The most mentally ill faggot on the forum


Deleted member 16960

Rope nigger
Jan 2, 2022

‎قوله أحمر كأنه مولى تقدم في فرض الخمس ” كأنه من الموالي” قال الداودي : يعني أنه من سبي الروم كذا قال فإن كان اطلع على نقل في ذلك وإلا فلا اختصاص لذلك بالروم دون الفرس أو النبط أو الديلم

Ibn Asaakir narrates in Taarikh Al Damashq that….

“… Nusayb entered on the leader of the believers Abdul Maalik Ibn Marwaan , Marwan told him to tell him a story and Nusayb said that he got hold of 👉a Red slave : meaning : white👈……”
قال ابن عساكر في تاريخ الدشق حرف النون » ذكر من اسمه نصر » نُصَيْبُ بْنُ رَبَاحٍ أَبُو مِحْجَنٍ مَوْلَى عَبْدِ
أنبأنا أبو سعد أحمد بن عبد الجبار بن الطيوري ، عن القاسم أبي التنوخي ، وأبي محمد الجوهري ، وأنبأنا أبو الفوارس هبة الله بن أحمد بن سوار ، وأبو بكر أحمد بن علي بن جبير ، وأبو البركات الأنماطي ، قَالَوا : أخبرنا أبو الحسين بن الطيوري ، أخبرنا الجوهري ، قَالا : أخبرنا أبو عمر بن حَيَّوَيْهِ ، نا محمد بن خلف بن المرزبان ، نا محمد بن يزيد المهلبي ، عن محمد بن سلام ، قَالَ : دخل نصيب على يزيد بن عبد الملك بن مروان ، فقَالَ له : حدثني ببعض ما مر عليك ، قَالَ : نعم يا أمير المؤمنين ، علقت جارية حمراء ؛ يعني : بيضاء ، فمكثت زمانا تمنيني الأباطيل ، فلما ألححت عليها ، قَالَت : إليك عني ، فوالله لكأنك من طوارق الليل ، فقلت : وأنت والله كأنك من طوارق النهار ، فقَالَت : ما أظرفك ، فغضبت من قولها ، فقَالَت : وهل تدري ما الظرف ؟ الظرف العقل ، ثم قَالَت لي : انصرف حتى أنظر في أمرك ، فأرسلت إليها بهذة الأبيات : فإن أك حالكا فالمسك أحوي وما لسواد جلدي من دواء ولي كرم عن الفحشاء يأبى كبعد الأرض من جو السماء ومثلي في رحالكم قليل ومثلي لا يرد عن النساء فإن ترضي فردي قول راض وإن تأبي فنحن على السواء قَالَ : فلما قرأت الكتاب ، قَالَت : المال والعقل يعقبان على غيرهما ، فزوجتني نفسها

Yaa son of a red woman

Ibn Atheer narrates in his book Al Nihaayah Fee Ghareeb Al Hadeeth Wal Athar Chapter 1 Page 440

”And in the hadeeth Ali .. A man from the mawaali (clients) opposed him so Ali said, ”👉Shut up you son of a red Ijaan,” meaning son of a slave woman👈. The 👉Al Ijaan is the area between the anus and the scrotum or vulva👈” and this is the way the Arabs talk when being derogatory and insulting.”

(In Ghareeb Al Hadeeth by Ibn al Jawzy Chapter 1 Page 241 Ibn Al jawzi repeats this.)

قال ابن اثير في كتابه النهاية في غريب الحديث ج ١ ص ٤٤٠

قال مجد الدين أبي السعادات المبارك بن محمد (ابن الأثير) في النهاية في غريب الحديث والأثر – حرف الحاء – باب الحاء مع الميم

هـ ) وفي حديث علي ” عارضه رجل من الموالي فقال : اسكت يا ابن حمراء العجان ” أي يا ابن الأمة ، والعجان ما بين القبل والدبر ، وهي كلمة تقولها العرب في السب والذم

Al Bidaayah wa Al Nihaayah Chapter 8 page 261

And from them is Safeenah, Abu Abdur Rahman, and it was said Abu Al Buhtaar, his name was Mihran, it is Abas and 👉it is said (he was) red (pale white in colour👈) and it is said Rumaaan. So the Prophet Mohammed May Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him nicknamed him Safeenah so we will mention him as he was most commonly mentioned as. 👉And he was the slave of Umm Salamah👈, so she released him under the condition that he serves the Prophet Mohammed May Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him , until he dies. …….. and he is from mixed raced parents with Arab blood and he originates from the sons of the Persians.

