The huge popularity of the wilderness survival channel "My Self Reliance" shows how many unaware incels and MSTOWs there are



Oct 19, 2019
So this video just came up in my recommended:

Almost 8 million views and 17 thousand comments in half a year. The channel itself has over one million subscribers. It's basically a middle-aged Canadian dude who goes into the wilderness with his dog (and a woman whom he never shows) and starts building a log cabin and other things. He's clearly doing this just for business and doesn't actually live in the wilderness but people are eating up the fairy tale he's selling.

I'm watching this and thinking to myself: Fook this shite I'd never want to live alone or even with my woman in the wilderness. I love the city and all the opportunities it has to offer.

But all the men commenting (and about 95% of comments seem to be written by men) are dreaming of this lifestyle. Most of these men (many of whom seem to be <30) are clearly incels and/or MSTOW (men sent their own way), they just don't know it or refuse to admit it. I used to dream of this lifestyle too years ago when I was super skinny and unattractive, but ever since I acquired some aesthetic value my whole worldview changed from that of recluse to that of attention and adventure seeker. I suddenly understood why back in the day sending young, disobedient, attention whoring sloots to rot away in a nunnery or some obscure village was such a horrible punishment for them.

The incel epidemic is real and it's here to stay. All these millions of men -- or at least all the young men -- would be better off looksmaxxing than tedkaczynskimaxxing. Or at least giving it a fooking try before they LDAR.
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X1zSGv T 400x400
  • Hmm...
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"I love the city and all the opportunities it has to offer."

Because you are probably 17 years old and don't realize that degeneracymaxxing in the city gets old fast.
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I would rather most MSTOW just accept it and cope, the last thing looksmaxxing incels need is competition. I believe the MGTOW movement will be good for men as a whole. even the guy who just want to bluepill cope by betabuxing will get better options if fewer guys are willing to do it.

More and more men are going to continuie to feel like a traditional life of chasing women is just not worth it. Men have to try so very hard and in return if they are not good looking they get a woman who barely puts any effort into anything including pleasing them.
living in a high-end log cabin in the woods/mountains with a fireplace and a dog and hunting my own meat actually sounds cool af.

Better than living in some shitty city with fgt parades every other week, BBC street dealers on every corner, and being surrounded by idiots who believe mainstream media.

Foxtail residence big sky log cabin great room

Luxury handcrafted log home
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@Superking I agree that MSTOW is good for the men who are 35+. But if you're young there's no reason not to try to ascend and experience a different, better kind of life. I ascended at the age of 28 by hopping on steroids and transforming my body and thus my life. I descended over a year ago when the Reaper came, but now I've ascended once again thanks to a hair system and other trickery (my transformation:

On the other hand I've noticed that the younger batch of females (<25) is increasingly toxic and downright unbearable. They're just walking toxic egos and it seems that unless you're a legit Chad or multi-millionaire, you're forced to take the role of bitch/clown/doormat/ATM if you want them to give you a chance.

Nevertheless the amount of attention I get from women young and old when I'm cycling around town shirtless, glistening, pumped and shredded still gets me high every time and it's one of the things I look forward to even at my age.

@elfmaxx I'm 36 and have been living downtown for the last 12 years of my life, 8 of which have been spent steroid/looksmaxxing and consequently reaping the benefits.

@facemaxxed just have a log cabin worth $10 million and hunt elk with Joe Rogan theory.

Wake up, pleb. This would be your cabin at best:

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I love the city and all the opportunities it has to offer.
Ancient men conquered cities & put them to the sword and fire, meanwhile you go to WINE BAR with “gf” & enjoy tasteful banter. YOU ARE GAY!!

but for real if you are a man and dont sometimes daydream about walking into the woods never to return there is something psychologically wrong with you (probably caused by being raised in a city) and you probably have low T

of course it unrealistic but its about the schmood
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@Superking I agree that MSTOW is good for the men who are 35+. But if you're young there's no reason not to try to ascend and experience a different, better kind of life. I ascended at the age of 28 by hopping on steroids and transforming my body and thus my life. I descended over a year ago when the Reaper came, but now I've ascended once again thanks to a hair system and other trickery (my transformation:

On the other hand I've noticed that the younger batch of females (<25) is increasingly toxic and downright unbearable. They're just walking toxic egos and it seems that unless you're a legit Chad or multi-millionaire, you're forced to take the role of bitch/clown/doormat/ATM if you want them to give you a chance.

