The Islamic conquest of Europe has begun

I can't take you seriously, bro. I've already disproven the 75% claim, and you always sound inconsistent, so I don't know if you're being serious or not when wishing me a happy Eid or something else. Besides, we have more respect for Jesus (peace be upon him) than you guys do. Just look at the cross you always reference and wear. For example, if someone killed your mother with an axe, would you go and craft an axe pendant to always wear? What kind of disrespect is that to a great man like Jesus?
doesn’t matter there’s more Christians right now then mudslides so I guess we are true according to Ahmed logic :feelsuhh:

Your religion is stupid your god has 2 hands and one shin wtf is that god ain’t have such nonsense but your one does why do you larp and say he’s the same god as mine 😡
Wow, beautiful sights.
The statistics show otherwise
All you did was show some stats of wokefags and prisoners converting. No total calculations and no comparison to the stats of the Christians
You were highlighting the growth of a Christian denomination
I highlight the important type of growth, you highlighted the breeding
They even indicate that you are shrinking
Yes shrinking because the jews and the world are against us. Lukewarms loose their faith, but we're still number one in getting converts
doesn’t matter there’s more Christians right now then mudslides so I guess we are true according to Ahmed logic :feelsuhh:
Islam doesn't claim that the largest religion is the truth; that's what you guys interpret.
Your religion is stupid your god has 2 hands and one shin wtf is that god ain’t have such nonsense but your one does why do you larp and say he’s the same god as mine 😡
Where did you get this nonsense? In Islam, we are not even permitted to imagine how God looks like. You must be confusing it with the human worship associated with Jesus in your faith
Islam doesn't claim that the largest religion is the truth; that's what you guys interpret.

Where did you get this nonsense? In Islam, we are not even permitted to imagine how God looks like. You must be confusing it with the human worship associated with Jesus in your faith
Nope 👎

Over for you. Allhamdullah

Islam cannot be the truth if it contradicts history
All you did was show some stats of wokefags and prisoners converting. No total calculations and no comparison to the stats of the Christians
When a statistic doesn't favor your side, you always come up with an excuse. Call it wokefag or a reality check, the truth remains the same.
I highlight the important type of growth, you highlighted the breeding
You highlighted nothing substantial without indepth type of growth; you just showed a screenshot from Google without detailed numbers. Anyone who types 'fastest growing religion' into Google knows the answer: Islam. This is due to a combination of birthrate and conversions from around the world. The truth may be bitter and sour, my friend, but you need to swallow it.:forcedsmile:
Yes shrinking because the jews and the world are against us. Lukewarms loose their faith, but we're still number one in getting converts
Jews oppose every religion, not just Christianity. You're complaining and whining, but Islam has been the most persecuted religion of the 20th and 21st centuries, and yet it continues to thrive. This shows how weak Christianity is, it can't withstand criticism from media controlled by Jews. Meanwhile Islam beats the Jewish media and other religions.
Nope 👎

Over for you. Allhamdullah
You forgot to read the text on the website, it mentions characteristics different from humans. The traits described are not similar to those found in humans or other creations. The author even emphasizes this before the text begins.

2. These qualities cannot have physical meanings, because they belong to Allāh (ﷻ) who created the physical world where we live.

3. We cannot imagine how these qualities are for Allāh (ﷻ), because this is beyond our human ability

4. We know for sure that Allah’s (ﷻ) qualities are not like any of His creation.

5. We know for sure that Allāh’s (ﷻ) qualities are most supreme and perfect.

6. We only describe Allah (ﷻ) with the qualities of physical names that He describes Himself with. For example, we cannot say that Allāh has a body, because He does not say this.

like the quran says:

“No vision can grasp Him” [al-An'am 6:103]
Islam cannot be the truth if it contradicts history
Every religion contradicts history, my friend. Every Abrahamic religion teaches that human civilization began with Adam and Eve, not from apes. Don't contradict yourself. Or are you someone who opposes their own religion and believes in evolution?
You forgot to read the text on the website, it mentions characteristics different from humans. The traits described are not similar to those found in humans or other creations. The author even emphasizes this before the text begins.

like the quran says:

“No vision can grasp Him” [al-An'am 6:103]

Every religion contradicts history, my friend. Every Abrahamic religion teaches that human civilization began with Adam and Eve, not from apes. Don't contradict yourself. Or are you someone who opposes their own religion and believes in evolution?
Traits that are differnt than humans makes the point of saying a “hand” irrelevant then….

