The Mind-Body Connection: Understanding Its Mechanism and Zero-Cost Applications for Aesthetic Enhancement and Beyond.

The Mind-Body Connection: Understanding Its Mechanism and Zero-Cost Applications for Aesthetic Enhancement and Beyond.
“The body is the servant of the mind. It obeys the operations of the mind, whether they be deliberately chosen or automatically expressed. – James Allen

by @enchanted_elixir

Thread music:

Table Of Contents:
  • Introduction
    • Hook
    • Depth and cope of this thread
    • What is the mind-body connection?
    • Introductory Notes
    • Presenting my case to the forum
  • The Mechanisms Behind the Mind-Body Connection
    • All living cells are cognitive: Cells are the basic unit of life
    • All living cells are cognitive: Cognition is a fundamental trait of cells.
    • All living cells are cognitive: Video demonstration of unicellular cognition.
    • Cellular Collectives, Intelligence, Consciousness: Cellular Collectives
    • Cellular Collectives, Intelligence, Consciousness: Disconnection
    • Cellular Collectives, Intelligence, Consciousness: Introduction to Bioelectricity
    • Cellular Collectives, Intelligence, Consciousness: Bioelectrical States
    • The Mechanism Behind the Mind-Body Connection: Prologue & Recap
    • The Mechanism Behind the Mind-Body Connection: Explanation of The Mechanism
    • The Mechanism Behind the Mind-Body Connection: Case Studies of Amazing Feats Achieved by the Intentional Use of the Mind-Body Connection
    • The Mechanism Behind the Mind-Body Connection: How the Mind-Body Connection Exerts Its Influence Outside the Nervous System
  • Application
    • How To Utilize the Mind-Body Connection: Core Skills
    • How To Utilize the Mind-Body Connection: The Technique
    • Commentary & Examples of The Technique in Action
    • Possible applications of this technique.
    • Tips
    • My Experiences With This
  • Conclusion
  • Summary
  • Resources For Further Exploration
  • References



What if your mind could reshape your body? This may sound profound—as if it were a magical superpower, or even impossible —but consider the possibility: via harnessing the power of the mind-body connection, you can alter your appearance at no cost! In this thread, I'll explain how this works and show you how it can be done.

Depth and scope of this thread
This thread will delve into the mechanisms behind the mind-body connection and how you can consciously harness it to transform your physical appearance and mental state—at no cost. We will explore the relevant properties of cells and cellular collectives and how they interact, function, and communicate—bridging the gap between mental intentions and physical manifestations. Coupled with scientific evidence, examples, and analogies, you will gain a comprehensive mechanistic understanding of how your mind can influence your biology. Then, practical advice will be presented based on the knowledge elucidated earlier for aesthetic, mental, and other kinds of enhancement. By the end, you'll have actionable insights and techniques to intentionally alter your biology using the power of your mind.

Keywords: Cognitivist interpretation of biology, mind-body connection, cellular cognition, cellular collectives, bioelectricity, bioelectric states, psychosomatic biology, cognitive biology, cellular communication, embodied cognition, aesthetic enhancement, biological enhancement, mental enhancement, meditation, visualization, concentration, belief, intention.

What is the mind-body connection?
The mind-body connection refers to the phenomenon existing in all organisms where the mind can influence the body, and vice versa. It's not a mystical concept that requires faith to believe in; your entire experience fundamentally relies on this connection, and you use it every day. Everyday actions like moving, speaking, planning, and artistic imagination begin in your mind before materializing into the physical world as you translate thoughts into actions.

Your mind communicates with a variety of organs every day—your mouth and vocal cord to speak, your motor cortex, spinal cord, and muscles to move —and even conscious or unconscious use of this mechanism by beliefs, memories, imagination and other mental phenomena in your mind, which affect the body. By understanding this connection, you can consciously harness it to alter your biology in purposeful, deliberate ways.


Image Credit: Synctuition

Introductory Notes
With such an ambitious and conceptually paradigm-shifting thread, it may be hard to fully understand the information presented without giving this thread a full and mindful read, unless you already have pre-requisite knowledge. If the information here sounds new, you probably should read it in its entirety.

Also, the practical applications are zero-cost, falsifiable and can be empirically verified through your own experience, so please take the time to try out the advice precisely as they are written and see for yourself.

Presenting my case to the forum
I want to introduce a new way of understanding biology to this forum. The understanding of biology presented in this thread is not my own formulation, but a synthesis of scientific evidence and mental techniques tailored to harnessing the mind-body connection.

Our views on biology are currently based on biological materialism and biological predeterminism. These approaches have helped us gain a lot of knowledge and results, but we are reaching the limits of what we can achieve with them.

The looksmax techniques currently discussed on this forum are usually either old news, proposed untestable hypotheses, reliant on inaccessible and possibly dangerous experimental chemicals, tend to be ineffective in practice, or involve expensive surgeries we will unlikely have access to, essentially flatlining our progress.

I hope this this thread can add a new dimension to our understanding of biology and open a new frontier we can explore. With this fresh perspective, we can recognize the material (exterior) and mental (interior) aspects of biology and how they are intimately linked, moving beyond a purely material view for a more holistic understanding of biology.

That is the core message of this thread! With that out of the way, let’s dive into the mechanisms underlying the mind-body connection!

