The Blackpill Manifesto, Final Blackpill: Why Women are actually the superior gender

Women can get laid twice a day if they wanted. They don't have a refractory period and can orgasm frequently. I once listened to an audio clip of a woman having 14 orgasms in two hours while getting fucked by a chad with a giant penis (listening to it was utter suicide fuel since it served as a harrowing reminder not only of how chad mogs us sexually but also on how much better sex feels for women).
Just finished reading the first part.

Amazing topic, man, you're a good writer, and more importantly, knows how to express yourself in a simple and non-pedantic way, which makes the reading pleasurable.

The points that most atracted my attention were: the myth of meritocracy and how many people delve too much in philosophy: in order to be perceived as a smart ass and also because they don't have much going on in their lives.

Another successful stream!

MGTOW streamer Shit Throwing Monkey used the mouse to navigate toward the controls and turned the stream off, therefore disconnecting him from the legions of coping idiots who had grown clinically addicted to his bullshit.

He gloated.

You could never bash women enough.

For their sub-humanity. For their lesserness.

Only men could build civilizations, and somebody had to remind the world of this fact. Others wouldn't do it, for they were weak.

But not him.

Not Mister Shit Throwing Monkey with his legions of based as fuck basement dwelling perma-virgins.

Because you see, he was so insanely high IQ he'd managed to figure something out nobody else could.

That women are USELESS.

This is why, in his infinite wisdom, he stopped seeing women entirely, in favor of dating a dead piece of plastic.

His AI terminator waifu represented the ultimate fuck you to all the smelly holes of this world.

Naturally, others didn't see it that way and just called him a sub-human coper, but such insults did not faze him. After all, he was a REAL man, and REAL men don't need other people's approval.

Which is why he spent all his time livestreaming his hatred of women to gain the approval of other men equally as based.

Nothing says 'masculine' like being a woman-hating MGTOW redpill livestreamer shitposting ancap troll that is married to a plastic uncanny valley abomination from hell. It was no fault of his own that so-called 'blupiller normies' failed to see that he had the hormone of the god in his body. Or at least he use to at some point. Now being well into his 40s, his real test levels were probably lower than his grandpa's.

The monkey gloated.

It was time to stream again.

"And in today's monkey market news, everything the government and normies say is wrong and you can expect the opposite of whatever they say so please listen to my retarded advice and then maybe you'll make some money unless I'm wrong and you lose it all but that won't happen because I know what's best and am always right and you idiots just can't see it..."

After rambling about money for an hour, he moved on to his favorite subject of bashing women.

"Did you know that rape is no longer illegal! Like what the fuck bro? In a REAL society with REAL men, nobody asks for permission to take what they want! Once you've paid for that pussy, you should just take that fucking shit man! It's because of bullshit like this that we have to fuck dolls instead! Dolls never complain! That delicious plastic never says no!" He started beating his chest savagely. "MIGTOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW!!!!!!"

Women were useless and he knew it. They contributed no social value. Unlike himself, who got all his money giving shitty investment advice to sexually frustrated manchildren on the internet. Truly his seed was the nectar of the gods.

The myth of male superiority

Before you all start calling me a coping soyboy faggot, lets make something clear.

Women are terrible fucking people.

It's just that this doesn't actually make them inferior. As a matter of fact, being a so-called 'good' person is a decisive disadvantage.

The point of this final entry into the BlackPill Manifesto, is to call out the final and ultimate cope of all. The cope to end all copes.

The myth of male superiority.

Not only are men NOT superior to women, but there is even a surprisingly large amount of evidence that men are actually just outright inferior.

Yes, you heard that right.

Men are inferior to women.

Not merely not better.


And we're going to completely demolish this cope once and for all.

How the cope got started

It all started thousands of years ago when men created monogamy. And no, they didn't do it out of the kindness of their heart toward the betas, but rather, the idea was to create a stable caste system as to preserve the power structure. You can't have static social classes if women can just go around fucking whoever they want, so out of necessity, the ruling classes created an 'only one woman per man' rule.

Capitalist cucks will argue that the reason monogamy was invented was to give the betas a reason to invest in their society. That if they had 'skin in the game', then they would have a reason to care, get a job, fight in the army, etc. The problem with their argument is that monogamy predates capitalist society by thousands of years. Pre-industrial peasants didn't have any reason to give a shit about any of this, yet monogamy and religion were still forced on them regardless.

But you can't impose this kind of system without selling the masses some kind of lie to keep it all going.

And they did that by convincing the betas that they were the so-called 'men of the household'.

