A GUIDE TO THE MASK PILL: The Art of Social Camouflage - How not blow your bluepill cover

Low IQ take if you think this teenage bullshit has anything to do with Freud's
I don't know if Freud discussed it, but Carl Jung did, just search for: persona. (ofc not the tips I talked in here like silence and the Overton Window, but the concept of masks)
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Blackpill is just the truth, there is many ways to treat it, some go crazy, some go depressive, in my opinion, you should use it to your advantage... Many normies don't take seriously the importance of appearence and end up drinking, smoking and etc... There are many guides here to help you, they maybe won't turn you into Chad category, but you'll be step aheads to people who were born in similar conditions do you.

Be careful with what you say, remember the Overton Window, looksmax to enjoy life even further, remember to not think a lot about things you can't control, life is very short to worry
this thread was absolute gold. it was just what i needed so thank you. I like your emphasis on caution here

I wish i could speak w you more. i have other questions, and you seem wise
Solipsism is how most people's social projection works, they expect other people to be like them.

And that is why when demonstrating a social disruption (which is very common with those who possess the knowledge we have because it is not something widely known or accepted by society) people rebel a lot.
love this point, it’s been my big flaw especially when posting cringe things on social media, like zyzz posts or guides on how to get broader shoulders or talking about pills. i used to do stuff like that and wasn’t aware how others would see it as weird and a big disruption.

The middle is what is acceptable and the left is what is unacceptable, completely rejected by the group.

To successfully camouflage yourself in a social group, you must identify what is primarily unacceptable, always staying in the center to the right of this window. You will only speak what is obvious and what is only acceptable, suspending your personal beliefs, your ego and projection, and you will use a mask.
thoroughly enjoyed this point about the overton window and staying on the middle or right side. again you put it into perspective why i would struggle with being NT. i would say things that crossed into borderline left overton window territory.

1) Do you think all of us are NATURALLY a bit weird or non NT to an extent but most just hide that part and social camouflage naturally cuz they want to fit in? Or are some of us just way more non NT than others and most people are just normal and don’t reallly have these quirky sides they have to hide?

2) What can i do if i want to help my friends or those who follow me on social media live a better life but the advice or resources i share are a bit out there? for ex, i want to share on my instagram stories, some life changing videos on things like “social mastery, how to improve mental well-being, how to get unstuck in life, law of attraction, spirituality and detachment”, etc things like that that may be a bit out there. If i conform to the mask then i feel im not helping or contributing to them and their well-being. Or i could still share and could be making a positive impact for them even at the expense of my own reputation. How can i help those around me to see with clarity and give them the tools for a meaningful life if it means potentially divulging the strange topics (eg spirituality), interests, and putting in plain sight some stuff that may be to the left on the overton window..

I want to help others, improve their lives make an impact but at the same time i don’t wanna be ostracized, seen as the weird hippie guru guy, or looked at as some kind of out of touch w reality freak…

how do i juggle this? one way i was thinking is to create separate accounts. One anon that is meant to help people and has no mask, and the other that is my personal account that has the mask and just acts NT. But if i do that, i won’t get recognition or have my friends know about the info that could help them or that it’s me that’s helping them.

@garoupilled_ also is pretty knowledgeable about being NT. feel like you would appreciate this thread so tagging. also if you have any thoughts or answers re my questions above, i’d love to hear
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It’s been my big flaw especially when posting cringe things on social media, like zyzz posts or guides on how to get broader shoulders or talking about pills. i used to do stuff like that and wasn’t aware how others would see it as weird and a big disruption.
Yess, it's been a big problem of mine as well, talking about the redpill with friends lead to them believing I was sort of a misogynistic :lul: and this lead to them telling friends of theirs that I was the redpiller lmao. It was a moment many MGTOW channels were first appearing here. Thankfully, after saying some leftists opinions, defending some woke celebrities, they think I changed and now I say: "I left a very, very dark and toxic community behind..." :lul:
It was just in time, Redpill is a BIG thing now here, there are podcasts, mainstream youtubers shame on it all the time, so it would put a even bigger target in my back if I didn't wore this mask wayback there... That's very important also: don't label yourself, it just puts an unnecessary target on you, you label yourself to quickly communicate what you are, but what good does it makes for you really? MGTOW, Redpill, Blackpill is not a organized movement (despite attracting MANY young men who are crazy looking for a functional group).
1) Do you think all of us are NATURALLY a bit weird or non NT to an extent but most just hide that part and social camouflage naturally cuz they want to fit in? Or are some of us just way more non NT than others and most people are just normal and don’t reallly have these quirky sides they have to hide?
I think so, everyone has a side they don't show people, everyone is a little bit weird... Have you ever heard of that quote? "There are three sides of you, one you show to your friends, one to your family and one to yourself". I don't know where I've read that quote but I really believe in her, only you really know you.
2) What can i do if i want to help my friends or those who follow me on social media live a better life but the advice or resources i share are a bit out there? for ex, i want to share on my instagram stories, some life changing videos on things like “social mastery, how to improve mental well-being, how to get unstuck in life, law of attraction, spirituality and detachment”
First of all, I really appreciate your iniative to help, that's what I try do in this forum... But I like to follow a philosophy after I first tried to talk redpill with my friends and almost unabomber my social credit: "When the son is ready, he comes meet the father." Maybe I'll write a thread more in depth, but basically there are things that people find alone and in their own right time, you know? Like, I don't know if you're religious, but there are some useful stuff to learn in those old books, like: God (which can be thought as the truth) does not comes to you, you go to them. Even if I really wanted to help my friends, sometimes the truth will come at the right time naturally... I don't want to be a martir like Jesus and try to bring them the truth at the cost of basically my life and maybe lose my friends and be shamed around...
I want to help others, improve their lives make an impact but at the same time i don’t wanna be ostracized, seen as the weird hippie guru guy, or looked at as some kind of out of touch w reality freak…
I know, I also have a lot of pleasure helping others... I do this by writing on the forum, but what I write is for people to find by themselves you know? If they really need it, they'll find it... Probably having an alt as you said later is the best.
how do i juggle this? one way i was thinking is to create separate accounts. One anon that is meant to help people and has no mask, and the other that is my personal account that has the mask and just acts NT. But if i do that, i won’t get recognition or have my friends know about the info that could help them or that it’s me that’s helping them.
That could be a good idea. Start by posting something small and that would not scare them, say that a "friend" of yours started the page and recommend it to them... Slowly, go more and more to the left and see if they are liking the stuff... If they tell you: hey, your friend is a bit weird or something, laugh it off, tell them "yeah, his posts are getting weirder, maybe I'll talk to him to go back to the old stuff". If you see they REALLY like the posts (you can know this by asking them what they thought of said posting you "friend" posted) and then you can just naturally talk to them about the theme to be a maybe be of a more precise help.

