The Certified Teen Ascension Guide. Essential, tried and tested!



Dec 12, 2021
Hello, welcome to my certified tried and tested teen ascension guide.

For clarification, I will list the methods I used and recommend by effort required. If ur willing to do a little more work in order to ascend, or if you aren’t, your needs are classified so you don’t have to filter out the complicated shit from the easy shit. I will also list the ages each method is best to do at, so you don’t have to figure it out for yourself. You’re welcome.

1 last thing before i begin btw. this is kind of obvious but just to be clear: i recommend being below 15% bodyfat if you are in puberty. that is the first thing you should focus on. if you are above 15% bodyfat you are fucking your puberty by raising your estrogen and looking like a fat fuck. All of these will work a lot better if you’re lean. You also have higher T if you’re lean.

1. Do many extremely fast 100-200m dashes (13-21 years old)

Easy testosterone + IGF boost. Feel very good after. Develop better athleticism

2. Height Stretches (12-16 years old)

Yeah some people may laugh at this shit when they read the name. But they really do work. If u actually try w that shit you can see some pretty fucking surprising results. Give it a try before u dismiss it tbh. U might regret not trying later when it’s too late.

3. Drink lots of (raw) milk along with Vit D + K2 supps (2-21 years old)

I drink like 4 glasses or more of raw milk a day. Without including protein shakes, protein oats, and other meals i make with raw milk. Milk boosts IGF. Raw milk boosts it probably 50 times more than regular milk. It also has far, far more nutrients and benefits. Raw milk and pasteurized grocery store milk are not even in the same league. They are completely different foods imo. Raw milk also tastes so much better, pasteurized milk almost tastes weird now. Vit D will boost T and K2 will help u absorb more nutrients like calcium from milk that u wouldn’t be able to otherwise.

3. Play a sport at your school (13-18 years old)
Not only will you boost your T, but it is a near guaranteed way of turning out NT. There is no way in hell you will be aspie after a year of playing in a high school football team. I don’t give a fuck how aspie u were to start with. Your teammates will become your brothers, and you will become NT like them. Playing a high status sport like Football
, basketball
, baseball ⚾️, or rugby
if you’re in europe is a guaranteed way to gain high status and have a great high school experience full of partying and slaying. Atleast here in America.
571BFA68 9643 4B06 ACDE 8B02E9830AFC

4. Stop wearing heightfraud shoes and lifts (5-16 years old)
C15CDD53 662F 4E90 A543 2C152676E67B

The taller ur shoes, the more pressure on ur spine. Wearing tall shoes **will** affect ur growth. Vans and converse are good low sole shoes. Adidas ultra boosts are my favorite and i love them and they’re the most comfortable but they’re a lot more expensive than vans and converse so i recommend those if you don’t wanna spend too much. Or, you could always get an older ultra boost model.

5. Lift weights (13-21 years old)

Not only will your testosterone increase, but whenever you lift heavy weights, you are also working out your facial muscles. U might notice how ur cheekbones look bigger after an intense workout. Your cheekbone muscle was being worked out.

Also, the T from this will help your dick growth for sure.

6. Take Creatine (5-18+ years old)

Creatine = DHT boost

More DHT = bigger dick, deeper voice, more masculine face, better beard, you name it. If you have balding genes though, high DHT may accelerate the forthcoming balding process. Creatine alone won’t really make u bald noticeably faster than you would have anyways since it’s not that strong of a compound, but it’s something to keep in mind. Creatine is also very cheap and found at every supermarket.

7. Try to sleep earlier (5-18 years old)

Sleeping at around 9:30 P.M. has been proven to be the most beneficial for sleep quality and IGF boost. Ideally if you’re still growing you’d want to sleep 8-10 hours for ideal development.

1. MK677 (5-21 years old)

Sure, MK677 isn’t no HGH by any means. But the benefits it has for bulking, collagen boosting, IGF increase, and better sleep quality are indubitable. I also listed the recommended ages all the way up to 21 and maybe even a little higher, because not only does MK help your height growth by IGF boost and sleep improvement, it helps your frame and other bones grow (and collagen production). I don’t think i even need to explain the importance of clavicle and facial bones.

If combined with T or other steroids/sarms, the effects are far, far, far more noticeable. It will really help you pack on muscle faster than you would on the roid/sarm by itself and it will really work as some cheap medium dose HGH of sorts.

I recommend Liquid MK677, it’s least likely to be faked. Many MK677 pills are fake so be careful. MK677 Liquid tastes like liquified death though, ngl.

One thing to note is that MK does raise blood sugar levels so some people prefer to cycle it. 8 weeks, 1 week off, then repeat seems to be working for most. Some just run it for 16 weeks+. But keep this in mind if you have diabetes problems in your family. (MK likely won’t cause diabetes by itself though.)

MK will also likely bloat your face with a lot water while using it.

1. Inject Testosterone 13-21 years old)
E241D05F 9EE1 4C15 952B D58E6BA05135

Honestly, the “dangers” of injecting testosterone people always talk about are far overblown and mostly fabricated/false. The reason this is labeled under high effort is because you have to inject. If you know what you are doing and getting into, you can get off it completely and go back to your old natty levels quickly. A common misconception is that after you inject T, you’re permanently shutdown. This is 100% false. Your body is surprisingly good at achieving homeostasis. Our bodies will always go back to their original T levels , usually the longer you pin the longer it takes, but with a proper PCT protocol after quitting injections, you wouldnt spend any time with no T after stopping. You recover your previous natty T levels far quicker.

The benefits of injecting T are obviously facial bone growth, dick growth, clavicle bone growth, back growth, huge muscle growth, possible height growth, voice deepening, inhibition lowering, sex drive boosting, and much more.

While injecting T, you become Sex Appeal

2. Use Anavar (15-21 years old)

CFAA1E7F BB0C 42EB 990C 5487716C019B

Anavar will make you look fucking amazing. It is also the one of least liver toxic steroids specially for an oral. It is extremely androgenic, so it will boost your frame, jaw bone, cheekbone, browridge, dick, etc.

Ideally, you’d want to run this with Testosterone, because even though Anavar pretty much acts as a replacement for testosterone, your T will be a bit suppressed while you’re using. Again; after you stop, your T will go back to normal with Anavar.

With Anavar, you will build muscle while losing bodyfat. Anavar also boosts collagen unlike most roids which completely fuck it. Your shoulders will look huge and you will look shredded af. It’s beautiful tbh

Do not run this for very long though, this is something you definitely wanna do in cycles. Since it isn’t very liver toxic, i’d say you’d be fine doing it 16 weeks. We’re blackpilled motherfucker. This isn’t reddit. You thought i’d say 4 weeks or some bullshit? Jfl. But nah seriously, you will be completely fine with 16 weeks, you’d be safe doing even a bit more probably but i don’t wanna shock too many bluepilled brains tbh.