The Mechanisms Behind the Mind-Body Connection

All living cells are cognitive: Cells are the basic unit of life

Cells are the fundamental unit of life, responsible for the structure, function, appearance and behavior of all living organisms. Your body is composed of trillions of cells, which work together to form tissues, organs and structures, maintain bodily functions, and enable growth and repair. Each cell carries out specific tasks, contributing to vital processes like metabolism, energy production, and tissue regeneration, making them essential to every aspect of life.


All living cells are cognitive: Cognition is a fundamental trait of cells.

Cognition is a fundamental trait of cells. They sense their environment, display intention and agency, have goals, learn from experiences, store and recall information, have preferences and biases, adapt, communicate, display intelligence, and make deliberate decisions—traits associated with cognition (Shapiro, 2021). From this and considering that the human brain operates as a collective intelligence made up of individual cells, we can say that each living cell in existence possesses its own intelligence, cognitive capacity, and mind (Levin, 2022).

These behaviors demonstrate how cellular cognition manifests itself, providing clear evidence that cells are not lifeless mechanical machines, but alive, active, and intelligent agents capable of sensing, adapting, and making decisions essential to their survival. Without the capacity to do those things and adapt intentionally to circumstances, cells would not be able to survive—therefore, cognition is an inherent biological trait. (Shapiro, 2021).

Examples of cellular cognition include but are not limited to: neurons displaying the capacity to learn; cells alerting other cells about a wound, triggering and coordinating a healing response; melanocytes adjusting their melanin production to ultraviolet light exposure; immune cells remembering and recognizing pathogens faced in the past; cells assisting in morphogenesis and development (Michael Levin's Academic Content, 2024a); cells modulating their genetic expression to match a certain state (Huang et al., 2009); learning observed in cellular gene expression networks (Biswas et al., 2022); neurons making adjustments to maintain stable function over time despite changes in their molecular makeup (Marder & Goaillard, 2006).

All living cells are cognitive: Video demonstration of unicellular cognition.

To provide a real-life example of cellular cognition, consider a single-celled organism known as Physarum polycephalum. Dr. Michael Levin, a renowned biologist, demonstrates the cognitive capacities of this organism in a video clip (Michael Levin's Academic Content, 2024b) where he discusses the findings from a study he participated in by Murugan et al. (2021).

In the video, Dr. Levin showcases an experiment where Physarum polycephalum navigates to a food source using mechanosensation—the ability to sense mechanical stimuli.

Imagine sitting at a picnic table blindfolded. Instead of feeling around randomly for food, you pull on the tablecloth from different directions. The side that resists the most indicates where the plates and utensils are, guiding you toward the food. Similarly, Physarum polycephalum finds the quickest path to food by sensing mechanical resistance, demonstrating a remarkable level of problem-solving for a single-celled organism.

Cellular Collectives, Intelligence, Consciousness: Cellular Collectives


Cells eventually began collaborating to achieve common goals, much like societies do. Once cells assembled into multicellular organisms, they became part of a cellular collective and work for the whole. As long as they are connected to this collective, they are expected to perform duties for the collective, such as contributing to heart contractions (cardiac muscle cells) or contributing to protecting the body from the outside world (keratinocytes)—just as members of a society fulfill roles such as being a police officer or political leader. We can accurately analogize that all multicellular organisms are like cellular societies, and thus, multicellular organisms are collective intelligences. (Levin, 2022; McMillen & Levin, 2024)

The cellular collective, much like a social collective, and much like cells themselves, is cognitive in nature (Levin, 2022; McMillen & Levin, 2024). It has unique methods of communication, shared goals, memories, and other forms of information that transcend individual cells that are greater than and not deducible to the sum of their parts. To further elucidate the nature of cellular collectives, I will provide an analogy.

For example, the United States (ideally) operates under a broader shared intelligence dominated by Americanism, a living force that embodies the nation's spirit and will. This spirit encompasses the core values found in the Declaration of Independence, the U.S. Constitution, and the Bill of Rights—principles like liberty, fairness, justice, self-governance, the right to bear arms, and even the cultural drive for creativity, innovation, and self-expression.

Just as the United States operates under a shared intelligence, so too does the cellular collective operate under a shared intelligence, guiding the body's processes and ensuring harmony between its parts.

The cellular collective operates under its own guiding intelligence that orchestrates every aspect of your being across space and time. This collective intelligence encodes many things, some of them being anatomical information, physiological coordination and mental memories (Levin, 2022; McMillen & Levin, 2024), ensuring that every cell within you, like every citizen within a nation, plays a vital role in fulfilling the higher purpose of the whole.

Cellular collectives can be seen as networks of minds that exist at various levels: the electron level, molecular level, organelle level, cellular level, tissue level, organ level, organ system level, and at the organism level (Funk & Scholkmann, 2022). At each level, these collectives have their own goals, solve their own problems, communicate with other networks, possess their own memories, and uniquely contribute to the body as a whole, among other attributes.

Just as the hippocampus is composed of time cells (Eichenbaum, 2014) and other cells working together to form the hippocampus, the hippocampus itself functions within the collective that is the brain, which has its own goals. The brain operates within the collective that is the organism, which has its own goals. The body functions as a collection of cooperating holons.

One example of cellular collectives working together to achieve a goal is growth and development. After a sperm and egg cell combine to form a zygote, that zygote had a goal. This goal was to form a fully functional human being. The zygote begins as a single-celled organism and divides until it reaches the stage of being a blastocyst.