Recognition is tougher subject, if you want people to know it was you, don't go too much far on the left, which may endup censoring your info and maybe it won't be that efficient.

If you want your friends to know, that's a whole other story. Tell them it's yours when you feel they are liking a lot of the posts, only if you really want tho, the best is to just put it enough in their Overton Window for them to use the info.

Thanks your kind words :Comfy: it was because of @garoupilled_ this thread came to BOTB to help a lot of people.
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Tbh I think this will fuck you up mentally over time, if you are constantly playing all these roles. And for what, what is the benefit? Maybe a little bit pussy if you just submitted hard enough for the group?

I am currently in University, I drop Blackpill stuff right in front of Normies, I dont give a fuck. There were Normies who I lost contact with over time, and a few stayed and we formed a deeper bond. Whats funny is that I always see these weak ass simps with the girls but none of them have interest in them.

Also before I was blackpilled and less confident, I would do all this Mask stuff that OP talked about naturally and I got less Pussy than I do now and also felt 100x less manly. Its just not worth it I believe. Also people respect me for always being honest, even if they dont agree.

For me this is obviously better than feeling like a pathetic sheep that doesnt want to offend anyone.
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Tbh I think this will fuck you up mentally over time, if you are constantly playing all these roles.
The main problem is you becoming your mask if you don't have a good set of internal values and beliefs (religion, blackpill, etc), also, I personally end up not wanting to interact with normies that much anymore, I use these set of rules and techniques when I don't have any other choice and it's needed to talk with normies and be "friends" with them.
And for what, what is the benefit?
Not losing social credit and becoming ostracized, still having your normie friends who'll maybe dumb but still can help you if they have some sort of skill (maybe they are a mechanic, a medic etc...)
I am currently in University, I drop Blackpill stuff right in front of Normies, I dont give a fuck. There were Normies who I lost contact with over time, and a few stayed and we formed a deeper bond. Whats funny is that I always see these weak ass simps with the girls but none of them have interest in them.

Also before I was blackpilled and less confident, I would do all this Mask stuff that OP talked about naturally and I got less Pussy than I do now and also felt 100x less manly. Its just not worth it I believe. Also people respect me for always being honest, even if they dont agree.

For me this is obviously better than feeling like a pathetic sheep that doesnt want to offend anyone.
That's good, if you're happy and content with your life that way, that's ok, also maybe you can help someone by telling them the harsh truth... It's just that I don't think it's worth it, in my country redpill (mainly) and blackpill is in a process of becoming mainstream (I think it is already lmao) so saying some shit and drop blackpills like you do will automatically put me in the redpiller archetype, because as I said, people project things they already know (famous redpillers) on you, and in a work enviroment it maybe make me lose some job opportunities specially if it's a woman hiring.

Being honest is a double edged sword, it's very aliviating (some say being honest is being selfish, because you're like taking a weight out of your chest) I don't know your opinions and what blackpills you drop, but I'm happy that you got people to stay by your side even though you may say some harsh truths, they indeed are much more valuable than the average normie. But well, you may lost some opportunities, but whatever, doesn't matter, you seem happy and content, just make sure no one records your opinions and views and cancel you when they find a good opportunity... Remember, they may are your friends now, but well... You never know...

Here there was a very famous politician, he got canceled because he sent some WhatsApp audios in a group of people he trusted dropping some blackpills ("they are easy because they are poor" :feelskek:) they probably sold him for some money, good thing about being a nobody is that people probs won't have opportunity to sell you, but well, they may have a burst of whiteknighting or simping for a girl lmao, make sure to not send audios and shit that can be saved.

Also, it's just that some people here are obliged to live with people they NEED to have a good relationship (a boss, a collegue in work, their family), so if they say some harsh truths they may just Unabomber their lives, also, in here in this forum, there are people who non ironically believe in some things that are so disruptive that they would get insta canceled if they said it... And I think many won't be as lucky as you to have people standing by their side...

Living a honest and standing by what you believe is a life style that naturally comes with a lot of internal validation, it can be seem in your words how you describe how you feel more manly and confident, but well... I don't think it's worth it, I don't need it to get my own internal validation. I'm glad they respect you, many don't have that luck (specially if they are ugly/normie) and just end up being the weird guy, the nerd guy nobody wants to hang around (staying by their side equals losing social credit) even though in their minds like you they feel the same confidence and manliness you feel... But yeah, as I said, double edged sword, if he attracts someone, these will be much more valuable than the average normie.
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Do you think going beyond the overton window would fly in higher IQ social circles?
It would seem that the rationality of these individuals would facilitate more civilized discussions on such matters
without anyone taking too much offense.
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Do you think going beyond the overton window would fly in higher IQ social circles?
Remember that every group has it's own Overton Window, there isn't ONE Overton Window for EVERY group.

It would seem that the rationality of these individuals would facilitate more civilized discussions on such matters without anyone taking too much offense.
While there may be a greater capacity for rational discourse in a high IQ circle, there's still a chance that certain topics or ideas are considered unacceptable or offensive by some members of the group... Discussion with them can lead to more robust conversations on controversial topics, but it doesn't guarantee that everyone will be comfortable discussing or hearing your opinion absolutely anything. (Even when talking to PHD professors, trying to defend nazism will probably get you either ostracized or locked in jail like in some countries).

Also, remember: Higher IQ individuals may excel in intellectual pursuits, but their emotional intelligence can vary widely... That's why it explains why there are so many high IQ jerks you know? There are no guarantees that everyone will be comfortable talking about topics that go beyond their Overton Window.
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Remember that every group has it's own Overton Window, there isn't ONE Overton Window for EVERY group.

While there may be a greater capacity for rational discourse in a high IQ circle, there's still a chance that certain topics or ideas are considered unacceptable or offensive by some members of the group... Discussion with them can lead to more robust conversations on controversial topics, but it doesn't guarantee that everyone will be comfortable discussing or hearing your opinion absolutely anything. (Even when talking to PHD professors, trying to defend nazism will probably get you either ostracized or locked in jail like in some countries).