I didn’t recommend dianabol because it aromatizes you to hell and even with AI it will be hard to keep estrogen under control so your height and growth plates might get stunted with it. Superdrol, anadrol, are too liver toxic. Other steroids, particularly 19-nors like Trenbolone, Nandrolone Undecaonate (Deca), Trestolone, etc will put your natural testosterone at 0 for months if not years after stopping and usually have pretty terrible side effects, and i would never try them myself so i wouldn’t recommend them here.

3. HGH (8-21 years old)

Everybody knows what HGH does. Height boost, skin improvement, massive frame growth, facial bone growth, muscle growth, etc.

If paired with testosterone and/or anavar, you will be guaranteed to become chad.

Like MK677, HGH can raise blood sugar levels and will likely bloat your face while using it.

4. AI (13-16 years old)

Most of u probably already know this one, AI kills estrogen, so with inhibited estrogen you can essentially keep your growth plates open forever. It also boosts your T a lot. Probably one of the best non-suppressing testosterone boosters. But I put this in the high effort classification because honestly i’m not a big fan of AI. I can’t deny it’s huge benefits for heightmaxxing. but the side effects are real, although they won’t happen to most.

Personally, im lucky to have low aromatization genes, as I inject 750 mg test weekly and still have low enough E that i don’t need to use AI. But for some, if you’re using doses that high you might need AI to combat the high E from aromatization of those superhuman testosterone levels.

Side effects of low E are:

• Erectile Dysfunction
870E5CE2 DC31 4CE9 A7FC AA9E257A86C3

• Weak Joints

• Alopecia
A40E990A AC4B 4A47 A0E0 89F6B331A488

• Far higher chance of developing osteoporosis
DBECF737 5E7B 4045 A0D7 981D805B2141

• Far higher chance of developing alzheimer’s
2911D731 A608 4911 80B5 41C5A04DA073

• Severe depression/suicidal feelings/apathy

• A lot harder to build muscle
BCF82905 9FF3 4ED2 BEC4 DF65ED4CE25A

• Damage to brain cells (Estrogen is neuroprotective)

ED7E19B9 8426 4CF7 BCFA D698D9B633A3

Thank you for reading my guide. I am planning to make NT/social circle/clout maxxing threads soon. React with 😍 and/or just reply and lmk if u wanna be tagged in em if u not in da roster already. Expect more high effort threads soon. This isn’t even close to the good shit i have planned to post in the future.

6530D5F2 41BC 4C81 B6E3 189AD8245EB5
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  • +1
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  • Woah
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Heart before read, prolly gonna be a goodie
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Reactions: FailedNormieManlet, teenmax, Shrek2OnDvD and 2 others
If ur teen just fuck pedophillic 20 year old foids
  • JFL
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Reactions: futuregigamogger, FailedNormieManlet, Mewton and 1 other person
High effort post but no views wtf
  • So Sad
Reactions: prettyboislime
High effort post but no views wtf
hopefully tomorrow morning.. unfortunately this is the fate of most of my high effort threads

this is why i IQminn and post racebait tbh
  • JFL
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Reactions: fjor2096, FailedNormieManlet, Mewton and 1 other person
Just inject testosterone in puberty because some guy from an incel forum says it's safe and not to worry about it theory
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: mike21, Deleted member 17736, Deleted member 10106 and 1 other person
Just inject testosterone in puberty because some guy from an incel forum says it's safe and not to worry about it theory
Just be an incel and be so brutally hopeless u havent done the most minuscule amount of research but still cope and hate without knowledge about anything but trueceldom and loneliness theory
  • +1
  • JFL
  • So Sad
Reactions: mike21, Daniel Plainview, Tallooksmaxxer and 11 others
Just be an incel and be so brutally hopeless u havent done the most minuscule amount of research but still cope and hate without knowledge about anything but trueceldom and loneliness theory
Just recommend injecting hormones to teenagers because you've read a wikipedia page and a healthline article about testosterone and it sounds safe to you theory. Get a bigger font faggot, I can't hear you crying.
Just recommend injecting hormones to teenagers because you've read a wikipedia page and a healthline article about testosterone and it sounds safe to you theory. Get a bigger font faggot, I can't hear you crying.
Just lol at your worthless sedentary recessed truecel brain if you think i didn’t spend almost a year of daily research before doing this. The only side effect so far is brutally mogging framecel abominations like u to pure oblivion.
  • JFL
Reactions: mike21, spdxer, fjor2096 and 6 others
Just lol at your worthless sedentary recessed truecel brain if you think i didn’t spend almost a year of daily research before doing this. The only side effect so far is brutally mogging framecel abominations like u to pure oblivion.
2684109 82F2D82E CBD8 4244 BCE2 D5FF1C219670
  • JFL
Reactions: spdxer, Mewton, AscendingHero and 1 other person
Eating raw meat including liver should be added tbh, it ensures you have all nutrients you would need and u wont need to take vit D supps which dont work as well
Also eating animal testicles can have the same effects as roids but the info is a bit scarce for the moment, but it would be a natural more healthy way to boost T levels significantly
  • +1
Reactions: Toth's thot, AscendingHero and Prettyboy
nigga tries talking to me about unreliable sources then posts the schizophrenic indian methhead’s monologue
View attachment 1490182
Don't worry, you don't have to hide, @Chad1212 is asleep, he won't find you here. All that tesosterone talk and you still crave cock, what gives?
  • +1
Reactions: teenmax and Chad69
Don't worry, you don't have to hide, @Chad1212 is asleep, he won't find you here. All that tesosterone talk and you still crave cock, what gives?
77F05C33 FDEA 4994 9BDA A926B8239C43
  • JFL
Reactions: mike21, fjor2096, Mewton and 11 others
Good thread bro, looking forward to your next threads :Comfy:
  • +1
Reactions: prettyboislime
Hello, welcome to my certified tried and tested teen ascension guide.

For clarification, I will list the methods I used and recommend by effort required. If ur willing to do a little more work in order to ascend, or if you aren’t, your needs are classified so you don’t have to filter out the complicated shit from the easy shit. I will also list the ages each method is best to do at, so you don’t have to figure it out for yourself. You’re welcome.