البداية و النهاية الجزء الثامن صفحة ٢٦١

ومنهم سفينة أبو عبد الرحمن . ويقال : أبو البختري . كان اسمه مهران وقيل : عبس . وقيل : أحمر . وقيل : رومان .فلقبه رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم سفينة لسبب سنذكره ، فغلب عليه ، وكان مولى لأم سلمة ، فأعتقته واشترطت عليه أن يخدم رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم حتى يموت ، فقبل ذلك ، …… . وهو من مولدي العرب ، وأصله من أبناء فارس
البداية و النهاية الجزء الثامن صفحة ٢٦١

Lisaan Al Arab , Chapter 7 page 17

”Soon the Buqaan of Shaam (children of the slaves) will seek to rule you “what is meant here Is the Arabs’ slaves and slave soldiers, they are called that because of their mixed colour, as whiteness and yellowness is the dominant colour amongst them. Al Qutaibi said: “The buq’aan are those who have blackness and whiteness, it is not said abq’a to one who is white without blackness mixed with it, and the meaning is that the Arabs will marry the Roman slave girls then their offspring will rule over shaam and their offspring ( بقعان) together between 👉BLACKNESS of the Arab (Fathers) and the whiteness of their Roman (mothers)👈.” And they are from 👉the Arabs and they are BLACK👈 and from 👉the people of Rome, they are white👈. And 👉the Arabs never married the Romans before this and the slaves of the Arabs were red skinned👈.And the Arabs say ‘ ”The black and the red came to me, meaning the Arab and the Ajam. He didn’t intend to mean that the children of the slaves are from the Arabs are Buqi’ like the Buqi’ of the crow. He meant that they (the buq’aan) took from 👉the blackness of their fathers (the Arabs👈) 👉and the whiteness of their mothers (the Romans👈).’’

لسان العرب ج ٧ ص ١٧

يوشك أن يستعمل عليكم بقعان الشام ” أراد عبيدها ومماليكها ، سموا بذلك لاختلاط ألوانهم ، فإن الغالب عليهم البياض والصفرة . وقال القتيبي : البقعان الذين فيهم سواد وبياض ، ولا يقال لمن كان أبيض من غير سواد يخالطه أبقع ، فكيف يجعل الروم بقعانا وهم بيض خلص ؟ قال : وأرى أبا هريرة أراد أن العرب تنكح إماء الروم فتستعمل عليكم أولاد الإماء ، وهم من بني العرب وهم سود ومن بني الروم وهم بيضولم تكن العرب قبل ذلك تنكح الروم إنما كان إماؤها سودانا ، والعرب تقول : أتاني الأسود والأحمر ، يريدون العرب والعجم ولم يرد أن أولاد الإماء من العرب بقع كبقع الغربان ، وأراد أنهم أخذوا من سواد الآباء وبياض الأمهات

Imagine wasting your time writing out schizo essays on an incel infested cesspool of a forum thinking that people would give a shit retarded nigger (so-called nigger) :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

  • JFL
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Reactions: latincell95, BrahminBoss, Myth and 7 others
Why are you hating on him? He was a kang
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 16960
Why are you hating on him? He was a kang
Shieeettt we wuz joos and shiettt


>And from them is Safeenah, Abu Abdur Rahman, and it was said Abu Al Buhtaar, his name was Mihran, it is Abas and 👉it is said (he was) red (pale white in colour👈) and it is said Rumaaan. So the Prophet Mohammed May Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him nicknamed him Safeenah so we will mention him as he was most commonly mentioned as. 👉And he was the slave of Umm Salamah👈, so she released him under the condition that he serves the Prophet Mohammed May Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him , until he dies. …….. and he is from mixed raced parents with Arab blood and he originates from the sons of the Persians.
  • JFL
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  • JFL
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Reactions: Elvisandreaa, BongMog and Deleted member 16960
Not one word
@exo @Octillionaire @Ekil73_YT
Ozell The Ape ( So Called NiggerMan ) *Israelite Sorry

:feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek:
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  • JFL
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@Ozell Israelite is a retarded nigger ( so called ape )
  • +1
  • JFL
  • Ugh..
Reactions: BrahminBoss, BongMog, BrendioEEE and 1 other person
@Ozell Israelite is a retarded nigger ( so called ape )

Red nigger can’t even construct his sentence correctly and has many grammatical errors in it 😂.
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Last edited:
  • JFL
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  • Ugh..
Reactions: latincell95, exo, BrahminBoss and 5 others
This obliterates the Nigger, (so-called Israelite). Egyptians were white, Greeks were white, pretty much all of North Africa and The Middle East were white, and of course, Israelites, were white. Many such cases.
Screenshot 20230509 184353 TikTok
  • JFL
Reactions: Elvisandreaa
2allahu asghaar
Many such cases @Ozell Israelite the IQlet has to pretend DNA isn't even real.

“IQlet” isn’t a word but @BrendioEEE the retarded ape looking Edomite (so-called White) man wants your delusional fantasies to be true.
“IQlet” isn’t a word but @BrendioEEE the retarded ape looking Edomite (so-called White) man wants your delusional fantasies to be true.
Yes it is, keep coping nigger IQlet.
  • Ugh..
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Reactions: BongMog and Deleted member 24507
Red nigger still can’t put together a coherent sentence 😂. Irony!
Boonian IQlet still unable to comprehend the dialect of a white man while clinging to an non-existent dialect of English he is trying to force on others.
  • Ugh..
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Reactions: BongMog and Deleted member 24507
Boonian IQlet still unable to comprehend the dialect of a white man while clinging to an non-existent dialect of English he is trying to force on others.