The basic premise of the lie was simple: Even if you, as a random male peasant nobody, weren't an actual real king or lord, at least you could be the 'king/lord' of your own specific household. A mini-king if you will.

The lie worked. Men totally bought into it, and thus the notion that men = superior was born.

So why is it all bullshit, then?

While patriarchy may look like a good deal for the men on the surface, it's actually pretty cucked

The idea of patriarchy sounds like a good idea in a superficial way: The man is the absolute ruler of the household, but in turn, the women must serve him and bear his children.

Fair deal, right?

Not really.

For starters, when you consider the conditions of the time, it's actually the woman who reaps most of the benefit. She didn't have to go to war (itself a massive benefit), was automatically guaranteed income from her husband, and could easily find a replacement if the husband died (the idea people didn't divorce in ancient times is also a myth btw).

As for the males?

They got to spend their entire lives taking care of an ungrateful beast that didn't give a shit about them outside of their role as a beta provider.

Sure, their women couldn't fuck around with Chad (though many probably still did anyway), but that seems like a small price to pay by the standards of the era. In modern times it's even more fucked up, because now women also have welfare, modern technology, etc.

The fact of the matter is that being a male has ALWAYS been worse. It's not a recent development, it's merely even worse now.

This brings us to perhaps one of the biggest giga copes the redpiller types like to throw around...

Men have historically had more power, but that doesn't actually really mean anything when you consider that women don't even have any need for it anyway

Ask yourself this: What is the point of having power? Why would somebody want to be the king?


The king has access to wealth, and for most of history Wealth = A harem of beautiful women

Women don't give a shit about power, because they can merely whore themselves to the king or lord and get whatever they want in that way.

Using their bodies, women can obtain all the benefits of power without dealing with the downsides. Nobody is going to assassinate the princess sucking the king's dick. Only kings and princes have to worry about getting their heads chopped off or having someone slip poison into their food.

"Muh men run everything!!!!!"
"Muh men are da kingz!!!!!"
"Muh men rule the world!!!!!"

Yes, but they rule for the benefit of women.

They only want the power to look good to women. They don't truly care about their legacy' (unless they're a coping manlet who thinks HistoryMaxing will make up for lack of sexual achievement). You just want status to look good in the eyes of women. Since women can still get male attention and wealth without having power, why would they give a shit.

They don't have to.

And they don't.

But hey, at least men actually have personalities and drive, right? At least those can be useful in other areas of life? Eh?


Even in terms of personality and interests, modern society is exposing men as being rather pathetic, actually

It is true that in the past, the majority of economic and social advancement happened because of men.

But that's also because enforced monogamy meant that men HAD to do those things to attract women. In addition, women often weren't allowed to do those things.

This isn't the case anymore.

Most people going to university these days are women. Most fiction authors are women. Most artists are women. Men are losing interest in those things.

And the reason is simple.

Without the promise of sex to use as a carrot, most men simply no longer give a shit.

Let's be real.

The majority of men don't truly give a fuck about 'becoming something'. Most only got an education to earn an income so they could later attract a woman. Now that this doesn't matter anymore in the age of Tinder, they see no incentive to care. They'd rather just get drunk, play video games, and use social media to get laid (if they're good looking enough).

90% of male motivation to get an education, make something of themselves, etc, has basically just vanished. Simply, because it doesn't get them laid anymore.

Women meanwhile, continue to go to school, have hobbies, etc despite being under absolutely zero sexual pressure to do so.

Furthermore, if men are so socially intelligent, then why do they consistently fall for women's obvious bullshit? It's fucking comical how blatant some of women's behavior is yet there is never any shortage of cucks to simp for them. Imagine getting divorce raped 4 times in a row and still getting married again lmao.

And this lack of common sense isn't exclusive to only gender relations. Men actually make retarded decisions all the time for reasons of narcissism and ego. "Don't be a woman!" is literally the male argument for not being an impulsive retard who sucks at risk calculation. Let that sink in.

The fact is that men aren't actually that savvy.

Bu-bu-but what about muh war! Only men can do war!

That is true, but is this even really an advantage? Consider what is happening in Ukraine right now. The entire male population is being basically genocided in a pointless and corrupt war while the women whore themselves in the West. Is this a privilege?


I'm not even going to bother writing anything detailed about all the sexual advantages women have

Women can get laid twice a day if they wanted. They don't have a refractory period and can orgasm frequently. I once listened to an audio clip of a woman having 14 orgasms in two hours while getting fucked by a chad with a giant penis (listening to it was utter suicide fuel since it served as a harrowing reminder not only of how chad mogs us sexually but also on how much better sex feels for women).