1 last thing before i begin btw. this is kind of obvious but just to be clear: i recommend being below 15% bodyfat if you are in puberty. that is the first thing you should focus on. if you are above 15% bodyfat you are fucking your puberty by raising your estrogen and looking like a fat fuck. All of these will work a lot better if you’re lean. You also have higher T if you’re lean.

1. Do many extremely fast 100-200m dashes (13-21 years old)

Easy testosterone + IGF boost. Feel very good after. Develop better athleticism

2. Height Stretches (12-16 years old)

Yeah some people may laugh at this shit when they read the name. But they really do work. If u actually try w that shit you can see some pretty fucking surprising results. Give it a try before u dismiss it tbh. U might regret not trying later when it’s too late.

3. Drink lots of (raw) milk along with Vit D + K2 supps (2-21 years old)

I drink like 4 glasses or more of raw milk a day. Without including protein shakes, protein oats, and other meals i make with raw milk. Milk boosts IGF. Raw milk boosts it probably 50 times more than regular milk. It also has far, far more nutrients and benefits. Raw milk and pasteurized grocery store milk are not even in the same league. They are completely different foods imo. Raw milk also tastes so much better, pasteurized milk almost tastes weird now. Vit D will boost T and K2 will help u absorb more nutrients like calcium from milk that u wouldn’t be able to otherwise.

3. Play a sport at your school (13-18 years old)
Not only will you boost your T, but it is a near guaranteed way of turning out NT. There is no way in hell you will be aspie after a year of playing in a high school football team. I don’t give a fuck how aspie u were to start with. Your teammates will become your brothers, and you will become NT like them. Playing a high status sport like Football
, basketball
, baseball ⚾️, or rugby
if you’re in europe is a guaranteed way to gain high status and have a great high school experience full of partying and slaying. Atleast here in America.
View attachment 1490103

4. Stop wearing heightfraud shoes and lifts (5-16 years old)
View attachment 1490096

The taller ur shoes, the more pressure on ur spine. Wearing tall shoes **will** affect ur growth. Vans and converse are good low sole shoes. Adidas ultra boosts are my favorite and i love them and they’re the most comfortable but they’re a lot more expensive than vans and converse so i recommend those if you don’t wanna spend too much. Or, you could always get an older ultra boost model.

5. Lift weights (13-21 years old)

Not only will your testosterone increase, but whenever you lift heavy weights, you are also working out your facial muscles. U might notice how ur cheekbones look bigger after an intense workout. Your cheekbone muscle was being worked out.

Also, the T from this will help your dick growth for sure.

6. Take Creatine (5-18+ years old)

Creatine = DHT boost

More DHT = bigger dick, deeper voice, more masculine face, better beard, you name it. If you have balding genes though, high DHT may accelerate the forthcoming balding process. Creatine alone won’t really make u bald noticeably faster than you would have anyways since it’s not that strong of a compound, but it’s something to keep in mind. Creatine is also very cheap and found at every supermarket.

7. Try to sleep earlier (5-18 years old)

Sleeping at around 9:30 P.M. has been proven to be the most beneficial for sleep quality and IGF boost. Ideally if you’re still growing you’d want to sleep 8-10 hours for ideal development.

1. MK677 (5-21 years old)

Sure, MK677 isn’t no HGH by any means. But the benefits it has for bulking, collagen boosting, IGF increase, and better sleep quality are indubitable. I also listed the recommended ages all the way up to 21 and maybe even a little higher, because not only does MK help your height growth by IGF boost and sleep improvement, it helps your frame and other bones grow (and collagen production). I don’t think i even need to explain the importance of clavicle and facial bones.

If combined with T or other steroids/sarms, the effects are far, far, far more noticeable. It will really help you pack on muscle faster than you would on the roid/sarm by itself and it will really work as some cheap medium dose HGH of sorts.

I recommend Liquid MK677, it’s least likely to be faked. Many MK677 pills are fake so be careful. MK677 Liquid tastes like liquified death though, ngl.

One thing to note is that MK does raise blood sugar levels so some people prefer to cycle it. 8 weeks, 1 week off, then repeat seems to be working for most. Some just run it for 16 weeks+. But keep this in mind if you have diabetes problems in your family. (MK likely won’t cause diabetes by itself though.)

MK will also likely bloat your face with a lot water while using it.

1. Inject Testosterone 13-21 years old)
View attachment 1490090

Honestly, the “dangers” of injecting testosterone people always talk about are far overblown and mostly fabricated/false. The reason this is labeled under high effort is because you have to inject. If you know what you are doing and getting into, you can get off it completely and go back to your old natty levels quickly. A common misconception is that after you inject T, you’re permanently shutdown. This is 100% false. Your body is surprisingly good at achieving homeostasis. Our bodies will always go back to their original T levels , usually the longer you pin the longer it takes, but with a proper PCT protocol after quitting injections, you wouldnt spend any time with no T after stopping. You recover your previous natty T levels far quicker.

The benefits of injecting T are obviously facial bone growth, dick growth, clavicle bone growth, back growth, huge muscle growth, possible height growth, voice deepening, inhibition lowering, sex drive boosting, and much more.

While injecting T, you become Sex Appeal

2. Use Anavar (15-21 years old)

View attachment 1490086

Anavar will make you look fucking amazing. It is also the one of least liver toxic steroids specially for an oral. It is extremely androgenic, so it will boost your frame, jaw bone, cheekbone, browridge, dick, etc.

Ideally, you’d want to run this with Testosterone, because even though Anavar pretty much acts as a replacement for testosterone, your T will be a bit suppressed while you’re using. Again; after you stop, your T will go back to normal with Anavar.

With Anavar, you will build muscle while losing bodyfat. Anavar also boosts collagen unlike most roids which completely fuck it. Your shoulders will look huge and you will look shredded af. It’s beautiful tbh

Do not run this for very long though, this is something you definitely wanna do in cycles. Since it isn’t very liver toxic, i’d say you’d be fine doing it 16 weeks. We’re blackpilled motherfucker. This isn’t reddit. You thought i’d say 4 weeks or some bullshit? Jfl. But nah seriously, you will be completely fine with 16 weeks, you’d be safe doing even a bit more probably but i don’t wanna shock too many bluepilled brains tbh.

I didn’t recommend dianabol because it aromatizes you to hell and even with AI it will be hard to keep estrogen under control so your height and growth plates might get stunted with it. Superdrol, anadrol, are too liver toxic. Other steroids, particularly 19-nors like Trenbolone, Nandrolone Undecaonate (Deca), Trestolone, etc will put your natural testosterone at 0 for months if not years after stopping and usually have pretty terrible side effects, and i would never try them myself so i wouldn’t recommend them here.

