The Great Reset : A Roadmap


This User Mogs You

Jan 14, 2022
To make this post short and succinct, I will only cover key facts, and will not speculate.

0. The Great Reset will be the most significant event in history.

1.1. The COVID-19 pandemic was and is a strain of Influenza ("seasonal flu").

1.2. There are several strains of Influenza, and Coronaviruses are one particular strain.

1.3. The COVID-19 virus has never been isolated.

1.4. Many deaths that were not even related to Influenza have been attributed to the COVID-19 virus.

1.5. The COVID-19 virus (coronaviruses) is (are) not a dangerous pandemic any further than in terms of its role as part of the Influenza virus.

2.1. The wealthy elite of society in the fields of politics, economics, big business, and medicine are not taking the pandemic seriously.

2.2. Boris Johnson, Prime Minister of UK, has recently come under fire for having multiple parties at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic (mid 2020).

2.3.1. Thousands of doctors across the globe have disputed the COVID-19 pandemic's seriousness.

2.3.2. This is the largest number of educated dissenters to a particular field of medicine in history.

2.3.3. 2.3.2 is still correct even if you adjust for the prominence of the COVID-19 pandemic in terms of public interest.

2.4. Hundreds of prominent figures have been caught not following basic COVID-19 regulations.

3.1. The COVID-19 vaccine is a biological weapon.

3.2.1. The vaccine contains mRNA, which can change a human's DNA if the creator tailors it to do so.

3.2.2. Many side effects have already developed in individuals who have taken the vaccines.

3.2.3. Examples include : Myocarditis, Blood Clotting.

3.3. If the creator desires, the vaccines could be tailored to kill and/or sterilise the vaccinated.

4.1. Several arguments have been put forward for a significant reduction in the global population.

4.2.1. In particular, the White race is a target for reduction.

4.2.2. A disproportionate amount of carbon emissions are from White countries and corporations.

4.2.3. Much of global deforestation and reduction in biodiversity has been caused by White countries and corporations.

4.3. White corporations and White government subsidies uphold much of the environmentally-damaging infrastructure even in non-White countries.

4.4. It could be argued that if the White race was eliminated, non-White nations would regress to a state of technological decay, therefore solving the environmental issue.

5.1. The World Economic Forum ("WEF") is a global conference of national and business leaders and economists.

5.2.1. Members of the WEF, including founder Klaus Schwab, have previously promoted causes such as abortion rights, LGBTQ+ rights, non-White immigration to White countries, miscegenation, and advocated for environmental causes.

5.2.2. Attendees of the WEF include : Donald Trump, Greta Thunberg, Henry Kissinger, Angela Merkel, Emmanuel Macron, Boris Johnson, Prince Charles of the United Kingdom, Edmond de Rothschild, George Soros.

5.2.3. These causes (5.2.1.) can be perceived as indirectly reducing the White population.

5.2.4. These individuals (5.2.2.) include some of the most powerful individuals in the world.

5.2.5. The WEF can only, to my knowledge, be linked to the vaccines through its attendees.

6.1. Due to recent technological developments, it could be possible to create a system in which White individuals receive a mRNA shot, whereas non-White individuals receive a saline placebo.

6.2.1. If this system was indeed occurring, the non-White individuals would, most likely, be being saved for a later purpose.

6.2.2. non-White races such as Arabs and Sub-Saharans could be scared into working for the new global elite via overwhelming force.

7.1. In the future, a "singularity" may occur.

7.2.1. The technological singularity—or simply the singularity[1]—is a hypothetical point in time at which technological growth becomes uncontrollable and irreversible, resulting in unforeseeable changes to human civilization.[2][3] According to the most popular version of the singularity hypothesis, called intelligence explosion, an upgradable intelligent agent will eventually enter a "runaway reaction" of self-improvement cycles, each new and more intelligent generation appearing more and more rapidly, causing an "explosion" in intelligence and resulting in a powerful superintelligence that qualitatively far surpasses all human intelligence.

7.2.2. The "singularity" could arguably be more easily achieved by a more streamlined, technologically-focused planet. Arguably, (7.2.2.) could be achieved by significantly reducing the global population. This is because, arguably, a reduction in the global population would lead to a society with less dissent. Increasing automation means that a society with less humans is increasingly feasible. It is even possible to argue that such a society as described in ( could be much more effective at achieving the singularity in and of itself, independent of points ( and (

8. The COVID-19 vaccines could be used as a stepping stone towards achieving a society with less people, the process of which may have been termed by the WEF as the "Great Reset".
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  • JFL
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@disillusioned @reborn @MrProper @the BULL @LooksDeficiency @HasStoppedNoodling @Hueless

Get this thread going
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If you've taken the vaccine, you are basically already dead, so enjoy life while you can
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  • JFL
  • Hmm...
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Covid is a lie, have u ever met a nigger with coronavirus? Of course not, so how can the people that eat fried chicken takeaway everyday and share blunts and with at least 500 people in a month not catch Muh covid?