Nevertheless the amount of attention I get from women young and old when I'm cycling around town shirtless, glistening, pumped and shredded still gets me high every time and it's one of the things I look forward to even at my age.

@elfmaxx I'm 36 and have been living downtown for the last 12 years of my life, 8 of which have been spent steroid/looksmaxxing and consequently reaping the benefits.

@facemaxxed just have a log cabin worth $10 million and hunt elk with Joe Rogan theory.

Wake up, pleb. This would be your cabin at best:

No kids yet? Shieeet you are running out of time, I would be freaking out if I was you right now.

I guess you can still run varg theory but it gets a bit weird when you are decades older than your spouse.
Ancient men conquered cities & put them to the sword and fire, meanwhile you go to WINE BAR with “gf” & enjoy tasteful banter. YOU ARE GAY!!
The ancient greek, roman & Egyptian men you speak of were literally bi/ gay. look at all the fucking greek statues of dicks.
@Cali Yuga I used to love travelling and going to the mountains alone when I was a super skinny insecure faggot. I went there to "contemplate" and "look for answers". When I started taking steroids everything changed. I was no longer looking for answers because I realized how simple life is and what I enjoy the most: training, looking aesthetic, getting attention and fucking women.

I was 27 when I first joined Misc in 2010, the era of Zyzz. And that young fucker motivated me more than ever to start roiding. And thank the gods I went ahead with it and didn't chicken out. My biggest regret now is waiting until this year to take up fighting sports. But better late than never.

@elfmaxx No kids ever. I'd have to be one sadistic motherfucker to bring kids -- especially boys -- into this world. I'd only do it if I were a mutli-millionaire and I could provide them with hassle-free access from a young age to top tier vagina so they can pursue a healthy, masculine lifestyle consisting of martial arts and extreme sports.
yes. seriously. My history teacher (who got dyed hair:rolleyes:) went on a giant tangent about how it was a regular thing & how half the historical figures had some type of gay shit going on. Just of the top of my head ik alexander the great, & Plato/ Socrates (i forget which).
@Superking I agree that MSTOW is good for the men who are 35+. But if you're young there's no reason not to try to ascend and experience a different, better kind of life. I ascended at the age of 28 by hopping on steroids and transforming my body and thus my life. I descended over a year ago when the Reaper came, but now I've ascended once again thanks to a hair system and other trickery (my transformation:

On the other hand I've noticed that the younger batch of females (<25) is increasingly toxic and downright unbearable. They're just walking toxic egos and it seems that unless you're a legit Chad or multi-millionaire, you're forced to take the role of bitch/clown/doormat/ATM if you want them to give you a chance.

Nevertheless the amount of attention I get from women young and old when I'm cycling around town shirtless, glistening, pumped and shredded still gets me high every time and it's one of the things I look forward to even at my age.

I'm 33 now. What do you recommend I do to looksmax while I'm "still young" that I won't be able to do as well after 35ish? So far I'm skincaremaxxing, on dutasteride for 2 months, and gymcelling. haven't spent a lot of time moneymaxxing tbh i only have so much motivation and energy
yes. seriously. My history teacher (who got dyed hair:rolleyes:) went on a giant tangent about how it was a regular thing & how half the historical figures had some type of gay shit going on. Just of the top of my head ik alexander the great, & Plato/ Socrates (i forget which).
your teacher is retarded and probably majored in queer theory
When I was ugly and insecure (introverted) I also watched these videos and dreamed of escaping in a nice wooden cabin in the faraway woods. Now I would slap myself out of this pussy thinking and instead go to club, gym, dance scene and socialise to death with all the norms.

This is kind of thinking you get when being ostracised, bullied, rejected...pathetic
So this video just came up in my recommended:

Almost 8 million views and 17 thousand comments in half a year. The channel itself has over one million subscribers. It's basically a middle-aged Canadian dude who goes into the wilderness with his dog (and a woman whom he never shows) and starts building a log cabin and other things. He's clearly doing this just for business and doesn't actually live in the wilderness but people are eating up the fairy tale he's selling.

