The dieting black pill: Why some fatcels are NOT volcels and Greg Doucettes cookbook works better than clenbuterol!


Deleted member 23219

genetically superior aero-chad
Oct 21, 2022

In the blackpill ideology the notions that fatcels are volcels is generally accepted as objectively true.
According to those aforementioned beliefs anybody can lose weight and get lean enough to be attractive to females, regardless of his/it's individual physiology or environmental factors outside of his/it's control.

On top of that, most of the diet advice given on this site is generally unsustainable and ineffective for most people in the long term.
Raw egg diets, HCG-diets, 10 day water fasts, low carb/low fat diets are only some of the idiotic diet models that I have seen on .org.

All of you niggers apparently haven't realized that water is wet when it comes to dieting!
Because of that i am making this thread to help you boneless fatasses swallow the leanmaxxing blackpill!

Leptin; Ghrelin and GLP-1;Why it nevER began for leptincels:

Leptin, coming from the greek word leptos for thin is a hormone synthetised in the adipose tissue and in the small intestine.
It in it's primary function leptin acts as an agonist to dopaminergic neurons in the hypothalamus and modulates hunger via the supression of different appetite enhancing neuropeptides and indirectly via the supression of ghrelin. It also enhances the synthesis of proopiomelanocortin and cocaine-and-amphetamine regulating transcript (CART) which supress appetite.
Leptin also stimulates the sympathetic nervous system, enhancing non exercise activity thermogenesis and basal metabolic rate.

On top of that leptin inhibits cortisol. Hypogonadism has also been associated with a lack of leptin.

When a person's body fat stores in the adipocytes are lowered/heightened, less/more leptin is secreted and that person's appetite therefore gets enhanced/supressed. Therefore the body tries to maintain somewhat homeostatic leptin levels and a somewhat homeostatic body fat set point.

If you are leptin resistant or born with too many fat cells:
It's ovER!:blackpill::feelswhy:

Ghrelin (acronym: Growth Hormone Release Inducing), the bodys natural GHRP, is mostly produced in the human stomach and modulates hunger mainly via enhancing the secretion of appetite enhancing neuropeptides in the hypothalamus.
When a person's stomach gets empty more ghrelin get's secreted, ergo the person gets more hungry. Anybody who has used GHRP 2/6 or MK677 knows this.
When you are full less Ghrelin gets secreted. Therefore when you are full you are less hungry.:feelsuhh:

GLP-1 (inkretin) is secreted in the small intestine as a reaction to glucose consumption. GLP-1 enhances insulin secretion and supresses glucagon secretion, therefore reducing blood glucose levels. It also inhibits stomach juice secretion and slows down digestion while simultaneously supressing appetite via interacting with GLP-1 receptors in the stomach.

Diet/Cardio advice: How to lose as much weight as possible and keep it off:

With the aforementioned information at hand, losing as much weight as you realistically can is laughably simple. You just need to be as full as possible, while consuming as little energy as possible.

"How do you do that?" By eating low calorie dense foods that don't taste like shit!
"Well, how do you do THAT?" By eating low calorie dense, protein rich frankenstein goyslop!
"Like the culinary abominations propagated all over fitness social media?" Yes! Exactly!

"B-b-b-but it's not (((healthy)))!:feelswah: I-It ruins your gut microbiom! Artificial sweeteners are baaaad!:feelswah: Carbs make you insulin resistant!:soy::feelswah: This diet is deficient in fat! There are no micronoootrients in that diet!:soy: T-this is an eating disorder!:soy::feelswah::soy::bluepill::bluepill::bluepill: You should eat more whole foods like nuts and soy!"

STFU you fat boneless cucks!
You can EITHER be as shredded as possible OR you can be (((healthy)))!:blackpill:
This is, not!:blackpill:

Pharmaceutical compounds that could potentially lower your body fat set point temporarily:

GLP-1-Receptor Agonists:

The main benefit of GLP-1 minetics (like semaglutide) lies in the appetite supression, slowed down gastric emptying, nausea and the decrease in blood sugar caused by increased insulin/reduced glucagon.
It could potentially damage the beta-cells in the pancreas if consumed in high dosages for a long time.

