The phrase “diversity hire” is psyop created by whites



Retired until I get a GF.
Aug 8, 2021
Literally just a phrase white people made to gaslight blacks and ethnics into thinking that they got the job based on skin colour and not on merit.

They (whites) plant a seed to make ethnics and blacks work harder by making them prove they got hired based on merit and not skin colour and making them do all the crappy work whites don’t want to do.

Because if ethnics/blacks don’t do it they (whites) can just say you’re a “diversity hire, be grateful you’re here” and gaslight them into doing the crappy tasks or fire them.

In reality companies have preferencial favouritism towards white candidates and they are more likely to get the job and promotions.

The black and ethnic people that do get the job face an uphill battle to hold their position.

Black women are notoriously know for being “diversity hires” however you’ll see that when they are hired they rarely move up the ladder, face a lot scrutiny and are unhappy.

So are “diversity hires” actually because of diversity? Or are they hired to do the dirty work that whites don’t want to do but hide it under the guise of “diversity”? Whilst all the white people easily move up the ladder and face easy time in their positions.

One thing I’ve noticed about whites is that they are very cunning, deceiving and conniving. The type of people that’ll make you think they’re doing you a favor on whilst they’re secretly plotting on your downfall.

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  • JFL
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Water but faggots still denie it :lul:
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kinda true, non-whites are usually paid less

doesnt stop corporations from bragging about how many ethnics they save from the streets though
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@NotCarv @PrinceLuenLeoncur thoughts?
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Literally just a phrase white people made to gaslight blacks and ethnics into thinking that they got the job based on skin colour and not on merit.

They (whites) plant a seed to make ethnics and blacks work harder by making them prove they got hired based on merit and not skin colour and making them do all the crappy work whites don’t want to do.

Because if ethnics/blacks don’t do it they (whites) can just say you’re a “diversity hire, be grateful you’re here” and gaslight them into doing the crappy tasks or fire them.

In reality companies have preferencial favouritism towards white candidates and they are more likely to get the job and promotions.

The black and ethnic people that do get the job face an uphill battle to hold their position.

Black women are notoriously know for being “diversity hires” however you’ll see that when they are hired they rarely move up the ladder, face a lot scrutiny and are unhappy.

So are “diversity hires” actually because of diversity? Or are they hired to do the dirty work that whites don’t want to do but hide it under the guise of “diversity”? Whilst all the white people easily move up the ladder and face easy time in their positions.

One thing I’ve noticed about whites is that they are very cunning, deceiving and conniving. The type of people that’ll make you think they’re doing you a favor on whilst they’re secretly plotting on your downfall.

YES I HAVE BEEN SAYING THIS FOREVER. If diversity hires were legit like idiots here think then I’d have an 100k job right now due to my qualifications but that’s not the truth is it… instead I make over 1/5th of that meanwhile white girls get payed 100k knowing jack fucking shit.

Diveristy hires are white mens way of giving Jobs to beckies
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Submerged in water here. They're just mad ethnics are taking over which is fine. A bit of insecurity and rethinking of priorities has never hurt anyone especially lazy people. 90% of white supremacists I've talked to are losers extraordinaire.
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Whites dont do it intentionally they just have a victim complex and if anything doesnt go exactly as they want it its cause of "muh anti white JOOOOSSS" in reality they have every advantage
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i always compare it to comp games add every person that goes 0/10 cause the odds they are an e girl are astronomically high
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also another example i know a business major that is a software engineer at msft and he to this day doesn't know what hes doing and is thinking of switching to pm, he got it through a diversity program and didn't have any technical interview
  • Woah
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Larry Fink
Feminist Jews
Trillions of dollars
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also another example i know a business major that is a software engineer at msft and he to this day doesn't know what hes doing and is thinking of switching to pm, he got it through a diversity program and didn't have any technical interview
Weren't there a lot of layoffs in tech as of late. They seriously didn't layoff the clueless people? Hard to believe. He must be trolling you.
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  • +1
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i always compare it to comp games add every person that goes 0/10 cause the odds they are an e girl are astronomically high
i never though of it that way i would just tell them to rope jfl
most foids who play games are ltb< anyway
  • So Sad
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Weren't there a lot of layoffs in tech as of late. They seriously didn't layoff the clueless people? Hard to believe. He must be trolling you.
this was 2 yearrs ago i don't really talk to him, they wouldn't lay off a diversity hire, the whole point of diversity hire in tech is usually to avoid one race teams and i think its needed, if your interviewing with a 100% indian team your done for, but dei allows for people to fill in spots and feel more included despite performing lower nothing wrong with it but tech interviews are not 100% meritocratic unless your in quant
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The only smart ethnic are indians, blacks are subhumans incapable of being great at any intellectual persuit besides playing the congas JFL kys
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Don’t group blacks and other ethnics together in this situation. South Asians and East Asians can literally have a 1550+ SAT, a 3.8+ GPA, and a fuck ton of ecs. And guess what, the 3.0 gpa 1300 SAT black Shaniqua from Memphis is getting picked over them every single time. The same shit happens with jobs too ofc. Here’s how it really is in America:

