The myth of NTmaxxing: Why you can’t become what you’re not

JFL you failed NORMIE

This thread is pure cope, you portrayed normies as mindless drones while you portrayed ND's(and your selfinsertion) as "high IQ" "enlightened"

I'll write a whole thread dunking on your copes
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Clavicular, mogtivism and Latinolooksmaxxer
Having to force any type of behavior = ND.

NT don't have to try to act any sort of way, everything is natural to them.
Having to force any type of behavior to fit in and not cause social discordance*

I know that’s probably what you meant but I feel it’s an important distinction. The NT natural way of being is how most people around them are so acting naturally is always in accordance with the prevailing dominant attitudes towards things. ND people are in the minority so when they act naturally they run the risk of doing things that don’t coincide with the dominant way of doing things and therefore run the risk of attracting more attention to themselves.
  • +1
Reactions: Gargantuan
JFL you failed NORMIE

This thread is pure cope, you portrayed normies as mindless drones while you portrayed ND's(and your selfinsertion) as "high IQ" "enlightened"

I'll write a whole thread dunking on your copes
The real distinction is between high IQ NT/ND and low/average IQ ND/NT.

Real creative genius is more or less impossible from a NT person and the claim that most if not all major human advancement comes from ND people is true.

In terms of group survival strategies this makes sense. It’s simply not desirable for all people to be ND and many ND phenotypes fail miserably due to inability to function in the NT world. There is a cost benefit to both phenotypes but to say that NT people aren’t less thoughtful on average is inaccurate, they are, that’s precisely what makes them NT. However being less thoughtful is not always a disadvantage.

I’m GL and had a period where I was extremely social (am extroverted but ENTJ so dominant Extroverted Thinking meaning my extroversion is not necessarily the social kind) but I am far from NT. My social experiences are unique in that most people don’t expect me to be as ND as I am given the way I look and this gives me a unique insight into these two groups. A common remark I hear when socializing with NT people is “I never thought of that” or “I never thought of it that way.” NT people don’t do much thinking beyond their immediate needs and they rarely think about things beyond what is immediately practical. ND people on the other hand often fall victim to overthinking things which can lead to common ND traits such an anxiety or negative rumination but can also lead to ND strengths like unique perspectives and understandings of phenomena.

When interacting with NT people even when they do solve problems I’m often left wondering why they don’t go further in solving the problem and I’ve come to conclusion that NT people given their normative adaptation to the world simply don’t need to go further. Their temperament and therefore their needs only demand so much from the world and so they only solve so much when confronted with problems. The ND person on the other hand is often of a strange temperament and has unique needs as a result.

Consider Kazimierz Dąbrowski‘s view of Over Excitabilities traits that are more or less exclusively found in ND people.

Consider my score of two random internet tests of both OE’s and Sensation Seeking.
Screenshot 20250104 144515
Screenshot 20250102 004842

For the OE scale high is considered anything over 33.

I fall clear on the right tail on both of these scales and that would definitely factor into my demands of the environment. I am simply not stimulated by what most “normal” people are stimulated by and am also outside the norm in general when interacting with others and this results in far more problem solving than the average person would have to engage in. Im also constantly “outside” of the world most people engage in, which gives me insights into that world from and outside perspective.

It’s like asking a fish “how’s the water?” and the fish replies “what’s water?” If the fish in scenario wanted to influence the water they would have a hard time doing that because they don’t even know what water is.

This is why I say IQ is a big factor here that is not mentioned because simply needing alternative methods of gaining satisfaction from the world is not sufficient to make you more insightful than normal people, but both being of a higher IQ AND needing alternative methods of satisfaction can lead to unique insights. There plenty of dysfunctional autistic people who need very unique methods of satisfaction from the world who we wouldn’t call insightful.

It’s not that NT people don’t think but that compared to a high IQ ND person they practically don’t think because when it comes to solving problems, the ND person will have already thought of what the NT person thinks and has found it unsatisfactory. For many ND people there is a period of their life where they genuinely do try and fit in and use NT methods and advice. I’ve done it myself and during this period you hopefully learn that this is a waste of time, but you do it and learn how and why NT people think the way they do, this basically never happens the other way around outside of maybe clinical psychology.

NT people are not retards but they are different than ND people (who are ironically much more likely to be actual retards) it’s a difference that is hard to conceptualize because it is a difference in temperament not opinion. It’s hard to imagine that some temperatures may be experienced differently by different people because you yourself can only ever experience the temperature that you experience and you have no way of conceptualizing something that is experiential. It is like being in the freezing cold and talking to someone that claims they feel warm, no matter how much they say they are warm or how much you may understand that they must be warm and that the freezing weather is not bad at all for them, if you are not like them, you cannot escape the fact that the wind feels like blades against your skin and your body shivers uncontrollably. They are different than you and are suited to a different environment. Evolution is known to do this in various ways all the time and NT/ND distinction is only one of the ways this happens. There are people out there that don’t feel pain, or only need 6 hours of sleep, have the physical prowess of wild animals, or IQ’s upwards of 150.

It’s not about which one is better because what is “good” is subjective. What’s important is knowing what you are and therefore what you need, and acting accordingly.
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  • +1
Reactions: Clavicular and Gargantuan
Ultimately can't you have Neurodivergent positive characteristics that are conditioned consistently into the real-world, completely demanding social Neurotypical setting? It's about being aware of the phrase "there's a time and place" but you don't want to be in the corner of the bar with your ugly circle circle-jerking the same in-depth matters that are only relevant to autistic folk when there are the lads sitting opposite talking about how their week was. Covid was a perfect example of people losing their minds, yet it was the liberals who would not shut up about anyone who had doubts about the vaccine's implications.

Online, at its core the left controls the media where whereas the right is treated as underground and alternate. Alt-right, right? Much like the premise of this forum. @averagejoe would rightly so laugh at @the BULL's post count, as well as also claim, or someone else at that, at over 9000 posts that you are not a normal functioning, social person outside of here.

OP could you care to pm me your face? You're a respected and funny user based on the experience I've had with you.

