The BIGGEST PROBLEM with blackpill becoming mainstream

Most people still actively discriminate against ugly people, just because they aren't measuring ratios or recession doesn't mean soyciety as a whole isn't blackpilled.
but it will increase exponentially especially when foids are blackpilled
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girls want attention and validation

niggas here be like "all girls get validaion" cope bro, INSTAGRAM BADDIES get attention n super simps

so unless ur aiming for that, if u juts give affection and smoe vdalitino or attnetino to a girl she will crush on un nshi
You should do a juggernaut law fish. It's very easy for average girls to get attention.
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The goyim know.
  • JFL
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You should do a juggernaut law fish. It's very easy for average girls to get attention.
well in my uni most niggas are scared to approach and shit and many bad bitches

it worked for me bro, ofc u need some looks but u need social circle ns hit
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Screenshot 55

Angry Jon Bernthal GIF by NETFLIX
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Screenshot 57

Exactly that is what im talking about. Now you can get away with features like rounded occiput(what I have).But if females get blackpilled they will see it as an incel feature and will increase their standards
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Its written . U cant stop blacpill
Its written . U cant stop blacpill
You could.Right now there 30 bluepillers watching this thread.A portion of them is probably female.If we would make this site private they couldnt lurk anymore
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The implications you described is a good thing. This creates a generation of literal mogger men. To me, that makes human striving and crazy effort worth it. It isn't about you and me; nature and the world in general doesn't exist to cater to your (or my) personal needs. If you aren't beautiful (you don't provide aesthetic value or genetic value), like me, then provide value in other ways. Become competent, speak the truth, provide service, provide hospitality, make beautiful art etc. Not everything is about "I'm gn be lonely", only beautiful people are born with the right to not be lonely, that's just the way it works. Many of us here, on the other hand, have to hard analyze beauty like autists and looksmaxx hard for 3-5 years just to get a fraction of what chad gets, and even then we may not even get a fraction; again, that's just the way it works. You're better off looksmaxxed with nothing than fat and ugly with nothing.
  • +1
Reactions: datboijj
I see no problem with that.

A few generations later there will be an increase in Chad (winner) population and that's a good thing.

I wish my mother knew about this features and chosed a better looking man.

Sounds good in theory but every retarded whore reproduces so you destroy chads genetic stock so they all become a repeat of the last gen literally no point in this solution
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  • Hmm...
Reactions: ALP, Deleted member 21531 and Deleted member 2729
So many of you probably saw NORTHS newest thread if not watch it

This video has 27k likes and the top comments are about looksmax and shit and if you look at his thread there are even Females admitting to have an undercover account here.
So 100 THOUSANDS of people see this and get to know about the blackpill.And many here say that it doesnt matter when normies get to know about it but what many forget is the problem that
females get to know about the blackpill

So while many females today are already CHAD ONLY there are some who are still satisfied with Normie lookslevel, probably because of traditional parenting or stuff like that.
But if they see this video as an example they see which features are
CHAD FEATURES and which are INCEL FEATURES , which gets into their subconcious mind.And then everytime they see their normie boyfriend their subconcious mind tells them he has incel features, so hes subhuman and she loses attraction to him.And when she goes to this site after seeing the vid she will learn even more about CHAD and Incel features and then she will become CHAD ONLY, because her subconciouss mind tells her everytime when she sees someone with incel features or Chad features

Women already subconciously know what is attractive and what isn't. Strong jawline, prominent cheekbones, piercing hunter eyes have been the beauty standard since forever
The implications you described is a good thing. This creates a generation of literal mogger men. To me, that makes human striving and crazy effort worth it. It isn't about you and me; nature and the world in general doesn't exist to cater to your (or my) personal needs. If you aren't beautiful (you don't provide aesthetic value or genetic value), like me, then provide value in other ways. Become competent, speak the truth, provide service, provide hospitality, make beautiful art etc. Not everything is about "I'm gn be lonely", only beautiful people are born with the right to not be lonely, that's just the way it works. Many of us here, on the other hand, have to hard analyze beauty like autists and looksmaxx hard for 3-5 years just to get a fraction of what chad gets, and even then we may not even get a fraction; again, that's just the way it works. You're better off looksmaxxed with nothing than fat and ugly with nothing.
Even if thats your goal it probably wont happen because most girls dont wanna even reproduce with chad, they just wanna fuck him.Most girls dont even wanna get any children at all
If blackpill goes Mainstream its unironically over for my efforts
why are you such a cuck bro
Wow in future there are more Chads so your chances decrease more and more to get any love at all
Bro ı m already run out off hope and on the edge of giving up, ı just want to see less people suffer and go through the things ı ve experienced.

This has nothing to with cuckness.
Become a betabux
  • Ugh..
Reactions: Zarek
I see no problem with that.

A few generations later there will be an increase in Chad (winner) population and that's a good thing.

I wish my mother knew about this features and chosed a better looking man.
its all in orthotropics and mewing. Its not genetics.
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 22126
I see no problem with that.

A few generations later there will be an increase in Chad (winner) population and that's a good thing.