They increase symphathetic drive, therefore they increase non exercise activity thermogenesis.
They can therefore let you eat more and feel more full while being in the same calorie deficit.
They also supress hunger through several different pathways.

They increase lipolysis/fatty acid oxidation, therefore they can give you more energy and allow you to eat less.
Cardarine and Stenabolic make cardio/exercise more enjoyable on top of that.

Melanotan 1/2:
It decreases hunger (in my experience mainly through nausea) and increases lipolysis.
It also enhances the synthesis of

Roids don't "burn fat" per se but they can increase muscle mass to a significant degree (water is wet) therefore enhancing metabolism and can permanently lower your body fat setpoint by improving your muscle/fat ratio

Lastly i need to state the obvious again: No "fat burner" will help you if you are a genetic subhuman.
Subhumans will constantly feel like they are starving at 18% body fat, meanwhile Chad eats cheesy crust dominos pizza every day and stays at sub 10% body fat.:blackpill:

American Psycho - You Can Always Be Thinner, Look Better / Mislav Eljuga
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But clen is legit , if you actually don't care about anything might as well go for DNP too
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But clen is legit , if you actually don't care about anything might as well go for DNP too
They increase symphathetic drive, therefore they increase non exercise activity thermogenesis.
They can therefore let you eat more and feel more full while being in the same calorie deficit.
They also supress hunger through several different pathways.
Clenbuterol is a beta sympathominetic
normalfag advice

In the blackpill ideology the notions that fatcels are volcels is generally accepted as objectively true.
According to those aforementioned beliefs anybody can lose weight and get lean enough to be attractive to females, regardless of his/it's individual physiology or environmental factors outside of his/it's control.

On top of that, most of the diet advice given on this site is generally unsustainable and ineffective for most people in the long term.
Raw egg diets, HCG-diets, 10 day water fasts, low carb/low fat diets are only some of the idiotic diet models that I have seen on .org.

All of you niggers apparently haven't realized that water is wet when it comes to dieting!
Because of that i am making this thread to help you boneless fatasses swallow the leanmaxxing blackpill!

Leptin; Ghrelin and GLP-1;Why it nevER began for leptincels:

Leptin, coming from the greek word leptos for thin is a hormone synthetised in the adipose tissue and in the small intestine.
It in it's primary function leptin acts as an agonist to dopaminergic neurons in the hypothalamus and modulates hunger via the supression of different appetite enhancing neuropeptides and indirectly via the supression of ghrelin. It also enhances the synthesis of proopiomelanocortin and cocaine-and-amphetamine regulating transcript (CART) which supress appetite.
Leptin also stimulates the sympathetic nervous system, enhancing non exercise activity thermogenesis and basal metabolic rate.

On top of that leptin inhibits cortisol. Hypogonadism has also been associated with a lack of leptin.

When a person's body fat stores in the adipocytes are lowered/heightened, less/more leptin is secreted and that person's appetite therefore gets enhanced/supressed. Therefore the body tries to maintain somewhat homeostatic leptin levels and a somewhat homeostatic body fat set point.

If you are leptin resistant or born with too many fat cells:
It's ovER!:blackpill::feelswhy:

Ghrelin (acronym: Growth Hormone Release Inducing), the bodys natural GHRP, is mostly produced in the human stomach and modulates hunger mainly via enhancing the secretion of appetite enhancing neuropeptides in the hypothalamus.
When a person's stomach gets empty more ghrelin get's secreted, ergo the person gets more hungry. Anybody who has used GHRP 2/6 or MK677 knows this.
When you are full less Ghrelin gets secreted. Therefore when you are full you are less hungry.:feelsuhh:

GLP-1 (inkretin) is secreted in the small intestine as a reaction to glucose consumption. GLP-1 enhances insulin secretion and supresses glucagon secretion, therefore reducing blood glucose levels. It also inhibits stomach juice secretion and slows down digestion while simultaneously supressing appetite via interacting with GLP-1 receptors in the stomach.