From there, the few hundred cells forming the blastocyst collectively decide to begin differentiating into different cells (ex. cells deciding to turn into cells for the heart, brain, head, skull, skin, lungs, kidneys, spleen, etc.). At that stage, the cell is now an embryo. From there, the embryo develops into a fetus, then a baby, then a child, then a teenager, and finally into a fully developed adult. This process is fully coordinated by the intelligence of the cellular collective.

Other examples are the healing process, puberty, bodily adaptation during exercise, and bodily repair during sleep.

Cellular Collectives, Intelligence, Consciousness: Disconnection

When a cell decides to disconnect from the collective, it alters its gene expression to declare its independence from the cellular network and become its own unicellular organism, which works with other cells to form a multicellular organism (via generating daughter cells) and consumes resources around it to live. (Aasen et al., 2003; Kandouz and Batist, 2010; Leithe et al., 2006). Inside the body, this leads to cancer, a group of cells growing unchecked and disregarding the needs of the organism. This is similar to how independence movements and secessions can arise in nation states, where a group breaks away to form a new entity.

Cellular Collectives, Intelligence, Consciousness: Introduction to Bioelectricity


Bioelectricity is the electrical currents and potentials present in every cell in our body. It guides collective cellular coordination and communication, functioning as a cognitive glue for a cellular collective and the entire body. Just as language serves as a means of communication externally (within societies) and internally (thinking), cells utilize bioelectricity for similar purposes. Most people (hopefully) know that bioelectricity is found in the brain, but it also exists in the exact same way in most, if not all cells in the body.

Bioelectricity is intelligent, makes decisions, and stores information about the collective, such as its morphological blueprint, memories, default collective cellular behavior, instructions pertaining to gene expression, cellular messages, maintenance and development of the body’s form and function, and so much more. These bioelectric signals ensure that cells can communicate and work together efficiently toward shared goals.

Your entire body (and all of the cellular collectives comprising it) have their own bioelectrical networks used to coordinate and operate themselves. While the brain and neurons are commonly known for their bioelectrical signaling (mostly due to them being associated with thinking), every cell in the body possesses a bioelectric potential, and many can communicate electrically.

These bioelectric signals guide not only neural communication but also tissue development, morphological development, gene expression, wound healing (Reid & Zhao, 2014) and even cellular regeneration across various tissues (Pai & Levin, 2022; Levin, 2022; Levin 2023).

To make the central idea of this section clearer, I want to show you two video demonstrations of bioelectricity in neurons and non-neuronal cells.

An example of neurons firing in the brain of a mouse. Neurons communicate electrically and electric signals in the brain are associated with thought, and other processes of the mind. Every cell in your body communicates in the same exact manner.

Credit: David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, 2017

An example of endogenous voltage gradients in a collection of cells. This is equivalent to observing neural electroactivity in neurons. Cells are changing their electrical states and communicating with other cells, with the information being communicated embedded within the electrical states.

Credit: Michael Levin's Academic Content, 2024b

Cellular Collectives, Intelligence, Consciousness: Bioelectrical States


The collective cellular intelligence communicates with cells and cellular collectives via sharing bioelectrical states (Levin, 2021). Think of bioelectrical states as states that contain specific information —something we can simply call "feelings" for ease of understanding.

Just as the state, or feeling which arises in you during a moment of insight after pondering on a tricky problem, or after ejaculation (post-nut clarity), can lucidly communicate with you, cells communicate with each other in the exact same way.

When you decide to lift your arm, an electrical signal (the state encoding precisely how you want to move a limb) travels from your brain to your muscles, making the movement happen.

Even something as simple as injecting testosterone or human growth hormone triggers the hormonal state of that hormone within your body and mind upon binding to its receptor, setting off a cascade of physiological and behavioral changes.

Even when you think about a certain concept like ice cream, Japan, or a memory, it brings up a certain state in your brain (via memory recall) that encodes the information of the memory.

Individual cells or cellular collectives exchange these bioelectrical states via gap junctions (as far as we can observe scientifically)—little channels where they can exchange ions with other cells. Through these exchanges, cells and cellular collectives can tell each other when to grow, change, heal, what kind of cell or organ to be, coordinate goals, edit gene expression or the genome, or perform other essential tasks to keep you healthy and adapt to your environment. Neurons are not the only cells which communicate electrically, every cell in the body does, it is just that neurons are specialized specifically for optimal electrical communication (Levin, 2021; Levin, 2022; Levin, 2023; McMillen & Levin, 2024; Shapiro, 1992).


Your cells and cellular collectives have default resting states in which they operate (Levin et al., 2019). These states can change over time through various degrees of intentionality and consciousness, whether deployed from the “self” or from other cells and/or cellular collectives.

Scientists have already been able to externally modify the states of cellular collectives to encode information within cells or instruct cells to do certain specific things. For example, Rao et al. conducted a fascinating experiment where the sender imagined moving their hand, which created a distinct neural signal in their brain representing that motor intention—a biological state. This state was transmitted over the internet to another individual’s brain, where it triggered a TMS pulse, stimulating the receiver’s brain in such a way that their arm moved as instructed by the state generated by the sender’s brain!

Another experiment, conducted by Durant et al. in 2017 documented the incredible feat of science. The researchers were able to make a planaria grow two heads by reintroducing the electrical state that encodes how to grow a planaria head at the end of a planaria’s tail, it was able to grow a planaria head! The coolest thing about that experiment? The bioelectric-induced modifications to the planarias bioelectric memory of its anatomy were heritable! Researchers are seeking to master this capability so as to one day be able to read and write bioelectrical patterns.