Not only is sex effortless for women, but it also feels better for them. Literally, they get the best of everything. As for the bluepiller myth that women don't enjoy sex or that they are asexual, I'm not even going to address that garbage.

In conclusion, if you are born male, the universe hates you and wants you to die

Just face it.

There are no upsides to being a man.

It's over.

On the bright side, the world is probably ending soon for reasons I won't get into. im not becoming a tranny faggot
Just finished reading the first part.

Amazing topic, man, you're a good writer, and more importantly, knows how to express yourself in a simple and non-pedantic way, which makes the reading pleasurable.
Really? I started on this series years ago back when my English was kinda shit so it's filled with grammar/spelling errors. It would probably look considerably different if I wrote it today.
  • +1
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Oh my fucking god, just end it you utter idiot
  • JFL
Reactions: Marsik

Another successful stream!

MGTOW streamer Shit Throwing Monkey used the mouse to navigate toward the controls and turned the stream off, therefore disconnecting him from the legions of coping idiots who had grown clinically addicted to his bullshit.

He gloated.

You could never bash women enough.

For their sub-humanity. For their lesserness.

Only men could build civilizations, and somebody had to remind the world of this fact. Others wouldn't do it, for they were weak.

But not him.

Not Mister Shit Throwing Monkey with his legions of based as fuck basement dwelling perma-virgins.

Because you see, he was so insanely high IQ he'd managed to figure something out nobody else could.

That women are USELESS.

This is why, in his infinite wisdom, he stopped seeing women entirely, in favor of dating a dead piece of plastic.

His AI terminator waifu represented the ultimate fuck you to all the smelly holes of this world.

Naturally, others didn't see it that way and just called him a sub-human coper, but such insults did not faze him. After all, he was a REAL man, and REAL men don't need other people's approval.

Which is why he spent all his time livestreaming his hatred of women to gain the approval of other men equally as based.

Nothing says 'masculine' like being a woman-hating MGTOW redpill livestreamer shitposting ancap troll that is married to a plastic uncanny valley abomination from hell. It was no fault of his own that so-called 'blupiller normies' failed to see that he had the hormone of the god in his body. Or at least he use to at some point. Now being well into his 40s, his real test levels were probably lower than his grandpa's.

The monkey gloated.

It was time to stream again.

"And in today's monkey market news, everything the government and normies say is wrong and you can expect the opposite of whatever they say so please listen to my retarded advice and then maybe you'll make some money unless I'm wrong and you lose it all but that won't happen because I know what's best and am always right and you idiots just can't see it..."

After rambling about money for an hour, he moved on to his favorite subject of bashing women.

"Did you know that rape is no longer illegal! Like what the fuck bro? In a REAL society with REAL men, nobody asks for permission to take what they want! Once you've paid for that pussy, you should just take that fucking shit man! It's because of bullshit like this that we have to fuck dolls instead! Dolls never complain! That delicious plastic never says no!" He started beating his chest savagely. "MIGTOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW!!!!!!"

Women were useless and he knew it. They contributed no social value. Unlike himself, who got all his money giving shitty investment advice to sexually frustrated manchildren on the internet. Truly his seed was the nectar of the gods.

The myth of male superiority

Before you all start calling me a coping soyboy faggot, lets make something clear.

Women are terrible fucking people.

It's just that this doesn't actually make them inferior. As a matter of fact, being a so-called 'good' person is a decisive disadvantage.

The point of this final entry into the BlackPill Manifesto, is to call out the final and ultimate cope of all. The cope to end all copes.

The myth of male superiority.

Not only are men NOT superior to women, but there is even a surprisingly large amount of evidence that men are actually just outright inferior.

Yes, you heard that right.

Men are inferior to women.

Not merely not better.


And we're going to completely demolish this cope once and for all.

How the cope got started

It all started thousands of years ago when men created monogamy. And no, they didn't do it out of the kindness of their heart toward the betas, but rather, the idea was to create a stable caste system as to preserve the power structure. You can't have static social classes if women can just go around fucking whoever they want, so out of necessity, the ruling classes created an 'only one woman per man' rule.

Capitalist cucks will argue that the reason monogamy was invented was to give the betas a reason to invest in their society. That if they had 'skin in the game', then they would have a reason to care, get a job, fight in the army, etc. The problem with their argument is that monogamy predates capitalist society by thousands of years. Pre-industrial peasants didn't have any reason to give a shit about any of this, yet monogamy and religion were still forced on them regardless.