I'm watching this and thinking to myself: Fook this shite I'd never want to live alone or even with my woman in the wilderness. I love the city and all the opportunities it has to offer.

But all the men commenting (and about 95% of comments seem to be written by men) are dreaming of this lifestyle. Most of these men (many of whom seem to be <30) are clearly incels and/or MSTOW (men sent their own way), they just don't know it or refuse to admit it. I used to dream of this lifestyle too years ago when I was super skinny and unattractive, but ever since I acquired some aesthetic value my whole worldview changed from that of recluse to that of attention and adventure seeker. I suddenly understood why back in the day sending young, disobedient, attention whoring sloots to rot away in a nunnery or some obscure village was such a horrible punishment for them.

The incel epidemic is real and it's here to stay. All these millions of men -- or at least all the young men -- would be better off looksmaxxing than tedkaczynskimaxxing. Or at least giving it a fooking try before they LDAR.

this one hurted
I don't for a second doubt that inceldom is growing. Not sure this channel's popularity is proof though, as it could be caused by 2 others things.

* The many pressures & issues with modern life creating a desire to reconnect direct with Nature
* There's a small but maybe growing sense the break down of civilisation is not too far away, watching this channel might be a sort of 'prepper lite' thing.
You sound like getlooksordietrying,

An oldcel that got some procedures, enhanced narcissism greatly yet still believes that women under 23 need 6’10” billionaire gigachads in order to give them attention.

Translation: After my “ascension” I’ve been railing used up post primed cum dumpsters and am still not desirable to prime women.

- Ascended

- Thinking it’s impossible to bang young girls

Pick one
I'm 33 now. What do you recommend I do to looksmax while I'm "still young" that I won't be able to do as well after 35ish? So far I'm skincaremaxxing, on dutasteride for 2 months, and gymcelling. haven't spent a lot of time moneymaxxing tbh i only have so much motivation and energy

If you're a pleb (as we all are), after 35 it just becomes a race against time. Your window of opportunity begins to close. Because you're not rich, the only thing you have to attract 5+/10 women is youthful looks and masculine vigour, strength and vitality. Those things disappear with age and at some point you end up having nothing to offer those women anymore. Options start to dwindle, women start being difficult and THEN I can understand going MGTOW. Because the game is no longer worth the candle and the city begins to torment you with all the untouchable tits and ass that it throws in your face.
dn rd but survival is tough i woudn't survive in wild
If you're a pleb (as we all are), after 35 it just becomes a race against time. Your window of opportunity begins to close. Because you're not rich, the only thing you have to attract 5+/10 women is youthful looks and masculine vigour, strength and vitality. Those things disappear with age and at some point you end up having nothing to offer those women anymore. Options start to dwindle, women start being difficult and THEN I can understand going MGTOW. Because the game is no longer worth the candle and the city begins to torment you with all the untouchable tits and ass that it throws in your face.
Brad Pitt was 40 in Troy.
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@shaktipat And here he is at 24:


I recently heard Mike O'Hearn (who is 50 now) say in an interview: If you didn't look like me when you were 25, then you definitely won't look like me when you're 50.

That's a wake up call for all the young men here. Don't delude yourselves into believing you'll magically look like Brad Pitt when you're 40 or you'll be doing reverse gang bangs with 20 playmates like the multimillionaire Hugh Hefner when you're 80. You won't. You're genetic and financial plebs. Otherwise you wouldn't be here. Be the best version of yourself WHILE YOU STILL CAN and take as much as you can get, because your time is too limited to be waiting for a miracle.
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If you're a pleb (as we all are), after 35 it just becomes a race against time. Your window of opportunity begins to close. Because you're not rich, the only thing you have to attract 5+/10 women is youthful looks and masculine vigour, strength and vitality. Those things disappear with age and at some point you end up having nothing to offer those women anymore. Options start to dwindle, women start being difficult and THEN I can understand going MGTOW. Because the game is no longer worth the candle and the city begins to torment you with all the untouchable tits and ass that it throws in your face.

Understandable. I will masculine vigor, strength, and vitalitymax then as well and see where it gets me
Cities are absolute garbage dude

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