The only people that deny the blackpill are chads,women,copers or retards



6'1 , sub5
Mar 5, 2024
The only people who deny the blackpill are either chads who havent expierenced the pain of being a sub5 and have had a good life their entire life, women who will only fuck 6'8 chad but still say "oh its his personality" and finally copers like bluepillers who either know that its true but dont want to accept it or they are just fully retarded and dont acknowledge all the studies that looks matter more than personality. If you explained the blackpill to any remotely intelligent normie or sub5 they would probably agree with it atleast to some extent. Chads will usually give you the "just go to the gym bro" type of advice and playing advice bingo and will randomly select some bluepill bs advice. Women are even more retarded when it comes to this they always pull the "your personality isnt good or your not my type" just to make sub5s and normies even more deluded . Then theres the copers who will just give you retarded ass bluepill advice and will always be alone.
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Chads here dont

I already know some like @Reformed @Narcissus🥀 @lebronjames23 and @Clavicular

All schizo chads who talk to women like they are .org users making their slays spew blackpill rederic

Avarage .org chad
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Reactions: kviijjjjj, Orvka381, Clavicular and 4 others
only redditors deny the blackpill
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Reactions: humanoidsub7, dna_cel, Orvka381 and 1 other person
Chads here dont

I already know some like @Reformed @Narcissus🥀 @lebronjames23 and @Clavicular

All schizo chads who talk to women like they are .org users making their slays spew blackpill rederic

Avarage .org chad
Niggas on here are all blackpilled
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I think only incels in denial aka most normie males deny the blackpill, I’ve talked to one foid and she slipped and said basically “yeah face and height is more important and you can’t make up for a lack of a good face with being funny”
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Joined Mar 5, 2024
Chads here dont

I already know some like @Reformed @Narcissus🥀 @lebronjames23 and @Clavicular

All schizo chads who talk to women like they are .org users making their slays spew blackpill rederic

Avarage .org chad
Well to be fair this is a Blackpill forum of course we are all Blackpilled.

But IRL I would never talk about the Blackpill or anything remotely close to it.
I know the importance of being NT and knowing how to make interesting social situations and escalate them.

Just look at @Clavicular , he is an abused dog who keeps rotting because he is far from NT.

only redditors deny the blackpill
Alot of manlets love to cope that height doesn't matter.
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Reactions: humanoidsub7, dna_cel, Orvka381 and 2 others
I think only incels in denial aka most normie males deny the blackpill, I’ve talked to one foid and she slipped and said basically “yeah face and height is more important and you can’t make up for a lack of a good face with being funny”

No shit but the issue is those whores still produce there dysgenic traits
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Alot of manlets love to cope that height doesn't matter.
Tbh i agree with the manlets to some extent, if your handsome and short its better than being tall and ugly
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The only people who deny the blackpill are either chads who havent expierenced the pain of being a sub5 and have had a good life their entire life, women who will only fuck 6'8 chad but still say "oh its his personality" and finally copers like bluepillers who either know that its true but dont want to accept it or they are just fully retarded and dont acknowledge all the studies that looks matter more than personality. If you explained the blackpill to any remotely intelligent normie or sub5 they would probably agree with it atleast to some extent. Chads will usually give you the "just go to the gym bro" type of advice and playing advice bingo and will randomly select some bluepill bs advice. Women are even more retarded when it comes to this they always pull the "your personality isnt good or your not my type" just to make sub5s and normies even more deluded . Then theres the copers who will just give you retarded ass bluepill advice and will always be alone.
Water is wet
"The only people that deny the blackpill are retards"

Most people here are retards, height has to be the most talked about topic on this forum and it's crazy how deluded the perspective of how to be good looking to women is here. Im still glad to be 6'4 tho
"The only people that deny the blackpill are retards"

Most people here are retards, height has to be the most talked about topic on this forum and it's crazy how deluded the perspective of how to be good looking to women is here. Im still glad to be 6'4 tho
Brutal post to rep ratio
Nah everyone is well aware of the blackpill lol. It’s just that they don’t understand the sheer level to which it matters.
"The only people that deny the blackpill are retards"

Most people here are retards, height has to be the most talked about topic on this forum and it's crazy how deluded the perspective of how to be good looking to women is here. Im still glad to be 6'4 tho
Most ppl here are autistic but if you explained the blackpill to any intelligent person they would atleast partly agree with it
Brutal post to rep ratio
reputation doesnt matter, it doesnt show how much reputation you gave its like having a high follower count due to following a lot of people
Most ppl here are autistic but if you explained the blackpill to any intelligent person they would atleast partly agree with it
What is there to explain about the blackpill? that looks matters and being the nice guy doesnt work as much? You gotta be intelligent to know that?
What is there to explain about the blackpill? that looks matters and being the nice guy doesnt work as much? You gotta be intelligent to know that?
yes cause abt 70% of the population deny the blackpill
One day I hope I see one billionaire Chad on TV saying: "Status and money are worthless, it's all about them looks, boys!". It will be a monumental day.
Blackpill is true but overrated
The Blackpill is the materialist lens to view sex and dating. The vast majority of people on earth are religious (idealists), 85%. So the vast majority of people will reject the Blackpill due to this fundamental philosophical view. The red/blue pill nonsense is more palatable to idealists.

Also just because you can view something in a materialist way in one area it doesn't mean you can't also be idealist in other areas. Humans are walking contradictions. So there will obviously be some overlap where not all religious people would reject the Blackpill, like look at all the islamists on this forum.
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The Blackpill is the materialist lens to view sex and dating. The vast majority of people on earth are religious (idealists), 85%. So the vast majority of people will reject the Blackpill due to this fundamental philosophical view. The red/blue pill nonsense is more palatable to idealists.

Also just because you can view something in a materialist way in one area it doesn't mean you can't also be idealist in other areas. Humans are walking contradictions. So there will obviously be some overlap where not all religious people would reject the Blackpill, like look at all the islamists on this forum.

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