing a lot of harm with not much benefit at all.

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