3. HGH (8-21 years old)

Everybody knows what HGH does. Height boost, skin improvement, massive frame growth, facial bone growth, muscle growth, etc.

If paired with testosterone and/or anavar, you will be guaranteed to become chad.

Like MK677, HGH can raise blood sugar levels and will likely bloat your face while using it.

4. AI (13-16 years old)

Most of u probably already know this one, AI kills estrogen, so with inhibited estrogen you can essentially keep your growth plates open forever. It also boosts your T a lot. Probably one of the best non-suppressing testosterone boosters. But I put this in the high effort classification because honestly i’m not a big fan of AI. I can’t deny it’s huge benefits for heightmaxxing. but the side effects are real, although they won’t happen to most.

Personally, im lucky to have low aromatization genes, as I inject 750 mg test weekly and still have low enough E that i don’t need to use AI. But for some, if you’re using doses that high you might need AI to combat the high E from aromatization of those superhuman testosterone levels.

Side effects of low E are:

• Erectile Dysfunction
View attachment 1490083

• Weak Joints

• Alopecia
View attachment 1490076

• Far higher chance of developing osteoporosis
View attachment 1490078

• Far higher chance of developing alzheimer’s
View attachment 1490079

• Severe depression/suicidal feelings/apathy

• A lot harder to build muscle
View attachment 1490074

• Damage to brain cells (Estrogen is neuroprotective)

View attachment 1490073

Thank you for reading my guide. I am planning to make NT/social circle/clout maxxing threads soon. React with 😍 and/or just reply and lmk if u wanna be tagged in em if u not in da roster already. Expect more high effort threads soon. This isn’t even close to the good shit i have planned to post in the future.

View attachment 1490098
Alright alright since im spamming it everywhere anyway heres the official teen hormone maxer stack

TESTOSTERONE, ANAVAR (cycle this), T3/T4, PROGESTERONE, PREGENELONE, DHEA, AIs (if your just on trt then keeping progesterone high will act as a natural AI) HGH/MK677/PEPTIDES (cycle this, you dont want to be truly acromegalic, youll get a fucking horseface)
  • +1
Reactions: AscendingHero
Don't worry, you don't have to hide, @Chad1212 is asleep, he won't find you here. All that tesosterone talk and you still crave cock, what gives?
  • WTF
Reactions: Marsiere214
please don't use this one
it was claimed to be safest sarm (even if it isn't really a sarm)
But it just started to show its side effects with many white man developing diabetes
truly horrific side effects,yet it's claimed to be ,,super safe''
  • +1
Reactions: Mewton
Eating raw meat including liver should be added tbh, it ensures you have all nutrients you would need and u wont need to take vit D supps which dont work as well
Also eating animal testicles can have the same effects as roids but the info is a bit scarce for the moment, but it would be a natural more healthy way to boost T levels significantly
+ eggs

they have a ton of cholesterol which is needed for T production
BBC27B40 32D0 4ED7 9755 6E1C619E2FD6

don’t listen to jews and their clogging muh arteries meme, bodybuilders before the advent of PEDs used to eat dozens of eggs a day

a good example is Vince Gironda, who used to eat 36 eggs / day
1E385B69 5C2E 4D68 96C2 8A543BFA3983
  • +1
Reactions: AscendingHero, prettyboislime and Deleted member 13787
  • +1
Reactions: ElySioNs
Bump this beautiful high effort thread even tho I'm old
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  • Love it
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Good thread, lot of good info/advice in here

Worth mentioning though that the AI stuff is partially false - it wouldn't make it harder to build muscle unless you're nuking your e whilst on a cycle, because as you said - your body is very good at returning to homeostasis - this means that if you're not injecting, low dose asin wouldn't really take your e below low normal but it will at the same time increase your t. Also it doesn't cause osteoporosis in young males mainly due to androgenic signalling, and finally it's anti-inflammatory which would suggest that it would help prevent alzheimer's rather than cause it.
And anavar isn't really that androgenic, it is very anabolic though.
  • Woah
Reactions: prettyboislime
ngl cool thread for people who will do this

but each individual should probably do their own personal research too. Idk this stuff is just scary to me
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Serial Mogger and gymcel:(
  • JFL
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Certified teen ascension: Get out of this shithole and start socializing people to never browse incel shit again
  • +1
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Reactions: MiroslavBulldosex and teenmax
Combine this with @Cigarette's facial ascension in 3 months and you have the ultimate ascension guide.
  • Woah
Reactions: prettyboislime
Based and bookmarked
  • +1
Reactions: prettyboislime
Only issue with roids is rapid aging in some cases and balding as well but pretty decent thread
  • Ugh..
Reactions: subhuman incel
Hello, welcome to my certified tried and tested teen ascension guide.

For clarification, I will list the methods I used and recommend by effort required. If ur willing to do a little more work in order to ascend, or if you aren’t, your needs are classified so you don’t have to filter out the complicated shit from the easy shit. I will also list the ages each method is best to do at, so you don’t have to figure it out for yourself. You’re welcome.

1 last thing before i begin btw. this is kind of obvious but just to be clear: i recommend being below 15% bodyfat if you are in puberty. that is the first thing you should focus on. if you are above 15% bodyfat you are fucking your puberty by raising your estrogen and looking like a fat fuck. All of these will work a lot better if you’re lean. You also have higher T if you’re lean.

1. Do many extremely fast 100-200m dashes (13-21 years old)

Easy testosterone + IGF boost. Feel very good after. Develop better athleticism

2. Height Stretches (12-16 years old)

Yeah some people may laugh at this shit when they read the name. But they really do work. If u actually try w that shit you can see some pretty fucking surprising results. Give it a try before u dismiss it tbh. U might regret not trying later when it’s too late.

3. Drink lots of (raw) milk along with Vit D + K2 supps (2-21 years old)

I drink like 4 glasses or more of raw milk a day. Without including protein shakes, protein oats, and other meals i make with raw milk. Milk boosts IGF. Raw milk boosts it probably 50 times more than regular milk. It also has far, far more nutrients and benefits. Raw milk and pasteurized grocery store milk are not even in the same league. They are completely different foods imo. Raw milk also tastes so much better, pasteurized milk almost tastes weird now. Vit D will boost T and K2 will help u absorb more nutrients like calcium from milk that u wouldn’t be able to otherwise.