The final astonishing study was by Murugan et al. in 2022 where a team of researchers cut off a frog’s leg, imposed a bioelectrical state which encodes the instructions to grow a leg, and the frog began, and eventually was fully able to regenerate a fully functional leg!


Credit: Murugan et al, 2022

The Mechanism Behind the Mind-Body Connection: Prologue & Recap

Now that we know the underpinnings of the mind-body connection, that cells and cellular collectives are cognitive, and that they use bioelectric states to communicate and coordinate the body’s anatomy and physiology among a plethora of other things, let us briefly recap on the mind-body connection.

To recap, the mind-body connection is the phenomenon in which mental states affect the physical body and the physical body affects mental states.

These states, whether derived materially (ex. drugs, nootropics, food), from the environment (ex. partying, socializing, threats, weather, temperature, radiation, tragedy, etc.) or from the mind (ex. imagination, beliefs, emotions, sensations, perceptions), all have capacities to change the states of your cells and your cellular collective(s), leading to diverse and unique changes within you.

Instead of our cells and cellular collectives using it subconsciously (turning our fears, beliefs, stored narratives, and thoughts into biological effects) or using it for hyper-basic everyday tasks such as moving and speaking, let’s learn the mechanisms behind it to consciously apply this for our own benefit. Let’s delve into the mechanisms behind the mind-body connection!

The Mechanism Behind the Mind-Body Connection: Explanation of The Mechanism


Credit: Sandstone Care

The mechanism that underlies the mind-body connection happens through a sophisticated system consisting of mental phenomena, psychotranslation (the process of converting a mental state into its material equivalent via bioelectricity), bioelectric signaling and cellular cognition. I will now describe the process.

Step 1: The Creation of a Mental State

Every thought, emotion, activated state (memory recall), or intention—whether generated or existing at the conscious or unconscious level, or inside or outside the nervous system, creates a unique bioelectrical state somewhere in the body.

Step 2: Mental State Initiates Bioelectric Signals

Once a mental state is created, it produces bioelectric signals in relevant parts of the body. These signals act as messengers, conveying the information encoded in your mental state. For instance, if you are imagining a stressful situation, the bioelectric signals will trigger the release of stress hormones like adrenaline, raising your heart rate and increasing muscle tension, preparing you for any action if necessary.

Step 3: Cellular Response to Bioelectric Signals

Cells in your body are constantly receiving bioelectric signals, and they respond accordingly. As we have already discussed, cells are not passive; they exhibit cognitive traits, meaning they can sense, learn, and adapt to the information they receive (Shapiro, 2021; Levin 2022). When the brain sends out signals tied to a mental state (like focus or relaxation), the cells interpret these signals and adjust their behavior.

For example, when you focus intensely on a state of calm, that mental state creates bioelectric signals which instructs certain cells in your body to adjust their genetic expression and activity—lowering stress hormone production, relaxing muscle tension, releasing GABA (a relaxing neurotransmitter), and even slowing down your heart rate. This demonstrates how mental states can lead to real, physiological changes.

Step 4: Altering Cellular Collectives

Cells do not work in isolation. They operate as part of a larger collective, such as tissues or organs, which coordinate their efforts to maintain the body's function and balance. When individual cells receive bioelectric signals from the mind, they communicate this information to relevant cells or cellular collectives through bioelectric networks. This networked communication ensures that entire systems—like your cardiovascular, immune, or muscular systems—respond in a unified and coordinated way to the mental state generated by your mind. Cells specifically instructed to fulfill instructions embedded in the bioelectric state will alter their function, location, behavior, gene expression, or transcription accordingly.

For example, if you are concentrating on healing an injury, the bioelectric signals that your mind produces can influence groups of cells responsible for repair, such as the immune system, skin or bone cells. These cells and systems work together to accelerate healing processes based on the mental signal they receive, communicating across a plethora of cells to ensure a synchronized effort. One of the first things you may feel while trying this is increased blood flow to the intended area.

Bioelectric states exert their effects on the nervous system much quicker than they exert their effects on other parts of the body not directly connected to the nervous system.

Step 5: Physical Manifestation of Mental States

Sustained mental states cause long-term changes in the body. Mental states that are held consistently send repeated bioelectric signals to cells and cellular collectives, training them to adopt new behaviors and default states. This could be as simple as reducing tension in muscles or as complex as altering skin appearance.

With dedicated practice, you can learn how to relax your body at will, or trigger motivation at will, or alter an aspect of your appearance… the possibilities are endless.

For example, people who consistently practice samadhi meditation or visualization techniques often report changes in their physical and mental well-being, from lowered blood pressure to increased mood. These changes occur because the repeated mental states create lasting, bioelectric signals that reshape how the cells in their body function.

Key Mechanism: Mind to Matter

The essence of the mind-body connection is that the mind, deliberately or unconsciously, generates mental states that trigger bioelectric signals. These signals are interpreted by the body’s cells and cellular collectives, which then adjust their behavior in response. By intentionally cultivating and maintaining specific mental states, you can beneficially alter both your body and mind over time.