Diet/Cardio advice: How to lose as much weight as possible and keep it off:

With the aforementioned information at hand, losing as much weight as you realistically can is laughably simple. You just need to be as full as possible, while consuming as little energy as possible.

"How do you do that?" By eating low calorie dense foods that don't taste like shit!
"Well, how do you do THAT?" By eating low calorie dense, protein rich frankenstein goyslop!
"Like the culinary abominations propagated all over fitness social media?" Yes! Exactly!

"B-b-b-but it's not (((healthy)))!:feelswah: I-It ruins your gut microbiom! Artificial sweeteners are baaaad!:feelswah: Carbs make you insulin resistant!:soy::feelswah: This diet is deficient in fat! There are no micronoootrients in that diet!:soy: T-this is an eating disorder!:soy::feelswah::soy::bluepill::bluepill::bluepill: You should eat more whole foods like nuts and soy!"

STFU you fat boneless cucks!
You can EITHER be as shredded as possible OR you can be (((healthy)))!:blackpill:
This is, not!:blackpill:

Pharmaceutical compounds that could potentially lower your body fat set point temporarily:

GLP-1-Receptor Agonists:

The main benefit of GLP-1 minetics (like semaglutide) lies in the appetite supression, slowed down gastric emptying, nausea and the decrease in blood sugar caused by increased insulin/reduced glucagon.
It could potentially damage the beta-cells in the pancreas if consumed in high dosages for a long time.

They increase symphathetic drive, therefore they increase non exercise activity thermogenesis.
They can therefore let you eat more and feel more full while being in the same calorie deficit.
They also supress hunger through several different pathways.

They increase lipolysis/fatty acid oxidation, therefore they can give you more energy and allow you to eat less.
Cardarine and Stenabolic make cardio/exercise more enjoyable on top of that.

Melanotan 1/2:
It decreases hunger (in my experience mainly through nausea) and increases lipolysis.
It also enhances the synthesis of

Roids don't "burn fat" per se but they can increase muscle mass to a significant degree (water is wet) therefore enhancing metabolism and can permanently lower your body fat setpoint by improving your muscle/fat ratio

Lastly i need to state the obvious again: No "fat burner" will help you if you are a genetic subhuman.
Subhumans will constantly feel like they are starving at 18% body fat, meanwhile Chad eats cheesy crust dominos pizza every day and stays at sub 10% body fat.:blackpill:

American Psycho - You Can Always Be Thinner, Look Better / Mislav Eljuga
To a medium extent, BMI is genetic.
As an ex-fatcel myself,leanmaxxong is gonna be hard but its either no women or a few women, maybe.

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Isn't Greg Doucette that maingaining guy?
Building muscle and losing body fat at the same time while eating at calorie maintenance is a very slow process.
It's far more time efficient to bulk and then cut.

As for cutting, it's really not that hard. I lost 41.8lbs in under 8 months. With a <2 month diet break in between.

Calories-in, calories-out. Aim to reduce 0.5% of your body weight per week if you want a more conservative cut to minimize muscle loss. If you're a sedentary fat ass who hasn't lifted in your life, you can afford to cut at a faster pace. If your stomach is growling and you're over your calorie budget for the day, just don't eat. Your body will adapt to the calorie deficit eventually and your stomach will stop growling.

Eat 1.8g protein per kg of body weight per day. Anything more than that won't give you any additional benefit.

A low-carb diet is far more retarded than a low-fat diet. So you should prioritize carbs over fats with your calorie budget. You need carbs for the gym and for work, school and day-to-day functioning in general. But don't go too low in fat because a low fat diet can give you health problems like temporary hair loss, poor brain function, poor vitamin absorption, low testosterone, depression, anxiety, poor heart health, insulin resistance, poor gut health, etc.