Because it’s made up.
  • JFL
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To make this post short and succinct, I will only cover key facts, and will not speculate.

0. The Great Reset will be the most significant event in history.

1.1. The COVID-19 pandemic was and is a strain of Influenza ("seasonal flu").

1.2. There are several strains of Influenza, and Coronaviruses are one particular strain.

1.3. The COVID-19 virus has never been isolated.

1.4. Many deaths that were not even related to Influenza have been attributed to the COVID-19 virus.

1.5. The COVID-19 virus (coronaviruses) is (are) not a dangerous pandemic any further than in terms of its role as part of the Influenza virus.

2.1. The wealthy elite of society in the fields of politics, economics, big business, and medicine are not taking the pandemic seriously.

2.2. Boris Johnson, Prime Minister of UK, has recently come under fire for having multiple parties at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic (mid 2020).

2.3.1. Thousands of doctors across the globe have disputed the COVID-19 pandemic's seriousness.

2.3.2. This is the largest number of educated dissenters to a particular field of medicine in history.

2.3.3. 2.3.2 is still correct even if you adjust for the prominence of the COVID-19 pandemic in terms of public interest.

2.4. Hundreds of prominent figures have been caught not following basic COVID-19 regulations.

3.1. The COVID-19 vaccine is a biological weapon.

3.2.1. The vaccine contains mRNA, which can change a human's DNA if the creator tailors it to do so.

3.2.2. Many side effects have already developed in individuals who have taken the vaccines.

3.2.3. Examples include : Myocarditis, Blood Clotting.

3.3. If the creator desires, the vaccines could be tailored to kill and/or sterilise the vaccinated.

4.1. Several arguments have been put forward for a significant reduction in the global population.

4.2.1. In particular, the White race is a target for reduction.

4.2.2. A disproportionate amount of carbon emissions are from White countries and corporations.

4.2.3. Much of global deforestation and reduction in biodiversity has been caused by White countries and corporations.

4.3. White corporations and White government subsidies uphold much of the environmentally-damaging infrastructure even in non-White countries.

4.4. It could be argued that if the White race was eliminated, non-White nations would regress to a state of technological decay, therefore solving the environmental issue.

5.1. The World Economic Forum ("WEF") is a global conference of national and business leaders and economists.

5.2.1. Members of the WEF, including founder Klaus Schwab, have previously promoted causes such as abortion rights, LGBTQ+ rights, non-White immigration to White countries, miscegenation, and advocated for environmental causes.

5.2.2. Attendees of the WEF include : Donald Trump, Greta Thunberg, Henry Kissinger, Angela Merkel, Emmanuel Macron, Boris Johnson, Prince Charles of the United Kingdom, Edmond de Rothschild, George Soros.

5.2.3. These causes (5.2.1.) can be perceived as indirectly reducing the White population.

5.2.4. These individuals (5.2.2.) include some of the most powerful individuals in the world.

5.2.5. The WEF can only, to my knowledge, be linked to the vaccines through its attendees.

6.1. Due to recent technological developments, it could be possible to create a system in which White individuals receive a mRNA shot, whereas non-White individuals receive a saline placebo.

6.2.1. If this system was indeed occurring, the non-White individuals would, most likely, be being saved for a later purpose.

6.2.2. non-White races such as Arabs and Sub-Saharans could be scared into working for the new global elite via overwhelming force.

7.1. In the future, a "singularity" may occur.

7.2.1. The technological singularity—or simply the singularity[1]—is a hypothetical point in time at which technological growth becomes uncontrollable and irreversible, resulting in unforeseeable changes to human civilization.[2][3] According to the most popular version of the singularity hypothesis, called intelligence explosion, an upgradable intelligent agent will eventually enter a "runaway reaction" of self-improvement cycles, each new and more intelligent generation appearing more and more rapidly, causing an "explosion" in intelligence and resulting in a powerful superintelligence that qualitatively far surpasses all human intelligence.

