The end of looksmax and my personal overarching theory, read or continue to suffer in darkness



Apr 26, 2021
After years of theorizing and implementation, trail and error, I've come to the conclusion, perhaps tackling the incel and chad question forever;

Incels, blackpillers, looksmaxers are right, looks do matter.

But they are only 1 part of the equation.

Yes looks do matter. Yes height does matter. Yes personality does matter. And yes status does matter. Life is 1 big competition and you have to beat other guys in order to get females.

But what does this all translate to in one equation? Competence. Above all, women want a guy that shows competence no matter what. Show your skills, can be anything. Up to you what to specialize in.

What is dark triad? It is simply the mimicry of competence. As said by Jordan Peterson (Young naive women love this)

What is oofy doofy theory? It is the emotional "subhuman" who is easy to control, is less judgemental with perhaps, a willingness to get cucked type of guy. Usually gets lucky by meeting "broken", mentally ill born girls or equal subhumans (femcels), or current gen z tiktok lesbian strong independent agressive type of girls or gets really lucky and finds a girl that is more attractive than he is.

These are all bits and parts of the equation, but you know what is the single most important variable yet? The most brutal reason what causes our suffering? Perhaps you guessed it, it is our lack of neurotypical social skills. Not because we "lack" them, not because of "ptsd" (even though it looks very similar) Not because we are "stupid". But because our brains are fundamentally different, yes indeed, we are "aspies". Which is the reason we have this culture of rage and envy of those damned neurotypicals. (They are no better than us)

I've gotten many chances with women because of my competence but my autistic brain kept fucking my dreams over and over again. You know the manga berserk? I kinda felt like guts all the time, endless suffering and misery, but who was my griffith? No it wasn't the mythical "chads". It was my aspie brain. My aspie brain kept raping the beautiful women I ever had chances with. There is no escape from this endless cycle of suffering unless humans find a way to modify the brain (but that's some far futuristic shit) So then only in death shall there be salvation. Which is why I will try to get assisted suicide in my country. I always be a damned Alien because I know too much and see too much. I am severly autistic (can't hold or intiate casual conversation with anyone, always want to be "right" etc.) yet I'm strong, normal to above average looks, intelligent and show competence which is why NTs (neurotypicals) sometimes feel literally existentially threatened by me by always having to outcompete me in said domains (looks, height, money, status) because I lack the multiplier which are the so called neurotypical social skills in my brain. If they fail to do so in my vicinity, shame is brought upon them by nature and they have to talk behind my back that I'm "weird", I "stink" , or am "abnormal" etc. Like the fucking dead NTs they are. They all suffer in silence when I show them I'm better because in no way can they relate to me because of my autism. As any NT. Or they suddenly act very friendly lmao.

So it leaves me personally with 2 options.

Either cast retribution upon the NTs (go rambo, go homelander in the streets jfl) or seek salvation in death (or both)

Personally I would not cast retribution because it's no one's fault but God's really. Perhaps God does exist and all he really is, is a master sadist coward lil bitch hiding in space somewhere. In death shall there salvation, a painless preferably, the least what I deserve, what we deserve. God only showed me suffering without proper justification. Tell him to leave me alone.

Stop idolizing looksmax and seek the truth brothers. You are the only ones would could possible understand me.


So in summary;

(Looks, height, money, status) Competence times Neurotypical brain (Being "social") = Getting women, getting friends, getting "ahead" in "life".

Neurotypicals will always try to discredit you or try to outcompete you because they feel existentially threatened. In the mean time they are ok with cucking eachother jfl.

Think, neurotypical, think! 👉🧠👈

If you don't have a gf, you can't get cheated on.
The only reason why women cheat is because there are other men around and they can. If she is loyal for a very long time, consider yourself lucky or rich, or both.

