The minute we are born, we are designed to be indoctrinated into the system.



It’s all fucking satire
Oct 30, 2018
I've been thinking about this for a while now. Reassess everything you know. Every little thing that contributes to your life. The film 'They Live' came close to acknowledging many of the design flaws currently in the system. (((Those))) in power do not care for the wellbeing of any man but themselves. All the money you 'own' belongs to the Rothschild family. Call it what you want, the illuminati, whatever, but the people in power worship Satan deliberately and indiscreetly, see Lady Gaga at a satanic party with occult priestess Marina Abramovic:

Marina Abramovic also happened to be included in Hilary Clinton's Podesta emails and is the spiritual counsellor to Jay Z and Beyoncé. On YouTube you'll find videos of her sessions with James Franco and other celebrities, all of whom are under the powers of the world leaders.

Now, thanks to the influential power of technology and the media, wrong has become right and right has become wrong. With a brief observation of the world around you, you'll notice trends in 'liberation movements', all of which serve the same fivefold plan, and shall ultimately lead to enslavement.

Step 1
Refute the traditional structures, initially creating a divide in society through the suggestion that the movement will fix society.
Step 2
Use powerful figures and idols to indoctrinate the youth, altering the education system slowly with an increase in corrupt teaching.
Step 3
The Joseph Goebbels method. Tell a lie a thousand times and then it becomes the truth. Thus, the real truth is attacked and ignored.
Step 4
The next generation shall be indoctrinated from birth, told that wrong is right and right is wrong. You have practically won at this point.
Step 5
People are turned away from the truth, following heretic teaching and empowering the world leaders even further. You can now progress to another movement.

Over time, thousands of movements have slowly changed the collective unconscious, that is the structures of thought shared across society. Without independent thought you simply be on the surface, but deeper down cease to exist, hence many will push these purely evil agendas their entire lives without calling their own existence into question.

This is madness.

The food you eat, the education you receive, your hedonistic lifestyles all are part of the same agenda. Reassess everything you know. Some may call this existentialism. It is simply the reality of the world we live in. After you accept this, it is only you who can decide what purpose to give to your life. There's a reason the world-leaders are Satanists. I for one cannot give you the answer, for the answer is yours to find.

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The sad reality is, you need to play by the rules to get somewhere in life (job, school, relationships etc).

It's in your best interest to obey :feelsrope:
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The sad reality is, you need to play by the rules to get somewhere in life (job, school, relationships etc).

It's in your best interest to obey :feelsrope:

Save some money for safety/extras and go live a minimalist hunter-gatherer like lifestyle in the woods.
  • +1
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The sad reality is, you need to play by the rules to get somewhere in life (job, school, relationships etc).

It's in your best interest to obey :feelsrope:
To some extent. The most successful people self-educate and come into their on right, creating a new path for those in the future
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The only way to rebel against it is go the Varg way and pay as little taxes and make as little money as possible, but idk if I'd really want to do that.
Save some money for safety/extras and go live a minimalist hunter-gatherer like lifestyle in the woods.
Have to finish university first and get a decent job so I can save up :feelscry:

It's obeymode for me for now.
Have to finish university first and get a decent job so I can save up :feelscry:

It's obeymode for me for now.

Quit uni and just work more instead, it just clearly isn't your plan.
Quit uni and just work more instead, it just clearly isn't your plan.
What isn't my plan?

Why would I quit uni when I don't have any family support to fall back on later?
Have to finish university first and get a decent job so I can save up :feelscry:

It's obeymode for me for now.
It’s over for obeycels. Nah seriously if you’re nearly through uni finish it. I quit college a few weeks ago because I will not compromise my vision but at that stage it’s just not worth it.
Save some money for safety/extras and go live a minimalist hunter-gatherer like lifestyle in the woods.
By yourself? That's the furthest thing from a hunter gatherer lifestyle. You need to bring your close relatives with, and occasionally impregnate your sister/cousin.
  • +1
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It’s over for obeycels. Nah seriously if you’re nearly through uni finish it. I quit college a few weeks ago because I will not compromise my vision but at that stage it’s just not worth it.
Hope you succeed with your vision bro.

For me it feels like too much of a risk and I'm a kind of person who doesn't like taking risks :feelsrope:
By yourself? That's the furthest thing from a hunter gatherer lifestyle. You need to bring your close relatives with, and occasionally impregnate your sister/cousin.

I mean in terms of food intake, but yeah ideally you bring a foid with you and create a family, having few neighbors miles away, like in Alaska, the simple life, disconnected from modernity.
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Hope you succeed with your vision bro.

For me it feels like too much of a risk and I'm a kind of person who doesn't like taking risks :feelsrope:
You too. A great man once said “YOLO”.
I dont obey and they dont care
"Since I was born I started to decay"
I mean in terms of food intake, but yeah ideally you bring a foid with you and create a family, having few neighbors miles away, like in Alaska, the simple life, disconnected from modernity.
Would love it and I'm the type of guy who would do unusual things like that, but no female would want to do that. They benefit from modern life a lot, jobs and dating is great for women these days.
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Would love it and I'm the type of guy who would do unusual things like that, but no female would want to do that. They benefit from modern life a lot, jobs and dating is great for women these days.

That guy did it (I agree that it would be more difficult to convince modern foids though, I can understand the appeal for men, but why would foids want to quit a gynocentric where everything is handed to them)

It is kind of boring to watch but at the same sort of appeasing if you are looking to be in that mood, simple/low stress/tranquility/low distractions life, you get the vibe by watching it.

Being an author writing while living in the woods start interesting me more in more, I believe this modern life is fucked in many ways, too many evolutionary mismatches which we aren't adapted for and make us more miserable than the other way around. Somewhere less cold though would be nicer.

Btw, you get a dog for sure for companionship, foid or not, with that lifestyle, eases the loneliness.
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We will always be slaves
Bluepilled faggot NPC cope

It was the moment of conception.
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Just get a wife, start a farm in the wilderness and live a self-sufficient lifestyle theory
I gave up on life recently. Like fully gave up. Nothing means anything to me anymore. The more I reflect on something the less real it becomes.
Why you say this
The stormfront retards have started using (()) as a dog whistle instead of using the word 'Jews' to avoid getting banned from websites. When OP wrote ((those)) it became obvious who he was.
The stormfront retards have started using (()) as a dog whistle instead of using the word 'Jews' to avoid getting banned from websites. When OP wrote ((those)) it became obvious who he was.
But he explained who he meant though:

"Call it what you want, the illuminati, whatever, but the people in power worship Satan deliberately and in discreetly"
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