Also, remember: Higher IQ individuals may excel in intellectual pursuits, but their emotional intelligence can vary widely... That's why it explains why there are so many high IQ jerks you know? There are no guarantees that everyone will be comfortable talking about topics that go beyond their Overton Window.
Yeah, Andrew Tate and Ben Shapiro probably wouldn't like each other much
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My social mask is a mask over my face so people don't see im not chad
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can you make this into an audio book? I can only read long text if there's occational pictures of Stacies, BBC and Nic Cage laughing gifs
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can you make this into an audio book? I can only read long text if there's occational pictures of Stacies, BBC and Nic Cage laughing gifs
Here you are, I recorded it lmao, everything for my Looksmax.org fellas :Comfy:
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  • JFL
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can you make this into an audio book? I can only read long text if there's occational pictures of Stacies, BBC and Nic Cage laughing gifs
Maybe I'll start putting an audio version of my high effort threads in the end, good idea.
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Here you are, I recorded it lmao, everything for my Looksmax.org fellas :Comfy:

I was hopign you could narrate it yourself, as this female voice makes me think about worshipping her panties and watching her tittyfuck a big cock
I was hopign you could narrate it yourself, as this female voice makes me think about worshipping her panties and watching her tittyfuck a big cock
B-but that's me :oops:

Don't tell me you've been having these thoughts while listening to my voice :sneaky:
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B-but that's me :oops:

Don't tell me you've been having these thoughts while listening to my voice :sneaky:
Can you record some more stuff for us? like saying over and over again how much you love bbc

i listened to your audio and I agree but it was a bit too simple for me, I already know all those things because I'm mega high IQ and it's not like I go around talking about the pill IRL
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i listened to your audio and I agree but it was a bit too simple for me, I already know all those things because I'm mega high IQ and it's not like I go around talking about the pill IRL
It's not about IQ, it's about emotional intelligence
Eh I think some is valuable but sometimes you got to stand up for your beliefs otherwise you are just shaped by the people around you. The people who agree with you will stay and the people who don't will leave. These "masks" are why there are no more strong men anymore, why the left is dominating the media, and why anything other than that gets cancelled.
Eh I think some is valuable but sometimes you got to stand up for your beliefs otherwise you are just shaped by the people around you.
It's indeed a danger:

"the danger is that [people] become identical with their personas—the professor with his textbook, the tenor with his voice" - Carl Jung

Having strong conviction in your beliefs won't let it happen.
The people who agree with you will stay and the people who don't will leave.
I talked about this before with an user here, being honest and truthful is a double edged sword. It will attract much more valuable people, but in some enviroments you just can't... Mainly in those who you are obligated to be and saying something in the left of the Overton Window would make your life hell on earth. But it's just my advice, people can do whatever they want.
These "masks" are why there are no more strong men anymore, why the left is dominating the media, and why anything other than that gets cancelled.
The left already won decades ago, there aren't strong men anymore because society doesn't need them, the masks is mostly for awaken men with problems with socializing to survive in a enviroment full of asleep people... It isn't our fault, we don't have the duty to fix it, I don't want a single drop of men's (specially users of the forum) blood being shed for a society that treats them like cannon fodder to either cuck themselves in a LTR or leave them to rot... Though, one day they will need us back to fix all the mess, they'll blame the media, communism, feminism, guess what I'm going to say?


“The streets are extended gutters and the gutters are full of blood and when the drains finally scab over, all the vermin will drown. The accumulated filth of all their sex and murder will foam up about their waists and all the whores and politicians will look up and shout 'SAVE US!'...and I'll look down and whisper 'No.” - Alan Moore, Watchmen

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“I was ashamed of myself when I realized life was a costume party; and I attended with my real face.” – Franz Kafka.
1. INTRODUCTION - What is the Maskpill and why should I care?

It's no secret to anyone here that society is based on falsehood and hypocrisy, without these two, we would live in constant war,
I see a lot on the forum, people having difficulty fitting into this society. In social groups, they can't wear a mask designed to avoid losing social credit, and then they end up saying things that are disruptive of common thinking like the blackpill :blackpill:or the redpill:redpill:
that most people will just think you're a
weird fuck if you say in public.

The maskpill is the pill that all people wear masks to no lose and also to gain social credit among people.

Politicians use it and are quite knowledgeable on it, an example that many here possibly know is Madison Cawthorn.

View attachment 2429406He wore the social mask of an anti-LGBT conservative republican, but who was caught "playing" (🏳️‍🌈?) with his cousin or something like that, lost all his social credit between his fellow republican friends.

Anyway, it is very useful so that people don't think you are a weird fuck, and it can also benefit a wide range of people, from chads :chad: to incels :incel:, as incels you will avoid unnecessary conflicts and losses and chads will be able to maximize their social credit, this is useful not only for sex with women but also to be successful in every aspect of life.

2. SOLIPSISM - Besides yourself, there are only your own experiences.

Solipsism is how most people's social projection works, they expect other people to be like them.

And that is why when demonstrating a social disruption (which is very common with those who possess the knowledge we have because it is not something widely known or accepted by society) people rebel a lot.

It is notable how difficult it is for men in our community to camouflage themselves among the normies, and this is a social dysfunction to say the least, it is a natural ability of human beings, as they are social beings, to adapt to an environment without losing their own identity, without losing themselves in the mask
(of course there are people who have greater ease, like that extroverted friend of yours who flows well between different social groups, just as there are more introverted people, but in general it is natural for human beings to understand social emotions and behave accordingly).

I would say it is almost a human weapon of our species, and as a human capacity, it can be hypertrophied, and the efficiency of practice can be increased with theory, people in today's society live in the eternal battle between satisfying their animal needs and gaining social credit . The latter varies from group to group, so people depending on the group will adapt to different things. For us, it is very important to know how to behave in different groups, so it is interesting to use the Overton Window theory.

- What is acceptable and what isn't.

I adapted it to be divided into three sections: the left, right and middle. On the right we have what is treated as obvious to that group, something that if you say everyone will say: “but everyone knows that, it’s obvious”.

View attachment 2429479

The middle is what is acceptable and the left is what is unacceptable, completely rejected by the group.

To successfully camouflage yourself in a social group, you must identify what is primarily unacceptable, always staying in the center to the right of this window. You will only speak what is obvious and what is only acceptable, suspending your personal beliefs, your ego and projection, and you will use a mask. It's very important for you not to lose yourself in the mask, there is an importance of having conviction in your personal values and beliefs, so you will not get lost in your character, that way you will easily distinguish what is your mask and what is you.

With a little emotional intelligence, it is perfectly intelligible what that group accepts or does not accept to hear.

Remember: stay within the limits of what is acceptable. I made some examples in the video above.

4. THE POWER OF SILENCE - Every fucking body talks about this

If you look on Google, you will see that there are a million quotes from philosophers about how silence is powerful, but there is a misconception, silence is NOT about you looking retarded, totally introverted, strange to the group, completely alone and is not being a recluse.

See, some people may have gone through this, by remaining silent not wanting to attract attention, they end up attracting attention precisely because of that, negative attention, because it seems like you are up to something, it seems like you are someone dangerous, we don't like that as human beings, we don't like people who don't interact in the group because it seems like there's an infiltrator there who is just filming everything to pass this information on to another group, remember that we evolved in tribes.