Whites - Have an edge over everyone else in terms of corporate success and everything else.
Tutorial difficulty

Blacks and Mexicans - Obv face hella racism and shit + they usually grow up poor, but it gets made up for through diversity hires and affirmative action. In terms of dating, they do worse than whites but still good.
Normal difficulty

East Asians - Face a good amount of racism as well, but there’s no diversity hiring or affirmative action for them. So they can be insanely smart, but still have less success than a 90 iq Tyrone. Dating is somewhat ok, but their own women cuck them. Mirin K-pop halo tho
Hard difficulty

South Asians - Same as the category above but with even less smv and bobs and vagene failo instead of K-pop halo.
Nightmare difficulty
  • +1
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  • JFL
Reactions: mogstars, ElTruecel, alriodai and 3 others
Don’t group blacks and other ethnics together in this situation. South Asians and East Asians can literally have a 1550+ SAT, a 3.8+ GPA, and a fuck ton of ecs. And guess what, the 3.0 gpa 1300 SAT black Shaniqua from Memphis is getting picked over them every single time. The same shit happens with jobs too ofc. Here’s how it really is in America:

Whites - Have an edge over everyone else in terms of corporate success and everything else.
Tutorial difficulty

Blacks and Mexicans - Obv face hella racism and shit + they usually grow up poor, but it gets made up for through diversity hires and affirmative action. In terms of dating, they do worse than whites but still good.
Normal difficulty

East Asians - Face a good amount of racism as well, but there’s no diversity hiring or affirmative action for them. So they can be insanely smart, but still have less success than a 90 iq Tyrone. Dating is somewhat ok, but their own women cuck them. Mirin K-pop halo tho
Hard difficulty

South Asians - Same as the category above but with even less smv and bobs and vagene failo instead of K-pop halo.
Nightmare difficulty
  • JFL
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Reactions: PrinceLuenLeoncur and ManletBlackcel
Literally just a phrase white people made to gaslight blacks and ethnics into thinking that they got the job based on skin colour and not on merit.

They (whites) plant a seed to make ethnics and blacks work harder by making them prove they got hired based on merit and not skin colour and making them do all the crappy work whites don’t want to do.

Because if ethnics/blacks don’t do it they (whites) can just say you’re a “diversity hire, be grateful you’re here” and gaslight them into doing the crappy tasks or fire them.

In reality companies have preferencial favouritism towards white candidates and they are more likely to get the job and promotions.

The black and ethnic people that do get the job face an uphill battle to hold their position.

Black women are notoriously know for being “diversity hires” however you’ll see that when they are hired they rarely move up the ladder, face a lot scrutiny and are unhappy.

So are “diversity hires” actually because of diversity? Or are they hired to do the dirty work that whites don’t want to do but hide it under the guise of “diversity”? Whilst all the white people easily move up the ladder and face easy time in their positions.