Neurodivergents here must surely realise that the main point of here is to not off-topic themselves night in and night out but to practically manage themselves into being a person of importance or acceptance into society. OP you are guilty of this too, if you can't show proof of your efforts to help fufill self-maximisation.

I happen to notice that you didn't describe what distinguishes the mentality of neurotypical, to neurodiverse, in what makes that bridge crossing.

Think of the autism spectrum as a percentage rate, so the more quirky you are the more divergent you are accelerated. Starting with the 1% as pure neurotypicality to 100% pure retardation.

Class also can matter as those refined at both are in the top 10% of everything, compared to the majority in the slums, playing the victim.

Like it or not aspies the premise is still the same. Get out of your comfort-zone.

Most neurodivergents are a socially unrefined waste of time.
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Reactions: Gargantuan
Understanding neurotypicals and neurodivergents

It has been a while since I last created a high-effort thread, but I felt compelled to write this one as this myth of ‘’NTmaxxing’’ needs to die out.
To preface, this thread is not an attack on those who preach about the supposed "importance" of being neurotypical. Instead, it aims to dismantle misconceptions that one can magically "become" neurotypical through superficial strategies or behavioural changes.
The neurological wiring of any individual is SET IN STONE and cannot be altered through actions. This thread will explore the differences between neurotypicals and neurodivergents and delve into the cognitive and cultural dynamics that highlight why NTmaxxing is a flawed pursuit.

What are neurotypical people?
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Within neurodiversity, neurotypicals (NTs, also colloquially referred to as normies) are individuals whose neurological wiring aligns with societal norms, enabling them to function smoothly in structured environments. They represent the overwhelming majority of the population in any given context. Neurotypicals excel at adhering to the status quo (irrespective of what that may be), hierarchies, and social cues.

  • Hierarchical nature: NTs operate within pyramid-like social systems, where rank, authority, and power balances dominate social and workplace dynamics.
  • Mental shortsightedness: Their thought processes focus on immediate and tangible concerns. Abstract, long-term, or large-scale consequences often fall outside their scope of consideration.
  • Blind social conformity: NTs thrive on shared norms, valuing harmony and predictability over critical evaluation or innovation.
Consider their stance on the COVID-19 vaccines, a few years ago.
NTs all rushed to take it, citing the immediate benefits of taking the jab: being able to travel and go to gyms, restaurants, clubs etc. without even considering the long-term ramifications and/or the damage that these experimental and unproven vaccines could end up doing to their bodies.
This reflects an inability and/or unwillingness to think beyond their immediate needs and scope.

What are neurodivergent people?
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Within neurodiversity, neurodivergents (NDs) include those with a wide range of atypical neurological traits or conditions. This group spans individuals with autism, ADHD, and other "non-standard" ways of thinking and perceiving the world. Neurodivergents often demonstrate exceptional creativity, analytical abilities, and a propensity for groundbreaking innovation.

  • Big-picture thinking: Neurodivergents often analyse situations holistically, considering far-reaching implications and multi-layered outcomes.
  • Innovation and creativity: They are disproportionately represented among inventors and pioneers of revolutionary ideas and technologies.
  • Struggle with norms: Their divergence from societal norms can create friction, particularly in structured, hierarchical environments.
Going back to the COVID-19 vaccines, the neurodivergent approach was vastly different: NDs approached it with far more caution, scrutinizing the lack of long-term data and the unprecedented speed of its development.
This reflects their tendency toward analytical thinking and prioritizing potential future risks over immediate benefits. While this scepticism may seem overly cautious to NTs, it stems from a focus on broader implications and a need for a more thorough understanding before acting.

There are a lot of substances that are known to cause cancer that we could do very well without like glues, construction materials, and other stuff like that that we have perfectly viable alternatives for, but that are also still produced and used by the millions gladly by NTs.
And if you're going to tell them about the dangers and propose them alternatives, in general, they'll just laugh it off and say you're crazy. They just won't do what should be done.

There are so many large-scale common problems for which the solutions are already there and that the NTs just aren't interested in applying because they fall outside of the consensus.

Within any given society, there's always a dynamic at play whereby a part of humanity is able to understand and invent technologies that the other part cannot understand. Most inventors are not normal/NT people, but rather NDs.
For instance, take pesticides. The chemists who invent pesticides can identify most of the effects they will have on a wide variety on things, not just on pests.

Biologists can also understand the effects, but the NTs cannot. The NT goes to the shop, wants something that kills the bugs, and then sprays it on the crops.
They will not think, and even if they do think about it, will not understand the wider implications of applying pesticides such as health risks and the negative impact it will have on the rest of the ecosystem.

Why NTmaxxing is a myth
Now that we’ve established the basic framework let’s extrapolate this further, using the forum as a case study.

If you’re on this forum, especially if you've been here for a prolonged period, it’s safe to conclude that you are NOT neurotypical and NEVER will be.
The very existence of these spaces, a form of "neurodivergent social media", arises because traditional social media platforms often fail to resonate with ND thought processes.
Yet, many users desperately cling to the belief that they can somehow transform into NTs through external means like "NTmaxxing"
But this belief misunderstands the very essence of ND and NT cognitive styles.

Just think about it, the very idea of a ''blackpilled'' community does NOT stem from NT minds and their subsequent wiring but instead, stems from ND minds since they view the world on a different level :blackpill:
The same principle could be applied to the redpill :redpill:, as it also niche and falls beyond the scope of conventional, neurotypical wiring :bluepill:

Additionally, a trait that is highly common in these places, is the rigid adherence to the continuously perpetuated systems, rules and guidelines that operate with the PSL sphere rules and guidelines.
A behaviour commonly associated with individuals on the autism spectrum:
View attachment 3402617
Neurodivergent individuals, particularly those with autism, are also prone to viewing the world in black-and-white terms.
This binary mode of thinking manifests in a failure to recognize nuance since in reality, there will also be shades of grey.
For example, many users here dismissively categorize traits or strategies as either entirely good or entirely bad.

