The biggest black pill about looksmaxing or bettering yourself


Deleted member 11126

Dec 4, 2020
Trying to better yourself can do wonders. But you can never get back the years of mental rot and alienation.

Guys who are fat at 30 but had good teen and early 20's will still have a strong foundation. If you rotted young you can never be fully normal. There will always be apart of your brain that is destroyed. Loneliness is probably one of the biggest ways to fuck yourself if you were lonely during formative years you will spend the rest of your life trying to make it up even if you become GL.
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Trying to better yourself can do wonders. But you can never get back the years of mental rot and alienation.

Guys who are fat at 30 but had good teen and early 20's will still have a strong foundation. If you rotted young you can never be fully normal. There will always be apart of your brain that is destroyed. Loneliness is probably one of the biggest ways to fuck yourself if you were lonely during formative years you will spend the rest of your life trying to make it up even if you become GL.
brutal truth. this pill hits so hard. tryna get validation but no one gives me the validation that will fill my brutallly deep void. thats why its waaay more over for the mentalcels. sex is cool dopamine rush is cool. but after that you gonna remember that you are lonely and would get no unconditional love anyways. even chad gets bitter cuz he doesnt really get commitment either. society is fucked,the world is on fire.

same shit for the men too. lots of men are no diff than women, they are npcs and hidden narcs.
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But amnesia ascended at 30 :soy:
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Legit, it never began for us mentalcels. I missed out on young love and will never regain that time and youth again. My mental scars will forever remain. :feelswhy:
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But amnesia ascended at 30 :soy:
you can ascend being a ltn and hypersocial msot of the times (if we consider ascending; losing your v card to a none escort girl). i can just let my friend text that hypersexual weird jb and book a group sex with my friends. im seriosly fat af and look like a bulldog with gyno + autism. i can have sex. yeah im lucky to have a special sets of variables that create that condition to let me fuck. while thinking this idea is smart asf im scared to get looked down for offering that + im mentally so scarred that i will turn back to my old ways just after i stop fuckin and cooming
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if we consider ascending losing your v card to a none escort girl
you can ascend being a ltn and hypersocial msot of the times (if we consider ascending losing your v card). i can just let my friend text that hypersexual weird jb and book a group sex with my friends. im seriosly fat af and look like a bulldog with gyno + autism. i can have sex. yeah im lucky to have a special sets of variables that create that condition to let me fuck. while thinking this idea is smart asf im scared to get looked down for offering that + im mentally so scarred that i will turn back to my old ways just after i stop fuckin and cooming
But amnesia ascended at 30 :soy:
I'd rather be a normie in my teens and have a mediocre 30's then the reverse.

Amnesia clearly is over compensating for his old life. Any normal person with decent social approval is more stable. But you play with the cards you are dealt either way I think its good on him for improving
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brutal truth. this pill hits so hard. tryna get validation but no one gives me the validation that will fill my brutallly deep void. thats why its waaay more over for the mentalcels. sex is cool dopamine rush is cool. but after that you gonna remember that you are lonely and would get no unconditional love anyways. even chad gets bitter cuz he doesnt really get commitment either. society is fucked,the world is on fire.

same shit for the men too. lots of men are no diff than women, they are npcs and hidden narcs.
may Allah destroy the universe
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That it doesn’t exist and you are your genetics.
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may Allah destroy the universe
i got pain flowin in my veins
prayin to god everyday askin why he put me in this place
king reidyz can you shove that guitar on that hoes face
because she is making lots of noise i can't hear the notes that you playin
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i got pain flowin in my veins
prayin to god everyday askin why he put that in this place
king reidyz can you shove that guitar on that hoes face
because she is making lots of noise i can't hear the notes that you playin
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That it doesn’t exist and you are your genetics.
over for non nt blackcels.

non nt white guy = stupid but can improve himself just abit but

non nt black guy = totally invisible most autist acting guy because black ppl should always be hypersocial.

also black ppl need to be significantly better because of their ethnic failio.
over for non nt blackcels.

non nt white guy = stupid but can improve himself just abit but

non nt black guy = totally invisible most autist acting guy because black ppl should always be hypersocial.

also black ppl need to be significantly better because of their ethnic failio.
Lol if you are black and date within your own race there's no failo jfl
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There's also the aspect of possibly being 35 years old or something by the time you do fully better yourself and by that time, you're just too old.
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over for non nt blackcels.

non nt white guy = stupid but can improve himself just abit but

non nt black guy = totally invisible most autist acting guy because black ppl should always be hypersocial.

also black ppl need to be significantly better because of their ethnic failio.
My worldview revolves around objectivity, not loosely defined gaslighting like ‘Muh nT’
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That it doesn’t exist and you are your genetics.
You still see this in good looking people (although far less because most good looking people have better upbringings). I've met a Chad with BPD and extreme abandonment issues because his mother beat him through childhood.