3. Play a sport at your school (13-18 years old)
Not only will you boost your T, but it is a near guaranteed way of turning out NT. There is no way in hell you will be aspie after a year of playing in a high school football team. I don’t give a fuck how aspie u were to start with. Your teammates will become your brothers, and you will become NT like them. Playing a high status sport like Football
, basketball
, baseball ⚾️, or rugby
if you’re in europe is a guaranteed way to gain high status and have a great high school experience full of partying and slaying. Atleast here in America.
View attachment 1490103

4. Stop wearing heightfraud shoes and lifts (5-16 years old)
View attachment 1490096

The taller ur shoes, the more pressure on ur spine. Wearing tall shoes **will** affect ur growth. Vans and converse are good low sole shoes. Adidas ultra boosts are my favorite and i love them and they’re the most comfortable but they’re a lot more expensive than vans and converse so i recommend those if you don’t wanna spend too much. Or, you could always get an older ultra boost model.

5. Lift weights (13-21 years old)

Not only will your testosterone increase, but whenever you lift heavy weights, you are also working out your facial muscles. U might notice how ur cheekbones look bigger after an intense workout. Your cheekbone muscle was being worked out.

Also, the T from this will help your dick growth for sure.

6. Take Creatine (5-18+ years old)

Creatine = DHT boost

More DHT = bigger dick, deeper voice, more masculine face, better beard, you name it. If you have balding genes though, high DHT may accelerate the forthcoming balding process. Creatine alone won’t really make u bald noticeably faster than you would have anyways since it’s not that strong of a compound, but it’s something to keep in mind. Creatine is also very cheap and found at every supermarket.

7. Try to sleep earlier (5-18 years old)

Sleeping at around 9:30 P.M. has been proven to be the most beneficial for sleep quality and IGF boost. Ideally if you’re still growing you’d want to sleep 8-10 hours for ideal development.

1. MK677 (5-21 years old)

Sure, MK677 isn’t no HGH by any means. But the benefits it has for bulking, collagen boosting, IGF increase, and better sleep quality are indubitable. I also listed the recommended ages all the way up to 21 and maybe even a little higher, because not only does MK help your height growth by IGF boost and sleep improvement, it helps your frame and other bones grow (and collagen production). I don’t think i even need to explain the importance of clavicle and facial bones.

If combined with T or other steroids/sarms, the effects are far, far, far more noticeable. It will really help you pack on muscle faster than you would on the roid/sarm by itself and it will really work as some cheap medium dose HGH of sorts.

I recommend Liquid MK677, it’s least likely to be faked. Many MK677 pills are fake so be careful. MK677 Liquid tastes like liquified death though, ngl.

One thing to note is that MK does raise blood sugar levels so some people prefer to cycle it. 8 weeks, 1 week off, then repeat seems to be working for most. Some just run it for 16 weeks+. But keep this in mind if you have diabetes problems in your family. (MK likely won’t cause diabetes by itself though.)

MK will also likely bloat your face with a lot water while using it.

1. Inject Testosterone 13-21 years old)
View attachment 1490090

Honestly, the “dangers” of injecting testosterone people always talk about are far overblown and mostly fabricated/false. The reason this is labeled under high effort is because you have to inject. If you know what you are doing and getting into, you can get off it completely and go back to your old natty levels quickly. A common misconception is that after you inject T, you’re permanently shutdown. This is 100% false. Your body is surprisingly good at achieving homeostasis. Our bodies will always go back to their original T levels , usually the longer you pin the longer it takes, but with a proper PCT protocol after quitting injections, you wouldnt spend any time with no T after stopping. You recover your previous natty T levels far quicker.

The benefits of injecting T are obviously facial bone growth, dick growth, clavicle bone growth, back growth, huge muscle growth, possible height growth, voice deepening, inhibition lowering, sex drive boosting, and much more.

While injecting T, you become Sex Appeal

2. Use Anavar (15-21 years old)

View attachment 1490086

Anavar will make you look fucking amazing. It is also the one of least liver toxic steroids specially for an oral. It is extremely androgenic, so it will boost your frame, jaw bone, cheekbone, browridge, dick, etc.

Ideally, you’d want to run this with Testosterone, because even though Anavar pretty much acts as a replacement for testosterone, your T will be a bit suppressed while you’re using. Again; after you stop, your T will go back to normal with Anavar.

With Anavar, you will build muscle while losing bodyfat. Anavar also boosts collagen unlike most roids which completely fuck it. Your shoulders will look huge and you will look shredded af. It’s beautiful tbh

Do not run this for very long though, this is something you definitely wanna do in cycles. Since it isn’t very liver toxic, i’d say you’d be fine doing it 16 weeks. We’re blackpilled motherfucker. This isn’t reddit. You thought i’d say 4 weeks or some bullshit? Jfl. But nah seriously, you will be completely fine with 16 weeks, you’d be safe doing even a bit more probably but i don’t wanna shock too many bluepilled brains tbh.

I didn’t recommend dianabol because it aromatizes you to hell and even with AI it will be hard to keep estrogen under control so your height and growth plates might get stunted with it. Superdrol, anadrol, are too liver toxic. Other steroids, particularly 19-nors like Trenbolone, Nandrolone Undecaonate (Deca), Trestolone, etc will put your natural testosterone at 0 for months if not years after stopping and usually have pretty terrible side effects, and i would never try them myself so i wouldn’t recommend them here.

3. HGH (8-21 years old)

Everybody knows what HGH does. Height boost, skin improvement, massive frame growth, facial bone growth, muscle growth, etc.

If paired with testosterone and/or anavar, you will be guaranteed to become chad.

Like MK677, HGH can raise blood sugar levels and will likely bloat your face while using it.

4. AI (13-16 years old)

Most of u probably already know this one, AI kills estrogen, so with inhibited estrogen you can essentially keep your growth plates open forever. It also boosts your T a lot. Probably one of the best non-suppressing testosterone boosters. But I put this in the high effort classification because honestly i’m not a big fan of AI. I can’t deny it’s huge benefits for heightmaxxing. but the side effects are real, although they won’t happen to most.

Personally, im lucky to have low aromatization genes, as I inject 750 mg test weekly and still have low enough E that i don’t need to use AI. But for some, if you’re using doses that high you might need AI to combat the high E from aromatization of those superhuman testosterone levels.

Side effects of low E are:

• Erectile Dysfunction
View attachment 1490083

• Weak Joints

• Alo
A genuinely good thread.

good job researching and applying all of this
Better alternative is to reroll life with a shotgun
Hello, welcome to my certified tried and tested teen ascension guide.

For clarification, I will list the methods I used and recommend by effort required. If ur willing to do a little more work in order to ascend, or if you aren’t, your needs are classified so you don’t have to filter out the complicated shit from the easy shit. I will also list the ages each method is best to do at, so you don’t have to figure it out for yourself. You’re welcome.