Coincidentally, only half of the users who participated in the 2024 survey were able to confirm that they are not on the autism spectrum:
View attachment 3402651

The forum survey also revealed that 8.2% of the participants confirmed they are on the autism spectrum, a figure that is approximately 192.86% higher than the 2.8% prevalence rate observed in the United States, the largest demographic contributor to the forum.
Globally, this percentage is 720% higher than the 1% global prevalence rate:
View attachment 3402661

To further illustrate this, they will oversimplify concepts, declaring:
  • ''blue eyes good, brown eyes bad''
  • ''jaw is law/eyes are the price’’
  • ‘’6’3 or below is manlet’’
Without understanding the complexities or trade-offs associated with these instances.

This black-and-white thinking can also be applied to behaviour:
  • ’Just NTmaxx and you will get girls, bro’’
Ironically, these individuals often adopt their own specialized terminology and engage in nihilistic discourse - behaviours that further alienate them from mainstream society - despite their stated desire to become neurotypical, wanting to fit in and coming up with their theories on how all of this could work out simultaneously through ''NTmaxxing'' (JFL)

Rather than striving to become something that you're not, you would unironically be better off embracing your unique strengths.

Bottomline: genetic determinism
Neurodivergence is not a choice. It stems from deeply rooted neurological differences that manifest as introspection, introversion, and even melancholia (all very common here). Historically, these traits were adaptive, providing unique insights and roles in cooperative communities.
But today, in a hyper-conformist and individualistic world, these traits often seem maladaptive. As society shifts toward rewarding sociability and immediate gratification, ND traits - like long-term thinking - are increasingly undervalued.

Despite the challenges posed by modern society, NDs can thrive by building systems suited to their cognitive styles and leveraging their strengths rather than striving to emulate NTs. To do this, you must understand and accept NTs as they are
Conversely to trying to emulate NTs, the other major mistake NDs will make is to project their desires, values, and ways of thinking onto NTs.
Neurotypicals are not going to change because you want them to, nor are they equipped to think beyond their immediate mental horizons. Instead of wishing they were different, neurodivergents must learn to observe neurotypicals objectively - almost like a zoologist studying a different species:
View attachment 3402704
Neurotypicals function in their narrow hierarchical systems and transactional mentalities. Once you accept this as an unchangeable reality, you WILL be able to handle them more effectively and without frustration.

You can’t force neurotypicals to think holistically, but you can learn to work within their systems to achieve better outcomes.
Rather than striving to become something they are not, neurodivergents thrive by embracing their unique strengths and building systems suited to their own cognitive styles, avoiding the pitfalls of black-and-white ideologies
The changing world may appear to marginalize ND traits, but the solution is not to conform to NT norms, nor is to try and change or convert NTs into your way of thinking.
Instead, it is to acknowledge and harness the unique value of these traits in ways that align with their intrinsic strengths.
@Gargantuan, I agree with your thread. We neurodivergent people, specially aspies have very powerful and adaptable brains. In my opinion, it is not brutal being aspie, the brutal thing is how people are wasting their natural talents.

We will never be neurotypicals and that's okay. We don't need to, we can just adapt through the use of our brains to the hierarchies of the neurotypical ones, until we as neurodivergents can build up our own.

It is all embracing the ugly sides of being neurodivergent because the benefits of neurodivergency won't be evidente útil people is willing to accept struggle, pain, shame, and consequently the loss of identity for the better.
  • +1
Reactions: Gargantuan
it was never about becoming nt, it's about pretending to be nt

being nt in itself is meaningless, it means your no different from the average man and have nothing about yourself that stands out

it's all about acting like you're NT when you're actually not
10/10 Rage bait
Understanding neurotypicals and neurodivergents

It has been a while since I last created a high-effort thread, but I felt compelled to write this one as this myth of ‘’NTmaxxing’’ needs to die out.
To preface, this thread is not an attack on those who preach about the supposed "importance" of being neurotypical. Instead, it aims to dismantle misconceptions that one can magically "become" neurotypical through superficial strategies or behavioural changes.
The neurological wiring of any individual is SET IN STONE and cannot be altered through actions. This thread will explore the differences between neurotypicals and neurodivergents and delve into the cognitive and cultural dynamics that highlight why NTmaxxing is a flawed pursuit.

What are neurotypical people?
View attachment 3402557

Within neurodiversity, neurotypicals (NTs, also colloquially referred to as normies) are individuals whose neurological wiring aligns with societal norms, enabling them to function smoothly in structured environments. They represent the overwhelming majority of the population in any given context. Neurotypicals excel at adhering to the status quo (irrespective of what that may be), hierarchies, and social cues.

  • Hierarchical nature: NTs operate within pyramid-like social systems, where rank, authority, and power balances dominate social and workplace dynamics.
  • Mental shortsightedness: Their thought processes focus on immediate and tangible concerns. Abstract, long-term, or large-scale consequences often fall outside their scope of consideration.
  • Blind social conformity: NTs thrive on shared norms, valuing harmony and predictability over critical evaluation or innovation.
Consider their stance on the COVID-19 vaccines, a few years ago.
NTs all rushed to take it, citing the immediate benefits of taking the jab: being able to travel and go to gyms, restaurants, clubs etc. without even considering the long-term ramifications and/or the damage that these experimental and unproven vaccines could end up doing to their bodies.
This reflects an inability and/or unwillingness to think beyond their immediate needs and scope.

What are neurodivergent people?
View attachment 3402559

Within neurodiversity, neurodivergents (NDs) include those with a wide range of atypical neurological traits or conditions. This group spans individuals with autism, ADHD, and other "non-standard" ways of thinking and perceiving the world. Neurodivergents often demonstrate exceptional creativity, analytical abilities, and a propensity for groundbreaking innovation.