“Boonian” isn’t a retarded red nigger 🤣. You’re really showing how dumb you are 😂.
Can you repeat that in English? Ironic

It’s in English, ape looking Edomite (so-called White) man; but you’re just dumb and don’t know how to troll nor read.
This obliterates the Nigger, (so-called Israelite). Egyptians were white, Greeks were white, pretty much all of North Africa and The Middle East were white, and of course, Israelites, were white. Many such cases.
If you say dumb shit like this you are no different than him
If you say dumb shit like this you are no different than him
What I say is backed up by historical records, and genetic data, what he says is backed up by actual fat niggers screaming on the streets.
What I say is backed up by historical records, and genetic data, what he says is backed up by actual fat niggers screaming on the streets.
View attachment 2194948
Jfl there is nothing accurate about claiming Egyptians as White. They were Med looking at best. Sure they weren't Black West African but they also weren't British or Nordic looking. King Tut reconstructions show him Nafri looking.
Jfl there is nothing accurate about claiming Egyptians as White. They were Med looking at best. Sure they weren't Black West African but they also weren't British or Nordic looking. King Tut reconstructions show him Nafri looking.
Meds are literally white, speaking of King Tut,

99.6% Match with Europeans. Many Modern North Africans, and Middle Easterns had white common ancestors, they only became what they are now, because during many of the Islamic rules, guess who wasn't allowed to have white wives, and guess who hogged a lot of the white wives? The upper class, the ruling class, etc, of course they wouldn't let the lower class Islamic man remain Incel, but have fun with the imported slave negresses that came from Central and Southern Africa, thus in the span of a few hundred years, you have created yet another mutt hybrid race.

Keep in mind Mutt hybrid races can be spawned in even much shorter times than this, it's no surprise that what many people call "Middle Easterners" or "Arabs" are what they are. Their white ancestors are crying in the Afterlife because of this mongrelization, that's also why many parts of the Middle East, and North Africa, actually still HAVE many white people living there.

You can go to Iran, Algeria, Egypt, Israel (The Native Population, not The Satan Spawn known as Ashkenazi Jews), Syria, Afghanistan, etc, and find actual white people with long lineages that date back ages, but yes, unfortunately many have been Muttized.

Most Middle Easteners are just a part of one of the biggest mongrelizations that has occured, blame The Elites of The Old Islamic Empires for that.
Meds are literally white, speaking of King Tut,

99.6% Match with Europeans. Many Modern North Africans, and Middle Easterns had white common ancestors, they only became what they are now, because during many of the Islamic rules, guess who wasn't allowed to have white wives, and guess who hogged a lot of the white wives? The upper class, the ruling class, etc, of course they wouldn't let the lower class Islamic man remain Incel, but have fun with the imported slave negresses that came from Central and Southern Africa, thus in the span of a few hundred years, you have created yet another mutt hybrid race.

Keep in mind Mutt hybrid races can be spawned in even much shorter times than this, it's no surprise that what many people call "Middle Easterners" or "Arabs" are what they are. Their white ancestors are crying in the Afterlife because of this mongrelization, that's also why many parts of the Middle East, and North Africa, actually still HAVE many white people living there.

You can go to Iran, Algeria, Egypt, Israel (The Native Population, not The Satan Spawn known as Ashkenazi Jews), Syria, Afghanistan, etc, and find actual white people with long lineages that date back ages, but yes, unfortunately many have been Muttized.

Most Middle Easteners are just a part of one of the biggest mongrelizations that has occured, blame The Elites of The Old Islamic Empires for that.
You are the sfcel version of him jfl @ you
You are the sfcel version of him jfl @ you
Not an argument, keep coping.

Native Afghani for example

I can show an example for each country I mentioned btw, some a lot more than others, since some countries were affected more negatively by the African Negress Wife Incident than others, which is why some areas that are more native remain more white than others.

Everything I say, is backed up by genetics, historical events, and migration patterns. I am the opposite of him though, in the sense that he's wrong, and i'm entirely right.

Life is based around what is right and wrong, black and white, things being "grey" is a cope.
Not an argument, keep coping.

Native Afghani for example

I can show an example for each country I mentioned btw, some a lot more than others, since some countries were affected more negatively by the African Negress Wife Incident than others, which is why some areas that are more native remain more white than others.

Everything I say, is backed up by genetics, historical events, and migration patterns. I am the opposite of him though, in the sense that he's wrong, and i'm entirely right.

Life is based around what is right and wrong, black and white, things being "grey" is a cope.
Just use 1 pic of a random fucking person to prove your point theory jfl

You are no different. You're probably an alt of his who argues with himself to make your own theories seem legit.

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