The BIGGEST Looksmaxxing MYTH of All Time!

Hairstyle on facial shape and what type of features you have. For some people such as myself lounger hair fits me more than short hair. however yea there’s a certain level where haircut doesn’t matter
I have a very strong lower third and sadly high forehead. How does this add up?
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@ReadBooksEveryday for your pleasure lets see what copes commence. Tee-hee.
long hair doesnt look terrible on you but i can guarantee you will look 10x younger and healthier with short hair. much more masc and virile, trust me.

high forehead is a masc trait i wouldn't worry about it as long as you're not still <20
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long hair doesnt look terrible on you but i can guarantee you will look 10x younger and healthier with short hair. much more masc and virile, trust me.

high forehead is a masc trait i wouldn't worry about it as long as you're not still <20
I might look like a prettyboy if I do this. Long hair is seen clicheingly as being a youth descriptor the older you are i guess.

This imbecile thinks the right is manlier than the left lmao.
@forevermirin if you take this guys logic. It would be a more drastic, extreme change. I look like this when hair tied up, as close to short hair test as can be.
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High IQ post tbh. There's a reason so many normies get the standard boring fade. Copers here can make fun of it as much as they want but these dudes always do better than some random normies with longer hair

The only dudes I've seen that can pull of longer hair better than a boring fade are Asians and that's largely because they get it trimmed every 3 weeks or so and spent a fortune on these medium haistyles. An average dude growing out his hair like Vinnie hacker will look like total shit

The same logic of what OP said can be applied to facial hair as well. Retards on this forum tell people to shave like the average guy has a tiktoker jaw and collagen. Meanwhile you go out on a Friday night and see literally all the stacies are with dudes who have stubble, goatees etc. Only exception is noodle stacies with shaved Changs
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its true. feminine faces might look better with long hair (aka most male models who are worshipped here) but for most males shorter hairstyles mog. especially from 20 upwards when the face is masculine
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The only dudes I've seen that can pull of longer hair better than a boring fade are Asians and that's largely because they get it trimmed every 3 weeks or so and spent a fortune on these medium haistyles.
yep, you mention 2 points i could've added to the main post:
1. medium length hair is usually the longest u need to cover "failos" like weird ears or a big forehead.
2. non-short hair need regular maintenance and styling - if you are willing to put in the effort and spend the $ for that then sure go ahead, but i dont think the pros are large enough to outweigh the convenience of short hair and being able to go through your day without even worrying about your hair.

and yeah, the chad worship on this forum is mental illness with how they use 1 in 1000 guys as "examples" lol. it shows with the type of pics the average user here will post - a weird squint looking like a psychopath, thinking it makes them look like models when in reality they look deranged.
yep, you mention 2 points i could've added to the main post:
1. medium length hair is usually the longest u need to cover "failos" like weird ears or a big forehead.
You said that high forehead is masc and at least double the size of medium. The type to make women and men jealous. So which one is it? Before you, I've never heard of a high forehead as a halo.
2. non-short hair need regular maintenance and styling - if you are willing to put in the effort and spend the $ for that then sure go ahead, but i dont think the pros are large enough to outweigh the convenience of short hair and being able to go through your day without even worrying about your hair.
Imagine reading this as me and seeing how profoundly, testosteronelessly pathetic this comes across as. Just saying.
and yeah, the chad worship on this forum is mental illness with how they use 1 in 1000 guys as "examples" lol. it shows with the type of pics the average user here will post - a weird squint looking like a psychopath, thinking it makes them look like models when in reality they look deranged.
Fair points. If this is at me then well got a lot to do.
If you've ever used an online looksmaxxing forum you've probably come across this hundreds of times. It's literally the most common piece of advice given to lost greycels since the inception of psl in 2008, and has driven many a gullible greycel to insanity.

"Just grow your hair out bro!"

A quick search of this very forum reveals countless such posts, either born out of ignorance or worse, malice.

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"But why are these reputed Looksmax users with so many reputations giving such bad advice!???", you may ask ...

Well the answer isn't so straightforward .. first we must remember average forum user IQ is 78.

Many of these users are misled by famous "femalegaze" celebrities with long hair.
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And are unable to separate his appeal from his "long hair" .. it's about as dumb as suggesting Zayn Malik is thirsted over for his nosering.

In reality, 99% males will look better with shorter hair - there is a reason the SS soldiers got their reputation as being the best looking military of all time.

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The only men who will actually benefit from growing out their hair, are the ones blessed with top percentile dimorphism, primarily in their lower third.

And I mean literally TOP percentile, like 1% - where it gets so masculine and intimidating that the long hair are almost necessary to give these people some semblance of balance instead of looking like low empathy low iq cavemen.

So unless you belong to that bracket (you probably don't) -

keep your hair SHORT

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It's all about hairline. Long hair young mogs for prettyboymaxxing
IMG 6430

this or HELL

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