One thing I’ve noticed about whites is that they are very cunning, deceiving and conniving. The type of people that’ll make you think they’re doing you a favor on whilst they’re secretly plotting on your downfall.

  • Hmm...
Reactions: ManletBlackcel
Literally just a phrase white people made to gaslight blacks and ethnics into thinking that they got the job based on skin colour and not on merit.

They (whites) plant a seed to make ethnics and blacks work harder by making them prove they got hired based on merit and not skin colour and making them do all the crappy work whites don’t want to do.

Because if ethnics/blacks don’t do it they (whites) can just say you’re a “diversity hire, be grateful you’re here” and gaslight them into doing the crappy tasks or fire them.

In reality companies have preferencial favouritism towards white candidates and they are more likely to get the job and promotions.

The black and ethnic people that do get the job face an uphill battle to hold their position.

Black women are notoriously know for being “diversity hires” however you’ll see that when they are hired they rarely move up the ladder, face a lot scrutiny and are unhappy.

So are “diversity hires” actually because of diversity? Or are they hired to do the dirty work that whites don’t want to do but hide it under the guise of “diversity”? Whilst all the white people easily move up the ladder and face easy time in their positions.

One thing I’ve noticed about whites is that they are very cunning, deceiving and conniving. The type of people that’ll make you think they’re doing you a favor on whilst they’re secretly plotting on your downfall.

Ethnics cry and cry but the only real privilege is ur looks end of discussion
  • +1
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kinda true, non-whites are usually paid less

doesnt stop corporations from bragging about how many ethnics they save from the streets though
At my shitty retail job, I as a white guy make more than most of my coworkers who are black guys. There are several black and Hispanic girls who make more than me though. Obviously this is not an office/corporate setting but it really just depends on how suited someone is to the role.. as far as retail and customer service goes, people respond better to women not men so the girls get paid more.
  • +1
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At my shitty retail job, I as a white guy make more than most of my coworkers who are black guys. There are several black and Hispanic girls who make more than me though. Obviously this is not an office/corporate setting but it really just depends on how suited someone is to the role.. as far as retail and customer service goes, people respond better to women not men so the girls get paid more.
hope you're not over 25

over if you're still working retail at that age
  • So Sad
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hope you're not over 25

over if you're still working retail at that age
Lol no dude. I’m graduating high school early at 17 and leaving for college in August
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  • +1
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Ethnics cry and cry but the only real privilege is ur looks end of discussion
Na the only real privilege as IncelTV said in one of his vids is JBWW (Just be white woman).

Even good looking dudes face struggle of jealous people but white women will always be worshipped by both genders.

Moretime “diversity hire” is just a code word for young white women it doesn’t even refer to blacks and ethnics like most people think.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 15778, PrinceLuenLeoncur and Xangsane
Lol no dude. I’m graduating high school early at 17 and leaving for college in August
All the best young buck. Don’t be like me and choose some meme degree or not finish the course then end up working dead end jobs. Do something that is big money guaranteed after graduation.
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Literally just a phrase white people made to gaslight blacks and ethnics into thinking that they got the job based on skin colour and not on merit.

They (whites) plant a seed to make ethnics and blacks work harder by making them prove they got hired based on merit and not skin colour and making them do all the crappy work whites don’t want to do.

Because if ethnics/blacks don’t do it they (whites) can just say you’re a “diversity hire, be grateful you’re here” and gaslight them into doing the crappy tasks or fire them.

In reality companies have preferencial favouritism towards white candidates and they are more likely to get the job and promotions.

The black and ethnic people that do get the job face an uphill battle to hold their position.

Black women are notoriously know for being “diversity hires” however you’ll see that when they are hired they rarely move up the ladder, face a lot scrutiny and are unhappy.

So are “diversity hires” actually because of diversity? Or are they hired to do the dirty work that whites don’t want to do but hide it under the guise of “diversity”? Whilst all the white people easily move up the ladder and face easy time in their positions.