  • Big-picture thinking: Neurodivergents often analyse situations holistically, considering far-reaching implications and multi-layered outcomes.
  • Innovation and creativity: They are disproportionately represented among inventors and pioneers of revolutionary ideas and technologies.
  • Struggle with norms: Their divergence from societal norms can create friction, particularly in structured, hierarchical environments.
Going back to the COVID-19 vaccines, the neurodivergent approach was vastly different: NDs approached it with far more caution, scrutinizing the lack of long-term data and the unprecedented speed of its development.
This reflects their tendency toward analytical thinking and prioritizing potential future risks over immediate benefits. While this scepticism may seem overly cautious to NTs, it stems from a focus on broader implications and a need for a more thorough understanding before acting.

There are a lot of substances that are known to cause cancer that we could do very well without like glues, construction materials, and other stuff like that that we have perfectly viable alternatives for, but that are also still produced and used by the millions gladly by NTs.
And if you're going to tell them about the dangers and propose them alternatives, in general, they'll just laugh it off and say you're crazy. They just won't do what should be done.

There are so many large-scale common problems for which the solutions are already there and that the NTs just aren't interested in applying because they fall outside of the consensus.

Within any given society, there's always a dynamic at play whereby a part of humanity is able to understand and invent technologies that the other part cannot understand. Most inventors are not normal/NT people, but rather NDs.
For instance, take pesticides. The chemists who invent pesticides can identify most of the effects they will have on a wide variety on things, not just on pests.

Biologists can also understand the effects, but the NTs cannot. The NT goes to the shop, wants something that kills the bugs, and then sprays it on the crops.
They will not think, and even if they do think about it, will not understand the wider implications of applying pesticides such as health risks and the negative impact it will have on the rest of the ecosystem.

Why NTmaxxing is a myth
Now that we’ve established the basic framework let’s extrapolate this further, using the forum as a case study.

If you’re on this forum, especially if you've been here for a prolonged period, it’s safe to conclude that you are NOT neurotypical and NEVER will be.
The very existence of these spaces, a form of "neurodivergent social media", arises because traditional social media platforms often fail to resonate with ND thought processes.
Yet, many users desperately cling to the belief that they can somehow transform into NTs through external means like "NTmaxxing"
But this belief misunderstands the very essence of ND and NT cognitive styles.

Just think about it, the very idea of a ''blackpilled'' community does NOT stem from NT minds and their subsequent wiring but instead, stems from ND minds since they view the world on a different level :blackpill:
The same principle could be applied to the redpill :redpill:, as it also niche and falls beyond the scope of conventional, neurotypical wiring :bluepill:

Additionally, a trait that is highly common in these places, is the rigid adherence to the continuously perpetuated systems, rules and guidelines that operate with the PSL sphere rules and guidelines.
A behaviour commonly associated with individuals on the autism spectrum:
View attachment 3402617
Neurodivergent individuals, particularly those with autism, are also prone to viewing the world in black-and-white terms.
This binary mode of thinking manifests in a failure to recognize nuance since in reality, there will also be shades of grey.
For example, many users here dismissively categorize traits or strategies as either entirely good or entirely bad.

Coincidentally, only half of the users who participated in the 2024 survey were able to confirm that they are not on the autism spectrum:
View attachment 3402651

The forum survey also revealed that 8.2% of the participants confirmed they are on the autism spectrum, a figure that is approximately 192.86% higher than the 2.8% prevalence rate observed in the United States, the largest demographic contributor to the forum.
Globally, this percentage is 720% higher than the 1% global prevalence rate:
View attachment 3402661

To further illustrate this, they will oversimplify concepts, declaring:
  • ''blue eyes good, brown eyes bad''
  • ''jaw is law/eyes are the price’’
  • ‘’6’3 or below is manlet’’
Without understanding the complexities or trade-offs associated with these instances.

This black-and-white thinking can also be applied to behaviour:
  • ’Just NTmaxx and you will get girls, bro’’
Ironically, these individuals often adopt their own specialized terminology and engage in nihilistic discourse - behaviours that further alienate them from mainstream society - despite their stated desire to become neurotypical, wanting to fit in and coming up with their theories on how all of this could work out simultaneously through ''NTmaxxing'' (JFL)

Rather than striving to become something that you're not, you would unironically be better off embracing your unique strengths.

Bottomline: genetic determinism
Neurodivergence is not a choice. It stems from deeply rooted neurological differences that manifest as introspection, introversion, and even melancholia (all very common here). Historically, these traits were adaptive, providing unique insights and roles in cooperative communities.
But today, in a hyper-conformist and individualistic world, these traits often seem maladaptive. As society shifts toward rewarding sociability and immediate gratification, ND traits - like long-term thinking - are increasingly undervalued.

Despite the challenges posed by modern society, NDs can thrive by building systems suited to their cognitive styles and leveraging their strengths rather than striving to emulate NTs. To do this, you must understand and accept NTs as they are
Conversely to trying to emulate NTs, the other major mistake NDs will make is to project their desires, values, and ways of thinking onto NTs.
Neurotypicals are not going to change because you want them to, nor are they equipped to think beyond their immediate mental horizons. Instead of wishing they were different, neurodivergents must learn to observe neurotypicals objectively - almost like a zoologist studying a different species:
View attachment 3402704
Neurotypicals function in their narrow hierarchical systems and transactional mentalities. Once you accept this as an unchangeable reality, you WILL be able to handle them more effectively and without frustration.

You can’t force neurotypicals to think holistically, but you can learn to work within their systems to achieve better outcomes.
Rather than striving to become something they are not, neurodivergents thrive by embracing their unique strengths and building systems suited to their own cognitive styles, avoiding the pitfalls of black-and-white ideologies
The changing world may appear to marginalize ND traits, but the solution is not to conform to NT norms, nor is to try and change or convert NTs into your way of thinking.
Instead, it is to acknowledge and harness the unique value of these traits in ways that align with their intrinsic strengths.
rules are made for the lower class and ranked humans to keep them in line. the rich and powerfull don't care about rules because these are the people who make the rules. THE powerfull and rich work together to ensure their not punished for breaking rules.

