The Gym is Nothing But a Pile of Cope

Jfl I've seen ur pics dude. U look like the stereotypical low t framecel that fits right in with this community. I got no reason to cope either. I like the way I look and am here to kill time and dick around, but you could use some serious size man. U don't amog shit
i havent even sent pics to anyone
keep coping
Once again I'm not coping. You wouldn't be here if u were a mog machine jfl
of course I am not a mog machine and that is due to face.
I wouldnt waste any time here if i was good looking...
abs are the biggest cope since you wear a t shirt in 99% of year

same for bulking though when you have a big biceps but a bloated face like pig

healthy bmi 22-25, with decent bodyfat lvl so that you have a visible jawline and no double chin is enough tbh

this can easily achieved through normal, healthy eating and a somewhat active lifestyle with regular physical exercises.

gym is not really necessary. normal sport, eg playing basketball/soccer/handball/basball/tennis/swimming in a club is also sufficient. ideally you combine it with gymceling though. however if you are too bad for normal sports/dont have enough time you can ofc go the only gymceling route. just dont fall for the bulk/powerlifter meme (hmmm 6k calories bruh...hmmm no cardio bc muuuh gainz) and do a normal workout for normal people and you will do fine tbh

btw the best physique in my class had a swimmer and a tennisplayer. both guys didnt visit a gym at this time but were both very physical active and ate very healthy. also chad genetics
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So true tbh. Gym and roids are for copers. If you dont have a better body than half the gym members before joining, just dont bother with it. If you need to gymcel for fun, just get a simple workout routine and dont count calories or take supplements. Everything else is basically cope.

Yep, it's just all one big fucking cope.

It's true one should be low bodyfat, but more often than not, gymcelling actually goes against this looksmax. Since most gymcels spend the overwhelmingly majority of their time 'bulking' for 'muh gains' (which also include fat gains, which cuck your facial bones).

Go around a gym someday, you'll find 95% of them aren't lean. They're either noobs (who, statistically speaking, will quit early on) or strong guys who are on perma-bulk mode who, as a result, got fat and have bloated moonfaces with zero SMV.

About the only use to it all is as a tool to get lean, but when gymcelling is mentioned, it's NEVER about getting lean for these guys, it's all about building up muh size, muh strength, and being able to puff your chest out and declare how much your can squat and deadlift, and how you'd 'totally beat that skinny twink up IRL' (not that any of these tards would ever have the opportunity, and IRL they wouldn't actually do shit, irrespective of their 'potential' to do it).
  • +1
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Yep, it's just all one big fucking cope.

It's true one should be low bodyfat, but more often than not, gymcelling actually goes against this looksmax. Since most gymcels spend the overwhelmingly majority of their time 'bulking' for 'muh gains' (which also include fat gains, which cuck your facial bones).

Go around a gym someday, you'll find 95% of them aren't lean. They're either noobs (who, statistically speaking, will quit early on) or strong guys who are on perma-bulk mode who, as a result, got fat and have bloated moonfaces with zero SMV.

About the only use to it all is as a tool to get lean, but when gymcelling is mentioned, it's NEVER about getting lean for these guys, it's all about building up muh size, muh strength, and being able to puff your chest out and declare how much your can squat and deadlift, and how you'd 'totally beat that skinny twink up IRL' (not that any of these tards would ever have the opportunity, and IRL they wouldn't actually do shit, irrespective of their 'potential' to do it).

haha as a former bulkincel/fatcel i can confirm this kind of talk

you can be so easy deluded by gymcel culture especially if you are a vulnerable teenager
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'B-b-but I can squat 600lbs'


'I bench 315!'


'I can do 30 pullups'


Meanwhile, the guy on the left fucks the rights gf while he's at the gym

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Clean bulking aka slight excess kcal won't make you fat/bloated if you plan it well. Surely a stronger, more defined version of yourself isn't more attractive to foids :feelskek:
I just came back from a personal training.

I discussed with my trainer my diet, and I said it's 1200-1400 calories a day and he told me if I want results I'm going to need 2100 calories.

Yet there's no point.

You get abs simply from having lowbody fat. The gym just makes your abs visible at a higher bodyfat then they would've been but it's all bodyfat.

Your face improves from lowbodyfat.

Lowbodyfat is far more important than the gym. So if I double my calories sure I'll get bigger, but my face will get bloated from all the carbs and calories.

It's not worth it.

Girls don't care about muscle, they care about abs and face and you can improve both from getting to as low a bodyfat as possible.

I may postpone the rest of my personal training sessions (I think I've got like 4 or 5) until after I come back from Japan or even just see if they can be refunded. This gym is a waste.