In the mean time I'll mask my autism while at the same time unwillingly intimidating/trolling neurotypical normies and making them question their existence while I wait getting my assisted suicide while also rotmaxxing and escortmaxxing. I'm not sad, I'm not crazy, I'm just ahead of the curve, NT normie.
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  • Hmm...
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nt pill is not real and Chad can get any girl no matter how racist, stupid, or broke he is. your probably just coping or overrating yourself or both. women flock to fuck the most attractive guy not the most neurotypical.
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decent post
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After years of theorizing and implementation, trail and error, I've come to the conclusion, perhaps tackling the incel and chad question forever;

Incels, blackpillers, looksmaxers are right, looks do matter.

But they are only 1 part of the equation.

Yes looks do matter. Yes height does matter. Yes personality does matter. And yes status does matter. Life is 1 big competition and you have to beat other guys in order to get females.

But what does this all translate to in one equation? Competence. Above all, women want a guy that shows competence no matter what. Show your skills, can be anything. Up to you what to specialize in.

What is dark triad? It is simply the mimicry of competence. As said by Jordan Peterson (Young naive women love this)

What is oofy doofy theory? It is the emotional "subhuman" who is easy to control, is less judgemental with perhaps, a willingness to get cucked type of guy. Usually gets lucky by meeting "broken", mentally ill born girls or equal subhumans (femcels), or current gen z tiktok lesbian strong independent agressive type of girls or gets really lucky and finds a girl that is more attractive than he is.

These are all bits and parts of the equation, but you know what is the single most important variable yet? The most brutal reason what causes our suffering? Perhaps you guessed it, it is our lack of neurotypical social skills. Not because we "lack" them, not because of "ptsd" (even though it looks very similar) Not because we are "stupid". But because our brains are fundamentally different, yes indeed, we are "aspies". Which is the reason we have this culture of rage and envy of those damned neurotypicals. (They are no better than us)

I've gotten many chances with women because of my competence but my autistic brain kept fucking my dreams over and over again. You know the manga berserk? I kinda felt like guts all the time, endless suffering and misery, but who was my griffith? No it wasn't the mythical "chads". It was my aspie brain. My aspie brain kept raping the beautiful women I ever had chances with. There is no escape from this endless cycle of suffering unless humans find a way to modify the brain (but that's some far futuristic shit) So then only in death shall there be salvation. Which is why I will try to get assisted suicide in my country. I always be a damned Alien because I know too much and see too much. I am severly autistic (can't hold or intiate casual conversation with anyone, always want to be "right" etc.) yet I'm strong, normal to above average looks, intelligent and show competence which is why NTs (neurotypicals) sometimes feel literally existentially threatened by me by always having to outcompete me in said domains (looks, height, money, status) because I lack the multiplier which are the so called neurotypical social skills in my brain. If they fail to do so in my vicinity, shame is brought upon them by nature and they have to talk behind my back that I'm "weird", I "stink" , or am "abnormal" etc. Like the fucking dead NTs they are. They all suffer in silence when I show them I'm better because in no way can they relate to me because of my autism. As any NT. Or they suddenly act very friendly lmao.

So it leaves me personally with 2 options.

Either cast retribution upon the NTs (go rambo, go homelander in the streets jfl) or seek salvation in death (or both)

Personally I would not cast retribution because it's no one's fault but God's really. Perhaps God does exist and all he really is, is a master sadist coward lil bitch hiding in space somewhere. In death shall there salvation, a painless preferably, the least what I deserve, what we deserve. God only showed me suffering without proper justification. Tell him to leave me alone.

Stop idolizing looksmax and seek the truth brothers. You are the only ones would could possible understand me.


So in summary;

(Looks, height, money, status) Competence times Neurotypical brain (Being "social") = Getting women, getting friends, getting "ahead" in "life".

Neurotypicals will always try to discredit you or try to outcompete you because they feel existentially threatened. In the mean time they are ok with cucking eachother jfl.

Think, neurotypical, think! 👉🧠👈

If you don't have a gf, you can't get cheated on.
The only reason why women cheat is because there are other men around and they can. If she is loyal for a very long time, consider yourself lucky or rich, or both.