Did the police come to said persons house to arrest the people or fine them NOOOOOOO>

Autism also affects facial structure. The same 20 models and actors mentioned here are all NT. That should have been a wake-up call :lul:

There are no Aspie Chads in Hollywood.
  • +1
Reactions: mogtivism
I agree that manipulation is basically the only way.
Basically, if you are ND and are surrounded by NTs you always have to be willing to either ''fight'' or negotiate terms with them, even if you want to have the most basic type of relationship with them, due to their inherent shortsightedness.

If you're not ready to do this as an ND and don't have this attitude of being willing to fight, you will simply get crushed or abused by NTs.
This is the kind of stance you need when approaching NTs. If you don't have this stance, it will show in your face, eyes and your body language.

As NTs can only operate their own little sphere, they will abuse you. From their point of view, it's not abuse, but to NDs, it is.
somewhat agree, to fit in socially they will only respect you if your willing to fight or negotiate terms with them and meet a common ground. If you don't do these things they will look at you as being weak and abuse you with low key insults or trying to exclude you from group activites yet blame you. In their minds its not abuse and its your fault because your a LOSER.
  • +1
Reactions: Gargantuan
not a pixel but probably good thread
  • +1
Reactions: Gargantuan
somewhat agree, to fit in socially they will only respect you if your willing to fight or negotiate terms with them and meet a common ground. If you don't do these things they will look at you as being weak and abuse you with low key insults or trying to exclude you from group activites yet blame you. In their minds its not abuse and its your fault because your a LOSER.
an ugly man can say the same thing as a good looking one and people will take it completely differently. Your looks are the most important thing in life,
folks keep using nt talk autism, when only a small fraction of the population has autism or some mental disability is at 1 percent.
Your physical looks in terms of face and body is the MOST IMPORTANT SOCIAL factor in your life. Social skills talk is cope, unless you live on a island alone, we all have basic social skills. They even did studies on children who got facial surgery/jaw and the children dramtically climbed the social ranks at their school/ neighborhood very quickly. Better looking and healthy peers treat you better and want to be around you, see you as a person with high social value and want to be around and invite you to their social circle or join yours.

  • +1
Reactions: Latinolooksmaxxer
This thread's way of thinking is the origin of Brahminism
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  • JFL
Reactions: mogtivism and Gargantuan
Why u nuked my spam post thread you are anti fun
JFL you failed NORMIE

This thread is pure cope, you portrayed normies as mindless drones while you portrayed ND's(and your selfinsertion) as "high IQ" "enlightened"

I'll write a whole thread dunking on your copes
Leave your thoughts here. Let's get dirty on this thread.


It's my understanding that there are neurological components set in stone, and others that undergo plasticity.

You yourself claim to be someone who has been able to influence your own current(that means at a given time) make up to some extent or at least have seen it change. Knowing that, where would you be drawing the line?
  • +1
Reactions: Gargantuan
being NT on this forum generally just refers to not being perceived as weird, people can still be perceived as "NT" even if they exhibit ND behaviour, its based on framing and how you present yourself to people. i know many people who are by all means NT normies and yet were adamant about not taking the vax and hold far right political views, yet they are considered sane as they act normal and speak well

@MaghrebGator said it well, if you are not normal then you must adapt and force yourself to act normal, this is what i do and it works well

a lot of this does depend on looks though, the more attractive you are the more you can get away with and the more opportunities you have to immerse yourself in these scenarios in the first place to learn from

im still not sure how to apply it to foids though with LTR's, they dont generally like a man who is fully NT and normal yet in the initial stages of a talking stage you have no option but to act normal as anything else could be off putting, i feel like a balance between being a psychopath and normal is good long term but even then its hard to control, every LTR i've had has failed pretty much because of this with it always swaying more towards the psychopath side
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Reactions: mogtivism, JL~, Gargantuan and 1 other person
Leave your thoughts here. Let's get dirty on this thread.


It's my understanding that there are neurological components set in stone, and others that undergo plasticity.

You yourself claim to be someone who has been able to influence your own current(that means at a given time) make up to some extent or at least have seen it change. Knowing that, where would you be drawing the line?
You're right that I’ve been able to bring about changes but I consider them small at best, though meaningful nonetheless.
They’re more like finely crafted tweaks than full-on transformations.
I can fake certain behaviours, sure. I can turn on confidence and competence like flipping a light switch, something I used to struggle with. But these days, I can pull it off effortlessly when needed.
Does that make me ‘normal’? On a fundamental level, not really. But it gets the job done and makes me happy, which is all that matters to me anyway.

The whole 'fake it till you make it' thing has some truth, but for me, it’s more about mastering the act. It’s like playing a role where you’re faking it, but the fakeness becomes so natural that it blends in with who you are.

I also think that other factors have also majorly contributed to how I've changed on a personal level including not giving a fuck anymore, holding people in contempt and embracing who I am as a person instead of trying to fit in/mask it.
These shifts in attitude alone have also been a game-changer.
But then again, perhaps I was only able to bring about these changes because of drugs that probably did change me on some level.

So, in essence, I draw the line between the behaviours and attitudes I can adapt or mask and the core ND traits that are deeply ingrained and won’t change, no matter how much I tweak or master my outward persona.
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I agree that manipulation is basically the only way.
Basically, if you are ND and are surrounded by NTs you always have to be willing to either ''fight'' or negotiate terms with them, even if you want to have the most basic type of relationship with them, due to their inherent shortsightedness.

If you're not ready to do this as an ND and don't have this attitude of being willing to fight, you will simply get crushed or abused by NTs.
This is the kind of stance you need when approaching NTs. If you don't have this stance, it will show in your face, eyes and your body language.

As NTs can only operate their own little sphere, they will abuse you. From their point of view, it's not abuse, but to NDs, it is.
This is closer to my initial shout that now reading this makes more sense and is better, closer to home than op tbh.


It is encoded in your brain wiring but essentially you should ask yourself how effortlessly you can blend in with normies.

If you can do it effortlessly, without feeling mentally drained and also happen to have the same interests, ways of thinking etc. then you are most likely neurotypical.