I got some tone in my arms and it makes me feel really good, my legs are also much stronger, but this whole eating to put on mass is just dumb.

Also they play the most awful western music in there.

There are also all these miserable looking westerners that make me uncomfortable.

And I find it infuriating here there are women weightlifting just so they can sit on more Chad cock.

There not there for romantic reasons such as seeking out true love as I am, they just want to be gaped by Giga-Chad cock so they go there to do some weighted squats to make there ass more solid and harder for Chad's cock (which is actually a bad thing, wtf, but they're retarded).

Stopped reading at personal trainer. JFL. Most personal trainers don't know shit about training or diet, and will have you doing bitch circuits full of abs and bodyweight exercises that will give you 0 results. One of the biggest possible wastes of money is hiring a personal trainer. You can find a full workout program including nutrition with 1 single Google search. You wasted your money buddy boyo.
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Stopped reading at personal trainer. JFL. Most personal trainers don't know shit about training or diet, and will have you doing bitch circuits full of abs and bodyweight exercises that will give you 0 results. One of the biggest possible wastes of money is hiring a personal trainer. You can find a full workout program including nutrition with 1 single Google search. You wasted your money buddy boyo.

Lol you described my personal trainer exactly. I was being a lazy bitch and wanted my hand held and also to have someone work out with me as well.

Though I could ask a friend of mine at the college gym and go with him now that I think about it.

Yeah I wouldn't recommend this though.

I'd be happy to read programs you would suggest as well.
Let them "leanmax" or whatever other retarded shit they say and then let them see how little it affects their interactions with women
being big has a presence, makes you more dominant, even if it doesnt inherently make you more attractive, its a very important part of looksmaxxing
being big has a presence, makes you more dominant, even if it doesnt inherently make you more attractive, its a very important part of looksmaxxing
Being lean is the single most important part of looksmaxxing.
You simply can't look good if you are 20% + bodyfat.
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Reactions: Deleted member 2587, Zesto and blackcat
getting big:

what you think you will look like:


how you will really look like


i think one factor is also the bone structure..if you. have sub7inch wrists and a rather small bone structure.. forget about getting big bc you will never enter the just will be another fatcel with a small bone structure
  • +1
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Being lean is the single most important part of looksmaxxing.
You simply can't look good if you are 20% + bodyfat.
No one said anything about being over 20% LMFAO @ZyzzReincarnate he thinks bulking means getting fat :cage: x10000

U can be relatively big and lean of u diet properly and put the work in or use roids.

Jfl at people think you're either skinny and lean af or big and fat. It's like you guys can't understand you can have a middle ground
No one said anything about being over 20% LMFAO @ZyzzReincarnate he thinks bulking means getting fat :cage: x10000

U can be relatively big and lean of u diet properly and put the work in or use roids.

Jfl at people think you're either skinny and lean af or big and fat. It's like you guys can't understand you can have a middle ground
Disgusting cope.
It's either 10% bodyfat or rope.
@Zesto The gym actually helped me with Asian girls in Asia. And in the USA. But I'm also white with blonde hair and green eyes, so who knows.
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Gym helps in some cases, doesn't in others
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Lol you described my personal trainer exactly. I was being a lazy bitch and wanted my hand held and also to have someone work out with me as well.

Though I could ask a friend of mine at the college gym and go with him now that I think about it.

Yeah I wouldn't recommend this though.

I'd be happy to read programs you would suggest as well.

The first program I ever used when I was a beginner that gave me serious results in terms of strength and size was Stronglifts 5x5. Google it. This was combined with a relatively good diet, of course, but it doesn’t have to be perfect.
One other really annoying trait of gymcels: they like to talk about how much 'hard work' they put in, and how 'lazy' non-gymcels are.

Let me tell you buddyboyos, it's not hard work at all to stuff yourself full of food and go lift some metal bars 3x a week. Anyone can fucking do it. Anyone can eat themselves silly, have a couple of steaks or chicken breasts for muh protein, and build muscle.

The actual hard work comes with cutting - as that requires stuff like willpower and dealing with deprivation. Surprise surprise, it's this part that hardly any gymcels ever actually do, or if they do it, they don't cut nearly long enough. But they're all about bulking. Yeah bro, bulking for 3 years now bro, gotta get big and strong bro, it's such hard work and dedication required bro.

There is NOTHING hard about eating at a fucking surplus of calories. Do you look at a fatcel and think 'wow, he put in a lot of work to get to that stage'? No you don't, you think he's a lazy cunt who ate too much. That's essentially what gymcels do, except they also go pick up weights and put them down a few times a week.