One thing I’ve noticed about whites is that they are very cunning, deceiving and conniving. The type of people that’ll make you think they’re doing you a favor on whilst they’re secretly plotting on your downfall.​

You're a fucking idiot. the JEW Betty Friedan created affirmative action!!!!! WAKE TF UP!!!!!
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You're a fucking idiot. the JEW Betty Friedan created affirmative action!!!!! WAKE TF UP!!!!!
Jews are white people. Prove me wrong. Your own people sold you out just like the African kings of past selling their own to slavery. Only difference is Jews sold you out and made you think you weren’t a slave or part of them.
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Reactions: Deleted member 9003, alriodai and PrinceLuenLeoncur
Jews are white people. Prove me wrong. Your own people sold you out just like the African kings of past selling their own to slavery. Only difference is Jews sold you out and made you think you weren’t a slave or part of them.
nope. jews see themselves as a distinct group and are only loyal to their own. they always have been they only moved to Europe after getting kicked out of the middle east, they hate every person they live with and parasite off them and destroy them. israel isnt a white country either. BTW 40% of slave owners were Jewish. only 0.35% of whites were. diversity and multiculturalism is a Jewish plan and Marcus Garvey was saying this from the start. Jews stopped the UNIA with the NAACP. UNIA wanted blacks to be self reliant and self autonomous and keep them racially pure. NAACP wanted the US to be a multiculturalist race blind racial-marxist shithole society. Hitler didn't fight just for White People, but for all humanity. He appreciated other races and cultures and wanted us all to live separately and cultivate our unique racial traits.
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Na the only real privilege as IncelTV said in one of his vids is JBWW (Just be white woman).

Even good looking dudes face struggle of jealous people but white women will always be worshipped by both genders.

Moretime “diversity hire” is just a code word for young white women it doesn’t even refer to blacks and ethnics like most people think.
I made several posts about this
Literally just a phrase white people made to gaslight blacks and ethnics into thinking that they got the job based on skin colour and not on merit.

They (whites) plant a seed to make ethnics and blacks work harder by making them prove they got hired based on merit and not skin colour and making them do all the crappy work whites don’t want to do.

Because if ethnics/blacks don’t do it they (whites) can just say you’re a “diversity hire, be grateful you’re here” and gaslight them into doing the crappy tasks or fire them.

In reality companies have preferencial favouritism towards white candidates and they are more likely to get the job and promotions.

The black and ethnic people that do get the job face an uphill battle to hold their position.

Black women are notoriously know for being “diversity hires” however you’ll see that when they are hired they rarely move up the ladder, face a lot scrutiny and are unhappy.

So are “diversity hires” actually because of diversity? Or are they hired to do the dirty work that whites don’t want to do but hide it under the guise of “diversity”? Whilst all the white people easily move up the ladder and face easy time in their positions.

One thing I’ve noticed about whites is that they are very cunning, deceiving and conniving. The type of people that’ll make you think they’re doing you a favor on whilst they’re secretly plotting on your downfall.

Literally just a phrase white people made to gaslight blacks and ethnics into thinking that they got the job based on skin colour and not on merit.

They (whites) plant a seed to make ethnics and blacks work harder by making them prove they got hired based on merit and not skin colour and making them do all the crappy work whites don’t want to do.

Because if ethnics/blacks don’t do it they (whites) can just say you’re a “diversity hire, be grateful you’re here” and gaslight them into doing the crappy tasks or fire them.

In reality companies have preferencial favouritism towards white candidates and they are more likely to get the job and promotions.

The black and ethnic people that do get the job face an uphill battle to hold their position.

Black women are notoriously know for being “diversity hires” however you’ll see that when they are hired they rarely move up the ladder, face a lot scrutiny and are unhappy.

So are “diversity hires” actually because of diversity? Or are they hired to do the dirty work that whites don’t want to do but hide it under the guise of “diversity”? Whilst all the white people easily move up the ladder and face easy time in their positions.