In the mean time I'll mask my autism while at the same time unwillingly intimidating/trolling neurotypical normies and making them question their existence while I wait getting my assisted suicide while also rotmaxxing and escortmaxxing. I'm not sad, I'm not crazy, I'm just ahead of the curve, NT normie.
I have seen these same kind of post so many times you dumbfuck wont stop coping no matter even if you did what you trying to explain here CHAD would be just one click away to steal your girl instead from 3rd person view you would like a idiot or a clown. The best Maxx is Money and bring up girl up girl from 3rd world if you wanna wife a WhOmAn up.

The only things that matter the most after looks is money in the bank , it saves you from wageslave.
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Reactions: PSLdemigod, guy24, humanoidsub7 and 3 others
nt pill is not real and Chad can get any girl no matter how racist, stupid, or broke he is. your probably just coping or overrating yourself or both. women flock to fuck the most attractive guy not the most neurotypical.
Where did you meet this mythical autistic stupid Chad doing nothing with his life? Have you actually observed this irl?
  • +1
Reactions: guy24, humanoidsub7, Gus17 and 1 other person
Where did you meet this mythical autistic stupid Chad doing nothing with his life? Have you actually observed this irl?
bro fr ppl always pull that card however, Chad isn't a bum because he's inclined to actually do something with his life.
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We need more whitepill threads
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Either cast retribution upon the NTs (go rambo, go homelander in the streets jfl) or seek salvation in death (or both)

how old are you? does anyone love you? Any family who cares about you?

holyfuck youre so far gone jesus
  • +1
Reactions: efidescontinuado
Not a single word
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Reactions: PickleTheSlayer, bloomercel, m0ss26 and 1 other person
bro fr ppl always pull that card however, Chad isn't a bum because he's inclined to actually do something with his life.
yeah or that Chads supposedly don't have to do anything to be attractive and just do whatever they want, as if the average psl god doesn't have a whole team of people, hundreds of thousands of dollars and a rigorous regimen dedicated to his looksmaxxing.
  • +1
Reactions: JustPilled
how old are you? does anyone love you? Any family who cares about you?

holyfuck youre so far gone jesus
I'm 23, yes family cares about me, but I'm severly autistic. I realize that that is the thing stopping me from being a productive member in society. I'm not sad bro. I'm just being a man and taking responsibility. Take care of yourself.
my neet chad friend live off his wealthy gf, i want to trade gf with him and being useless video game player like him
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yeah or that Chads supposedly don't have to do anything to be attractive and just do whatever they want, as if the average psl god doesn't have a whole team of people, hundreds of thousands of dollars and a rigorous regimen dedicated to his looksmaxxing.
exactly, there might be a 1 in a billion chad who is a bum, and he'll likely falloff within a few years. People saying chads don't put in any work are just coping with their own laziness.
  • +1
Reactions: efidescontinuado, mitereew, kanderior and 1 other person
how old are you? does anyone love you? Any family who cares about you?

holyfuck youre so far gone jesus
They are euthanazing autistics in the Netherlands bro, I'm not joking. Look it up.
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  • JFL
Reactions: T50 Mogger, godisdead and vermillioncorefan
“””I am severly autistic (can't hold or intiate casual conversation with anyone, always want to be "right" etc.)””

Talk to more people.

If u always want to be right, then stop.
  • Ugh..
Reactions: vermillioncorefan
Dnr but I agree
After years of theorizing and implementation, trail and error, I've come to the conclusion, perhaps tackling the incel and chad question forever;

Incels, blackpillers, looksmaxers are right, looks do matter.

But they are only 1 part of the equation.

Yes looks do matter. Yes height does matter. Yes personality does matter. And yes status does matter. Life is 1 big competition and you have to beat other guys in order to get females.

But what does this all translate to in one equation? Competence. Above all, women want a guy that shows competence no matter what. Show your skills, can be anything. Up to you what to specialize in.