Whether you are aiming to reduce stress, enhance physical appearance, gain cool powers (ex. relaxation on command), or improve health, the underlying mechanism remains the same: mental states lead to bioelectric signals, which communicate instructions to your cells, and these cells alter their behavior accordingly. If repeated and sustained, cells adopt new long-term behaviors and/or default states aligning with that state.


The Mechanism Behind the Mind-Body Connection: Case Studies of Amazing Feats Achieved by the Intentional Use of the Mind-Body Connection

Our first case study features a woman named Karolin Tsarksi, who claims to be capable of not only achieving an orgasm with her mind but sustain the orgasm for up to 10 minutes (Cassella, 2022).

Scientists put her to the test. They first measured her prolactin levels, then asked her to induce orgasms with her mind. When she was done, she had her prolactin tested again. Prolactin is a hormone that is released after orgasm (Brody & Krüger, 2006). If her claim is true, the scientists would detect a massive increase in prolactin after her orgasms.

Video of her demonstrating her capability:

According to the study that examined and tested Karolin’s abilities, they reported the following:

“Prolactin levels post orgasm increased by 25% and 48%, respectively, after the 5- or 10-minutes non-genitally stimulated orgasm (NGSO), and were still elevated from baseline 30 minutes after orgasm. No changes were observed in FSH or free testosterone. The pattern of sensory, affective, and evaluative orgasm ratings after a 10-minutes NGSO was similar to orgasms induced by clitoral or anal stimulation. Book reading did not result in any change in prolactin. Prolactin surges after orgasm are an objective marker of orgasm quality. The increase in prolactin after her NGSOs indicate that they induce the same physiological changes as GSOs and result from “top-down” processing in the brain.” (Pfaus & Tsarski, 2022)

Our second case study features Tibetan Buddhist monks performing a meditative technique called Tummo, which consists of deliberate control of the breath and visualizing “inner heat” to intentionally modulate their body temperature. These monks were under scientific investigation by Benson et al. in 1982 to determine the legitimacy of Tummo and document what they saw.

The Mechanism Behind the Mind-Body Connection: How the Mind-Body Connection Exerts Its Influence Outside the Nervous System

I have discussed in depth how the mind-body connection works and how it exerts its effects on the body and provided countless examples, but most of the examples I’ve used are primarily concerned with the mind affecting the body via the nervous system. In this section, I want to show you that the mind-body connection extends to the entire body by showing you how the mind-body connection also has the capacity to exert effects on parts of the body that are not directly connected to the nervous system.

When it comes to intentionally using the mind-body connection to alter the nervous system or things directly connected to the nervous system, the amount of time it takes to have an effect on it is rapid. This is because the nervous system is designed to exert rapid, short-term effects on the body like thinking, moving limbs, releasing neurotransmitters, and speech.

When it comes to intentionally using the mind-body connection to alter other aspects of the body, it usually takes time—like days to weeks or even months. This is because bodily processes like morphological change and healing are not processes that can be completed in one hour.

An example that greatly elucidates the timescales the body takes to complete processes are puberty, wound healing, hair growth, acne healing, and the timescale it takes to observe bodily changes from hormones. In general, the nervous system is much quicker to exert its effects than the rest of the body’s systems. This is why it is easier to change your nervous system with your mind than other systems, the feedback loop is much faster.

To describe how the mind-body connection can alter the body without using the nervous system pathway, let us walk through a thought experiment. Imagine a person who is extremely worried about failing an exam which would earn them their Ph.D. At first, the effects of this person’s thoughts would just make them stressed. But as they maintain that unconscious state of worry, you begin to see that person age quicker, lose collagen, gain weight, experience hair loss, among other deleterious effects. Chronic stress doesn’t just harm your mood and appearance, but it can also promote and exacerbate harmful physiological processes through dysregulation of neural, cardiovascular, autonomic, immune and metabolic systems. (McEwen, 2017)

More examples of the mind-body connection being able to exert its influence outside of just the nervous system…

  • Women who (without having intercourse) believe they are going to have a child often develop symptoms of pregnancy, such as a swollen belly. This phenomenon is called pseudocyesis, where women believe they are pregnant, despite not having a fetus in their womb. Common symptoms of false pregnancy are missing their period, false labor contractions, enlarged abdomen (baby belly), and weight gain (Watson, 2022)
  • An experiment was conducted where elderly people went on a 1-week retreat. In this retreat, the individuals were immersed in an environment that made them feel like they were much younger. They would read newspapers published during the time of their youth together and many other activities which essentially tried to make them feel young again. Everyone would talk and laugh about things that happened years back as if they happened today. After the retreat, they measured various health metrics and found that their bodies operated as if they were a younger person, they experienced anti-aging effects (Langer, 2009).
Now that we understand the mind-body connection and how it can influence every part of the body, let me show you the techniques that you can use to intentionally alter yourself the way you want.


How To Utilize the Mind-Body Connection: Core Skills

Now that we have thoroughly learned the mechanisms underlying the mind-body connection, how can we apply this knowledge to intentionally and consciously alter our biology as we please, at will?

We will need to cultivate these powerful, essential skills to do so.

  • Concentrative absorption – the capacity to lock in and hold one’s focus on a single object or state to the exclusion of all other objects so that one’s entire perceptual flow is aligned with that object without distraction. Just as a fish swims fully submerged underwater, your entire experience must be fully submerged under that state.
  • Vivid and accurate mental imagery – the capacity to create vivid and accurate mental images (of smell, sound, sight, taste, tactile sensation, emotion, etc.) within one’s mind independent of sensory input from the physical world so that the imagery feels close to real, real or beyond-real.