7.2.2. The "singularity" could arguably be more easily achieved by a more streamlined, technologically-focused planet. Arguably, (7.2.2.) could be achieved by significantly reducing the global population. This is because, arguably, a reduction in the global population would lead to a society with less dissent. Increasing automation means that a society with less humans is increasingly feasible. It is even possible to argue that such a society as described in ( could be much more effective at achieving the singularity in and of itself, independent of points ( and (

8. The COVID-19 vaccines could be used as a stepping stone towards achieving a society with less people, the process of which may have been termed by the WEF as the "Great Reset".
  • Ugh..
  • JFL
Reactions: ALP and Hueless
Doubt it. Are u vaxxed?
Took the first 2 (reluctantly, my jew school and autistic bluepilled boomer parents forced me to 😡) but meh i aint a 6ft3 chad so i dont have much to lose, life as non chad is pain :ogre:
  • Hmm...
  • JFL
Reactions: BrendioEEE and This User Mogs You
Covid was probably released by China on purpose. Think about it:
- Covid ended the trade war.
- Covid ended Trumps presidency.
- Covid harmed the economy of the entire planet except for China allowing China to purchase a lot of EU and US companies.

I do not think it is about exterminating whites though as it only harms old people and the vaccination apparently only harms very few people eventhough the long term effect is still unknown.
  • +1
Reactions: amorfati
Brb taking the 3rd one so i can die asap :lul:
  • JFL
Reactions: This User Mogs You
this stuff all seems like a crazy conspiracy theory but is true and unfolding before our eyes
  • +1
Reactions: This User Mogs You
We'll be forced to live in this shit forever because of schizos like you
Took the first 2 (reluctantly, my jew school and autistic bluepilled boomer parents forced me to 😡) but meh i aint a 6ft3 chad so i dont have much to lose, life as non chad is pain :ogre:
Brb taking the 3rd one so i can die asap :lul:
Listen, Western countries are gonna be major sausage parties after everyone dies from the vax, so maybe it's best that u go now :lul:
  • Ugh..
Reactions: ALP
Massive cope they wont kill of the loyal population first
The majority of the white population is loyal.

They want to kill a majority of the white population.

See 4, 6, 7. In fact, read the whole post again.
  • Ugh..
Reactions: ALP
Massive cope they wont kill of the loyal population first
You're seriously misusing "cope" right now. You are probably vaxxed and this is your own cope. How could I be coping when I am unvaxxed? Whether the vax is deadly or not does not affect me.
  • +1
  • Ugh..
Reactions: autistic_tendencies and ALP
The majority of the white population is loyal.

They want to kill a majority of the white population.

See 4, 6, 7. In fact, read the whole post again.
What will happen when most loyalist is gone the anti loyalty will slaughter the elites.
  • Ugh..
Reactions: ALP
Listen, Western countries are gonna be major sausage parties after everyone dies from the vax, so maybe it's best that u go now :lul:
I will ascend with septoplasty and LL
The majority of the white population is loyal.

They want to kill a majority of the white population.

See 4, 6, 7. In fact, read the whole post again.
Sounds like a 4chan post idk
What will happen when most loyalist is gone the anti loyalty will slaughter the elites.
Robots + automation.

Plus, parts of the military and UN Peacekeepers are most likely recieving the saline. A small number of well-armed soldiers will able to kill a large amount of unvaxxed.

Also, who says it will be a small number? See 6.2.2.
  • Ugh..
Reactions: ALP
What will happen when most loyalist is gone the anti loyalty will slaughter the elites.
Furthermore, I'm not saying the elites are flawless, so don't criticise my interpretation of their plan in terms of criticising their plan.
  • Ugh..
Reactions: ALP
i got my third dose today
i really wish you tinfoil hats would be right for once :Comfy:
Moretime, idc that you got the vax. That's your problem.
  • JFL
  • Ugh..
Reactions: ALP and khvirgin
Robots + automation.

Plus, parts of the military and UN Peacekeepers are most likely recieving the saline. A small number of well-armed soldiers will able to kill a large amount of unvaxxed.

Also, who says it will be a small number? See 6.2.2.
You are assuming they would be loyal. And that assumtion is stupid because the goverment have proven to be untrusthworthy .

Countless miltary bases will be empty so antivaxxer will pick good weapons so they are extremely dangerous force
Furthermore, I'm not saying the elites are flawless, so don't criticise my interpretation of their plan in terms of criticising their plan.
The problem is you are assuming they are mentally disable. If the plan was real they would exterminate antivaxxer first then go after loyalist
We'll be forced to live in this shit forever because of schizos like you
More than a small amount of the "schizos like me" have already got the vax, and regret it with every fiber of their being. Thankfully, I am not in that group. (y)
  • +1
Reactions: metagross
What is your definition of "white"
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The problem is you are assuming they are mentally disable. If the plan was real they would exterminate antivaxxer first then go after loyalist
:lul: What? That would immediately wake up the loyalists. Conditioning only goes so far.
You are assuming they would be loyal. And that assumtion is stupid because the goverment have proven to be untrusthworthy .