What is dark triad? It is simply the mimicry of competence. As said by Jordan Peterson (Young naive women love this)

What is oofy doofy theory? It is the emotional "subhuman" who is easy to control, is less judgemental with perhaps, a willingness to get cucked type of guy. Usually gets lucky by meeting "broken", mentally ill born girls or equal subhumans (femcels), or current gen z tiktok lesbian strong independent agressive type of girls or gets really lucky and finds a girl that is more attractive than he is.

These are all bits and parts of the equation, but you know what is the single most important variable yet? The most brutal reason what causes our suffering? Perhaps you guessed it, it is our lack of neurotypical social skills. Not because we "lack" them, not because of "ptsd" (even though it looks very similar) Not because we are "stupid". But because our brains are fundamentally different, yes indeed, we are "aspies". Which is the reason we have this culture of rage and envy of those damned neurotypicals. (They are no better than us)

I've gotten many chances with women because of my competence but my autistic brain kept fucking my dreams over and over again. You know the manga berserk? I kinda felt like guts all the time, endless suffering and misery, but who was my griffith? No it wasn't the mythical "chads". It was my aspie brain. My aspie brain kept raping the beautiful women I ever had chances with. There is no escape from this endless cycle of suffering unless humans find a way to modify the brain (but that's some far futuristic shit) So then only in death shall there be salvation. Which is why I will try to get assisted suicide in my country. I always be a damned Alien because I know too much and see too much. I am severly autistic (can't hold or intiate casual conversation with anyone, always want to be "right" etc.) yet I'm strong, normal to above average looks, intelligent and show competence which is why NTs (neurotypicals) sometimes feel literally existentially threatened by me by always having to outcompete me in said domains (looks, height, money, status) because I lack the multiplier which are the so called neurotypical social skills in my brain. If they fail to do so in my vicinity, shame is brought upon them by nature and they have to talk behind my back that I'm "weird", I "stink" , or am "abnormal" etc. Like the fucking dead NTs they are. They all suffer in silence when I show them I'm better because in no way can they relate to me because of my autism. As any NT. Or they suddenly act very friendly lmao.

So it leaves me personally with 2 options.

Either cast retribution upon the NTs (go rambo, go homelander in the streets jfl) or seek salvation in death (or both)

Personally I would not cast retribution because it's no one's fault but God's really. Perhaps God does exist and all he really is, is a master sadist coward lil bitch hiding in space somewhere. In death shall there salvation, a painless preferably, the least what I deserve, what we deserve. God only showed me suffering without proper justification. Tell him to leave me alone.

Stop idolizing looksmax and seek the truth brothers. You are the only ones would could possible understand me.


So in summary;

(Looks, height, money, status) Competence times Neurotypical brain (Being "social") = Getting women, getting friends, getting "ahead" in "life".

Neurotypicals will always try to discredit you or try to outcompete you because they feel existentially threatened. In the mean time they are ok with cucking eachother jfl.

Think, neurotypical, think! 👉🧠👈

If you don't have a gf, you can't get cheated on.
The only reason why women cheat is because there are other men around and they can. If she is loyal for a very long time, consider yourself lucky or rich, or both.

In the mean time I'll mask my autism while at the same time unwillingly intimidating/trolling neurotypical normies and making them question their existence while I wait getting my assisted suicide while also rotmaxxing and escortmaxxing. I'm not sad, I'm not crazy, I'm just ahead of the curve, NT normie.
Update: I'll postpone the current euthanasia plan, I'll fuck around a little more, slowly accepting my neurodiverse, yet superior brain. I open my mouth, everyone feels my confidence, girls like it too but they get insecure around me. I'm too real, I'll fuck around a little see where it can lead me.
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Just eat raw red meat to fix autism, easy fix. Also when you're 25+ or older you just figure out how the entire world works and realize it's a joke and you were being careful and "serious" for nothing. Life is just a vivid dream, literal video game. Do whatever you want, stop being a high inhib cuck.

