The malleability of the maxilla is heavily underrated (midfacecels, zygocels, GTFIH!)



Aug 11, 2023
For context all of the things I state in this thread, I have preformed on myself and have noticed a noticable difference from the combination of these methods (exceot for mse) . The maxilla is a very malleable bone in the human face that can be changed (to a certain extent) for aesthetics.
(The red is maxilla)

(I know its talking about lower jaw and not maxilla)

First and likely most known method to work on maxilla is chewing. Whilst a lot of people are unaware of the maxillary effects of chewing, chewing plays a near pivotal role in any method you are attempting to do to change your maxilla. As chewing not only can shorten the maxilla it can make it much more malliable thus improving the effecacy of any of the methods stated later in this tread. Personally I enjoy using a towel or gum for good R.O.M. allowing for better masseter hypertrophy. Make sure to chew with your front teeth to ensure better ccw rotation of your maxilla.


Mewing, do I even have to say anything. It kinda works when paired with other things but other then that you all know how to do it.


Thumpulling. If your on this thread you better know what this is. For me thumb pulling was the most effect method in zygo growth and maxillary width. The benefits of thumb pulling can be, larger palate, more projected maxilla, possible bone mass growth from stimulation from intraoral massages. Personally I spend a lot of my day thumbpulling as this method is most effective when preformed consistently. Some proof of this method is the recomendation from some professionals for better sleep. This recommendation stems from the palate growth helping open the nasal cavity. Palate growth is good in shortening the maxilla by growing the width and shortening the height.
Tutorial: There are 2 main forms of thumbpulling, 1 being lateral thumb pulling, normal thumb pulling. Normal thumb pulling is just pulling foward on your palate as hard as you can. Lateral thumb pulling is pulling on the outer side of your palateoutward at the same time with both hands.


Grows palate, shortens maxilla a little.

Maxillary tension.
While this isnt a method in itself its important to know why what your doing might work. Maxillary tension is the consistency of tension on the maxilla which plays a crutal role in how easy it is to form the maxilla with these other methods. Mewing is a good way to constantly stimulate your palate but with very low stimulation. Hard mewing can be done along with these methods to add more maxillary tension and growth. If you spend a large amount of your time chewing then you will get a lot of maxillary tension from that and will likely develop a shorter maxilla.

Personal proof of effecacy of these methods: Ive noticed a visible split in my palate, my medically prescribed mouth guard that was molded to fit my mouth shape doesn't fit at all because the palate on the mouth guard is too small. Also noticed a decent amount of zygo growth over this period but it could be puberty or cope


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I don’t need to shorten my maxilla I need to lengthen it you faggot
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I don’t need to shorten my maxilla I need to lengthen it you faggot
when it says shorten it doesnt mean the actual length of the maxilla is reduced, it means the distance between the top and bottom when viewed from the front is reduced, because the rotation brings the bottom of the maxilla forwards and upwards. this gives more compact midface, better undereye support etc
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What in the 2019
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send progress pic in pm, also how long do you thumbpull daily
when it says shorten it doesnt mean the actual length of the maxilla is reduced, it means the distance between the top and bottom when viewed from the front is reduced, because the rotation brings the bottom of the maxilla forwards and upwards. this gives more compact midface, better undereye support etc
High iq was planning on making a thread on this so many retards think it’s impossible to shorten the Midface as bone has already grown which they are right but can still angle it to decrease vertical height.
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High iq was planning on making a thread on this so many retards think it’s impossible to shorten the Midface as bone has already grown which they are right but can still angle it to decrease vertical height.
the amount of greycels on this forum that have no understanding of basic facial anatomy and say everything is cope astounds me
when it says shorten it doesnt mean the actual length of the maxilla is reduced, it means the distance between the top and bottom when viewed from the front is reduced, because the rotation brings the bottom of the maxilla forwards and upwards. this gives more compact midface, better undereye support etc
its entirely visual the actual legth never changes.
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High iq was planning on making a thread on this so many retards think it’s impossible to shorten the Midface as bone has already grown which they are right but can still angle it to decrease vertical height.
I made this thread in hope of teaching retarded doompilled newgens that its not over, im gonna make one for jaw soon.
  • JFL
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Ok Prof. Mike Mew whatever you say must be true!
send progress pic in pm, also how long do you thumbpull daily
Probably the same amount of lens, distortion, frauding and angle. I thumb pull probably 50-20 times a day with 30 second sessions.
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were u able to shorten your midface?
were u able to shorten your midface?
This method would 100% work I think it depends on your age tbh on how well because dentists use a similar thing a palate expander which does the exact same thing, however this would be much more slower which is honestly better @Clavicular explained this in his video he said he estimated roughly 0.1mm of maxilla movement a week but if you thumb pulled more frequently and harder I think you could get up to 0.5mm (dependant on age too)

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