The 10% who can cut to 6.5+ PSL here via looksmaxing

fckin lol, i just hope i reach 5 psl
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From my own personal experience, though I can understand why it might be otherwise for someone that were a lower PSL, being a part of the PSL community doesn't inherently cause mental illness or depression.

I do believe that there's something to be said or some value to be found in softmaxing to your natural capacity rather than getting surgery. I know that it's all very vague but it feels like there has to be something wrong on a spiritual or pysychological level by ascending non-surgically and no longer being 'yourself', sort of like that Ship of Theseus thought experiment. You can argue that it's a matter of degree - using peptides to grow your eyelashes leaves you afterwards in no more your 'natural' state than you would be if you'd gotten implants, but at least you're entirely your own organic matter rather than partially some foreign object.

I don't know. There's probably something there for some high IQcel to unpack but that's just my undigested sentiment.
good post
From my own personal experience, though I can understand why it might be otherwise for someone that were a lower PSL, being a part of the PSL community doesn't inherently cause mental illness or depression.

I do believe that there's something to be said or some value to be found in softmaxing to your natural capacity rather than getting surgery. I know that it's all very vague but it feels like there has to be something wrong on a spiritual or pysychological level by ascending non-surgically and no longer being 'yourself', sort of like that Ship of Theseus thought experiment. You can argue that it's a matter of degree - using peptides to grow your eyelashes leaves you afterwards in no more your 'natural' state than you would be if you'd gotten implants, but at least you're entirely your own organic matter rather than partially some foreign object.

I don't know. There's probably something there for some high IQcel to unpack but that's just my undigested sentiment.

honesrly man I talk about getting eye surgery but I feel like nothnig will change. Softmaxxing + being more NT is prob the best thing. Inb4 people say I’m coping cus women approach
But yea ur right there is something pretty serious about artificially mending yourself
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i cant believe u write this now but i was literally thinking about this just today the same concept

if u ascend by means that u look tok far away from urself, female attention wont give you the validatiln cuz u wont believe ur genes are getting validated
That too. It's like chadfishing with heavily morphed pictures. If the picture is morphed slightly, to give you better skin or make your hair look a little tidier for example, that's within the realm of actual possibility and you can still feel validated to a degree. But if you're drastically altering your face, changing your jaw, fixing your nose, altering your eye colour and so on you can't seriously feel validated when that picture gets attention.
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extremely low iq comment

thats not how it works

my neurotransmitter thread will cover this
Let me specify. In MY eyes. I'm sure others have qualms about it, and I've also thought about this. But if you have the genes for brains to know of your situation and pick the right surgeries and surgeon how is that any different than bring born with good looking genes. Also I believe forward growth has more to do with proper oral posture than genetics. So it's not like your actual genes are messed up it could quite possibly be your early childhood that you had no control over that messed up your facial aesthetics.
5psl but nt mogs 7psl aspie
definitly not, if youre narcy who just want to mog and get validation from looking at yourself and iois. Aslo keep that in mind that at 7psl getting aspie is really hard if you're preetyboy or averge masculine. If you're like opry or de poot its possible
Validation is validation in my eyes.
Getting a compliment on your jaw implant is as validating as getting a high mark for an essay that your friend wrote for you.
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extremely low iq comment

thats not how it works

my neurotransmitter thread will cover this
Looking forward to it. Ur key to ascension post was based as fuck
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Tub of Lard-5.25-5.5
MD Hopeful-5.5
Darknlost-??? (not sure, I think hes a 5)
Mogging Machine-6
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definitly not, if youre narcy who just want to mog and get validation from looking at yourself and iois. Aslo keep that in mind that at 7psl getting aspie is really hard if you're preetyboy or averge masculine. If you're like opry or de poot its possible
im talking about for irl not tinder
Tub of Lard-5.25-5.5
MD Hopeful-5.5
Darknlost-??? (not sure, I think hes a 5)
Mogging Machine-5.5-6
u put mogging machine in the same rating as crisick and salludon? wtf bro cmon
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what’d rate him
i forgot how he looks like, he might be a psl 6 but putting salludon, who has not a single flaw in the same rating is bs in my opinion. mocking definitely has flaws imo. his head shape for example
i forgot how he looks like, he might be a psl 6 but putting salludon, who has not a single flaw in the same rating is bs in my opinion. mocking definitely has flaws imo. his head shape for example
salludon is the biggest meme ever in history of PSL
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Tub of Lard-5.25-5.5
MD Hopeful-5.5
Darknlost-??? (not sure, I think hes a 5)
Mogging Machine-6
titbot and darknlost are def not the same rating tbh

crisick mogs salludon cuz pheno

I agree Amnesia is the best tho, he’s more like a 6.5 imo
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im talking about for irl not tinder
im talking irl too. Depends what you want, if you want have happy social life being 5psl nt guy is better, if you want to mog other people becose youre narcy motherfucker, being 7psl and aspie will be better
no one will get past 6psl via surgerymaxxing if they’re lower than 5.5psl to begin with
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titbot and darknlost are def not the same rating tbh

crisick mogs salludon cuz pheno

I agree Amnesia is the best tho, he’s more like a 6.5 imo
darknlost is overrated, im not argueing

this isnt a "mog battle" its a psl rating.
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darknlost is overrated, im not argueing

this isnt a "mog battle" its a psl rating.
bro remember ur in psl. if u categorize more than two users, it will turn into a mog battle jfl
darknlost is overrated, im not argueing

this isnt a "mog battle" its a psl rating.
i’m not turning it into a mog battle lmao I’m just saying why the people I mentioned aren’t the same ratings in my opinion

at the end of the day none of it matters. you either get matches or you don’t. you either get laid or you don’t
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i’m not turning it into a mog battle lmao I’m just saying why the people I mentioned aren’t the same ratings in my opinion

at the end of the day none of it matters. you either get matches or you don’t. you either get laid or you don’t
attraction to women is binary.
attraction to men is qualitative.
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no one will get past 6psl via surgerymaxxing if they’re lower than 5.5psl to begin with
These sorts of sweeping statements are too rigid even if they are true as general rules.