The bonus skill is absolute faith – the capacity to believe that the mental imagery someone is generating and experiencing is entirely real and actively exists in the present moment. Faith is not necessary, but it reduces internal resistance and makes the whole practice a whole lot quicker and easier.

The reason we need these skills is because these skills are exactly what is being used to facilitate the actions of the mind-body connection. For example, when you are daydreaming about winning a sports final, you are actively concentrating (concentrative absorption) on mentally constructed scenarios (mental imagery) which disconnects your senses from the physical world and connects them to your imagination. The mind’s fantasies begin to translate into their physical equivalent (a release of neurotransmitters and increase in heart rate).

These skills are required if you want to get administrative privileges to modify your biology consciously, instead of subconscious programs using them to do whatever.

Without proper concentration, you cannot sustain a state long enough to get effects, and without proper imagery vividity, the imagery will not have a strong effect… or you could also possibly imagine the incorrect state (ex. incorrectly imagining your new nasal width or shape).

How To Utilize the Mind-Body Connection: The Technique

I have developed a simple meditation technique that can give you the quickest results towards whatever state you wish to create within you.

  • Find a quiet place, get into a comfortable position and close your eyes. You can do this in everyday life as well but doing it with your eyes closed reduces distractions, making the practice much easier. If you wish to develop a skill you can exercise with your eyes open, practicing with your eyes open is recommended.
  • Render in and concentrate (lock, hold and rest your focus) on the desired state. Make it as vivid and as accurate as possible. Experience it as if you currently have it, experiencing it in the physical world in the present moment, in real time.
  • Hold this state for as long as possible, it may feel difficult and energy-intensive at first, but it should become effortless later. If any distractions or other things arise, completely detach from and ignore it. Redirect your focus on the task.

Commentary & Examples of The Technique in Action

If you are applying this towards things controlled by the nervous system (ex. changing your mood, motivation, sensory experience, muscular tension, brainwaves, heart rate), if you can manage to craft the right state and maintain it, with the right degree of imagery vividity, it should not take that long to get the intended effect. In fact, it should take, at maximum, a few minutes.

If you are targeting other aspects not directly attached to your nervous system such as your body, with continued practice, your cells will eventually learn that state and it will become a new default state. Once you have reached that level where your cells have fully learned that default state, it can exert its effects on autopilot.

Suppose you want to change your eye color from brown to green. You would first get into a comfortable position and close your eyes; you would then render in the state of having green eyes into existence within you as vividly as possible and concentrate on this fully until the state is the only thing that exists within your perceptual flow, fully believing that the state is now within you in the present moment.

This means that you would be in a meditative position, creating the belief within you that you already have green eyes, in the present moment, and you would fully concentrate on the fact that you now have green eyes until the only thing that exists withing your perceptual flow is the fact that you have green eyes, fully believing that you have green eyes.

Apply this same approach to whatever you wish for, whether that be muscle relaxation at will, orgasm at will, changing your hair texture, or anything else you can possibly imagine. Eventually, the state will then become a memory within your biology, operating in the background by default.

You will usually know if it is working since you will feel effects, such as increased blood flow to the targeted area, or the desired effects happening within you on some level or coming out of the experience believing it was fully real.

Remember that this may be difficult in the beginning, but this will all get easier over time, and you will also start seeing results (in about 3 days to 6 weeks’ time, depending on skill, target areas, and time allocated).


Possible applications of this technique.

The possible applications are limitless, only bound by skill and creativity, but the ones I came up with are the following.

  • Alteration of coloring (of any part of the body).
  • Alteration of morphology (of any part of the body).
  • Alteration of height, frame, penile dimensions as one wishes.
  • Acceleration of hair growth.
  • Morphing to a desired face.
  • Cultivation of any desired mindset.
  • Being a better person (this is exactly what loving-kindness meditation is about, practicing being compassionate to all beings by rendering it in within you and extending it out to living beings)
  • Being more like an individual you look up to, or your ideal self.
  • Cultivating a certain trait, such as fearlessness, compassion, or self-control.
  • Being happier, improving mood.
  • Being able to become sleepy on command.
  • Being able to relax your entire body on command.
  • Being able to energize yourself on command.
  • Being able to alter your reward system to like or dislike something.

  • Practicing outside of your meditation time, in everyday life, will help you immensely and will expedite your progress. Instead of practicing once a day, practice all day.
  • Listening to pure theta or alpha binaural beats quiets inner mental distractions. Using this with meditation makes this much easier.
  • You can also use hypnosis, so get into a hypnagogic state (learn online) and then do this practice. It's easier to influence your body with your mind this way.
  • This practice will likely stretch your mental capacities more than you can imagine. If you have a poor ability to focus or weak cognitive abilities, supplementing with choline bitartrate, paired with a racetam such as noopept, nefiracetam or aniracetam could make concentration much easier.
  • Pair this with a diet conducive to your goals if you are going to use this for looksmaxing, for example, if you are going to heightmax via this method, consume a diet conducive to heightmaxing (raw dairy, high protein, and adequate micronutrients)

My Experiences With This

I have already tried this to accelerate the healing of a scar on my face. If you have ever seen my rage complaint thread about cleansers, you will know that it ate my skin off until it gave me this scar on my face, twice. Even worse, I was talking to a high MTB at the time, so I really wanted to get this to heal as fast as possible.This was back in June of 2024 (the first incident)

The thread I made after the second incident:

So, what I did was use the principles described here. I tried as often as possible throughout the day to render the state of already having my skin healed from the scar, and what should have taken 1.5 weeks took 5-6 days.