Your silence needs to be an active silence, like in this video from American Psycho:

View attachment 2429434

You need to appear like you're really interested, people in general like being heard much more than listening, so show a fake interest and if it's not fake, that's okay too, comment on something, fake laugh and smile (also, remember to laugh and smile on stuff in the Overton Window, there was this time a girl who I was hanging out with, commented laughing about a guy she rejected because he was short, I used my mask and laughed with her) and etc... It needs to be an active silence, not doing this mf face while looking straight at their soul:

christian bale GIF

This will generate anxiety, so look interested, have a posture and then people won't have much distrust of you, they may think you're an idiot but it's better to remain silent and they think you're an idiot than to open up your mouth and you confirm it.

When you speak, you will necessarily give information for people to draw their profile and as already said, people are pure solipsism, drawing their profile in their mind, a profile that they want to believe, often based on the references they had of other people who behaved the way you behave, said things that you said and it won't necessarily be the profile that will have to do with you.

Be ready to pass on information that forms the person you want to be, that forms the stereotype of how you want to be seen in that group.

Don't try to be authentic, don't try to be yourself, there are, of course, groups that can be more authentic (like here on the forum or with your family, because naturally you were built to fit into the family group, because it formed you, correct...? Well, several issues such as more dysfunctional and less healthy family groups can affect this, that's why I believe that the nuclear family is important, because if it is not healthy, the person will try to find another one, it will fall on the internet and look for a group where she can be herself, it could be something constructive or something bad like a man going to the crime, etc.).


The instinct of all life on earth, we are social creatures and more intellectual than others, we have instincts that also go towards social and intellectual reproduction.

See, people want to reproduce their ideas, they want reproduce their social group, they want to see their group growing and their ideas spreading.

The more people believe in what an individual has to say, the more resources they tend to have, the more socially well-liked they are and probably more reproductive success (sex :feelshah:), especially in the case of us men, as it is also known that women are also attracted to men with large social status, that's why men want to be respected, treated like great figures and so on. (Practically all the wars that have been created to date have been because of this, mere desires to appear like a badass, but they say it is a matter of respect, a matter of principles, a matter of national sovereignty, etc... Things that the mind creates to justify men young people killing themselves, it's biological determinism.)

Knowing this, if you come to the conclusion that people want you to agree with them, they want you to be a sycophant, of course you don't need to sell yourself to the point of agreeing with everything and praising them all the time, but to camouflage yourself in a social group , you will often have to agree with things that you essentially disagree with, perhaps things like abortion, drug legalization, etc...

A sycophant naturally has this social compass, this ability to sell himself for someone he knows can give him resources, sometimes a boss, a girlfriend, etc... You will need to be a little sycophantic, remember: falsehood and hypocrisy are the pillars of society.

When you open your mouth, as your silence can often be prevented by them asking a question or something like that, stay in the Overton Window and try to agree as much as possible without making it seem too obvious, so don't go too far to the right, as it will look very fake.

6. ANTAGONISM - Sometimes people just won't like you

From incels :incel: (people who are disgusted or bully you) to chads :chad: (envy and shit), sometimes people who have a dislike towards you may appear, it may be by reference or by remembering a behavior, look or even remembering another person who antagonized them at another time.

It's natural, and to deal with these people you need to have little contact as possible, stay away from those who don't like you for whatever reason, whether it's your fault or not it's always your responsibility to deal with it, your conflict is for the one who will gain the most social credit, the one who will gain the most validation from the group, leave your pride aside and remember: it is a war of morals not of pride.

It is better to be defeated personally than morally. So, stay within the group's precepts, because everyone will think you did it right, everyone will pat you on the back and you won't lose social credit, the situation and the conflict are temporary, it's better that your antagonist emerge morally defeated with his pride intact than otherwise, but also remember not to let the mask dominate and you lose yourself to the point of allowing yourself to be humiliated and trampled to the point of not being worth the social credit.

There are moments that aren't worth it, if you impose yourself, you'll be trampled on and the group won't come to defend you, but in small conflicts that won't get physical, it's just a fight of pride, they're quite silly and nothing serious. Just be careful when it comes to a discussion with women, as they naturally already have high social credit in our society, and as a man you're probably have less than her, you will have to bite the bullet and don't challenge it, it's better to bite the bullet than end up imposing yourself and seeming the COWARD against a woman.

7. CONCLUSION - What you need to remember

Your focus is to gain and not lose social credit, you have to say what makes sense and above all, what is acceptable depending on the social group you are in. It's not being right, it's not being logical and it's not being fair either. Only talk about pills when you know they are in the Overton Window. Sophisms, which are non-evident lies, can be used when, for example, they ask why you are not going somewhere, and you lie in a way that no one can know it is a lie, a good excuse will be in the Overton Window, a lame excuse will not stick, because they might think you hate them or something. Also, it's very rare for the blackpill, NTmaxxing, and stuff being in the Overton window, so generally, don't talk about it.

I also would like to recommend for further reading this thread made by Deleted member 5189 that talks about the 48 laws of power.

Thanks for reading, it's my first guide, hope it's useful to someone else, I had the urge to write something to contribute to this community which helped me a lot.

@lazymaxxing @capybara @assymetricel @utter-ascension
For all of you that say that this doesnt apply to chads: while chads have natural high social credit, if they say things on the left side of the arrow they will still get cancelled nowadays. The power of the media or anything else nowadays is in the hands of the normies/people. It doesnt matter how much of a chad you are, your reputation will be trashed if you get cancelled
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So blend in with the group your in and don’t express anything that opposes It that’s water tho I need more @John Cracovizk
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So blend in with the group your in and don’t express anything that opposes It that’s water tho I need more @John Cracovizk
You can find further reading in some other books:

- How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie
- The Art of War by Sun Tzu
- The Prince by Machiavelli
- 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene

There will be a moment where after much reading and practice I believe you'll have a satisfatory capacity with social interactions, like going to the gym, there'll be a time where you probably will be satisfied with your body without the need for steroids or some other shit, you only need to maintain this.

When you reach to the point that your social intelligence is enough for your life goals, that's the moment to be satisfied and just maintain it.
You can find further reading in some other books:

- How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie
- The Art of War by Sun Tzu
- The Prince by Machiavelli
- 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene

There will be a moment where after much reading and practice I believe you'll have a satisfatory capacity with social interactions, like going to the gym, there'll be a time where you probably will be satisfied with your body without the need for steroids or some other shit, you only need to maintain this.

When you reach to the point that your social intelligence is enough for your life goals, that's the moment to be satisfied and just maintain it.
Ain’t being a normie enough
Like being a normal nigga with friends a social circle ect
I see, I don't think it's that hard, just see which is the most liked person in the group and try to imitate her, very simple.