Lift for muscular hypertrophy to increase your muscle mass % (muscle mass burns calories more efficiently than body fat). Do 7-12 reps for 3-4 sets. 25-35 reps total per exercise. Focus on compound lifts like bench press, deadlift, squat, overhead press, bent-over-row. Also do abs to grow your abs so that they pop out when you get to low body fat %.

Do light cardio like walking or biking.

Also hollow cheeks are fucking retarded.
I compared a selfie of me back in Sept 24th when I was 5'6" 129.4 lbs side-by-side on an image editing app with me on Jan 22nd at 137.6 - 138.0 lbs (+8.2-8.6 lbs) while I was (mostly dirty) bulking and my face wasn't any less attractive. I was up to 141.8 lbs this morning.
I cut all the way down to 5'6" 126.4 lbs and I wasn't swimming in pussy. lmfao. Leanmaxxing is a meme. I don't miss my old 168.2 lb fat face. But there's a certain point of diminishing returns with leanness.

The bottom line is that I'm facially handsome but not handsome enough to pull consistently. Especially quality girls consistently. Especially at 5'6" (though on Tinder I don't even put my height in my bio and I still have sub-100 matches anyways after nearly 9 months of Tinder Platinum). Women are practically asexual towards 95%+ of men. It's not good enough to be handsome. You need to be like top <5% in looks to pull with your just face. Or make $150,000+/year or have status (like a celebrity). Or else not many women are going to give a fuck. This is why I'm trying to get jacked before cutting this time as a last resort. I've tried leanmaxxing and that didn't work out as well as I hoped it would. I'm 37. This is my last swan song at trying to ascend.
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this is a repost :popcorn:
Isn't Greg Doucette that maingaining guy?
Building muscle and losing body fat at the same time while eating at calorie maintenance is a very slow process.
It's far more time efficient to bulk and then cut.

As for cutting, it's really not that hard. I lost 41.8lbs in under 8 months. With a <2 month diet break in between.

Calories-in, calories-out. Aim to reduce 0.5% of your body weight per month if you want a more conservative cut to minimize muscle loss. If you're a sedentary fat ass who hasn't lifted in your life, you can afford to cut at a faster pace. If your stomach is growling and you're over your calorie budget for the day, just don't eat. Your body will adapt to the calorie deficit eventually and your stomach will stop growling.

Eat 1.8g protein per kg of body weight per day. Anything more than that won't give you any additional benefit.

A low-carb diet is far more retarded than a low-fat diet. So you should prioritize carbs over fats with your calorie budget. You need carbs for the gym and for work, school and day-to-day functioning in general. But don't go too low in fat because a low fat diet can give you health problems like temporary hair loss, poor brain function, poor vitamin absorption, low testosterone, depression, anxiety, poor heart health, insulin resistance, poor gut health, etc.

Lift for muscular hypertrophy to increase your muscle mass % (muscle mass burns calories more efficiently than body fat). Do 7-12 reps for 3-4 sets. 25-35 reps total per exercise. Focus on compound lifts like bench press, deadlift, squat, overhead press, bent-over-row. Also do abs to grow your abs so that they pop out when you get to low body fat %.

Do light cardio like walking or biking.
I'm not advocating for maingaining. Maingaining/recomping is :soy: shit ignoring the simple fact that the human body and especially the human endocrine system can not be in a largely catabolic state and in a largely anabolic state at the same time.

What i am advocating in this thread is weight loss strategies for fat guys with suboptimal fat loss "genetics". You won't build muscle doing this, in fact you will most likely lose muscle doing it, but you will be as lean as you possibly can be without feeling like shit.
And if you are truly fat to begin with you probably just need to prioritize your fat loss over the perfect macro split or the perfect micronutrient profile.

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