I also have tried to copy Karolin Tsarksi and try to induce orgasms (to be quite frank) and I have gotten very close, but I have never actually achieved the result since it requires so much prolonged focus and energy (for me, since I am not a professional at this).

I have already mastered relaxing my body at will, I am not proficient in deep relaxation at will, but I can relax my body at will, something I learned a years ago. It isn't difficult whatsoever.

I would have also done an experiment with eye color and show you the results but that would take too much of my mental bandwidth and time. Since I know this works, and I do have an example of it working (this example here), I will refrain from spending excessive time and mental energy to run that second experiment.


Thank you for reading all the way to the end! Yes, this thread was dense, but I am glad you read through it all. In this thread, we covered the mechanisms behind the mind-body connection, demonstrating its role in everyday life and I presented practical, zero-cost applications of this knowledge for your own goals. Armed with this knowledge, I hope you can verify this for yourself and achieve your own goals and use this as a foundation to develop new methods or revise and develop on top of the information presented here and share it with other users on the forum. Again, thank you so much for reading!

Through mastering the mind-body connection, any biological change you desire can be yours!

The document explores the concept of the mind-body connection, highlighting how mental states and cognitive processes can lead to physical transformations, with a focus on aesthetics and health improvements. Below is a detailed summary of key sections. It is recommended to read the entire thread to get a good picture of the entire concept.

Introduction and Premise​

The document posits that the mind can reshape the body by utilizing the mind-body connection. Through cognitive techniques, individuals may influence their physical appearance and well-being without cost or external interventions. This involves understanding cells and cellular collectives, which the author argues exhibit cognition, agency, and intelligence, coordinating through bioelectric signals.

Mechanism of the Mind-Body Connection​

  1. Cellular Cognition: Cells possess cognitive traits, such as intention and problem-solving. This foundational view asserts that cells act intelligently, adapting and responding to various environmental stimuli.
  2. Bioelectricity and Bioelectrical States: Cells communicate and coordinate using bioelectricity, a network that enables cellular collectives to function as a cohesive system. This bioelectric interface allows cells to share information about structural blueprints, healing signals, and adaptive behaviors.
  3. Mental States Influencing Cells: Mental states generate bioelectric signals that carry encoded instructions, which cells interpret and respond to. For instance, a mental focus on calmness can lower stress hormone production and relax muscles, illustrating how cellular activity aligns with sustained mental focus. Or focusing on stressful events could spike cortisol.
  4. Long-Term Physical Manifestation: Repeated mental states can "train" cells to adopt lasting behaviors. Examples include improved mood, appearance changes, or accelerated healing, achieved by maintaining mental states over time.

Practical Applications and Techniques​

The document suggests cultivating specific cognitive skills:
  • Concentration: Sustaining a single focus without distraction.
  • Mental Imagery: Creating detailed and vivid images of desired physical or mental states.
  • Faith: An optional but beneficial skill for fully believing in the reality of visualized states.
Using these skills, the document provides a meditation-based technique to invoke desired biological changes. Through visualization and mental focus, users can direct bioelectric signals to specific areas (e.g., reducing stress or visualizing a change in skin appearance).

Case Studies and Real-World Examples​

  1. Karolin Tsarski's Mental Orgasm: Demonstrated ability to induce physiological changes through mental focus alone, suggesting the potency of cognitive influence on bodily functions.
  2. Tummo Meditation by Tibetan Monks: An example of controlled breath and visualization to regulate body temperature, showcasing the mind's ability to alter physical states.
  3. Other Phenomena: Examples include pseudocyesis (false pregnancy symptoms) and anti-aging effects observed in immersive, youth-centered environments, illustrating how belief and mental states manifest physically.

Conclusion and Potential​

The document concludes that mastering the mind-body connection could enable diverse biological changes, driven by mental states and reinforced through practice. Practical applications range from aesthetic modifications to mood regulation, demonstrating that sustained mental focus can influence cellular behavior, ultimately leading to both internal and external enhancements.
This overview encapsulates the document’s key insights into cognitive biology and actionable mind-body techniques, providing a basis for readers to apply these principles practically for personal transformation.

Please feel free to ask me questions in the comment section about anything relating to this topic.

Resources For Further Exploration
I heavily recommend everyone to gloss over this section, particularly the ones that are starred, and even more particularly, the reddit ones.

Results from Reddit of people using the mind-body connection to alter their appearance.
⭐ A long list of links from Reddit demonstrating documented aesthetic alterations via the exploitation of the mind-body connection. The subreddit r/subliminal is dominated by women, so most of the results are female.


Aasen, T., Hodgins, M. B., Edward, M., & Graham, S. V. (2003). The relationship between connexins, gap junctions, tissue architecture and tumour invasion, as studied in a novel in vitro model of HPV-16-associated cervical cancer progression. Oncogene, 22(39), 7969–7980.

Benson, H., Lehmann, J. W., Malhotra, M. S., Goldman, R. F., Hopkins, J., & Epstein, M. D. (1982). Body temperature changes during the practice of g Tum-mo yoga. Nature, 295(5846), 234–236.