The human being is very much based on the basis of mirroring actions, there is even a effect called Chameleon, where people feel more attracted to you if you imitate them, of course not in a forced way making it obvious, but if a person makes a lot of movements with her left hand and you do the same, this person unconsciously will see you as more trustworthy and attractive.

We know this instinctively, science is just there to prove in a evidentiological way, we have this system of social intelligence which comes from birth to learn how deal with the group because we are social animals, is not for nothing that when a man wants to hook up with a woman he pretends he likes the same things that she does (I did this witk kpop once :lul: ), this a instinctive technique of the human being of knowing that we love to replicate/reproduce. This lady that the man is trying to hook up with, she's also using her reproductive system: "There is someone like me :feelsahh:" which means to her: I reproduced :feelsokman:. Which generates a charisma between people, people who have shared interests tend to socialize better.

We evoled in tribes, tribes have shared interests.

So, if you are similar to the most liked person in the group it will be very easy to be seen as someone trustworthy, someone who passes under the radar of attention (many psychopaths do this to attack people, use it wisely huh :feelswhat:)
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If you follow this guide, you may avoid some ostracisation, but you will never win anything. This is a losers guide not to lose even more.
i don't want to lose anymore
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Reading soon
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  • JFL
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“I was ashamed of myself when I realized life was a costume party; and I attended with my real face.” – Franz Kafka.
1. INTRODUCTION - What is the Maskpill and why should I care?

It's no secret to anyone here that society is based on falsehood and hypocrisy, without these two, we would live in constant war,
I see a lot on the forum, people having difficulty fitting into this society. In social groups, they can't wear a mask designed to avoid losing social credit, and then they end up saying things that are disruptive of common thinking like the blackpill :blackpill:or the redpill:redpill:
that most people will just think you're a
weird fuck if you say in public.

The maskpill is the pill that all people wear masks to no lose and also to gain social credit among people.

Politicians use it and are quite knowledgeable on it, an example that many here possibly know is Madison Cawthorn.

View attachment 2429406He wore the social mask of an anti-LGBT conservative republican, but who was caught "playing" (🏳️‍🌈?) with his cousin or something like that, lost all his social credit between his fellow republican friends.

Anyway, it is very useful so that people don't think you are a weird fuck, and it can also benefit a wide range of people, from chads :chad: to incels :incel:, as incels you will avoid unnecessary conflicts and losses and chads will be able to maximize their social credit, this is useful not only for sex with women but also to be successful in every aspect of life.

2. SOLIPSISM - Besides yourself, there are only your own experiences.

Solipsism is how most people's social projection works, they expect other people to be like them.

And that is why when demonstrating a social disruption (which is very common with those who possess the knowledge we have because it is not something widely known or accepted by society) people rebel a lot.

It is notable how difficult it is for men in our community to camouflage themselves among the normies, and this is a social dysfunction to say the least, it is a natural ability of human beings, as they are social beings, to adapt to an environment without losing their own identity, without losing themselves in the mask
(of course there are people who have greater ease, like that extroverted friend of yours who flows well between different social groups, just as there are more introverted people, but in general it is natural for human beings to understand social emotions and behave accordingly).

I would say it is almost a human weapon of our species, and as a human capacity, it can be hypertrophied, and the efficiency of practice can be increased with theory, people in today's society live in the eternal battle between satisfying their animal needs and gaining social credit . The latter varies from group to group, so people depending on the group will adapt to different things. For us, it is very important to know how to behave in different groups, so it is interesting to use the Overton Window theory.

- What is acceptable and what isn't.

I adapted it to be divided into three sections: the left, right and middle. On the right we have what is treated as obvious to that group, something that if you say everyone will say: “but everyone knows that, it’s obvious”.

View attachment 2429479

The middle is what is acceptable and the left is what is unacceptable, completely rejected by the group.

To successfully camouflage yourself in a social group, you must identify what is primarily unacceptable, always staying in the center to the right of this window. You will only speak what is obvious and what is only acceptable, suspending your personal beliefs, your ego and projection, and you will use a mask. It's very important for you not to lose yourself in the mask, there is an importance of having conviction in your personal values and beliefs, so you will not get lost in your character, that way you will easily distinguish what is your mask and what is you.

With a little emotional intelligence, it is perfectly intelligible what that group accepts or does not accept to hear.

Remember: stay within the limits of what is acceptable. I made some examples in the video above.

4. THE POWER OF SILENCE - Every fucking body talks about this

If you look on Google, you will see that there are a million quotes from philosophers about how silence is powerful, but there is a misconception, silence is NOT about you looking retarded, totally introverted, strange to the group, completely alone and is not being a recluse.

See, some people may have gone through this, by remaining silent not wanting to attract attention, they end up attracting attention precisely because of that, negative attention, because it seems like you are up to something, it seems like you are someone dangerous, we don't like that as human beings, we don't like people who don't interact in the group because it seems like there's an infiltrator there who is just filming everything to pass this information on to another group, remember that we evolved in tribes.

Your silence needs to be an active silence, like in this video from American Psycho:

View attachment 2429434

You need to appear like you're really interested, people in general like being heard much more than listening, so show a fake interest and if it's not fake, that's okay too, comment on something, fake laugh and smile (also, remember to laugh and smile on stuff in the Overton Window, there was this time a girl who I was hanging out with, commented laughing about a guy she rejected because he was short, I used my mask and laughed with her) and etc... It needs to be an active silence, not doing this mf face while looking straight at their soul:

christian bale GIF

This will generate anxiety, so look interested, have a posture and then people won't have much distrust of you, they may think you're an idiot but it's better to remain silent and they think you're an idiot than to open up your mouth and you confirm it.

When you speak, you will necessarily give information for people to draw their profile and as already said, people are pure solipsism, drawing their profile in their mind, a profile that they want to believe, often based on the references they had of other people who behaved the way you behave, said things that you said and it won't necessarily be the profile that will have to do with you.

Be ready to pass on information that forms the person you want to be, that forms the stereotype of how you want to be seen in that group.

Don't try to be authentic, don't try to be yourself, there are, of course, groups that can be more authentic (like here on the forum or with your family, because naturally you were built to fit into the family group, because it formed you, correct...? Well, several issues such as more dysfunctional and less healthy family groups can affect this, that's why I believe that the nuclear family is important, because if it is not healthy, the person will try to find another one, it will fall on the internet and look for a group where she can be herself, it could be something constructive or something bad like a man going to the crime, etc.).


The instinct of all life on earth, we are social creatures and more intellectual than others, we have instincts that also go towards social and intellectual reproduction.

See, people want to reproduce their ideas, they want reproduce their social group, they want to see their group growing and their ideas spreading.