1 last thing before i begin btw. this is kind of obvious but just to be clear: i recommend being below 15% bodyfat if you are in puberty. that is the first thing you should focus on. if you are above 15% bodyfat you are fucking your puberty by raising your estrogen and looking like a fat fuck. All of these will work a lot better if you’re lean. You also have higher T if you’re lean.

1. Do many extremely fast 100-200m dashes (13-21 years old)

Easy testosterone + IGF boost. Feel very good after. Develop better athleticism

2. Height Stretches (12-16 years old)

Yeah some people may laugh at this shit when they read the name. But they really do work. If u actually try w that shit you can see some pretty fucking surprising results. Give it a try before u dismiss it tbh. U might regret not trying later when it’s too late.

3. Drink lots of (raw) milk along with Vit D + K2 supps (2-21 years old)

I drink like 4 glasses or more of raw milk a day. Without including protein shakes, protein oats, and other meals i make with raw milk. Milk boosts IGF. Raw milk boosts it probably 50 times more than regular milk. It also has far, far more nutrients and benefits. Raw milk and pasteurized grocery store milk are not even in the same league. They are completely different foods imo. Raw milk also tastes so much better, pasteurized milk almost tastes weird now. Vit D will boost T and K2 will help u absorb more nutrients like calcium from milk that u wouldn’t be able to otherwise.

3. Play a sport at your school (13-18 years old)
Not only will you boost your T, but it is a near guaranteed way of turning out NT. There is no way in hell you will be aspie after a year of playing in a high school football team. I don’t give a fuck how aspie u were to start with. Your teammates will become your brothers, and you will become NT like them. Playing a high status sport like Football
, basketball
, baseball ⚾️, or rugby
if you’re in europe is a guaranteed way to gain high status and have a great high school experience full of partying and slaying. Atleast here in America.
View attachment 1490103

4. Stop wearing heightfraud shoes and lifts (5-16 years old)
View attachment 1490096

The taller ur shoes, the more pressure on ur spine. Wearing tall shoes **will** affect ur growth. Vans and converse are good low sole shoes. Adidas ultra boosts are my favorite and i love them and they’re the most comfortable but they’re a lot more expensive than vans and converse so i recommend those if you don’t wanna spend too much. Or, you could always get an older ultra boost model.

5. Lift weights (13-21 years old)

Not only will your testosterone increase, but whenever you lift heavy weights, you are also working out your facial muscles. U might notice how ur cheekbones look bigger after an intense workout. Your cheekbone muscle was being worked out.

Also, the T from this will help your dick growth for sure.

6. Take Creatine (5-18+ years old)

Creatine = DHT boost

More DHT = bigger dick, deeper voice, more masculine face, better beard, you name it. If you have balding genes though, high DHT may accelerate the forthcoming balding process. Creatine alone won’t really make u bald noticeably faster than you would have anyways since it’s not that strong of a compound, but it’s something to keep in mind. Creatine is also very cheap and found at every supermarket.

7. Try to sleep earlier (5-18 years old)

Sleeping at around 9:30 P.M. has been proven to be the most beneficial for sleep quality and IGF boost. Ideally if you’re still growing you’d want to sleep 8-10 hours for ideal development.

1. MK677 (5-21 years old)

Sure, MK677 isn’t no HGH by any means. But the benefits it has for bulking, collagen boosting, IGF increase, and better sleep quality are indubitable. I also listed the recommended ages all the way up to 21 and maybe even a little higher, because not only does MK help your height growth by IGF boost and sleep improvement, it helps your frame and other bones grow (and collagen production). I don’t think i even need to explain the importance of clavicle and facial bones.

If combined with T or other steroids/sarms, the effects are far, far, far more noticeable. It will really help you pack on muscle faster than you would on the roid/sarm by itself and it will really work as some cheap medium dose HGH of sorts.

I recommend Liquid MK677, it’s least likely to be faked. Many MK677 pills are fake so be careful. MK677 Liquid tastes like liquified death though, ngl.

One thing to note is that MK does raise blood sugar levels so some people prefer to cycle it. 8 weeks, 1 week off, then repeat seems to be working for most. Some just run it for 16 weeks+. But keep this in mind if you have diabetes problems in your family. (MK likely won’t cause diabetes by itself though.)

MK will also likely bloat your face with a lot water while using it.

1. Inject Testosterone 13-21 years old)
View attachment 1490090

Honestly, the “dangers” of injecting testosterone people always talk about are far overblown and mostly fabricated/false. The reason this is labeled under high effort is because you have to inject. If you know what you are doing and getting into, you can get off it completely and go back to your old natty levels quickly. A common misconception is that after you inject T, you’re permanently shutdown. This is 100% false. Your body is surprisingly good at achieving homeostasis. Our bodies will always go back to their original T levels , usually the longer you pin the longer it takes, but with a proper PCT protocol after quitting injections, you wouldnt spend any time with no T after stopping. You recover your previous natty T levels far quicker.

The benefits of injecting T are obviously facial bone growth, dick growth, clavicle bone growth, back growth, huge muscle growth, possible height growth, voice deepening, inhibition lowering, sex drive boosting, and much more.

While injecting T, you become Sex Appeal

2. Use Anavar (15-21 years old)

View attachment 1490086

Anavar will make you look fucking amazing. It is also the one of least liver toxic steroids specially for an oral. It is extremely androgenic, so it will boost your frame, jaw bone, cheekbone, browridge, dick, etc.

Ideally, you’d want to run this with Testosterone, because even though Anavar pretty much acts as a replacement for testosterone, your T will be a bit suppressed while you’re using. Again; after you stop, your T will go back to normal with Anavar.

With Anavar, you will build muscle while losing bodyfat. Anavar also boosts collagen unlike most roids which completely fuck it. Your shoulders will look huge and you will look shredded af. It’s beautiful tbh

Do not run this for very long though, this is something you definitely wanna do in cycles. Since it isn’t very liver toxic, i’d say you’d be fine doing it 16 weeks. We’re blackpilled motherfucker. This isn’t reddit. You thought i’d say 4 weeks or some bullshit? Jfl. But nah seriously, you will be completely fine with 16 weeks, you’d be safe doing even a bit more probably but i don’t wanna shock too many bluepilled brains tbh.

I didn’t recommend dianabol because it aromatizes you to hell and even with AI it will be hard to keep estrogen under control so your height and growth plates might get stunted with it. Superdrol, anadrol, are too liver toxic. Other steroids, particularly 19-nors like Trenbolone, Nandrolone Undecaonate (Deca), Trestolone, etc will put your natural testosterone at 0 for months if not years after stopping and usually have pretty terrible side effects, and i would never try them myself so i wouldn’t recommend them here.