Its just ugly people are almost guaranteed to have a bad childhood. While for good looking people its a fluke (usually really bad parents or sexual abuse) not something done to them by society at large
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There's also the aspect of possibly being 35 years old or something by the time you do fully better yourself and by that time, you're just too old.
How does it take you till 35 to better yourself?
Lol if you are black and date within your own race there's no failo jfl
maybe... i dont reside on the us so i dont teally know. but if we consider stats that you can derive from online observations, full black women like mulattos and white people waaay more than full black ppl.

being mulatto is a niche smv changer. It can up or down your percieved smv to some women while decreasing to some. being ful black is a definetly a neutral if not a failio.

also im not racist and talking things from a smv wise perceptive.
ngl this is the pill that hurts the most

because I was bullied and mistreated and then a social pariah for the first 19 years of my life,

of course I am weird asf with warped social skills after that

all my ‘social skills’ are simulated, I am manually trying to be nt.

normies have been validated lifelong and don’t have to think for a second
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Reactions: Daniel Plainview and Deleted member 11126
Trying to better yourself can do wonders. But you can never get back the years of mental rot and alienation.

Guys who are fat at 30 but had good teen and early 20's will still have a strong foundation. If you rotted young you can never be fully normal. There will always be apart of your brain that is destroyed. Loneliness is probably one of the biggest ways to fuck yourself if you were lonely during formative years you will spend the rest of your life trying to make it up even if you become GL.
I don't ever want to see younger guys rot. If you're overweight, lose it! And beware of enablers in your household and family. Moms tend to be such not because they mean wrong, but because they don't want you to leave home. Prior to the new millennium, families were taught to push their children out by 20 so they can make their own families and lives. But we have discovered it wasn't both of the parents pushing that narrative. It was the DADs! And now that Dad has been removed from most households, the mom needs a male present so they clang on to the son, or sons. And she knows her foes. Other vaginas. So making sure the child stays unattractive will keep him by her side. And I am by no means ridiculing mothers. I get it! But what they fail to understand; they've been taken advantage of by SOMETHING ELSE.
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How does it take you till 35 to better yourself?

In my case personally I'm already almost 29, so by the time I would be fully gymcelled, fashionmaxxed, moneymaxxed etc. I'd likely be at least 35. This would be especially true if I decided to do invasive surgeries like orbital box osteotomy.

I get there are a lot of youngcels here who could be fully maxxed by their mid to late twenties though. That said, even being around my age can be a handicap as far as finding women (18-22 year olds will often not be interested).
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My worldview revolves around objectivity, not loosely defined gaslighting like ‘Muh nT’
4psl+ non mentalcel ppl get pussy.
however nt isnt a factor for someone like blackops2cel. also when im saying nt its just not acting weird, not having a degree in autistic RedPill game tactics.
brutal truth. this pill hits so hard. tryna get validation but no one gives me the validation that will fill my brutallly deep void. thats why its waaay more over for the mentalcels. sex is cool dopamine rush is cool. but after that you gonna remember that you are lonely and would get no unconditional love anyways. even chad gets bitter cuz he doesnt really get commitment either. society is fucked,the world is on fire.

same shit for the men too. lots of men are no diff than women, they are npcs and hidden narcs.
Yeah there is a saying... Whatever you lacked in childhood you will crave for the rest of your life. Kids who starved in childhood often will always be worried about food even if they become wealthy. Someone who lacked validation will most likely be playing catch up for the rest of their lives. Its the same as a kid who was starved if he gets older and can afford food he can eat himself till he is obese but he will never forget the sleepless nights where he was starving no amount of present eating can get rid of what happened in the past. The same is true with validation. Food and validation are the same in your mind. Your mind associates loneliness with you being on the brink of death. The pain of hunger is the same as the pain of alienation

Its sad because the mind never forgets. If you were starving you will always be thinking of it. Your brain can't tell that you now have food security and will always assume that you are one step away from going hungry. A lot of these people end up with eating disorders or store a lot of food. The same is true with validation you will always assume you will lose it. Even when you get friends or a gf your mind will be constantly worried of losing this since you have nothing stable to base it off of.