Most gymcels are just as lazy as non-gymcels. If you're one of those retards who bulks 6x more than you cut and stays above 15% bodyfat year round, there is no hard work or dedication required buddyboyo, and you're deluding yourself if you think otherwise. There's arguably more dedication required to just eat at a maintenence level of calories while LDARing than to eat at a surplus while lifting.
  • +1
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One other really annoying trait of gymcels: they like to talk about how much 'hard work' they put in, and how 'lazy' non-gymcels are.

Let me tell you buddyboyos, it's not hard work at all to stuff yourself full of food and go lift some metal bars 3x a week. Anyone can fucking do it. Anyone can eat themselves silly, have a couple of steaks or chicken breasts for muh protein, and build muscle.

The actual hard work comes with cutting - as that requires stuff like willpower and dealing with deprivation. Surprise surprise, it's this part that hardly any gymcels ever actually do, or if they do it, they don't cut nearly long enough. But they're all about bulking. Yeah bro, bulking for 3 years now bro, gotta get big and strong bro, it's such hard work and dedication required bro.

There is NOTHING hard about eating at a fucking surplus of calories. Do you look at a fatcel and think 'wow, he put in a lot of work to get to that stage'? No you don't, you think he's a lazy cunt who ate too much. That's essentially what gymcels do, except they also go pick up weights and put them down a few times a week.

Most gymcels are just as lazy as non-gymcels. If you're one of those retards who bulks 6x more than you cut and stays above 15% bodyfat year round, there is no hard work or dedication required buddyboyo, and you're deluding yourself if you think otherwise. There's arguably more dedication required to just eat at a maintenence level of calories while LDARing than to eat at a surplus while lifting.
Opposite for me. Cutting is easy, I'm fine with feeling hungry and don't have much of an appetite. As soon as I stop trying to bulk I start losing weight without even thinking about it. Stuffing myself is the hard part.
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Going to the gym has helped me with women big time. Women like being dwarfed
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Opposite for me. Cutting is easy, I'm fine with feeling hungry and don't have much of an appetite. As soon as I stop trying to bulk I start losing weight without even thinking about it. Stuffing myself is the hard part.
One other really annoying trait of gymcels: they like to talk about how much 'hard work' they put in, and how 'lazy' non-gymcels are.

Let me tell you buddyboyos, it's not hard work at all to stuff yourself full of food and go lift some metal bars 3x a week. Anyone can fucking do it. Anyone can eat themselves silly, have a couple of steaks or chicken breasts for muh protein, and build muscle.

The actual hard work comes with cutting - as that requires stuff like willpower and dealing with deprivation. Surprise surprise, it's this part that hardly any gymcels ever actually do, or if they do it, they don't cut nearly long enough. But they're all about bulking. Yeah bro, bulking for 3 years now bro, gotta get big and strong bro, it's such hard work and dedication required bro.

There is NOTHING hard about eating at a fucking surplus of calories. Do you look at a fatcel and think 'wow, he put in a lot of work to get to that stage'? No you don't, you think he's a lazy cunt who ate too much. That's essentially what gymcels do, except they also go pick up weights and put them down a few times a week.

Most gymcels are just as lazy as non-gymcels. If you're one of those retards who bulks 6x more than you cut and stays above 15% bodyfat year round, there is no hard work or dedication required buddyboyo, and you're deluding yourself if you think otherwise. There's arguably more dedication required to just eat at a maintenence level of calories while LDARing than to eat at a surplus while lifting.
Screenshot 20181202 194819

This is u bro
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One other really annoying trait of gymcels: they like to talk about how much 'hard work' they put in, and how 'lazy' non-gymcels are.

Let me tell you buddyboyos, it's not hard work at all to stuff yourself full of food and go lift some metal bars 3x a week. Anyone can fucking do it. Anyone can eat themselves silly, have a couple of steaks or chicken breasts for muh protein, and build muscle.

The actual hard work comes with cutting - as that requires stuff like willpower and dealing with deprivation. Surprise surprise, it's this part that hardly any gymcels ever actually do, or if they do it, they don't cut nearly long enough. But they're all about bulking. Yeah bro, bulking for 3 years now bro, gotta get big and strong bro, it's such hard work and dedication required bro.

There is NOTHING hard about eating at a fucking surplus of calories. Do you look at a fatcel and think 'wow, he put in a lot of work to get to that stage'? No you don't, you think he's a lazy cunt who ate too much. That's essentially what gymcels do, except they also go pick up weights and put them down a few times a week.