3. HGH (8-21 years old)

Everybody knows what HGH does. Height boost, skin improvement, massive frame growth, facial bone growth, muscle growth, etc.

If paired with testosterone and/or anavar, you will be guaranteed to become chad.

Like MK677, HGH can raise blood sugar levels and will likely bloat your face while using it.

4. AI (13-16 years old)

Most of u probably already know this one, AI kills estrogen, so with inhibited estrogen you can essentially keep your growth plates open forever. It also boosts your T a lot. Probably one of the best non-suppressing testosterone boosters. But I put this in the high effort classification because honestly i’m not a big fan of AI. I can’t deny it’s huge benefits for heightmaxxing. but the side effects are real, although they won’t happen to most.

Personally, im lucky to have low aromatization genes, as I inject 750 mg test weekly and still have low enough E that i don’t need to use AI. But for some, if you’re using doses that high you might need AI to combat the high E from aromatization of those superhuman testosterone levels.

Side effects of low E are:

• Erectile Dysfunction
View attachment 1490083

• Weak Joints

• Alopecia
View attachment 1490076

• Far higher chance of developing osteoporosis
View attachment 1490078

• Far higher chance of developing alzheimer’s
View attachment 1490079

• Severe depression/suicidal feelings/apathy

• A lot harder to build muscle
View attachment 1490074

• Damage to brain cells (Estrogen is neuroprotective)

View attachment 1490073

Thank you for reading my guide. I am planning to make NT/social circle/clout maxxing threads soon. React with 😍 and/or just reply and lmk if u wanna be tagged in em if u not in da roster already. Expect more high effort threads soon. This isn’t even close to the good shit i have planned to post in the future.

View attachment 1490098
Good shit bro. Will incorporate.
Injecting exogenous testosterone during puberty might be very problematic. Not because it will shut your natural production down(most people recover to 90-100% baseline after one cycle, and a teen would recover even better) but it will increase estrogen with it which will cause your growth plates to fuse and prevent you from growing.

If you take an AI inhibitor to counter this (basically decreases your estrogen) then you will throw off the test/estradiol balance in your body which will create neurotoxic/neurodegenerative situation in your body. And if you are below the age of 18 trust me you dont fucking want that.

One must wait until their growth is mostly complete(their height isnt growing anymore) and they are academically and intellectually satisfied with themselves.

If you were to ask me to choose between tall&intelligent vs shredded,not tall,not smart, i'd rather be tall&intelligent every time.
Alright alright since im spamming it everywhere anyway heres the official teen hormone maxer stack

TESTOSTERONE, ANAVAR (cycle this), T3/T4, PROGESTERONE, PREGENELONE, DHEA, AIs (if your just on trt then keeping progesterone high will act as a natural AI) HGH/MK677/PEPTIDES (cycle this, you dont want to be truly acromegalic, youll get a fucking horseface)
How should i cycle gh? whats the ideal cycle for it? How long should I been on and off it?

How can i avoid an orgn growth or insulin blood sugar problems?
How should i cycle gh? whats the ideal cycle for it? How long should I been on and off it?

How can i avoid an orgn growth or insulin blood sugar problems?
You wont avoid organ growth lmfao, no way to avoid that. Theres alot of stuff to take for insulin, just watch ryan russo or MPMD shit on that, i never had to take anything for it while using gh because i didnt run it for super long and my blood sugar is low normal naturaly
Hello, welcome to my certified tried and tested teen ascension guide.

For clarification, I will list the methods I used and recommend by effort required. If ur willing to do a little more work in order to ascend, or if you aren’t, your needs are classified so you don’t have to filter out the complicated shit from the easy shit. I will also list the ages each method is best to do at, so you don’t have to figure it out for yourself. You’re welcome.

1 last thing before i begin btw. this is kind of obvious but just to be clear: i recommend being below 15% bodyfat if you are in puberty. that is the first thing you should focus on. if you are above 15% bodyfat you are fucking your puberty by raising your estrogen and looking like a fat fuck. All of these will work a lot better if you’re lean. You also have higher T if you’re lean.

1. Do many extremely fast 100-200m dashes (13-21 years old)

Easy testosterone + IGF boost. Feel very good after. Develop better athleticism

2. Height Stretches (12-16 years old)

Yeah some people may laugh at this shit when they read the name. But they really do work. If u actually try w that shit you can see some pretty fucking surprising results. Give it a try before u dismiss it tbh. U might regret not trying later when it’s too late.

3. Drink lots of (raw) milk along with Vit D + K2 supps (2-21 years old)

I drink like 4 glasses or more of raw milk a day. Without including protein shakes, protein oats, and other meals i make with raw milk. Milk boosts IGF. Raw milk boosts it probably 50 times more than regular milk. It also has far, far more nutrients and benefits. Raw milk and pasteurized grocery store milk are not even in the same league. They are completely different foods imo. Raw milk also tastes so much better, pasteurized milk almost tastes weird now. Vit D will boost T and K2 will help u absorb more nutrients like calcium from milk that u wouldn’t be able to otherwise.

3. Play a sport at your school (13-18 years old)
Not only will you boost your T, but it is a near guaranteed way of turning out NT. There is no way in hell you will be aspie after a year of playing in a high school football team. I don’t give a fuck how aspie u were to start with. Your teammates will become your brothers, and you will become NT like them. Playing a high status sport like Football
, basketball
, baseball ⚾️, or rugby
if you’re in europe is a guaranteed way to gain high status and have a great high school experience full of partying and slaying. Atleast here in America.
View attachment 1490103

4. Stop wearing heightfraud shoes and lifts (5-16 years old)
View attachment 1490096

The taller ur shoes, the more pressure on ur spine. Wearing tall shoes **will** affect ur growth. Vans and converse are good low sole shoes. Adidas ultra boosts are my favorite and i love them and they’re the most comfortable but they’re a lot more expensive than vans and converse so i recommend those if you don’t wanna spend too much. Or, you could always get an older ultra boost model.

5. Lift weights (13-21 years old)

Not only will your testosterone increase, but whenever you lift heavy weights, you are also working out your facial muscles. U might notice how ur cheekbones look bigger after an intense workout. Your cheekbone muscle was being worked out.

Also, the T from this will help your dick growth for sure.

6. Take Creatine (5-18+ years old)

Creatine = DHT boost

More DHT = bigger dick, deeper voice, more masculine face, better beard, you name it. If you have balding genes though, high DHT may accelerate the forthcoming balding process. Creatine alone won’t really make u bald noticeably faster than you would have anyways since it’s not that strong of a compound, but it’s something to keep in mind. Creatine is also very cheap and found at every supermarket.