If you have a preference for more arcane interests, difficulty in navigating overly stimulative environments, and experience challenges with maintaining a flow state, then you are most likely neurodivergent.
I'm both. As my dad's wise words say, "keep all your options open".
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JFL you failed NORMIE

This thread is pure cope, you portrayed normies as mindless drones while you portrayed ND's(and your selfinsertion) as "high IQ" "enlightened"

I'll write a whole thread dunking on your copes
Anyone saying they would rather be a sperg who’s outcast then some chadlite sportsball player is obviously coping.

“But the ND autist knows more!!!”

Yeah, more about 1960s diesel trains, HOI4 strategies or some other irrelevant crap that doesn’t help.

While autismo sperginton spends his days shut in researching trains, Chadlite Meeks is at a fun house party and out making social connections. So even if the autist has a higher iq, it’s obvious who’s winning at life and who I’d rather be
Understanding neurotypicals and neurodivergents

It has been a while since I last created a high-effort thread, but I felt compelled to write this one as this myth of ‘’NTmaxxing’’ needs to die out.
To preface, this thread is not an attack on those who preach about the supposed "importance" of being neurotypical. Instead, it aims to dismantle misconceptions that one can magically "become" neurotypical through superficial strategies or behavioural changes.
The neurological wiring of any individual is SET IN STONE and cannot be altered through actions. This thread will explore the differences between neurotypicals and neurodivergents and delve into the cognitive and cultural dynamics that highlight why NTmaxxing is a flawed pursuit.

What are neurotypical people?
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Within neurodiversity, neurotypicals (NTs, also colloquially referred to as normies) are individuals whose neurological wiring aligns with societal norms, enabling them to function smoothly in structured environments. They represent the overwhelming majority of the population in any given context. Neurotypicals excel at adhering to the status quo (irrespective of what that may be), hierarchies, and social cues.

  • Hierarchical nature: NTs operate within pyramid-like social systems, where rank, authority, and power balances dominate social and workplace dynamics.
  • Mental shortsightedness: Their thought processes focus on immediate and tangible concerns. Abstract, long-term, or large-scale consequences often fall outside their scope of consideration.
  • Blind social conformity: NTs thrive on shared norms, valuing harmony and predictability over critical evaluation or innovation.
Consider their stance on the COVID-19 vaccines, a few years ago.
NTs all rushed to take it, citing the immediate benefits of taking the jab: being able to travel and go to gyms, restaurants, clubs etc. without even considering the long-term ramifications and/or the damage that these experimental and unproven vaccines could end up doing to their bodies.
This reflects an inability and/or unwillingness to think beyond their immediate needs and scope.

What are neurodivergent people?
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Within neurodiversity, neurodivergents (NDs) include those with a wide range of atypical neurological traits or conditions. This group spans individuals with autism, ADHD, and other "non-standard" ways of thinking and perceiving the world. Neurodivergents often demonstrate exceptional creativity, analytical abilities, and a propensity for groundbreaking innovation.

  • Big-picture thinking: Neurodivergents often analyse situations holistically, considering far-reaching implications and multi-layered outcomes.
  • Innovation and creativity: They are disproportionately represented among inventors and pioneers of revolutionary ideas and technologies.
  • Struggle with norms: Their divergence from societal norms can create friction, particularly in structured, hierarchical environments.
Going back to the COVID-19 vaccines, the neurodivergent approach was vastly different: NDs approached it with far more caution, scrutinizing the lack of long-term data and the unprecedented speed of its development.
This reflects their tendency toward analytical thinking and prioritizing potential future risks over immediate benefits. While this scepticism may seem overly cautious to NTs, it stems from a focus on broader implications and a need for a more thorough understanding before acting.

There are a lot of substances that are known to cause cancer that we could do very well without like glues, construction materials, and other stuff like that that we have perfectly viable alternatives for, but that are also still produced and used by the millions gladly by NTs.
And if you're going to tell them about the dangers and propose them alternatives, in general, they'll just laugh it off and say you're crazy. They just won't do what should be done.

There are so many large-scale common problems for which the solutions are already there and that the NTs just aren't interested in applying because they fall outside of the consensus.

Within any given society, there's always a dynamic at play whereby a part of humanity is able to understand and invent technologies that the other part cannot understand. Most inventors are not normal/NT people, but rather NDs.
For instance, take pesticides. The chemists who invent pesticides can identify most of the effects they will have on a wide variety on things, not just on pests.

Biologists can also understand the effects, but the NTs cannot. The NT goes to the shop, wants something that kills the bugs, and then sprays it on the crops.
They will not think, and even if they do think about it, will not understand the wider implications of applying pesticides such as health risks and the negative impact it will have on the rest of the ecosystem.

Why NTmaxxing is a myth
Now that we’ve established the basic framework let’s extrapolate this further, using the forum as a case study.

If you’re on this forum, especially if you've been here for a prolonged period, it’s safe to conclude that you are NOT neurotypical and NEVER will be.
The very existence of these spaces, a form of "neurodivergent social media", arises because traditional social media platforms often fail to resonate with ND thought processes.
Yet, many users desperately cling to the belief that they can somehow transform into NTs through external means like "NTmaxxing"
But this belief misunderstands the very essence of ND and NT cognitive styles.

Just think about it, the very idea of a ''blackpilled'' community does NOT stem from NT minds and their subsequent wiring but instead, stems from ND minds since they view the world on a different level :blackpill:
The same principle could be applied to the redpill :redpill:, as it also niche and falls beyond the scope of conventional, neurotypical wiring :bluepill:

Additionally, a trait that is highly common in these places, is the rigid adherence to the continuously perpetuated systems, rules and guidelines that operate with the PSL sphere rules and guidelines.
A behaviour commonly associated with individuals on the autism spectrum:
View attachment 3402617
Neurodivergent individuals, particularly those with autism, are also prone to viewing the world in black-and-white terms.
This binary mode of thinking manifests in a failure to recognize nuance since in reality, there will also be shades of grey.
For example, many users here dismissively categorize traits or strategies as either entirely good or entirely bad.