I'm not NT and I do great in social situations just following my instinct, when I start overthinking what I'm about to say my mouth locks up. I think the hours I've spent posting online made me have something to say for anything and you can translate that to IRL. It all boils down to not being a pussy afraid of judgement and saying whatever is on your mind.
Last edited:
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  • JFL
Reactions: efidescontinuado, mitereew, Clown Show and 3 others
After years of theorizing and implementation, trail and error, I've come to the conclusion, perhaps tackling the incel and chad question forever;

Incels, blackpillers, looksmaxers are right, looks do matter.

But they are only 1 part of the equation.

Yes looks do matter. Yes height does matter. Yes personality does matter. And yes status does matter. Life is 1 big competition and you have to beat other guys in order to get females.

But what does this all translate to in one equation? Competence. Above all, women want a guy that shows competence no matter what. Show your skills, can be anything. Up to you what to specialize in.

What is dark triad? It is simply the mimicry of competence. As said by Jordan Peterson (Young naive women love this)

What is oofy doofy theory? It is the emotional "subhuman" who is easy to control, is less judgemental with perhaps, a willingness to get cucked type of guy. Usually gets lucky by meeting "broken", mentally ill born girls or equal subhumans (femcels), or current gen z tiktok lesbian strong independent agressive type of girls or gets really lucky and finds a girl that is more attractive than he is.

These are all bits and parts of the equation, but you know what is the single most important variable yet? The most brutal reason what causes our suffering? Perhaps you guessed it, it is our lack of neurotypical social skills. Not because we "lack" them, not because of "ptsd" (even though it looks very similar) Not because we are "stupid". But because our brains are fundamentally different, yes indeed, we are "aspies". Which is the reason we have this culture of rage and envy of those damned neurotypicals. (They are no better than us)

I've gotten many chances with women because of my competence but my autistic brain kept fucking my dreams over and over again. You know the manga berserk? I kinda felt like guts all the time, endless suffering and misery, but who was my griffith? No it wasn't the mythical "chads". It was my aspie brain. My aspie brain kept raping the beautiful women I ever had chances with. There is no escape from this endless cycle of suffering unless humans find a way to modify the brain (but that's some far futuristic shit) So then only in death shall there be salvation. Which is why I will try to get assisted suicide in my country. I always be a damned Alien because I know too much and see too much. I am severly autistic (can't hold or intiate casual conversation with anyone, always want to be "right" etc.) yet I'm strong, normal to above average looks, intelligent and show competence which is why NTs (neurotypicals) sometimes feel literally existentially threatened by me by always having to outcompete me in said domains (looks, height, money, status) because I lack the multiplier which are the so called neurotypical social skills in my brain. If they fail to do so in my vicinity, shame is brought upon them by nature and they have to talk behind my back that I'm "weird", I "stink" , or am "abnormal" etc. Like the fucking dead NTs they are. They all suffer in silence when I show them I'm better because in no way can they relate to me because of my autism. As any NT. Or they suddenly act very friendly lmao.

So it leaves me personally with 2 options.

Either cast retribution upon the NTs (go rambo, go homelander in the streets jfl) or seek salvation in death (or both)

Personally I would not cast retribution because it's no one's fault but God's really. Perhaps God does exist and all he really is, is a master sadist coward lil bitch hiding in space somewhere. In death shall there salvation, a painless preferably, the least what I deserve, what we deserve. God only showed me suffering without proper justification. Tell him to leave me alone.

Stop idolizing looksmax and seek the truth brothers. You are the only ones would could possible understand me.


So in summary;

(Looks, height, money, status) Competence times Neurotypical brain (Being "social") = Getting women, getting friends, getting "ahead" in "life".

Neurotypicals will always try to discredit you or try to outcompete you because they feel existentially threatened. In the mean time they are ok with cucking eachother jfl.

Think, neurotypical, think! 👉🧠👈

If you don't have a gf, you can't get cheated on.
The only reason why women cheat is because there are other men around and they can. If she is loyal for a very long time, consider yourself lucky or rich, or both.