There's a real issue around here with people taking sweeping statements like "guys below 6'1" can't be Chad" as absolute rules and then rating people who are demonstrably Chad-tier by every single other metric as something less than just because "he's only 5'11"". Same sort of story with ethnic penalties.
Psl ratings are a bunch of crap imo, in most cases they seem to have no relation normies standards.

There are people who would have technically improved in terms of psl but would either see no change in how they are treated irl or would be treated worse.

You can say all of this 10% will improve there life via Looksmaxxing shit and these people will reach 6.5psl but it doesn't mean how they are percieved irl will improve, it's not possible to tell until you actually change the way you look.

There are people who could go from a 4-5 who are then seen as a Chad irl and there are people who could go to a 5-6 and either nothing would change or they could be treated worse
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I don't believe this tbh
yeah it’s not that black and white

where you stand currently has little to do with your technical potential

some 4 could ascend to a 6 because he had a correctable flaw and otherwise good features, meanwhile some 5.5 could be hardstuck at his rating cuz his flaws are either minor or just realistically unfixable
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Psl ratings are a bunch of crap imo, in most cases they seem to have no relation normies standards.

There are people who would have technically improved in terms of psl but would either see no change in how they are treated irl or would be treated worse.

You can say all of this 10% will improve there life via Looksmaxxing shit and these people will reach 6.5psl but it doesn't mean how they are percieved irl will improve, it's not possible to tell until you actually change the way you look.

There are people who could go from a 4-5 who are then seen as a Chad irl and there are people who could go to a 5-6 and either nothing would change or they could be treated worse
to add to this when ppl show “after and before” pics, 99% of the time it’s a selfie. like a 2D, lens distorted selfie. for example, if i were to get rhino and under eye fillers, my selfie would basically look the same, but IRL it would be a lot different
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to add to this when ppl show “after and before” pics, 99% of the time it’s a selfie. like a 2D, lens distorted selfie. for example, if i were to get rhino and under eye fillers, my selfie would basically look the same, but IRL it would be a lot different
True, but to also add on to this further just because it technically is an improvement it doesn't mean people irl will see it that way, for example people irl may think your nose makes you more unique and is your defiant feature but once you change that you may lose your uniqueness which could negatively effect how people see you irl

I've been thinking of a theory for a while.
Don't really know what to call it but for know I'll call it something like the food theory ( wierd name but just hear me out)

People on this site have a strict idea of whats good looking which nobody irl lives by, people on here think you need hunter eyes and hollow cheeks to be good looking whilst irl its much more mixed than that and people all have there personal preferences. some people like chubby faces while others like gaunt faces for example

imo people should start thinking of looks similar to the way you think of food, everyone has there own personal preferences, not everyone likes the same food, sure there are foods which are more popular like chocolate or pizza but there are also people who dont like those foods and vice versa.

if people start thinking of looks this way they can tailor there own looksmaxxing plan which will actually make the most difference in how people see them irl as they can change the way they look to meet the specific preferences of the people around them instead of trying to get hunter eyes and hollow cheeks which the people around them may note like

sure this also means that you wont be able to please everyone and not everyone will think your good looking but youll be able to make the majority of the people around you more attracted to you

i personally am proof of this, before i lost weight i was a 3-3.5psl fattie but i got iois from girls because they thought i was cute and had a preference for cute and fat guys, then i lost weight and got lean, in terms of this site i improved but now im no longer seen as cute irl, most people think i look wierd or ugly as they dont have a preference for lean faces.

just an idea ive been thinking off, may not be right
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that’s not the point of the 10% club. the point is that only about 10% will truly ascend/their lives will greatly change. the rest will only benefit a bit.

it’s not about whos the most attractive it’s about who has the most potential
True, but to also add on to this further just because it technically is an improvement it doesn't mean people irl will see it that way, for example people irl may think your nose makes you more unique and is your defiant feature but once you change that you may lose your uniqueness which could negatively effect how people see you irl

I've been thinking of a theory for a while.
Don't really know what to call it but for know I'll call it something like the food theory ( wierd name but just hear me out)

People on this site have a strict idea of whats good looking which nobody irl lives by, people on here think you need hunter eyes and hollow cheeks to be good looking whilst irl its much more mixed than that and people all have there personal preferences. some people like chubby faces while others like gaunt faces for example

imo people should start thinking of looks similar to the way you think of food, everyone has there own personal preferences, not everyone likes the same food, sure there are foods which are more popular like chocolate or pizza but there are also people who dont like those foods and vice versa.

if people start thinking of looks this way they can tailor there own looksmaxxing plan which will actually make the most difference in how people see them irl as they can change the way they look to meet the specific preferences of the people around them instead of trying to get hunter eyes and hollow cheeks which the people around them may note like

sure this also means that you wont be able to please everyone and not everyone will think your good looking but youll be able to make the majority of the people around you more attracted to you

i personally am proof of this, before i lost weight i was a 3-3.5psl fattie but i got iois from girls because they thought i was cute and had a preference for cute and fat guys, then i lost weight and got lean, in terms of this site i improved but now im no longer seen as cute irl, most people think i look wierd or ugly as they dont have a preference for lean faces.

just an idea ive been thinking off, may not be right

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But this isn't a Looksmaxing forum
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