The only Hair guide you will need in your LIFE ( GUARANTEED )

You want to have better hair quality, find a hairstyle that suit you and be better looking?

Then this guide is for you.

When you are on the lookmaxxing journey just by working on your hair can increase your rating by 2.5 points minimum and this can be achieved with little or no effort if done right.

And in this guide we are going to talk about that , how to do it right!
This guide is divided in 2 sections:

1: Hair
2: Hairstyle
Ok so now let’s get started.
Section 1 : Hair
Hair Quality:
Tip 1 :
The first and most important step to have better looking hair and quality is simple.
Stop fucking using shampoo , moisturiser on your fucking hair for real.

A lot of guys will disagree with this but this shit works and it will do wonders for your hair.You don’t need shampoo and all of those Jewish marketing products. They just fucking your hair.
Just go with just rinsing your hair ONLY with water and after come again here and thank me
when you see your hair in a better shape than ever … this shit WORKS!

Tip 2 :
Rinse your hair only with cold water. I know in the start is tough but you have to man up.
I’ve started this 2 months ago and my hair never been so shinier , coarser and healthier.
This was a game changer from me coming from thin hair. Also complemented by 3 girls the last week alone , something that I never got a complement never (about my hair)
But yes this is a very effective way to increase the quality of your hair and a bit harder.
And also do NEVER use hot water in your hair , I always rinsed my hair with hot water and always had the worst hair , and destroyed my hair in every way possible.
But then I found those ways I mentioned in this guide and my hair and life was never been so better ( seriously)
Tip 3 :
Hair Mask.
A very important topic that you all should incorporate in your routine that I will significantly improve your hair quality and appearance.
To do this you need to apply oil in your hair 2-3 times a week.
Now for the oil part I recommend coconut oil or olive oil . I find coconut oil better and I can help to coarsen the hair.
And the way to do this is by :
1.First pick the days you want to apply the oil (e.g I do Monday and Thursday)
2.Apply the oil for 30-50 minutes before you go to shower.
3. Rinse hair good only with cold water as stated above

4.See your hair quality get better with time and thank me later

Hair Growth:
I’ve seen countless threats and many forums touch on this subject but most of them are cope or bring marginal or non existent results.
The is only 1 way to increase hair growth at an good rate and that is:
This is a miracle supplement regarding hair growth.
I see many guys saying that biotin is cope. but simply this is not true and who ever says that is a moron.
The way I found works the best is to take one pill of biotin a day after meal . I found some pills with 10,000mcg of biotin and they work great. My hair has never been longer.
This is simply a small effort activity that can significantly boost your hair growth rate and it works the best with some other hair growth methods like roseshit oil.
Also to increase it at an even faster rate try carnivore diet and trust me it works at an even faster rate.

For this section there is not much to say except 1 REALLY important rule .

But in general you need to find what suites you, you will need to try a lot of styles and experiment what looks best on you.
The really important rule is this:
If you have that Tik Tok long hairstyle …. Please go shave that fucking horse shit of your head and man the fuck up.
Seriously this is the fucking lowest looksmin that a men can that’s why you guys can’t even get a fucking pussy even.

So ok let me prove it:
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Ok now ask you self this :
If you where a girl who would FUCK with .

The first 10yr old cutie coloured nail Tik tok hair kid.
Or a manly alpha male.
This a good list for hair styles that can for sure up your training and pussy slay rate by alot:

But the key is to find what looks best on you from this list.


Hairmaxxing is a very key subject that can improve your looks by a lot!

And the thing is that is a very easy subject to improve on and see results fast but this forum is filled with many bad and bullishit threats that don’t do shit and looksmin you by a lot .

You don’t need thousand of trips tips and waste all you money on products and all this bullishit.

The basics are the best just stick to what the talked about:
Shower with cold water , apply hair mask (optional) and find a manly hair style and go slay while those Tik tok maxxers are worried boosting their followers.

Trust me everything in this threat work like a fine wine and after doing those seriously you don’t need another hair tutorial in your life.
And most importantly you never have to worry about this topic again and spend goods amount of money in things that doesn’t work.

Lmao this guy really said not to get tik tok hair. Have fun with your uses up roasties
Ive experimented with both tik tok hair (i have it right now) and shorter or more "masculine" haircuts as the copers here like to say.
Id say its pretty equal but Ive been getting better looking with the longer tik tok style and I did go to that natural haircare, using only water wash most days and occasional clay and ACV wash. Its made my hair way curlier and nicer for sure.

This is a tough one, i get a lot of girls liking me and giving attention with current tik tok hair, however ive had them tell me they would like it shorter or when one girl saw me after i got a haircut she was like WOW so tbh i think the key is to have it well groomed/styled rather than what the exact style is and jsut find something that looks good. However male gaze hairstlye are complete bogus 99% of the time.

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