But you can't impose this kind of system without selling the masses some kind of lie to keep it all going.

And they did that by convincing the betas that they were the so-called 'men of the household'.

The basic premise of the lie was simple: Even if you, as a random male peasant nobody, weren't an actual real king or lord, at least you could be the 'king/lord' of your own specific household. A mini-king if you will.

The lie worked. Men totally bought into it, and thus the notion that men = superior was born.

So why is it all bullshit, then?

While patriarchy may look like a good deal for the men on the surface, it's actually pretty cucked

The idea of patriarchy sounds like a good idea in a superficial way: The man is the absolute ruler of the household, but in turn, the women must serve him and bear his children.

Fair deal, right?

Not really.

For starters, when you consider the conditions of the time, it's actually the woman who reaps most of the benefit. She didn't have to go to war (itself a massive benefit), was automatically guaranteed income from her husband, and could easily find a replacement if the husband died (the idea people didn't divorce in ancient times is also a myth btw).

As for the males?

They got to spend their entire lives taking care of an ungrateful beast that didn't give a shit about them outside of their role as a beta provider.

Sure, their women couldn't fuck around with Chad (though many probably still did anyway), but that seems like a small price to pay by the standards of the era. In modern times it's even more fucked up, because now women also have welfare, modern technology, etc.

The fact of the matter is that being a male has ALWAYS been worse. It's not a recent development, it's merely even worse now.

This brings us to perhaps one of the biggest giga copes the redpiller types like to throw around...

Men have historically had more power, but that doesn't actually really mean anything when you consider that women don't even have any need for it anyway

Ask yourself this: What is the point of having power? Why would somebody want to be the king?


The king has access to wealth, and for most of history Wealth = A harem of beautiful women

Women don't give a shit about power, because they can merely whore themselves to the king or lord and get whatever they want in that way.

Using their bodies, women can obtain all the benefits of power without dealing with the downsides. Nobody is going to assassinate the princess sucking the king's dick. Only kings and princes have to worry about getting their heads chopped off or having someone slip poison into their food.

"Muh men run everything!!!!!"
"Muh men are da kingz!!!!!"
"Muh men rule the world!!!!!"

Yes, but they rule for the benefit of women.

They only want the power to look good to women. They don't truly care about their legacy' (unless they're a coping manlet who thinks HistoryMaxing will make up for lack of sexual achievement). You just want status to look good in the eyes of women. Since women can still get male attention and wealth without having power, why would they give a shit.

They don't have to.

And they don't.

But hey, at least men actually have personalities and drive, right? At least those can be useful in other areas of life? Eh?


Even in terms of personality and interests, modern society is exposing men as being rather pathetic, actually

It is true that in the past, the majority of economic and social advancement happened because of men.

But that's also because enforced monogamy meant that men HAD to do those things to attract women. In addition, women often weren't allowed to do those things.

This isn't the case anymore.

Most people going to university these days are women. Most fiction authors are women. Most artists are women. Men are losing interest in those things.

And the reason is simple.

Without the promise of sex to use as a carrot, most men simply no longer give a shit.

Let's be real.

The majority of men don't truly give a fuck about 'becoming something'. Most only got an education to earn an income so they could later attract a woman. Now that this doesn't matter anymore in the age of Tinder, they see no incentive to care. They'd rather just get drunk, play video games, and use social media to get laid (if they're good looking enough).

90% of male motivation to get an education, make something of themselves, etc, has basically just vanished. Simply, because it doesn't get them laid anymore.

Women meanwhile, continue to go to school, have hobbies, etc despite being under absolutely zero sexual pressure to do so.

Furthermore, if men are so socially intelligent, then why do they consistently fall for women's obvious bullshit? It's fucking comical how blatant some of women's behavior is yet there is never any shortage of cucks to simp for them. Imagine getting divorce raped 4 times in a row and still getting married again lmao.

And this lack of common sense isn't exclusive to only gender relations. Men actually make retarded decisions all the time for reasons of narcissism and ego. "Don't be a woman!" is literally the male argument for not being an impulsive retard who sucks at risk calculation. Let that sink in.

The fact is that men aren't actually that savvy.

Bu-bu-but what about muh war! Only men can do war!

That is true, but is this even really an advantage? Consider what is happening in Ukraine right now. The entire male population is being basically genocided in a pointless and corrupt war while the women whore themselves in the West. Is this a privilege?