Most gymcels are just as lazy as non-gymcels. If you're one of those retards who bulks 6x more than you cut and stays above 15% bodyfat year round, there is no hard work or dedication required buddyboyo, and you're deluding yourself if you think otherwise. There's arguably more dedication required to just eat at a maintenence level of calories while LDARing than to eat at a surplus while lifting.
Don't need to cut if you always eat clean

(and watch your calorie intake)
Going to the gym has helped me with women big time. Women like being dwarfed
This is true. People claim it's worthless for shorter guys to go because they'll never be considered big, but I assure you that with girls near their own height it's a large plus to be heavier, stronger and bigger than them physically. Nothing is more of a turnoff to a girl than being unsure if the guy could protect them, and physique plays a sizeable role in that, no matter what you say about HEIGHTFACEFRAME. And if you're taller, you're still competing with others your height. Doesn't matter if you have 2 inches on someone if they weigh 20 pounds more in muscle. You appear scrawny in that case, and why let that happen when it's preventable?

After all, if getting nice, swole and decently big without looking comical increases your dating pool by 50%, and improves your chances with your current dating pool by 50%, why the fuck not do it? Nevermind now nice it feels in general to make progress like that and mitigate pain as the body grows older and all the people your age get fat and slobby.
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  • +1
Reactions: colbycovington and SquareChinOrDeath
getting big:

what you think you will look like:


how you will really look like


i think one factor is also the bone structure..if you. have sub7inch wrists and a rather small bone structure.. forget about getting big bc you will never enter the just will be another fatcel with a small bone structure

JFL. My wrists are like 6.5"

But my shoulders are 21.5" and waist is 12" at 6'1. Thats god tier frame according to PSL esp considering im not even remotely physiquemaxxed.

Small wrists =/= small framed ectomorph
Femoids don't like men who are too tall, broad shouldered and muscular, they prefer lean but with some muscle.

Yh. Thats why Zyzz was an Incel.
One other really annoying trait of gymcels: they like to talk about how much 'hard work' they put in, and how 'lazy' non-gymcels are.

Let me tell you buddyboyos, it's not hard work at all to stuff yourself full of food and go lift some metal bars 3x a week. Anyone can fucking do it. Anyone can eat themselves silly, have a couple of steaks or chicken breasts for muh protein, and build muscle.

The actual hard work comes with cutting - as that requires stuff like willpower and dealing with deprivation. Surprise surprise, it's this part that hardly any gymcels ever actually do, or if they do it, they don't cut nearly long enough. But they're all about bulking. Yeah bro, bulking for 3 years now bro, gotta get big and strong bro, it's such hard work and dedication required bro.

There is NOTHING hard about eating at a fucking surplus of calories. Do you look at a fatcel and think 'wow, he put in a lot of work to get to that stage'? No you don't, you think he's a lazy cunt who ate too much. That's essentially what gymcels do, except they also go pick up weights and put them down a few times a week.

Most gymcels are just as lazy as non-gymcels. If you're one of those retards who bulks 6x more than you cut and stays above 15% bodyfat year round, there is no hard work or dedication required buddyboyo, and you're deluding yourself if you think otherwise. There's arguably more dedication required to just eat at a maintenence level of calories while LDARing than to eat at a surplus while lifting.



Who tf says all Gym bros do is bulk? Like gheezeee thats some sterotypical shit. Yh there are some guys who just bulk 24/7 and we are all saying thats wrong, but most guys bulk for 5/6 months, cut for 3/4. Because cutting is faster than bulking lol. Cutting is much much much easier than bulking I can tell you that much. You dont even need to go to the gym to cut TBH. Most serioys guys at the gym are all sub 15% bf and are aiming to go lower.

10% bf with Shoulders & chest >>>GIGAMOG>>> 10% Twink
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  • +1
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Gymcelling is the ultimate waste of time, effort, money and braincells (last evident in this thread)
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JFL. My wrists are like 6.5"

But my shoulders are 21.5" and waist is 12" at 6'1. Thats god tier frame according to PSL esp considering im not even remotely physiquemaxxed.

Small wrists =/= small framed ectomorph

Yh. Thats why Zyzz was an Incel.



Who tf says all Gym bros do is bulk? Like gheezeee thats some sterotypical shit. Yh there are some guys who just bulk 24/7 and we are all saying thats wrong, but most guys bulk for 5/6 months, cut for 3/4. Because cutting is faster than bulking lol. Cutting is much much much easier than bulking I can tell you that much. You dont even need to go to the gym to cut TBH. Most serioys guys at the gym are all sub 15% bf and are aiming to go lower.

10% bf with Shoulders & chest >>>GIGAMOG>>> 10% Twink

Muh basement, muh twink.