In the mean time I'll mask my autism while at the same time unwillingly intimidating/trolling neurotypical normies and making them question their existence while I wait getting my assisted suicide while also rotmaxxing and escortmaxxing. I'm not sad, I'm not crazy, I'm just ahead of the curve, NT normie.
tl;dr you’re mentally ill
  • JFL
Reactions: efidescontinuado
Update: I'll postpone the current euthanasia plan, I'll fuck around a little more, slowly accepting my neurodiverse, yet superior brain. I open my mouth, everyone feels my confidence, girls like it too but they get insecure around me. I'm too real, I'll fuck around a little see where it can lead me.
Hey dude, I think you’re just ugly
  • +1
Reactions: mitereew and Clown Show
Hey dude, I think you’re just ugly
I'm 23, yes family cares about me, but I'm severly autistic. I realize that that is the thing stopping me from being a productive member in society. I'm not sad bro. I'm just being a man and taking responsibility. Take care of yourself.

I've just recently turned 32 and from London, where it is KING to be neurotypical. Particularly in the suburbs.

Let me tell you with certainty, you are not on the spectrum.

Neurotypicality is learned. When you get to a certain level of intelligence and/or open mindedness it is harder to learn, but still possible, but then comes managing it. I think you can learn it still.

You also have the wrong people around you if they are gossiping about you.

There is no escape from this endless cycle of suffering unless humans find a way to modify the brain (but that's some far futuristic shit)
Wisest quote on this forum this year.
After years of theorizing and implementation, trail and error, I've come to the conclusion, perhaps tackling the incel and chad question forever;

Incels, blackpillers, looksmaxers are right, looks do matter.

But they are only 1 part of the equation.

Yes looks do matter. Yes height does matter. Yes personality does matter. And yes status does matter. Life is 1 big competition and you have to beat other guys in order to get females.

But what does this all translate to in one equation? Competence. Above all, women want a guy that shows competence no matter what. Show your skills, can be anything. Up to you what to specialize in.

What is dark triad? It is simply the mimicry of competence. As said by Jordan Peterson (Young naive women love this)

What is oofy doofy theory? It is the emotional "subhuman" who is easy to control, is less judgemental with perhaps, a willingness to get cucked type of guy. Usually gets lucky by meeting "broken", mentally ill born girls or equal subhumans (femcels), or current gen z tiktok lesbian strong independent agressive type of girls or gets really lucky and finds a girl that is more attractive than he is.

These are all bits and parts of the equation, but you know what is the single most important variable yet? The most brutal reason what causes our suffering? Perhaps you guessed it, it is our lack of neurotypical social skills. Not because we "lack" them, not because of "ptsd" (even though it looks very similar) Not because we are "stupid". But because our brains are fundamentally different, yes indeed, we are "aspies". Which is the reason we have this culture of rage and envy of those damned neurotypicals. (They are no better than us)

I've gotten many chances with women because of my competence but my autistic brain kept fucking my dreams over and over again. You know the manga berserk? I kinda felt like guts all the time, endless suffering and misery, but who was my griffith? No it wasn't the mythical "chads". It was my aspie brain. My aspie brain kept raping the beautiful women I ever had chances with. There is no escape from this endless cycle of suffering unless humans find a way to modify the brain (but that's some far futuristic shit) So then only in death shall there be salvation. Which is why I will try to get assisted suicide in my country. I always be a damned Alien because I know too much and see too much. I am severly autistic (can't hold or intiate casual conversation with anyone, always want to be "right" etc.) yet I'm strong, normal to above average looks, intelligent and show competence which is why NTs (neurotypicals) sometimes feel literally existentially threatened by me by always having to outcompete me in said domains (looks, height, money, status) because I lack the multiplier which are the so called neurotypical social skills in my brain. If they fail to do so in my vicinity, shame is brought upon them by nature and they have to talk behind my back that I'm "weird", I "stink" , or am "abnormal" etc. Like the fucking dead NTs they are. They all suffer in silence when I show them I'm better because in no way can they relate to me because of my autism. As any NT. Or they suddenly act very friendly lmao.

So it leaves me personally with 2 options.