Coincidentally, only half of the users who participated in the 2024 survey were able to confirm that they are not on the autism spectrum:
View attachment 3402651

The forum survey also revealed that 8.2% of the participants confirmed they are on the autism spectrum, a figure that is approximately 192.86% higher than the 2.8% prevalence rate observed in the United States, the largest demographic contributor to the forum.
Globally, this percentage is 720% higher than the 1% global prevalence rate:
View attachment 3402661

To further illustrate this, they will oversimplify concepts, declaring:
  • ''blue eyes good, brown eyes bad''
  • ''jaw is law/eyes are the price’’
  • ‘’6’3 or below is manlet’’
Without understanding the complexities or trade-offs associated with these instances.

This black-and-white thinking can also be applied to behaviour:
  • ’Just NTmaxx and you will get girls, bro’’
Ironically, these individuals often adopt their own specialized terminology and engage in nihilistic discourse - behaviours that further alienate them from mainstream society - despite their stated desire to become neurotypical, wanting to fit in and coming up with their theories on how all of this could work out simultaneously through ''NTmaxxing'' (JFL)

Rather than striving to become something that you're not, you would unironically be better off embracing your unique strengths.

Bottomline: genetic determinism
Neurodivergence is not a choice. It stems from deeply rooted neurological differences that manifest as introspection, introversion, and even melancholia (all very common here). Historically, these traits were adaptive, providing unique insights and roles in cooperative communities.
But today, in a hyper-conformist and individualistic world, these traits often seem maladaptive. As society shifts toward rewarding sociability and immediate gratification, ND traits - like long-term thinking - are increasingly undervalued.

Despite the challenges posed by modern society, NDs can thrive by building systems suited to their cognitive styles and leveraging their strengths rather than striving to emulate NTs. To do this, you must understand and accept NTs as they are
Conversely to trying to emulate NTs, the other major mistake NDs will make is to project their desires, values, and ways of thinking onto NTs.
Neurotypicals are not going to change because you want them to, nor are they equipped to think beyond their immediate mental horizons. Instead of wishing they were different, neurodivergents must learn to observe neurotypicals objectively - almost like a zoologist studying a different species:
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Neurotypicals function in their narrow hierarchical systems and transactional mentalities. Once you accept this as an unchangeable reality, you WILL be able to handle them more effectively and without frustration.

You can’t force neurotypicals to think holistically, but you can learn to work within their systems to achieve better outcomes.
Rather than striving to become something they are not, neurodivergents thrive by embracing their unique strengths and building systems suited to their own cognitive styles, avoiding the pitfalls of black-and-white ideologies
The changing world may appear to marginalize ND traits, but the solution is not to conform to NT norms, nor is to try and change or convert NTs into your way of thinking.
Instead, it is to acknowledge and harness the unique value of these traits in ways that align with their intrinsic strengths.
Ryan Gosling Clap GIF
nice thread
  • +1
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being NT on this forum generally just refers to not being perceived as weird, people can still be perceived as "NT" even if they exhibit ND behaviour, its based on framing and how you present yourself to people. i know many people who are by all means NT normies and yet were adamant about not taking the vax and hold far right political views, yet they are considered sane as they act normal and speak well

@MaghrebGator said it well, if you are not normal then you must adapt and force yourself to act normal, this is what i do and it works well

a lot of this does depend on looks though, the more attractive you are the more you can get away with and the more opportunities you have to immerse yourself in these scenarios in the first place to learn from

im still not sure how to apply it to foids though with LTR's, they dont generally like a man who is fully NT and normal yet in the initial stages of a talking stage you have no option but to act normal as anything else could be off putting, i feel like a balance between being a psychopath and normal is good long term but even then its hard to control, every LTR i've had has failed pretty much because of this with it always swaying more towards the psychopath side
Although i think politics is a waste of time and a retarded cope for everyone, Politics has nothing to do with neurodivergence. At least not mainstream left/right vax/no vax blah blah bullshit. When you start talking about obscure HOI4 terminally online tismo politics does it get ND. Some old factory manager who goes to happy hour every time saying he’ll vote trump doesn’t make him a ND.
Autism also affects facial structure. The same 20 models and actors mentioned here are all NT. That should have been a wake-up call :lul:

There are no Aspie Chads in Hollywood.
Thomas crookes phenotype is brutal. I noticed a lot of the autistic guys from back when i was in highschool had the similar weak jaw, narrow skull, huge forehead look.
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Having to force any type of behavior to fit in and not cause social discordance*

I know that’s probably what you meant but I feel it’s an important distinction. The NT natural way of being is how most people around them are so acting naturally is always in accordance with the prevailing dominant attitudes towards things. ND people are in the minority so when they act naturally they run the risk of doing things that don’t coincide with the dominant way of doing things and therefore run the risk of attracting more attention to themselves.
JFL you failed NORMIE

This thread is pure cope, you portrayed normies as mindless drones while you portrayed ND's(and your selfinsertion) as "high IQ" "enlightened"

I'll write a whole thread dunking on your copes
I’m in a chatgroup of NDs and they tend to do this often, they’ll potray normies as low-iq and braindead. But here’s the thing, ND’s supposedly “higher IQ” even if it does exist(it don’t) doesn’t even help them because they spend that shit learning about starcraft, forestry laws from 1972, different species of snails or some other bullshit, instead of trying to escape their predicament and ascend.

I look forward to your thread. Ping me when you finish it
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(for me ashwaganda and nofap did an insane job)
-unironically for me it was watching baki. i already was into socializing but watching baki turned a switch inside me. amazing far right toxic masculine anime, best one outthere
Do you think certain family environments (autistic parents with NT child or NT parents with autistic child) can rub some either nt or nd traits onto a child ?