The more people believe in what an individual has to say, the more resources they tend to have, the more socially well-liked they are and probably more reproductive success (sex :feelshah:), especially in the case of us men, as it is also known that women are also attracted to men with large social status, that's why men want to be respected, treated like great figures and so on. (Practically all the wars that have been created to date have been because of this, mere desires to appear like a badass, but they say it is a matter of respect, a matter of principles, a matter of national sovereignty, etc... Things that the mind creates to justify men young people killing themselves, it's biological determinism.)

Knowing this, if you come to the conclusion that people want you to agree with them, they want you to be a sycophant, of course you don't need to sell yourself to the point of agreeing with everything and praising them all the time, but to camouflage yourself in a social group , you will often have to agree with things that you essentially disagree with, perhaps things like abortion, drug legalization, etc...

A sycophant naturally has this social compass, this ability to sell himself for someone he knows can give him resources, sometimes a boss, a girlfriend, etc... You will need to be a little sycophantic, remember: falsehood and hypocrisy are the pillars of society.

When you open your mouth, as your silence can often be prevented by them asking a question or something like that, stay in the Overton Window and try to agree as much as possible without making it seem too obvious, so don't go too far to the right, as it will look very fake.

6. ANTAGONISM - Sometimes people just won't like you

From incels :incel: (people who are disgusted or bully you) to chads :chad: (envy and shit), sometimes people who have a dislike towards you may appear, it may be by reference or by remembering a behavior, look or even remembering another person who antagonized them at another time.

It's natural, and to deal with these people you need to have little contact as possible, stay away from those who don't like you for whatever reason, whether it's your fault or not it's always your responsibility to deal with it, your conflict is for the one who will gain the most social credit, the one who will gain the most validation from the group, leave your pride aside and remember: it is a war of morals not of pride.

It is better to be defeated personally than morally. So, stay within the group's precepts, because everyone will think you did it right, everyone will pat you on the back and you won't lose social credit, the situation and the conflict are temporary, it's better that your antagonist emerge morally defeated with his pride intact than otherwise, but also remember not to let the mask dominate and you lose yourself to the point of allowing yourself to be humiliated and trampled to the point of not being worth the social credit.

There are moments that aren't worth it, if you impose yourself, you'll be trampled on and the group won't come to defend you, but in small conflicts that won't get physical, it's just a fight of pride, they're quite silly and nothing serious. Just be careful when it comes to a discussion with women, as they naturally already have high social credit in our society, and as a man you're probably have less than her, you will have to bite the bullet and don't challenge it, it's better to bite the bullet than end up imposing yourself and seeming the COWARD against a woman.

7. CONCLUSION - What you need to remember

Your focus is to gain and not lose social credit, you have to say what makes sense and above all, what is acceptable depending on the social group you are in. It's not being right, it's not being logical and it's not being fair either. Only talk about pills when you know they are in the Overton Window. Sophisms, which are non-evident lies, can be used when, for example, they ask why you are not going somewhere, and you lie in a way that no one can know it is a lie, a good excuse will be in the Overton Window, a lame excuse will not stick, because they might think you hate them or something. Also, it's very rare for the blackpill, NTmaxxing, and stuff being in the Overton window, so generally, don't talk about it.

I also would like to recommend for further reading this thread made by Deleted member 5189 that talks about the 48 laws of power.

Thanks for reading, it's my first guide, hope it's useful to someone else, I had the urge to write something to contribute to this community which helped me a lot.

@lazymaxxing @capybara @assymetricel @utter-ascension



  • Hmm...
Reactions: John Cracovizk
“I was ashamed of myself when I realized life was a costume party; and I attended with my real face.” – Franz Kafka.
1. INTRODUCTION - What is the Maskpill and why should I care?

It's no secret to anyone here that society is based on falsehood and hypocrisy, without these two, we would live in constant war,
I see a lot on the forum, people having difficulty fitting into this society. In social groups, they can't wear a mask designed to avoid losing social credit, and then they end up saying things that are disruptive of common thinking like the blackpill :blackpill:or the redpill:redpill:
that most people will just think you're a
weird fuck if you say in public.

The maskpill is the pill that all people wear masks to no lose and also to gain social credit among people.

Politicians use it and are quite knowledgeable on it, an example that many here possibly know is Madison Cawthorn.

View attachment 2429406He wore the social mask of an anti-LGBT conservative republican, but who was caught "playing" (🏳️‍🌈?) with his cousin or something like that, lost all his social credit between his fellow republican friends.

Anyway, it is very useful so that people don't think you are a weird fuck, and it can also benefit a wide range of people, from chads :chad: to incels :incel:, as incels you will avoid unnecessary conflicts and losses and chads will be able to maximize their social credit, this is useful not only for sex with women but also to be successful in every aspect of life.

2. SOLIPSISM - Besides yourself, there are only your own experiences.

Solipsism is how most people's social projection works, they expect other people to be like them.

And that is why when demonstrating a social disruption (which is very common with those who possess the knowledge we have because it is not something widely known or accepted by society) people rebel a lot.

It is notable how difficult it is for men in our community to camouflage themselves among the normies, and this is a social dysfunction to say the least, it is a natural ability of human beings, as they are social beings, to adapt to an environment without losing their own identity, without losing themselves in the mask
(of course there are people who have greater ease, like that extroverted friend of yours who flows well between different social groups, just as there are more introverted people, but in general it is natural for human beings to understand social emotions and behave accordingly).

I would say it is almost a human weapon of our species, and as a human capacity, it can be hypertrophied, and the efficiency of practice can be increased with theory, people in today's society live in the eternal battle between satisfying their animal needs and gaining social credit . The latter varies from group to group, so people depending on the group will adapt to different things. For us, it is very important to know how to behave in different groups, so it is interesting to use the Overton Window theory.

- What is acceptable and what isn't.

I adapted it to be divided into three sections: the left, right and middle. On the right we have what is treated as obvious to that group, something that if you say everyone will say: “but everyone knows that, it’s obvious”.

View attachment 2429479

The middle is what is acceptable and the left is what is unacceptable, completely rejected by the group.

To successfully camouflage yourself in a social group, you must identify what is primarily unacceptable, always staying in the center to the right of this window. You will only speak what is obvious and what is only acceptable, suspending your personal beliefs, your ego and projection, and you will use a mask. It's very important for you not to lose yourself in the mask, there is an importance of having conviction in your personal values and beliefs, so you will not get lost in your character, that way you will easily distinguish what is your mask and what is you.

With a little emotional intelligence, it is perfectly intelligible what that group accepts or does not accept to hear.

Remember: stay within the limits of what is acceptable. I made some examples in the video above.

4. THE POWER OF SILENCE - Every fucking body talks about this

If you look on Google, you will see that there are a million quotes from philosophers about how silence is powerful, but there is a misconception, silence is NOT about you looking retarded, totally introverted, strange to the group, completely alone and is not being a recluse.