Either cast retribution upon the NTs (go rambo, go homelander in the streets jfl) or seek salvation in death (or both)

Personally I would not cast retribution because it's no one's fault but God's really. Perhaps God does exist and all he really is, is a master sadist coward lil bitch hiding in space somewhere. In death shall there salvation, a painless preferably, the least what I deserve, what we deserve. God only showed me suffering without proper justification. Tell him to leave me alone.

Stop idolizing looksmax and seek the truth brothers. You are the only ones would could possible understand me.


So in summary;

(Looks, height, money, status) Competence times Neurotypical brain (Being "social") = Getting women, getting friends, getting "ahead" in "life".

Neurotypicals will always try to discredit you or try to outcompete you because they feel existentially threatened. In the mean time they are ok with cucking eachother jfl.

Think, neurotypical, think! 👉🧠👈

If you don't have a gf, you can't get cheated on.
The only reason why women cheat is because there are other men around and they can. If she is loyal for a very long time, consider yourself lucky or rich, or both.

In the mean time I'll mask my autism while at the same time unwillingly intimidating/trolling neurotypical normies and making them question their existence while I wait getting my assisted suicide while also rotmaxxing and escortmaxxing. I'm not sad, I'm not crazy, I'm just ahead of the curve, NT normie.
NT is important but looks are king.
After years of theorizing and implementation, trail and error, I've come to the conclusion, perhaps tackling the incel and chad question forever;

Incels, blackpillers, looksmaxers are right, looks do matter.

But they are only 1 part of the equation.

Yes looks do matter. Yes height does matter. Yes personality does matter. And yes status does matter. Life is 1 big competition and you have to beat other guys in order to get females.

But what does this all translate to in one equation? Competence. Above all, women want a guy that shows competence no matter what. Show your skills, can be anything. Up to you what to specialize in.

What is dark triad? It is simply the mimicry of competence. As said by Jordan Peterson (Young naive women love this)

What is oofy doofy theory? It is the emotional "subhuman" who is easy to control, is less judgemental with perhaps, a willingness to get cucked type of guy. Usually gets lucky by meeting "broken", mentally ill born girls or equal subhumans (femcels), or current gen z tiktok lesbian strong independent agressive type of girls or gets really lucky and finds a girl that is more attractive than he is.

These are all bits and parts of the equation, but you know what is the single most important variable yet? The most brutal reason what causes our suffering? Perhaps you guessed it, it is our lack of neurotypical social skills. Not because we "lack" them, not because of "ptsd" (even though it looks very similar) Not because we are "stupid". But because our brains are fundamentally different, yes indeed, we are "aspies". Which is the reason we have this culture of rage and envy of those damned neurotypicals. (They are no better than us)

I've gotten many chances with women because of my competence but my autistic brain kept fucking my dreams over and over again. You know the manga berserk? I kinda felt like guts all the time, endless suffering and misery, but who was my griffith? No it wasn't the mythical "chads". It was my aspie brain. My aspie brain kept raping the beautiful women I ever had chances with. There is no escape from this endless cycle of suffering unless humans find a way to modify the brain (but that's some far futuristic shit) So then only in death shall there be salvation. Which is why I will try to get assisted suicide in my country. I always be a damned Alien because I know too much and see too much. I am severly autistic (can't hold or intiate casual conversation with anyone, always want to be "right" etc.) yet I'm strong, normal to above average looks, intelligent and show competence which is why NTs (neurotypicals) sometimes feel literally existentially threatened by me by always having to outcompete me in said domains (looks, height, money, status) because I lack the multiplier which are the so called neurotypical social skills in my brain. If they fail to do so in my vicinity, shame is brought upon them by nature and they have to talk behind my back that I'm "weird", I "stink" , or am "abnormal" etc. Like the fucking dead NTs they are. They all suffer in silence when I show them I'm better because in no way can they relate to me because of my autism. As any NT. Or they suddenly act very friendly lmao.

So it leaves me personally with 2 options.