Legit, it never began for us mentalcels. I missed out on young love and will never regain that time and youth again. My mental scars will forever remain. :feelswhy:
Its ironically not even about sex (at least for me). It was more like not having any close friends and being bullied. In middle school and early HS I didn't even want a gf I just wanted a single friend to talk with. Plenty of religious guys end up fine despite having little to no sex early on its the ones who have no support structure that are fucked.

ngl this is the pill that hurts the most

because I was bullied and mistreated and then a social pariah for the first 19 years of my life,

of course I am weird asf with warped social skills after that

all my ‘social skills’ are simulated, I am manually trying to be nt.

normies have been validated lifelong and don’t have to think for a second
Yeah its a game of catch up except normies don't even know its a race and you were running in the wrong direction at the start of the gun lol.
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maybe... i dont reside on the us so i dont teally know. but if we consider stats that you can derive from online observations, full black women like mulattos and white people waaay more than full black ppl.

being mulatto is a niche smv changer. It can up or down your percieved smv to some women while decreasing to some. being ful black is a definetly a neutral if not a failio.

also im not racist and talking things from a smv wise perceptive.
Cope most black women prefer their own and only date them.

Most black dont like mulatto jfl

It's only à failo if you love women of other race but if you only go for blk women then you'll have a better SMV since black women are the most attracted to black guys🤲🏻
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Cope most black women prefer their own and only date them.

Most black dont like mulatto jfl

It's only à failo if you love women of other race but if you only go for blk women then you'll have a better SMV since black women are the most attracted to black guys🤲🏻
i dont reside on us so yeah
In my case personally I'm already almost 29, so by the time I would be fully gymcelled, fashionmaxxed, moneymaxxed etc. I'd likely be at least 35. This would be especially true if I decided to do invasive surgeries like orbital box osteotomy.

I get there are a lot of youngcels here who could be fully maxxed by their mid to late twenties though. That said, even being around my age can be a handicap as far as finding women (18-22 year olds will often not be interested).
Yeah I guess thats true for you I'm 19 if I couldn't looksmax by 26 it would be over anyways.

I don't ever want to see younger guys rot. If you're overweight, lose it! And beware of enablers in your household and family. Moms tend to be such not because they mean wrong, but because they don't want you to leave home. Prior to the new millennium, families were taught to push their children out by 20 so they can make their own families and lives. But we have discovered it wasn't both of the parents pushing that narrative. It was the DADs! And now that Dad has been removed from most households, the mom needs a male present so they clang on to the son, or sons. And she knows her foes. Other vaginas. So making sure the child stays unattractive will keep him by her side. And I am by no means ridiculing mothers. I get it! But what they fail to understand; they've been taken advantage of by SOMETHING ELSE.
I'm conflicted on this kicking your kids out... Because on one hand being a NEET early in life is the worst possible thing but it also destroys intergenerational wealth.

I think if you are the right person you should stay home to save money but if you find being at home makes you lazy and you aren't doing shit by 20 years old just leave. I guess it really depends...
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what a negative post, if you went from 0 to 100 every compliment you get you get 100x the dopamine than someone that was always good looking you get the feeling, YOU MADE IT, YOU DID IT MF and that dopamine makes you strive for the fucking best you get a winner motivation because you know you can do it

you just have bad social experience you are saying but you can build up in steps just by practising and getting out of your comfort zone
when you were younger like 8 you also had social experience because almost everyone got friends at that age, you guys arent aspy you just lack the social experience because of all the fucking rotting
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what a negative post, if you went from 0 to 100 every compliment you get you get 100x the dopamine than someone that was always good looking you get the feeling, YOU MADE IT, YOU DID IT MF