7. Try to sleep earlier (5-18 years old)

Sleeping at around 9:30 P.M. has been proven to be the most beneficial for sleep quality and IGF boost. Ideally if you’re still growing you’d want to sleep 8-10 hours for ideal development.

1. MK677 (5-21 years old)

Sure, MK677 isn’t no HGH by any means. But the benefits it has for bulking, collagen boosting, IGF increase, and better sleep quality are indubitable. I also listed the recommended ages all the way up to 21 and maybe even a little higher, because not only does MK help your height growth by IGF boost and sleep improvement, it helps your frame and other bones grow (and collagen production). I don’t think i even need to explain the importance of clavicle and facial bones.

If combined with T or other steroids/sarms, the effects are far, far, far more noticeable. It will really help you pack on muscle faster than you would on the roid/sarm by itself and it will really work as some cheap medium dose HGH of sorts.

I recommend Liquid MK677, it’s least likely to be faked. Many MK677 pills are fake so be careful. MK677 Liquid tastes like liquified death though, ngl.

One thing to note is that MK does raise blood sugar levels so some people prefer to cycle it. 8 weeks, 1 week off, then repeat seems to be working for most. Some just run it for 16 weeks+. But keep this in mind if you have diabetes problems in your family. (MK likely won’t cause diabetes by itself though.)

MK will also likely bloat your face with a lot water while using it.

1. Inject Testosterone 13-21 years old)
View attachment 1490090

Honestly, the “dangers” of injecting testosterone people always talk about are far overblown and mostly fabricated/false. The reason this is labeled under high effort is because you have to inject. If you know what you are doing and getting into, you can get off it completely and go back to your old natty levels quickly. A common misconception is that after you inject T, you’re permanently shutdown. This is 100% false. Your body is surprisingly good at achieving homeostasis. Our bodies will always go back to their original T levels , usually the longer you pin the longer it takes, but with a proper PCT protocol after quitting injections, you wouldnt spend any time with no T after stopping. You recover your previous natty T levels far quicker.

The benefits of injecting T are obviously facial bone growth, dick growth, clavicle bone growth, back growth, huge muscle growth, possible height growth, voice deepening, inhibition lowering, sex drive boosting, and much more.

While injecting T, you become Sex Appeal

2. Use Anavar (15-21 years old)

View attachment 1490086

Anavar will make you look fucking amazing. It is also the one of least liver toxic steroids specially for an oral. It is extremely androgenic, so it will boost your frame, jaw bone, cheekbone, browridge, dick, etc.

Ideally, you’d want to run this with Testosterone, because even though Anavar pretty much acts as a replacement for testosterone, your T will be a bit suppressed while you’re using. Again; after you stop, your T will go back to normal with Anavar.

With Anavar, you will build muscle while losing bodyfat. Anavar also boosts collagen unlike most roids which completely fuck it. Your shoulders will look huge and you will look shredded af. It’s beautiful tbh

Do not run this for very long though, this is something you definitely wanna do in cycles. Since it isn’t very liver toxic, i’d say you’d be fine doing it 16 weeks. We’re blackpilled motherfucker. This isn’t reddit. You thought i’d say 4 weeks or some bullshit? Jfl. But nah seriously, you will be completely fine with 16 weeks, you’d be safe doing even a bit more probably but i don’t wanna shock too many bluepilled brains tbh.

I didn’t recommend dianabol because it aromatizes you to hell and even with AI it will be hard to keep estrogen under control so your height and growth plates might get stunted with it. Superdrol, anadrol, are too liver toxic. Other steroids, particularly 19-nors like Trenbolone, Nandrolone Undecaonate (Deca), Trestolone, etc will put your natural testosterone at 0 for months if not years after stopping and usually have pretty terrible side effects, and i would never try them myself so i wouldn’t recommend them here.

3. HGH (8-21 years old)

Everybody knows what HGH does. Height boost, skin improvement, massive frame growth, facial bone growth, muscle growth, etc.

If paired with testosterone and/or anavar, you will be guaranteed to become chad.

Like MK677, HGH can raise blood sugar levels and will likely bloat your face while using it.

4. AI (13-16 years old)

Most of u probably already know this one, AI kills estrogen, so with inhibited estrogen you can essentially keep your growth plates open forever. It also boosts your T a lot. Probably one of the best non-suppressing testosterone boosters. But I put this in the high effort classification because honestly i’m not a big fan of AI. I can’t deny it’s huge benefits for heightmaxxing. but the side effects are real, although they won’t happen to most.

Personally, im lucky to have low aromatization genes, as I inject 750 mg test weekly and still have low enough E that i don’t need to use AI. But for some, if you’re using doses that high you might need AI to combat the high E from aromatization of those superhuman testosterone levels.

Side effects of low E are:

• Erectile Dysfunction
View attachment 1490083

• Weak Joints

• Alopecia
View attachment 1490076

• Far higher chance of developing osteoporosis
View attachment 1490078

• Far higher chance of developing alzheimer’s
View attachment 1490079

• Severe depression/suicidal feelings/apathy

• A lot harder to build muscle
View attachment 1490074

• Damage to brain cells (Estrogen is neuroprotective)

View attachment 1490073

Thank you for reading my guide. I am planning to make NT/social circle/clout maxxing threads soon. React with 😍 and/or just reply and lmk if u wanna be tagged in em if u not in da roster already. Expect more high effort threads soon. This isn’t even close to the good shit i have planned to post in the future.

View attachment 1490098
Did you get your E tested? What were your levels?
Does injecting t or anavar has no effect on face after 21?
Injecting exogenous testosterone during puberty might be very problematic. Not because it will shut your natural production down(most people recover to 90-100% baseline after one cycle, and a teen would recover even better) but it will increase estrogen with it which will cause your growth plates to fuse and prevent you from growing.

If you take an AI inhibitor to counter this (basically decreases your estrogen) then you will throw off the test/estradiol balance in your body which will create neurotoxic/neurodegenerative situation in your body. And if you are below the age of 18 trust me you dont fucking want that.

One must wait until their growth is mostly complete(their height isnt growing anymore) and they are academically and intellectually satisfied with themselves.

If you were to ask me to choose between tall&intelligent vs shredded,not tall,not smart, i'd rather be tall&intelligent every time.
So take AI + T after 18?
holy shit bro, could i grow and shit and get muscle with this? I ordered hgh yesterday
Just inject testosterone in puberty because some guy from an incel forum says it's safe and not to worry about it theory
so you dont think anavar is good?

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