Your god is a deformed moon monster etf and you have the nerve to say this is the god I worship as I worship the god of Abraham stop
Traits that are differnt than humans makes the point of saying a “hand” irrelevant then….
The hand is used metaphorically to provide a glimpse and understanding, not to be taken literally. For example, in the Quran, it mentions pomegranates in paradise, but the pomegranates there will be entirely different from those on Earth. It's a way to give a hint and provide a glimpse of what this fruit could be like.
Your god is a deformed moon monster etf and you have the nerve to say this is the god I worship as I worship the god of Abraham stop
This is what I mean by bipolar. JFL.
The hand is used metaphorically to provide a glimpse and understanding, not to be taken literally. For example, in the Quran, it mentions pomegranates in paradise, but the pomegranates there will be entirely different from those on Earth. It's a way to give a hint and provide a glimpse of what this fruit could be like.

This is what I mean by bipolar. JFL.
Nah it’s what it is. Same with your god needing a veil of light to stop him from blasting us with his glory. Nowhere in the Torah or NT does it say this but your Allah the great and powerful moon god says this.

It’s over for you

Average muzzy convert

@emeraldglass @Sergeant

Hahahahahaha, the funny thing is the tiktok dawah propaganda is so strong, they're converting trannies now. They paint such a false peaceful image of Islam and all these impressionable retards fall for it, not doing their own research.
Nah it’s what it is. Same with your god needing a veil of light to stop him from blasting us with his glory. Nowhere in the Torah or NT does it say this but your Allah the great and powerful god says this.
Indeed Allah is the greatest of all and the most gracious and merciful.
Better than being secular/atheist, but it’s sad that they can’t embrace Christianity:feelsbadman:
you just showed a screenshot from Google without detailed numbers
Here nigga

According to Mark Jürgensmeyer of the University of California, popular Protestantism is one of the most dynamic religious movements in the contemporary world.[65] According to various scholars and sources Pentecostalism – a Protestant Christian movement – is the fastest growing religion in the world,[11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19] this growth is primarily due to religious conversion.[20][21] According to Pulitzer Center 35,000 people become Pentecostal or "Born again" every day.[66] According to scholar Keith Smith of Georgia State University "many scholars claim that Pentecostalism is the fastest growing religious phenomenon in human history",[18] and according to scholar Peter L. Berger of Boston University "the spread of Pentecostal Christianity may be the fastest growing movement in the history of religion".[67] Changes in worldwide Protestantism over the last century have been significant.[68][69][70][71] Since 1900, due primarily to conversion, Protestantism has spread rapidly in Africa, Asia, Oceania and Latin America.[72] That caused Protestantism to be called a primarily non-Western religion.[69][71] Much of the growth has occurred after World War II, when decolonization of Africa and abolition of various restrictions against Protestants in Latin American countries occurred.[70] According to one source, Protestants constituted respectively 2.5%, 2%, 0.5% of Latin Americans, Africans and Asians.[70] In 2000, percentage of Protestants on mentioned continents was 17%, more than 27% and 5.5%, respectively.[70]
Anyone who types 'fastest growing religion' into Google knows the answer: Islam. This is due to a combination of birthrate and conversions from around the world.
:forcedsmile::forcedsmile::forcedsmile: Just click the Wikipedia snippet and you'll see you're wrong.

but Islam has been the most persecuted religion of the 20th and 21st centuries, and yet it continues to thrive. This shows how weak Christianity is, it can't withstand criticism from media controlled by Jews
It's not even a question Christianity is the most persecuted religion of all time. Just Google it.

Screenshot 20240617 195742 Chrome

Christianity spread to the whole world when it was on nightmare mode to be a Christian in the beginning of Christianity. Meanwhile Islam was spread with war and violence since its first day.

Islam is the easiest religion to disprove and that's why it has to use so much force to stay relevant. If you criticize Islam in a Muslim country, they'll kill you, if you leave Islam, they'll kill you. Christianity is the opposite, IT'S IMPOSSIBLE TO DISPROVE and that's why Jesus said "Turn the other cheek". We have the truth. Everyone can leave Christianity and they won't get killed. "Criticism" is welcome too. Christianity is the most hated and criticized religion and yet it still stands strong. It's the fastest growing religion by conversion. If Islam was to get the same amount of criticism as Christianity, it wouldn't be a thing. That's why muzzies are so scared and defensive

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