I wish my mother knew about this features and chosed a better looking man.
why are you such a cuck bro
Wow in future there are more Chads so your chances decrease more and more to get any love at all
Your life only gets lonier if this happens because you arent one of the chads that gets born in the future you are you.
Besides that:Most females dont even wanna get children, they just want to fuck Chad so there wont be even a big increase of good looking humans if no humans get born
Women Hypergamy is REAL! No matter the Chad population in a society..... let's take 100 Chad for instance in a test society where there are 100 females also..... they will always choose the best looking Chads among them..... but few May settle for lower Chads..... but if they knew about BLACKPILL these women would settle for MOST GIGACHAD looking man among them!!!!! Now do u both understand brothers???🥺
if you're ugly now, you will be ugly when girls learn about these things. if you're attractive now, you will be attractive when girls learn about these things.
a girl measuring your chin to ass crack ratio in her head isn't gonna change her opinions on you
just become hot and shut the fuck up
Yo this is not good guys. I agree with @Zarek, we need to shut this down before it gets out of hand. We can't have females browsing here and becoming aware, then they will only become more picky and then its over

Mods @StormlitAqua can we make this site private?
  • Hmm...
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Yo this is not good guys. I agree with @Zarek, we need to shut this down before it gets out of hand. We can't have females browsing here and becoming aware, then they will only become more picky and then its over

Mods @StormlitAqua can we make this site private?
These guys are right. The additional public knowledge isn't good.

Everyone is underestimating how rapidly this would influence peoples perceptions

we already know how contagious this knowledge is once you accept it.

Some say people here are obsessive for diving in so much. But let's think about this, if it was popular to just accept it.. it will be just as consuming for an average person as people here. I think this information does that to anyone, it's just not public. Popular beliefs and values shield people from ever considering this stuff further instead of brushing it off. But what happens when the 'its true' part is just accepted by people
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These guys are right. The additional public knowledge isn't good.

Everyone is underestimating how rapidly this would influence peoples perceptions

we already know how contagious this knowledge is once you accept it.
ya plus, a lot of people researched and studied a lot to improve their looks, but now any random joe can come on the forum and browse best of the best without having put any effort... I think at least that section should be private to members only. Tik tok has been really bad in the sense that it has spread black pill awareness to millions of people...

which means more competition, and females discovering this and higher standards all around. I feel uneasy about this. But the one good thing as @mvp2v1 said above, is that there will be more innovation and people willing to try new devices and things to see what works and what doesnt. Hence, we would essentially be creating a master race in the next generation lol

MODS MAKE THE SITE PRIVATE! Like this if you agree
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ya plus, a lot of people researched and studied a lot to improve their looks, but now any random joe can come on the forum and browse best of the best without having put any effort... I think at least that section should be private to members only. Tik tok has been really bad in the sense that it has spread black pill awareness to millions of people...

which means more competition, and females discovering this and higher standards all around. I feel uneasy about this. But the one good thing as @mvp2v1 said above, is that there will be more innovation and people willing to try new devices and things to see what works and what doesnt. Hence, we would essentially be creating a master race in the next generation lol

MODS MAKE THE SITE PRIVATE! Like this if you agree
I don't know about master race since it doesn't change genetics.
I don't know about master race since it doesn't change genetics.
there's this thing called epigenetics... your health when you conceive definitely has an impact on the child you create, that is after all why people look for those who are the most healthy/ good looking, because it signals good reproductive capability

Think about it for a second. I'll use weight since its the most obvious example. A 300 lb obese guy who wouldn't be given a second glance by 99% of females could transform and become the guy every girl wants. Lets say when he was obese, he was prediabetic and had numerous other related health issues. When he became fit, then those health issues went away. So in a sense, he changed his genetics. When he reproduces, he will be less likely to be passing on those previous tendencies for diabetes and other health issues.

If you don't believe in epigenetics, then this conversation is over. But why do you think Gen Z is so tall. Compare them to your grandparents who are probably 4 inches shorter on avg. Better nutrition. And women like taller guys. Why? Bc taller guys will reproduce taller children, thats one oversimplification

My point is that doing these things that max out your potential will undoubtedly have an effect on the genes that you pass on. Hence, it is my belief that your genes are not entirely fixed. Things like hair color, and skin color sure. But im talking about your looks and what potential your future child could have. A woman drinking during pregnancy can give the child deformities like autism and down syndrome. Had she not done that, her child would have been healthy and normal. This is what i mean by epigenetics or the expression of one's genes being dependent on the health and habits of the parents
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there's this thing called epigenetics... your health when you conceive definitely has an impact on the child you create, that is after all why people look for those who are the most healthy/ good looking, because it signals good reproductive capability

Think about it for a second. I'll use weight since its the most obvious example. A 300 lb obese guy who wouldn't be given a second glance by 99% of females could transform and become the guy every girl wants. Lets say when he was obese, he was prediabetic and had numerous other related health issues. When he became fit, then those health issues went away. So in a sense, he changed his genetics. When he reproduces, he will be less likely to be passing on those previous tendencies for diabetes and other health issues.

If you don't believe in epigenetics, then this conversation is over. But why do you think Gen Z is so tall. Compare them to your grandparents who are probably 4 inches shorter on avg. Better nutrition. And women like taller guys. Why? Bc taller guys will reproduce taller children, thats one oversimplification

My point is that doing these things that max out your potential will undoubtedly have an effect on the genes that you pass on. Hence, it is my belief that your genes are not entirely fixed. Things like hair color, and skin color sure. But im talking about your looks and what potential your future child could have. A woman drinking during pregnancy can give the child deformities like autism and down syndrome. Had she not done that, her child would have been healthy and normal. This is what i mean by epigenetics or the expression of one's genes being dependent on the health and habits of the parents
Totally agree with that.

I'm thinking things like implants and bone modifications, etc. Hardmaxxing
You can show this presentation to every college in the world and people will still believe looks is irrelevant in day-to-day life. Bluepilled disney conditioning has been going on since the 50's. One little essay isn't enough to thwart their brainwashing.
Brainless take

You show a presentation about looks importance in life people will then look for ways to improve.

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