See, some people may have gone through this, by remaining silent not wanting to attract attention, they end up attracting attention precisely because of that, negative attention, because it seems like you are up to something, it seems like you are someone dangerous, we don't like that as human beings, we don't like people who don't interact in the group because it seems like there's an infiltrator there who is just filming everything to pass this information on to another group, remember that we evolved in tribes.

Your silence needs to be an active silence, like in this video from American Psycho:

View attachment 2429434

You need to appear like you're really interested, people in general like being heard much more than listening, so show a fake interest and if it's not fake, that's okay too, comment on something, fake laugh and smile (also, remember to laugh and smile on stuff in the Overton Window, there was this time a girl who I was hanging out with, commented laughing about a guy she rejected because he was short, I used my mask and laughed with her) and etc... It needs to be an active silence, not doing this mf face while looking straight at their soul:

christian bale GIF

This will generate anxiety, so look interested, have a posture and then people won't have much distrust of you, they may think you're an idiot but it's better to remain silent and they think you're an idiot than to open up your mouth and you confirm it.

When you speak, you will necessarily give information for people to draw their profile and as already said, people are pure solipsism, drawing their profile in their mind, a profile that they want to believe, often based on the references they had of other people who behaved the way you behave, said things that you said and it won't necessarily be the profile that will have to do with you.

Be ready to pass on information that forms the person you want to be, that forms the stereotype of how you want to be seen in that group.

Don't try to be authentic, don't try to be yourself, there are, of course, groups that can be more authentic (like here on the forum or with your family, because naturally you were built to fit into the family group, because it formed you, correct...? Well, several issues such as more dysfunctional and less healthy family groups can affect this, that's why I believe that the nuclear family is important, because if it is not healthy, the person will try to find another one, it will fall on the internet and look for a group where she can be herself, it could be something constructive or something bad like a man going to the crime, etc.).


The instinct of all life on earth, we are social creatures and more intellectual than others, we have instincts that also go towards social and intellectual reproduction.

See, people want to reproduce their ideas, they want reproduce their social group, they want to see their group growing and their ideas spreading.

The more people believe in what an individual has to say, the more resources they tend to have, the more socially well-liked they are and probably more reproductive success (sex :feelshah:), especially in the case of us men, as it is also known that women are also attracted to men with large social status, that's why men want to be respected, treated like great figures and so on. (Practically all the wars that have been created to date have been because of this, mere desires to appear like a badass, but they say it is a matter of respect, a matter of principles, a matter of national sovereignty, etc... Things that the mind creates to justify men young people killing themselves, it's biological determinism.)

Knowing this, if you come to the conclusion that people want you to agree with them, they want you to be a sycophant, of course you don't need to sell yourself to the point of agreeing with everything and praising them all the time, but to camouflage yourself in a social group , you will often have to agree with things that you essentially disagree with, perhaps things like abortion, drug legalization, etc...

A sycophant naturally has this social compass, this ability to sell himself for someone he knows can give him resources, sometimes a boss, a girlfriend, etc... You will need to be a little sycophantic, remember: falsehood and hypocrisy are the pillars of society.

When you open your mouth, as your silence can often be prevented by them asking a question or something like that, stay in the Overton Window and try to agree as much as possible without making it seem too obvious, so don't go too far to the right, as it will look very fake.

6. ANTAGONISM - Sometimes people just won't like you

From incels :incel: (people who are disgusted or bully you) to chads :chad: (envy and shit), sometimes people who have a dislike towards you may appear, it may be by reference or by remembering a behavior, look or even remembering another person who antagonized them at another time.

It's natural, and to deal with these people you need to have little contact as possible, stay away from those who don't like you for whatever reason, whether it's your fault or not it's always your responsibility to deal with it, your conflict is for the one who will gain the most social credit, the one who will gain the most validation from the group, leave your pride aside and remember: it is a war of morals not of pride.

It is better to be defeated personally than morally. So, stay within the group's precepts, because everyone will think you did it right, everyone will pat you on the back and you won't lose social credit, the situation and the conflict are temporary, it's better that your antagonist emerge morally defeated with his pride intact than otherwise, but also remember not to let the mask dominate and you lose yourself to the point of allowing yourself to be humiliated and trampled to the point of not being worth the social credit.

There are moments that aren't worth it, if you impose yourself, you'll be trampled on and the group won't come to defend you, but in small conflicts that won't get physical, it's just a fight of pride, they're quite silly and nothing serious. Just be careful when it comes to a discussion with women, as they naturally already have high social credit in our society, and as a man you're probably have less than her, you will have to bite the bullet and don't challenge it, it's better to bite the bullet than end up imposing yourself and seeming the COWARD against a woman.

7. CONCLUSION - What you need to remember

Your focus is to gain and not lose social credit, you have to say what makes sense and above all, what is acceptable depending on the social group you are in. It's not being right, it's not being logical and it's not being fair either. Only talk about pills when you know they are in the Overton Window. Sophisms, which are non-evident lies, can be used when, for example, they ask why you are not going somewhere, and you lie in a way that no one can know it is a lie, a good excuse will be in the Overton Window, a lame excuse will not stick, because they might think you hate them or something. Also, it's very rare for the blackpill, NTmaxxing, and stuff being in the Overton window, so generally, don't talk about it.

I also would like to recommend for further reading this thread made by Deleted member 5189 that talks about the 48 laws of power.

Thanks for reading, it's my first guide, hope it's useful to someone else, I had the urge to write something to contribute to this community which helped me a lot.

@lazymaxxing @capybara @assymetricel @utter-ascension
Best guide for mentalcels
  • +1
Reactions: John Cracovizk
bro I was looking for EXACTLY something like this, real life experiences and reading stuff made me realize how the ability to act dumb and fake at will, having a good poker face and able to hide your intentions etc are such important nt skills. I would say having natural confidence (not the fake forced one), good communication skills and this are the most important to be NT

keep up the good work
  • +1
Reactions: John Cracovizk
I'm NT but still gonna use this W thread BOTB deserved
  • +1
Reactions: John Cracovizk
not a letter, subhuman
Cope. Chad can impose and warp social truths and rules for others to follow.

It's all about who is stronger. Jfl at you, writing a guide on how to cave in to the will of others like a little bitch.

If you follow this guide, you may avoid some ostracisation, but you will never win anything. This is a losers guide not to lose even more.
Basically, avoid social dominance or get dominated... Surprised to see good users @Brus Wane and @steve Rodgers like this. Maybe to promote its camouflaging tactic?

I dunno. However we'll see if things change if I ascend more. Takes time to be out there irl instead of the internet. I've been thinking that. Think compound effect.