Great thread btw
I think certain behaviours are learned, my mother always lied, gaslit and manipulated the family. When I went on to get a gf I did the same to her
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NT or not it’s all about the genetics, but an NT Chad will do better than an ND Chad

ND Chad - mysterious (Edward Twilight)
NT Chad - Confident (Jacob Twilight)

ND normie - weirdo, creep
NT normie - cocky, brash

Point is you have to look the part, u don’t listen to a fat fuck for training advice. Even if he was right about everything, people would listen to some roided meathead first
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  • +1
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NT or not it’s all about the genetics, but an NT Chad will do better than an ND Chad

ND Chad - mysterious (Edward Twilight)
NT Chad - Confident (Jacob Twilight)

ND normie - weirdo, creep
NT normie - cocky, brash

Point is you have to look the part, u don’t listen to a fat fuck for training advice. Even if he was right about everything, people would listen to some roided meathead first
you literally just proved yourself that you are a autist, seeing things as black and white, nd normie=creep. nd chad=sigma
you literally just proved yourself that you are a autist, seeing things as black and white, nd normie=creep. nd chad=sigma
OP said autists are analytical and see the bigger picture wouldn’t that mean grey areas of thinking? I’ve leaned into more black and white thinking based on life experience, it’s very typical of those beat down in life to subscribe to it and more often than not it’s true tbh
Thomas crookes phenotype is brutal. I noticed a lot of the autistic guys from back when i was in highschool had the similar weak jaw, narrow skull, huge forehead look.
The aspie look is real. I can usually tell someone is an aspie without them opening their mouth.
  • +1
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The aspie look is real. I can usually tell someone is an aspie without them opening their mouth.
Yeah, it’s unfortunate. Autism is a fucking curse and should be genetically modified out of humanity
Former Old user here you’ve always made high iq threads.

As someone whose around neuros constantly due to being in college and come to the same conclusion. All I have to say is bravo.

The need to fit in or want to be around normies in general is a young insecure persons dilemma. You’ve been on this forum long enough you know the constant cycle of new users and their ages and how they always deal with the same problems gripes etc behaviors.

Its all due usually To them being forced to interact with normies in their environments on their terms and the trauma they get from forced interactions if they don’t have the prerequisites to socially interact successfully be that looks or social skills and be accepted hence the going down the rabbit hole and finding places like these to explain why everything happened to them.

But ask any older user on here who finally has space and time to be away from these people and environments for a while and do their own thing. Do they actually care or want to interact with normies at this point anymore? No most likely not.

The best solution for people with our kind of brain chemistry is to find other people similar to you in these environments and create your own social groups and just move on and don’t focus on normie politics more than you have to tolerate for your career life etc.

if your black/redpilled and not a complete subhuman or social retard you can transverse these social environments with relative ease if youare aware of neuro social patterns and how to get the best outcome for yourself from them.
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Bro being NT is a matter of socialization. Just go to a party or country that's NT central and interact with everyone. You'll soon see and understand how NT people talk and think.

Only if you're ND beyond saying, it wont help. I think for the vast majority it does help. Im speaking from experience.
Location and people you hang out with matter so much.
True but Just because you can socially interact successfully with them doesn’t mean you’re ONE of them. I think that’s the overall point of OPs post.

They inherently view and see the world differently internally. You will never get the camaraderie or connection from them as someone who sees the world as you do.

I’ve climbed the mountain socially and many other users have also. It’s ultimately all for nothing outside of getting your mazlows hierarchy of needs met.
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  • +1
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Anyone saying they would rather be a sperg who’s outcast then some chadlite sportsball player is obviously coping.

“But the ND autist knows more!!!”

Yeah, more about 1960s diesel trains, HOI4 strategies or some other irrelevant crap that doesn’t help.

While autismo sperginton spends his days shut in researching trains, Chadlite Meeks is at a fun house party and out making social connections. So even if the autist has a higher iq, it’s obvious who’s winning at life and who I’d rather be
You can be a chad sports player and ND. I’m one of those lmao I played college sports. hell will ratelle on YouTube is to and he played in the nfl. Your just stereotyping wrongly instead of understanding it’s just in essence a persons innate brain chemistry and way of viewing the world.

Basically Being ND isn’t inherently a bad thing.

Nvm after reading your prior posts in this thread I realized I agree with you 90% of the way.
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  • +1
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You can be a chad sports player and ND. I’m one of those lmao I played college sports. hell will ratelle on YouTube is to and he played in the nfl. Your just stereotyping wrongly instead of understanding it’s just in essence a persons innate brain chemistry and way of viewing the world.

Basically Being ND isn’t inherently a bad thing.

Nvm after reading your prior posts in this thread I realized I agree with you 90% of the way.
Congrats on winning the genetic lottery and being able to play college sports. I’ve always wanted to play football, something about the idea of being a linebacker, just straight up tackling sounds exciting but unfortunately i got like 6.4 inch wrists and am 5’9 so don’t have the bones for it. And i’m not a 200lb mass monster either, doubt i can ever be unless I take copious amounts of anabolics, and even then i’d be mogged by 6’4 naturally muscular tyrones.
Dnr I can force myself to look people in the eyes when I speak to them, force myself to talk about sports betting with others, speak loudly with confidence, be low inhib etc. while being genetically ND.
nigga is dextermaxxed
Yes, this is true but most of you're just using non-nt as an excuse for not being able socially interact with others.

2 years ago I was GIGA non-nt, I couldn't talk with people (beacuse I feared the fact that they will judge me), I was so high inhib, that I couldn't be on public transport, I had insanely high aniexity, and depression (diagnosed bipolar btw)

Later on, I started purpousily "nt-maxxing" (started with small talks, social interactions etc...) It didn't happened instanly, it took me a whole year, but I did managed to build up my social skills (for me ashwaganda and nofap did an insane job) and im no longer a high inhib cuck
U learnt social skills, proving u are non-nt always because you have to keep implementing these things. I went through the same thing
Shit thread doesnt really mean much
im darktriadmaxxxxing

The neurological wiring of any individual is SET IN STONE and cannot be altered through actions.
I don’t think anyone is arguing against this point. I and many others are arguing that you can mimic the behavioural patterns of those who are NT and make yourself appear or get perceived as NT and therefore being NT.

Whether you’re ND, NT or aNything else all that matter is how you’re perceived not what you actually are.
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