you just have bad social experience you are saying but you can build up in steps just by practising and getting out of your comfort zone
when you were younger like 8 you also had social experience because almost everyone got friends at that age, you guys arent aspy you just lack the social experience because of all the fucking rotting

right? @Amnesia you arent even aspy lmao when i called with you on discord you sounded like a normal guy
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Can vouch. Was fat for 24 years. Lost virginity at age 26. Quit college of 22 because of bullying due to me being fat. I can never recover for those years of torment
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mogger country. how is social hierarchy and npcness of the ppl there? are they bunch of copycat robots
Yes completly,most people here are NPC with shor term memory
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Can vouch. Was fat for 24 years. Lost virginity at age 26. Quit college of 22 because of bullying due to me being fat. I can never recover for those years of torment
Honestly parents who let their kids be fat should get a huge fine or jail time even. If your kid is under 18 and overweight your the one feeding them the food most likely.

Its a real shame :(
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Reactions: Daniel Plainview, Prince88 and Deleted member 8365
True as fuck. I will never mentally recover I think for missing out on my developing years in teens, early 20s, bullied and ostracized, and I was in a dark room for years. Even if I looksmaxxed those years would still be in my mind, and I’d still be underdeveloped mentally anyway, both due to the isolation and the aspergers. I’d still hate normies for having led a normal and happy upbringing. Loneliness and isolation is a lot lore harmfull than people think
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Yes completly,most people here are NPC with shor term memory
they are not different than the most of the world, even a bit, global society is 80% npc's
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Reactions: Daniel Plainview and Deleted member 19036
True as fuck. I will never mentally recover I think for missing out on my developing years in teens, early 20s, bullied and ostracized, and I was in a dark room for years. Even if I looksmaxxed those years would still be in my mind, and I’d still be underdeveloped mentally anyway, both due to the isolation and the aspergers. I’d still hate normies for having led a normal and happy upbringing. Loneliness and isolation is a lot lore harmfull than people think
Loneliness in studies has been associated with the same negative effects as smoking 20 packs a day.
The cortisol caused by it is what kills you in the long term. You have to understand loneliness is on par with feeling like you will die being lonely is your minds way of warning you that you will die.

Anyone 400 years ago who was an extreme social pariah could easily be killed and if we think back to tribal times not being apart of the group meant certain death. So your brain spikes cortisol as if it were a matter of life and death. This doesn't matter anymore but our minds are still the same if you feel constant alienation and isolation your brain assumes you are in mortal danger this over the long term will ruin you
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Reactions: Daniel Plainview, BigJimsWornOutTires, jaw_is_law and 3 others
Trying to better yourself can do wonders. But you can never get back the years of mental rot and alienation.

Guys who are fat at 30 but had good teen and early 20's will still have a strong foundation. If you rotted young you can never be fully normal. There will always be apart of your brain that is destroyed. Loneliness is probably one of the biggest ways to fuck yourself if you were lonely during formative years you will spend the rest of your life trying to make it up even if you become GL.
Mentally crippled by lonely teen years
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Reactions: Daniel Plainview, Prince88, BigJimsWornOutTires and 2 others
Trying to better yourself can do wonders. But you can never get back the years of mental rot and alienation.

Guys who are fat at 30 but had good teen and early 20's will still have a strong foundation. If you rotted young you can never be fully normal. There will always be apart of your brain that is destroyed. Loneliness is probably one of the biggest ways to fuck yourself if you were lonely during formative years you will spend the rest of your life trying to make it up even if you become GL.
its true, the same thing goes for inmates who go in solitary confinement. They are permanently mentally fucked up from the experience and they can never be the same as before
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Reactions: Daniel Plainview and Deleted member 11126
Loneliness in studies has been associated with the same negative effects as smoking 20 packs a day.
The cortisol caused by it is what kills you in the long term. You have to understand loneliness is on par with feeling like you will die being lonely is your minds way of warning you that you will die.

Anyone 400 years ago who was an extreme social pariah could easily be killed and if we think back to tribal times not being apart of the group meant certain death. So your brain spikes cortisol as if it were a matter of life and death. This doesn't matter anymore but our minds are still the same if you feel constant alienation and isolation your brain assumes you are in mortal danger this over the long term will ruin you
yes well said

now we have things like or you can even rent a girlfriend too
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