The Nibbamaxxing Guide | Vol.2

Deleted member 206

Deleted member 206

200cm giga mogger
Aug 24, 2018
The Nibbamaxxing Guide
how to become like... @Nibba
Attention:This is satire, not a targeted attack. It's published with Nibba's agreement.

Before we can start taking a further look on how to become like @Nibba, please make sure that your vocabulary includes "ogre" ":cage:" and "bro" only. Is your vocabulary way too big? Well, that's no problem - just start posting on and it will decrease in no time.

STEP 1: Talk to yourself in your profile and realise you have autism.

I'm an autistic sperg and people love me.

STEP 2: Get a girlfriend and mention her as often as possible.

I already have a beautiful girlfriend
I looksmaxed and got gf tbh
I have a gl girlfriend who loves me so
This has happened to my girlfriend and parents multiple times
I have sex with my girlfriend every time we see each other
My girlfriend has perfect teeth alignment
he's jealous of my girlfriend
And I workout for my girlfriend so I guess that could be seen as similar
I started seeing my girlfriend while I was in the middle of softcore looksmaxing

STEP 3: Be "the greatest looksmaxxer since orb".

STEP 4: Be a narrow-minded asshole with a huge ego.

I think I am his oneitis bro wtf do I do srs
I swear some people deserve to be incel
Got asked for a threesome but I called it off. Posted about it on lookism
I readied my legs and concentrated all of my Testo-chakras into my Vastus Medialus muscles as I assumed a sprinters starting stance. I exploded forward in a cataclysm of sex hormone fueled rage. Exactly 2.54 nanoseconds later I began to phase through time and space as I meshed with the testosterone continuum. As I phased through the helpless female target I nutted directly into both of her Fallopian tubes, destroying her previously unbroken hymen and causing her to orgasm INSTANTLY. As I began to slow down 33.6 light years later, I realized that while she would have wanted to thank me for giving her the gift of my superior seed that she was already dead and gone having raised my CHAD progeny to repopulate the earth.
As I float into the the celestial abyss of the greater Crab Nebula I am not filled with regret for having left my world, but rather happiness for having left it a better place.

STEP 5: Brag relentlessly.


I'm not humble bragging.

THE FINAL STEP: Like every post of @Felix97.

upcoming guides: @ZyzzReincarnate maxxing; @Tony maxxing @11gaijin maxxing

Users that liked my previous maxxing guide (The Zestomaxxing Guide | Vol. 1):
@ZyzzReincarnate @Tony @11gaijin @fatcelnolonger @Future Arablite @averageblokecel @TeaGuy @Weishaupt @dogtown @Unwanted @Zesto

  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: AspiringChad, FatmanO, Deleted member 39 and 23 others
:cage: it's ogre 4 me ? broooo

My autism is relentless
  • +1
Reactions: 11gaijin and Deleted member 206
noice one
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 206
Nice presentation. I can see you put time and effort in it. :clap:
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 206

Yh this is rlly funny lol
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 206
bro my gf bro lol bro im looksmaxer orb greatest bro gf bro
  • +1
Reactions: 11gaijin and Deleted member 206
I know this faggot thinks he is god tbh cant stand that attitude. Its always about him. How 'GL' he is, how he got his life together, how he looksmaxed, how 'genetically gifted he is etc.. (btw this is also satire, i asked for his aproval before posting this comment and the almighty god said yes)
I know this faggot thinks he is god tbh cant stand that attitude. Its always about him. How 'GL' he is, how he got his life together, how he looksmaxed, how 'genetically gifted he is etc.. (btw this is also satire, i asked for his aproval before posting this comment and the almighty god said yes)
Die you homosexual little subhuman. Meet up with me irl boyo and i doubt you'd say shit to me. Keep talking shit and hiding where I can't fuck u up:lul:
Die you homosexual little subhuman. Meet up with me irl boyo and i doubt you'd say shit to me. Keep talking shit and hiding where I can't fuck u up:lul:
Lol you probably would fuck me up indeed. Im a fucking manlet plus a sub5 ethnic. I wish i had youre life.
I know this faggot thinks he is god tbh cant stand that attitude. Its always about him. How 'GL' he is, how he got his life together, how he looksmaxed, how 'genetically gifted he is etc.. (btw this is also satire, i asked for his aproval before posting this comment and the almighty god said yes)
why are you lying boyo
Just messing around. I have nothing better to do pathetic incel life you know the drill
someone like you shouldn't even be allowed to talk to someone who looks like me let alone insult them

Go get surgery or gymcel or something so you can leave this cesspool
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someone like you shouldn't even be allowed to talk to someone who looks like me let alone insult them
Well ive got the reaction i wanted from you. Here is PROOF you really think youre some kind of god jfl. You aint shit you just some pathetic piece of shit. If you actually had a goodlife you probably wouldnt have 5000 comments on this forum. I know you are a fucking basementdweller. You keep scrolling this place 24.7 claiming youre chad. Most people will ask for advice but you are the type of guy claims to be someone he isnt. The exact opposite of asking fornadvice. GuYS LoOK At Me I aM The GrEAteSt LoOksmAxxEr sInCe OrB. Wtf you trying to ahieve wtf do you think you are.with redgard to the beating me up: why you mad did ibjust hurt youre feelings??? Its true what i say you a self-centerd bitch just like a femoid. GIVE THIS GUYBSOME ATTENTION. And yeah im not the greatest looking but does that make me less worth thennyoure lazy ass? I achieved more in life then you ever will i actually do something for society while you impregnate some fucking sloots
Well ive got the reaction i wanted from you. Here is PROOF you really think youre some kind of god jfl. You aint shit you just some pathetic piece of shit. If you actually had a goodlife you probably wouldnt have 5000 comments on this forum. I know you are a fucking basementdweller. You keep scrolling this place 24.7 claiming youre chad. Most people will ask for advice but you are the type of guy claims to be someone he isnt. The exact opposite of asking fornadvice. GuYS LoOK At Me I aM The GrEAteSt LoOksmAxxEr sInCe OrB. Wtf you trying to ahieve wtf do you think you are.with redgard to the beating me up: why you mad did ibjust hurt youre feelings??? Its true what i say you a self-centerd bitch just like a femoid. GIVE THIS GUYBSOME ATTENTION. And yeah im not the greatest looking but does that make me less worth thennyoure lazy ass? I achieved more in life then you ever will i actually do something for society while you impregnate some fucking sloots
Chill man, this is the kind of reaction I wanted to avoid. Everything you say is cope, since life is about looks only. Nibba mogs you to death in this matter, so stop arguing with him.
JFL and that is the minority of him.. you forgot to mention his iq of 140 and his school gives him money for it.. you forgot to mention that he is wide waisted :feelsmage: he is ogre ngl:feelsrope: his gf actually messages me through snapchat
I expected him to be way better looking given how much he brags here.

Guy is like a 6, big fucking deal.
Nice one looking forward to more lmao
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 206
I expected him to be way better looking given how much he brags here.

Guy is like a 6, big fucking deal.
Oh shit is it the gook whore slayER himself?

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