Either cast retribution upon the NTs (go rambo, go homelander in the streets jfl) or seek salvation in death (or both)

Personally I would not cast retribution because it's no one's fault but God's really. Perhaps God does exist and all he really is, is a master sadist coward lil bitch hiding in space somewhere. In death shall there salvation, a painless preferably, the least what I deserve, what we deserve. God only showed me suffering without proper justification. Tell him to leave me alone.

Stop idolizing looksmax and seek the truth brothers. You are the only ones would could possible understand me.


So in summary;

(Looks, height, money, status) Competence times Neurotypical brain (Being "social") = Getting women, getting friends, getting "ahead" in "life".

Neurotypicals will always try to discredit you or try to outcompete you because they feel existentially threatened. In the mean time they are ok with cucking eachother jfl.

Think, neurotypical, think! 👉🧠👈

If you don't have a gf, you can't get cheated on.
The only reason why women cheat is because there are other men around and they can. If she is loyal for a very long time, consider yourself lucky or rich, or both.

In the mean time I'll mask my autism while at the same time unwillingly intimidating/trolling neurotypical normies and making them question their existence while I wait getting my assisted suicide while also rotmaxxing and escortmaxxing. I'm not sad, I'm not crazy, I'm just ahead of the curve, NT normie.
Take a look at my Whitepill post, I talk about the competition bewtween men and got to a conclusion. I dont think NTness is the problem though and if you want better social interactions you just had to be prettier, in modern society it all comes down to that
I've just recently turned 32 and from London, where it is KING to be neurotypical. Particularly in the suburbs.

Let me tell you with certainty, you are not on the spectrum.

Neurotypicality is learned. When you get to a certain level of intelligence and/or open mindedness it is harder to learn, but still possible, but then comes managing it. I think you can learn it still.

You also have the wrong people around you if they are gossiping about you.

Unfortunately you are wrong, I'm a diagnosed asperger autist, against all odds. I was first in denial but after suffering countless days, I realized, this shit is real and I have to deal with it, figure out if strenghts and weaknesses and apply into reality, action. I believe life is certainly much harsher for autists than neurotypicals in the climate of today. Like someone said, it's better to a manlet with widehips but has social skills/osmosis in the brain than to be a handsome masculine fella but is autistic and makes people uncomfortable because of his behaviour. This is, the true blackpill, or whitepill for that matter. Looks are still real, but humanity is more than dolls are we? Question is, what the fuck do we do? The world needs to find a place to use autists and how they can push humanity forwards. In terms of finding a partner, as an autists you can't follow standard dating procedure and you have to find women that are different and/or accept your autism. It's that simple, or else you will always fail in love.
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This is more botb worthy than half the shit in botb
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Take a look at my Whitepill post, I talk about the competition bewtween men and got to a conclusion. I dont think NTness is the problem though and if you want better social interactions you just had to be prettier, in modern society it all comes down to that
No man, I see what you call subhumans all the time getting with the cute girls I want. I'm smarter, stronger, can break their skulls but still can't get the girl because I have no social skills in the brain and make them really uncomfortable if I stop masking, they have interest in me until I open my autistic mouth so I stay silent but that backfires also into thinking that I'm submissive or shy. Trapped between 2 fires. Wtf do I do? Kill neurotypicals? Not 1 neurotypical is responsible for my own suffering, the world is, god is. I want him to come down from heaven so I can teach him something about humility. You and all blackpill looksmaxers have to understand ((Looks are only ONE part of the equation)) Neurotypical social skills is the multiplier of said looks. And besides, no one here is truly deformed so not even a damn lunatic surgery is required. Just some softmaxing. For the rest, looks are mostly luck and a little genetic (Don't know much about genetic part, I could be wrong (then it is genetic recombination etc.) Reality is far worse than just say it's all about looks, it's about your own damn humanity and what it means to be one.
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NT is important but looks are king.
I'd say nt is king, looks might get women to fk you (hell still not even without social skills), but nt keeps the women and your humanity, it's just much easier I observed, no questioning your own existence as an autist. But that's another topic.
dnrd only chad

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