  • +1
Reactions: Ritalincel
lmao wtf, gymcelling is a hobby, jfl if you only gymcel for women otherwise its not for you
Does doing boxing count as “gymcelling?”

Used to do that. Found it to be a positive experience overall tbh. I recommend.
Does doing boxing count as “gymcelling?”

Used to do that. Found it to be a positive experience overall tbh. I recommend.
Boxing is cardio bro! It kills gains bro!
Does doing boxing count as “gymcelling?”

Used to do that. Found it to be a positive experience overall tbh. I recommend.

boxing is not gymceling bro
getting big:

what you think you will look like:


how you will really look like


i think one factor is also the bone structure..if you. have sub7inch wrists and a rather small bone structure.. forget about getting big bc you will never enter the just will be another fatcel with a small bone structure
lmao so accurate, the guy on top has above average genetics/gymcelling for years, and on a shit ton of drugs.

the other guy is prolly natty on that go mad+SS routine
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Exactly. U have no response.

What's there to respond to? It's just typical gymcel ad hominems. It'd be like if I were to insist you were a low IQ meathead filled with roid rage solely because you go to the gym.
gyms are scams. just work out at home. get a punching bag and some weights. if you own a house or live with ur parents u could make ur own little gym in your garage. using punching bags is also good for releasing rage.
Like the weeb said if you want to work out to better yourself then you might as well do it in the comfort of your home. It could make things easier for you.
Like the weeb said if you want to work out to better yourself then you might as well do it in the comfort of your home. It could make things easier for you.
hi steve
whos steve :feelswhere:
Steve is an NPC located by the steps in the upper level of the Skeletal Wyvern area in the Asgarnian Ice Dungeon. If players attempt to attack the skeletal wyverns in the upper area, he will stop them from doing so, claiming the upper area is only for those who have skeletal wyverns as a Slayer assignment. He wields a steel mace, an elemental shield, and a set of Bandos armour.

Steve is an NPC located by the steps in the upper level of the Skeletal Wyvern area in the Asgarnian Ice Dungeon. If players attempt to attack the skeletal wyverns in the upper area, he will stop them from doing so, claiming the upper area is only for those who have skeletal wyverns as a Slayer assignment. He wields a steel mace, an elemental shield, and a set of Bandos armour.

Nah I'm pretty sure this is steve, not an NPC. I am the MC of MC.

I just came back from a personal training.

I discussed with my trainer my diet, and I said it's 1200-1400 calories a day and he told me if I want results I'm going to need 2100 calories.

Yet there's no point.

You get abs simply from having lowbody fat. The gym just makes your abs visible at a higher bodyfat then they would've been but it's all bodyfat.

Your face improves from lowbodyfat.

Lowbodyfat is far more important than the gym. So if I double my calories sure I'll get bigger, but my face will get bloated from all the carbs and calories.

It's not worth it.

Girls don't care about muscle, they care about abs and face and you can improve both from getting to as low a bodyfat as possible.

I may postpone the rest of my personal training sessions (I think I've got like 4 or 5) until after I come back from Japan or even just see if they can be refunded. This gym is a waste.

I got some tone in my arms and it makes me feel really good, my legs are also much stronger, but this whole eating to put on mass is just dumb.

Also they play the most awful western music in there.

There are also all these miserable looking westerners that make me uncomfortable.

And I find it infuriating here there are women weightlifting just so they can sit on more Chad cock.

There not there for romantic reasons such as seeking out true love as I am, they just want to be gaped by Giga-Chad cock so they go there to do some weighted squats to make there ass more solid and harder for Chad's cock (which is actually a bad thing, wtf, but they're retarded).
gymcel is not about attracting foids, it is about seeing your body insanely large and dry, seeing the results, seeing that you are stronger, gymcel just for foids is a form of simp, and one of the worst, you must train to itself and not for bitches, by the way this bloating thing is cope i have been eating pizza for several days and so far none of my bones have disappeared
100% true. Frame and bf are 100%
Wide shoulder and low bf are what women want not bulk
100% true. Frame and bf are 100%
Wide shoulder and low bf are what women want not bulk
but im shredded with veins around my abs legs arms and shoulder also chest, buff as well, roiding since i was 15 now im 17 and im almost virgin, and my face is good, my body I similar to Isaiah miranda body but smaller and less shredded, im 5 8, 165 lbs 9 % bf

If you cut really lean with no muscle you'll look like this:
View attachment 6563

Heck you probably wouldn't even have as much ab definition as he does, I'm pretty sure laid was doing situps at that point. Cope all you want but most girls aren't attracted to auschwitz looking physiques.
Didnt that dude ascend

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