The NT pill is the blue pill and a normie psyop

It's the blue pill in disguise. I'm living proof that it's wrong. Normies don't give a fuck if you're one of them. All they care about are your connections via social circles and your leverage within them and the greater society.

agreed. this forum overrates NTness and often uses it as a synonym of being popular - probably they think NT stands for (social) NeTworking
So, autistics are uglier on average and this is the reason they are abused and hated by everyone, including their family members. It has nothing to do with their behaviour.
lol imagine actually being this stupid. plenty of ugly normies arent hated despite their ugliness. while non NTs are always hated and incel
agreed. this forum overrates NTness and often uses it as a synonym of being popular - probably they think NT stands for (social) NeTworking
being NT obviously doesnt automatically make you popular or a slayer its just a requirement, lack of NT completely destroys everything and it is worse than being ugly
You need looks to even get your foot in the door. Once you’ve passed the looks threshold, NT and sexual prowess are what’s important for attaining and maintaining vagina
lol imagine actually being this stupid. plenty of ugly normies arent hated despite their ugliness. while non NTs are always hated and incel
You're the stupid one here, normfag. Normies don't accept ugly NTs. They're always third wheeled and have to jester and are perpetually single.
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being NT obviously doesnt automatically make you popular or a slayer its just a requirement, lack of NT completely destroys everything and it is worse than being ugly
You failed to comprehend anything being said here. Most non NTs were born NT but due to their bad looks they are non NT from the torment of dealing with people.
Dnrd nt is is as important as looks
You're the stupid one here, pal. Normies don't accept ugly NTs. They're always third wheeled and have to jester and are perpetually single.
okay whatever moron i have seen plenty of ugly NT guys who weren't cruelly outcasted like i was
You failed to comprehend anything being said here. Most non NTs were born NT but due to their bad looks they are non NT from the torment of dealing with people.
its bad environment not looks, i was born NT now non NT as fuck since age 15-16
if i didnt have fucked up parents and school environment id be a normie with gf
okay whatever moron i have seen plenty of ugly NT guys who weren't cruelly outcasted like i was
You have no idea what's happening in those relationships and group dynamics nor do you have any proof of what's going down in the big picture. Outcasts are the majority of the time ugly people. Everything else is the exception to the rule.
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its bad environment not looks, i was born NT now non NT as fuck since age 15-16
if i didnt have fucked up parents and school environment id be a normie with gf
No one wants to associate with you because you're a genetic dead end. No environment would have saved you.
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No one wants to associate with you because you're a genetic dead end. No environment would have saved you.
lol a "genetic dead end" would be like a 5'1 drooling down syndrome not a regular ugly or short guy. and im not even ugly most of the ratings i got put me as htn
lol a "genetic dead end" would be like a 5'1 drooling down syndrome not a regular ugly or short guy. and im not even ugly most of the ratings i got put me as htn
Women have rejected you. You are a genetic dead end you stupid fuck. A bunch of Indians on an obscure forum rated you HTN, congratulations.
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Women have rejected you. You are a genetic dead end you stupid fuck. A bunch of Indians on an obscure forum rated you HTN, congratulations.
yeah bro because "le women" dont like you it means you are a genetic dead end the same way a 55 iq down syndrome is
if you actually believe this you are a fucking simp cuck who values women opinion over anything else
yeah bro because "le women" dont like you it means you are a genetic dead end the same way a 55 iq down syndrome is
if you actually believe this you are a fucking simp cuck who values women opinion over anything else
I never said I believe its akin to being a drolling retard but to women you are. You need to wake up, boy.
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NT is byproduct of your looks while you are growing up
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Every single living creature on this shithole of a planet has a genetic based attraction dynamics, every.

In lions, a bigger stronger lion with bigger claws and mane will attract females because of his good genetics.

Some birds attract females based on their ability to dance, because of good genetics.

Chimpanzees will fight, and the stronger chimpanzee with better genetics will attract females.

In humans it's looks. Looks are the only thing that cause chemicals necessary for attraction in foids' brains, no pua, nt, social proof tactic can cause those raw biological chemicals in the brain. It's the only thing that has been actually scientifically proven, nothing else has been proven to cause attraction other than looks so far. It is ridiculous that people(faggots) here are still pushing "nt", "social circle", method acting and other bullshit after so much blackpill in this modern society.

Don't pay attention to some betabuxxer or some normie who managed to weasel his way into foid's pussy by luck in high school. Just witness for once the true Chad treatment irl, how Chad literally has rotation of foids to have sex with on command, and all your bluepilled/redpilled delusions will be shattered.
Therefore, it is crucial to selectively choose genes to avoid it. You can't predict the specific psychotic traits they might have, and moreover, they may not be concerned about how their psychopathic tendencies could harm those around them.
The genetic variance of autism is expressed via the inability of the sufferer to take care of themselves, because of genetic malfunctions, that have made the brain develope in an damaged and non functional way, hence autistic like behaviour existing from birth.

I agree to disagree. The sole reason they have impaired social skills is down to their ugliness and its ramifications. This is known as the negative feedback loop. Once impairment takes places, it's near impossible for the person to socially connect with other people nor do people want to connect with low tier LMS people. Even other incels will reject fellow ugly men because 'lookism' is so hardwired that even ugly guys laugh at the suffering of other ugly people. Like how DBDR made a video laughing at other sub humans. The only way out of this, I believe, is for said person to drastically improve their physical attractiveness, take psychedelics and go to acting class. Anything outside of this is cope. Ugly men get used for their money and status. Meanwhile, broke good looking men get to pair bond with attractive women.

Although I'm not referring to autism, I'm discussing individuals susceptible to stress and possessing traits associated with the Dark Triad—Machiavellianism, psychopathy, and narcissism—a cluster of personality traits characterized by low empathy.

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