Countless miltary bases will be empty so antivaxxer will pick good weapons so they are extremely dangerous force
Countless military bases will not be empty because military forces are getting the saline. The elites will close up gaps like this. Who's assuming they are disabled now?
  • WTF
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:lul: What? That would immediately wake up the loyalists. Conditioning only goes so far.

Countless military bases will not be empty because military forces are getting the saline. The elites will close up gaps like this. Who's assuming they are disabled now?
You can exterminate them in other ways.

And again you are assuming the miltary would side with the elites that killed their friends,
And familj
More than a small amount of the "schizos like me" have already got the vax, and regret it with every fiber of their being. Thankfully, I am not in that group. (y)
400 4000127 science math retarded meme
  • JFL
Reactions: ALP and Hueless
What is your definition of "white"
500 million people. Scattered around the globe but some countries have more than others.

75% : UK, Germany, Scandinavia, Low Countries, Italy, Switzerland.

50% : France, Spain, Portugal, Poland, Baltics, Canada.

~40% : USA.

25% : Balkans, Eastern Europe, Argentina.
  • WTF
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500 million people. Scattered around the globe but some countries have more than others.

75% : UK, Germany, Scandinavia, Low Countries, Italy, Switzerland.

50% : France, Spain, Portugal, Poland, Baltics, Canada.

~40% : USA.

25% : Balkans, Eastern Europe, Argentina.
Why Israel is the most vaccinated country so
  • +1
Reactions: Toth's thot, OOGABOOGA, RoundHouse and 1 other person
You can exterminate them in other ways.
Please, enlighten me.
And again you are assuming the miltary would side with the elites that killed their friends,
And familj
6.2.2. bro. Most of the forces can be non-White, their families will be alive. And a lot of the rest will have a think, and will just be grateful they are being spared.
  • WTF
Reactions: ALP
The world is such a mess right now, we took so many years for granted until this came up...
  • +1
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Please, enlighten me.

6.2.2. bro. Most of the forces can be non-White, their families will be alive. And a lot of the rest will have a think, and will just be grateful they are being spared.
Blacks have white friends and family. And the rest will have HATRED for the goverment. They would allied with the anti vaxxers and the black military will probaly join forces with the antivaxxer.

They can use covid 19 as a cover. And kill them with poisning
  • JFL
Reactions: This User Mogs You
500 million people. Scattered around the globe but some countries have more than others.

75% : UK, Germany, Scandinavia, Low Countries, Italy, Switzerland.

50% : France, Spain, Portugal, Poland, Baltics, Canada.

~40% : USA.

25% : Balkans, Eastern Europe, Argentina.
Where`s Ecuador and Brazil
I like how you can just skip over Israel being almost fully vaccinated and still proceed with this grand NWO wipeout conspiracy without involving the jews. It seems like all those batshit conspiracies build their tenants around the jewery just for laughs JFL
  • +1
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  • WTF
  • Woah
Reactions: ALP and Deleted member 14478
I like how you can just skip over Israel being almost fully vaccinated and still proceed with this grand NWO wipeout conspiracy without involving the jews. It seems like all those batshit conspiracies build their tenants around the jewery just for laughs JFL
Why are you bringing up jews? You antisemitic or something?

P.S. You will die
  • WTF
  • JFL
Reactions: ALP and ropemax
Blacks have white friends and family. And the rest will have HATRED for the goverment. They would allied with the anti vaxxers and the black military will probaly join forces with the antivaxxer.

They can use covid 19 as a cover. And kill them with poisning
Nigga what are you even saying. Just admit you were wrong.
  • WTF
Reactions: ALP
The world is such a mess right now, we took so many years for granted until this came up...
I'd do anything to go back to the summer of 2019. My development has been stunted by this pandemic. :lul:
  • WTF
Reactions: ALP
I'd do anything to go back to the summer of 2019. My development has been stunted by this pandemic. :lul:

I keep saying this irl and people think for a minute then fully agree.
2006-2016 is the best decade humanity has and will probably ever have.
For a lot of reasons. Take a moment and think.
  • +1
Reactions: This User Mogs You
I am not wrong most of the military will turn against the elites
Your points are so ridiculous that it's a waste of time to address them. You are moving the goalposts so you don't have to admit you were wrong. Ur a brainlet who thinks he is smart.

I don’t know what the elites will do to remedy these problems. I've just been presenting possible solutions because you keep forcing me into these positions. From now on, say something smart or I won't respond.
  • Ugh..
Reactions: ALP
  • Ugh..
Reactions: ALP
I keep saying this irl and people think for a minute then fully agree.
2006-2016 is the best decade humanity has and will probably ever have.
For a lot of reasons. Take a moment and think.
Kinda. What do you mean by humanity? Because the Great Reset will be good for humanity objectively.
  • Ugh..
Reactions: ALP

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