I get it, in not rushing in to suddenly get yourself alienated. Because in reality there will be extremely few people (guys, women won't care after attraction-affection) who will agree with you 90%+. With that said, mean to read the 48 laws.

Andrew Tate, maybe Kanye West, hell, Sascha Baron-Cohen were able to prove this wrong and still prevail. Just be black theory.
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  • Hmm...
Reactions: Primalsplit
thats really it

lol at "social norms" and fitting in.......normies are horrible
they dont even understand what they believe in

also what is the point of relation-shits and "social circles" in the age of Tinder, srs?
Alternatively, aspies are weirdos, smell, don't go anywhere in focus, are schizo, boring and aren't worth it compared to fitting in with normal people. A room full of @Xangsane's? No thanks.

But yeah, goals > relationships. Only LTR if you're safe on all fronts.
  • Love it
Reactions: Xangsane
You have helped put me into perspective of when to shut up, be asked and not answer as well as being cautious of how much you share, especially to people long ago in your past. Shit, it's a trial and error game with no clear way to learn and improve.
especially keeping your wits when you live in an ethnic shithole that used to be English gold 50 years ago as I had to do it recently to an entitled sheeboon

Low-class cunts happen for some reason to have the highest egos and highest entitlement. I wonder if being brutally honest is the right thing when you're on the defense after getting disrespected?

Idk after reading all of this... Some if not all of the mental gymnastic filler comes off as pseudo-intellectual university liberal student esque?, @Xangsane-tier garbage like the people I used to hang out with:

Tbh I think this will fuck you up mentally over time, if you are constantly playing all these roles. And for what, what is the benefit? Maybe a little bit pussy if you just submitted hard enough for the group?

I am currently in University, I drop Blackpill stuff right in front of Normies, I dont give a fuck. There were Normies who I lost contact with over time, and a few stayed and we formed a deeper bond. Whats funny is that I always see these weak ass simps with the girls but none of them have interest in them.

Also before I was blackpilled and less confident, I would do all this Mask stuff that OP talked about naturally and I got less Pussy than I do now and also felt 100x less manly. Its just not worth it I believe. Also people respect me for always being honest, even if they dont agree.

For me this is obviously better than feeling like a pathetic sheep that doesnt want to offend anyone.

@Primalsplit, @NECK&VOICE I think you're right, who cares about pissing faggots, feminists, low-IQ nignogs (have to get them in place to be able to accuse them in your defence) and obese soyboys off. But if I'm talking about when in career mode then it's lights on.

Again , what @audimax said was right and you're spewing cope because socialising is all about filtering out whose worthy cause guess what? That's no different to approaching.

hmm but as I'm going through Peaky Blinders, Tommy convinces and seduces his way to
fuck a communist only to get information out of her ala James Bond style.
So there is a mask that makes sense when you have a goal or agenda.

You're clearly young @John Cracovizk and I can see you going moved into being more uncompromising over time.

Yeah, Andrew Tate and Ben Shapiro probably wouldn't like each other much
Dunno, they got on alright with the wotsit guys.

B-but that's me :oops:

Don't tell me you've been having these thoughts while listening to my voice :sneaky:
Over. You're a low-T ambitionless cuck.
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  • +1
Reactions: Primalsplit
You have helped put me into perspective of when to shut up, be asked and not answer as well as being cautious of how much you share, especially to people long ago in your past. Shit, it's a trial and error game with no clear way to learn and improve.
especially keeping your wits when you live in an ethnic shithole that used to be English gold 50 years ago as I had to do it recently to an entitled sheeboon

Low-class cunts happen for some reason to have the highest egos and highest entitlement. I wonder if being brutally honest is the right thing when you're on the defense after getting disrespected?

Idk after reading all of this... Some if not all of the mental gymnastic filler comes off as pseudo-intellectual university liberal student esque?, @Xangsane-tier garbage like the people I used to hang out with:


@Primalsplit, @NECK&VOICE I think you're right, who cares about pissing faggots, feminists, low-IQ nignogs (have to get them in place to be able to accuse them in your defence) and obese soyboys off. But if I'm talking about when in career mode then it's lights on.

Again , what @audimax said was right and you're spewing cope because socialising is all about filtering out whose worthy cause guess what? That's no different to approaching.

hmm but as I'm going through Peaky Blinders, Tommy convinces and seduces his way to
fuck a communist only to get information out of her ala James Bond style
. So there is a mask that makes sense when you have a goal or agenda.

You're clearly young @John Cracovizk and I can see you going moved into being more uncompromising over time.

Dunno, they got on alright with the wotsit guys.

Over. You're a low-T ambitionless cuck.
define @Xangsane tier
The "Maskpill" essay offers a critical view of social dynamics, focusing on using social masks to navigate societal expectations and gain acceptance. However, several logical flaws weaken the arguments presented. Here's a reevaluation:

1. Overgeneralization

  • Claim: Society is entirely based on falsehood and hypocrisy.
  • Flaw: This is a sweeping generalization. While some social dynamics involve strategic behavior, relationships, trust, and authenticity are critical in many contexts. Not all interactions are predicated on deceit.

2. Contradiction in Silence Argument

  • Claim: Silence attracts negative attention but is also powerful when used strategically.
  • Flaw: This is contradictory. The essay advises "active silence" but fails to reconcile how one can remain silent while also actively engaging in a group without speaking. These are mutually exclusive.

3. Oversimplification of Overton Window

  • Claim: Social acceptance lies strictly within "obvious" or "acceptable" ideas.
  • Flaw: Social progress and innovation often challenge norms. By staying within the Overton Window, individuals may forgo opportunities to inspire change or express authentic views.

4. Promotion of Deception

  • Claim: Success is achieved through deceit, such as agreeing with things you don't believe in.
  • Flaw: Deceptive behavior can erode trust over time. While short-term gains are possible, the long-term consequences of dishonesty often outweigh the benefits.

5. Misinterpretation of Biological Determinism

  • Claim: Wars and respect dynamics stem solely from biological instincts.
  • Flaw: Human behavior is influenced by culture, environment, and individual values, not just biology. Attributing complex phenomena like war solely to innate drives oversimplifies their causes.

6. Circular Reasoning

  • Claim: Social credit and agreement with group norms lead to success because people seek to reproduce their ideas.
  • Flaw: This argument assumes its premise as proof, creating a logical loop without substantiating the claim with evidence.

7. Ethical Concerns

  • Claim: Hypocrisy and falsehood are necessary for societal function.
  • Flaw: Promoting widespread deceit as a societal norm ignores the importance of ethical behavior and trust. Authenticity often fosters deeper, more meaningful connections.


While the essay raises thought-provoking ideas, its overgeneralizations, contradictions, and reliance on cynical assumptions diminish its effectiveness. A nuanced approach that balances strategic adaptation with authenticity would provide a more credible perspective.
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