I'm not even going to bother writing anything detailed about all the sexual advantages women have

Women can get laid twice a day if they wanted. They don't have a refractory period and can orgasm frequently. I once listened to an audio clip of a woman having 14 orgasms in two hours while getting fucked by a chad with a giant penis (listening to it was utter suicide fuel since it served as a harrowing reminder not only of how chad mogs us sexually but also on how much better sex feels for women).

Not only is sex effortless for women, but it also feels better for them. Literally, they get the best of everything. As for the bluepiller myth that women don't enjoy sex or that they are asexual, I'm not even going to address that garbage.

In conclusion, if you are born male, the universe hates you and wants you to die

Just face it.

There are no upsides to being a man.

It's over.

On the bright side, the world is probably ending soon for reasons I won't get into.
All easily debunked but not worth the time tbh. Cope more, cuck.
You rambling moron. In no way did you prove that men are outright inferior to women in any of that world salad bullshit. The only thing you proved is that many men are thirsty simps who will do anything for women because in their minds it increases their chances of reproducing, we already know this, without this being men’s default we would have died off a long time ago. I’m not supporting this shit either I’m just explaining the simple reason it’s biologically there. Sexually men are at a disadvantage and will always be. No shit. In everything else men are superior in.
  • +1
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Female cognition fucking sucks. If you have ever tried to apply logic in an argument with a woman, you'd probably want to jump on to the freeway than do it again. And periods.
Depending on just how much you value intellect, being a woman is either a lot better or hardly counts as an existence.
Personally I would just want the social ability to do whatever and be accepted because I would be a woman and halo effect, but everything else would be better as a man. Acceptance and adoration in society is a really good feeling. It's why whores and JB record their bodies gyrating in front of smart phone cameras. Validation economy, and the attractive are the wealthy and the incels are in penury. Deeper levels of the blackpill are philosophical because it's about meaning of life and the varying degrees of sentience one may have. And a common but never spoken meaning for life is for interaction with those around you, particularly if those around you have a pussy to insert your penis into (feels good allegedly).
It's not only me who has this sentiment that women are illogical, it ought to be common sense and it's really popular throughout the ages, because it's an observation of nature. Voltaire and Author Schopenhauer are examples, but many other based writers and historical figures I don't doubt to have thought the same.
  • +1
  • JFL
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Legit mental illness
What overdose of blackpill does to a mf
  • JFL
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Women are only fuck objects. They are brainless
Tbh I've kinda changed my opinion on this topic. I still retain that many of the things I said were true, but I don't really think of them as 'superior' anymore. There are ways in which they're legitimately inferior to men.
Read every word! Your black pill manifesto put into words all the thoughts I've had my life up to this point now. The only difference between me and you is that I realized it all at 18 and I'm a tall handsome chad from a rich family whos going to actually do something with it and you are a 40 year old loser. Sucks to suck! I vividly remember my junior year of high school realizing I don't have to listen to the stupid retard normies that surround me. I mean seriously its hilarious how fucking stupid they are theyll do anything if it means they fit in with the norm. I think one of the funniest examples of this is people who drink coffee and energy drinks I mean really how fucking stupid could you possibly be to fall for the stimulant industry. Just watch me. In twenty years ill be the ruling class billionaire controlling your every need and desire. It only helps that my family's already been the ones doing the controlling for many years now yet they are blissfully unaware of the blackpill except my father of course however he still lies to himself and believes that looks don't matter which is truly unfortunate since it results in him not taking good care of himself but I wont make the same mistakes. DISILLUSIONED its unfortunate you developed late you could have been great.
Read every word! Your black pill manifesto put into words all the thoughts I've had my life up to this point now. The only difference between me and you is that I realized it all at 18 and I'm a tall handsome chad from a rich family whos going to actually do something with it and you are a 40 year old loser. Sucks to suck! I vividly remember my junior year of high school realizing I don't have to listen to the stupid retard normies that surround me. I mean seriously its hilarious how fucking stupid they are theyll do anything if it means they fit in with the norm. I think one of the funniest examples of this is people who drink coffee and energy drinks I mean really how fucking stupid could you possibly be to fall for the stimulant industry. Just watch me. In twenty years ill be the ruling class billionaire controlling your every need and desire. It only helps that my family's already been the ones doing the controlling for many years now yet they are blissfully unaware of the blackpill except my father of course however he still lies to himself and believes that looks don't matter which is truly unfortunate since it results in him not taking good care of himself but I wont make the same mistakes. DISILLUSIONED its unfortunate you developed late you could have been great.
Imagine claiming to be a future Chad billionaire when you don't even know what paragraphs are :feelskek:

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