Brody, S., & Krüger, T. H. C. (2006). The post-orgasmic prolactin increase following intercourse is greater than following masturbation and suggests greater satiety. Biological Psychology, 71(3), 312–315.

Biswas, S., Clawson, W., & Levin, M. (2022). Learning in Transcriptional Network Models: Computational Discovery of Pathway-Level Memory and Effective Interventions. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 24(1), 285–285.

Cassella, C. (2022, April 8). Case study shows it's possible to orgasm using only your mind : ScienceAlert. ScienceAlert.

David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA. (2017, June 12). Neurons firing in the brain of a mouse | UCLA Health Newsroom. YouTube.

Durant, F., Morokuma, J., Fields, C., Williams, K., Adams, D. S., & Levin, M. (2017). Long-term, stochastic editing of regenerative anatomy via targeting endogenous bioelectric gradients. Biophysical Journal, 112(10), 2231–2243.

Eichenbaum, H. (2014). Time cells in the hippocampus: a new dimension for mapping memories. Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 15(11), 732–744.

Funk, R. H. W., & Scholkmann, F. (2022). The significance of bioelectricity on all levels of organization of an organism. Part 1: From the subcellular level to cells. Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology.

Kandouz, M., & Batist, G. (2010). Gap junctions and connexins as therapeutic targets in cancer. Expert Opinion on Therapeutic Targets, 14(7), 681–692.

Huang, S., Ernberg, I., & Kauffman, S. (2009). Cancer attractors: A systems view of tumors from a gene network dynamics and developmental perspective. Seminars in Cell & Developmental Biology, 20(7), 869–876.

Langer, E. J. (2009). Counterclockwise. Random House Digital, Inc.

Leithe, E., Sirnes, S., Omori, Y., & Rivedal, E. (2006). Downregulation of Gap Junctions in Cancer Cells. Critical ReviewsTM in Oncogenesis, 12(3-4), 225–256.

Levin, M. (2021). Bioelectric signaling: Reprogrammable circuits underlying embryogenesis, regeneration, and cancer. Cell, 184(8), 1971–1989.

Levin, M. (2022). Technological Approach to Mind Everywhere: An Experimentally-Grounded Framework for Understanding Diverse Bodies and Minds. Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience, 16.

Levin, M. (2023). Bioelectric networks: the cognitive glue enabling evolutionary scaling from physiology to mind. Animal Cognition, 26.

Levin, M., Selberg, J., & Rolandi, M. (2019). Endogenous Bioelectrics in Development, Cancer, and Regeneration: Drugs and Bioelectronic Devices as Electroceuticals for Regenerative Medicine. IScience, 22, 519–533.

Marder, E., & Goaillard, J.-M. (2006). Variability, compensation and homeostasis in neuron and network function. Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 7(7), 563–574.

McEwen, B. S. (2017). Neurobiological and systemic effects of chronic stress. Chronic Stress, 1, 247054701769232.

McMillen, P., & Levin, M. (2024). Collective intelligence: A unifying concept for integrating biology across scales and substrates. Communications Biology, 7(1).

Michael Levin's Academic Content. (2024a, September 17). “The Collective Intelligence of Morphogenesis: a model system for basal cognition” by Michael Levin. YouTube.

Michael Levin's Academic Content. (2024b, September 19). “Unconventional Cognition Through the Lens of Cellular Collective Intelligence in Morphogenesis.” YouTube.

Murugan, N. J., Kaltman, D. H., Jin, P. H., Chien, M., Martinez, R., Nguyen, C. Q., Kane, A., Novak, R., Ingber, D. E., & Levin, M. (2021). Mechanosensation Mediates Long‐Range Spatial Decision‐Making in an Aneural Organism. Advanced Materials, 33(34), 2008161.

Murugan, N. J., Vigran, H. J., Miller, K. A., Golding, A., Pham, Q. L., Sperry, M. M., Rasmussen-Ivey, C., Kane, A. W., Kaplan, D. L., & Levin, M. (2022). Acute multidrug delivery via a wearable bioreactor facilitates long-term limb regeneration and functional recovery in adult Xenopus laevis. Science Advances, 8(4).

Pai, V. P., & Levin, M. (2022). HCN2 channel‐induced rescue of brain, eye, heart and gut teratogenesis caused by nicotine, ethanol and aberrant notch signalling. Wound Repair and Regeneration.

Pfaus, J. G., & Tsarski, K. (2022). A case of female orgasm without genital stimulation. Sexual Medicine, 10(2), 100496.

Rao, R. P. N., Stocco, A., Bryan, M., Sarma, D., Youngquist, T. M., Wu, J., & Prat, C. S. (2014). A Direct Brain-to-Brain Interface in Humans. PLoS ONE, 9(11), e111332.

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Watson, S. (2022, August 12). False Pregnancy (Pseudocyesis): Causes, Symptoms, and Tests. WebMD.
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what kind of "subliminal: turn your eyes to blue in 30 days" is this
Can you do this meditation While you try to fall sleep?

Also, i believe this is true because months ago i did this but to a external live being. I planted a lentil in a cotton, put It on a vessel and water It, like a normal plant. I did this twice, so i had two plants, and 5 minutes a day, I told one lentil good things and encouraged him to grow, like talking to it, and to the other lentil, i insulted It for another 5 minutes. The result after one week, the loved plant grew much more. Its sounds crazy and It was an amateur experiment, but you can try It.

Good threat!

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