One thing I’ve noticed about whites is that they are very cunning, deceiving and conniving. The type of people that’ll make you think they’re doing you a favor on whilst they’re secretly plotting on your downfall.

this was 2 yearrs ago i don't really talk to him, they wouldn't lay off a diversity hire, the whole point of diversity hire in tech is usually to avoid one race teams and i think its needed, if your interviewing with a 100% indian team your done for, but dei allows for people to fill in spots and feel more included despite performing lower nothing wrong with it but tech interviews are not 100% meritocratic unless your in quant
That’s nonsensical. I have a masters and a degree yet I can’t get a decent job for my skills and instead rely on running project to get huge pots of money. Sure I do have a full time job but not one that represents my actual skills. I know cyber security legislations/frameworks, data analytics using SQL, Kali Linux, excel and how to program and YET where’s my job?

Oh yeah I forgot I won’t get one because IM BLACK AND NOT A WHITE GIRL
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Retarded take tbh. It’s hard for them cuz on average ethnics are ugly af.
  • +1
Reactions: UrGirlsMcm and gribsufer1
That’s nonsensical. I have a masters and a degree yet I can’t get a decent job for my skills and instead rely on running project to get huge pots of money. Sure I do have a full time job but not one that represents my actual skills. I know cyber security legislations/frameworks, data analytics using SQL, Kali Linux, excel and how to program and YET where’s my job?

Oh yeah I forgot I won’t get one because IM BLACK AND NOT A WHITE GIRL
maybe there's some jobs Africa,
maybe there's some jobs Africa,
Ironically I applied for one there and got it it’s an online fully remote one I just did the test got it and got the job. The fact is in the UK I can’t get a high payin tech job because im
Black and I need to have been working in the field for over 3 years. Meanwhile white girls str8 outta uni work for Google.

Even Whire men many I went to uni with with good grades who I can vouch are high IQ are working jobs paying them 24k a year. This is deplorable and disgusting
  • +1
Reactions: Xangsane and gribsufer1
Literally just a phrase white people made to gaslight blacks and ethnics into thinking that they got the job based on skin colour and not on merit.

They (whites) plant a seed to make ethnics and blacks work harder by making them prove they got hired based on merit and not skin colour and making them do all the crappy work whites don’t want to do.

Because if ethnics/blacks don’t do it they (whites) can just say you’re a “diversity hire, be grateful you’re here” and gaslight them into doing the crappy tasks or fire them.

In reality companies have preferencial favouritism towards white candidates and they are more likely to get the job and promotions.

The black and ethnic people that do get the job face an uphill battle to hold their position.

Black women are notoriously know for being “diversity hires” however you’ll see that when they are hired they rarely move up the ladder, face a lot scrutiny and are unhappy.

So are “diversity hires” actually because of diversity? Or are they hired to do the dirty work that whites don’t want to do but hide it under the guise of “diversity”? Whilst all the white people easily move up the ladder and face easy time in their positions.

One thing I’ve noticed about whites is that they are very cunning, deceiving and conniving. The type of people that’ll make you think they’re doing you a favor on whilst they’re secretly plotting on your downfall.

Lmfao so many copers in here, this is a losing topic for the left, all i see in high echelons of debates in regards to this topic is y'all getting absolutely choked slamed and its not even close
The stigma is caused by the bad traits, stigma doesn't cause the bad traits
Niggers have bad traits, claiming to be a victim is one of them

If there wasn't diversity hires there would be 1/100 of niggers in higher positions, most other races are not really diversity hires

It's obvious, that's while the left pushes for inclusion, if they were good it would have been a choice in a free market, that's why pajeets and rices climb up the ladder and niggers don't, it's already merit based

Racism is not the cause it's a mere observation
nope. jews see themselves as a distinct group and are only loyal to their own. they always have been they only moved to Europe after getting kicked out of the middle east, they hate every person they live with and parasite off them and destroy them. israel isnt a white country either. BTW 40% of slave owners were Jewish. only 0.35% of whites were. diversity and multiculturalism is a Jewish plan and Marcus Garvey was saying this from the start. Jews stopped the UNIA with the NAACP. UNIA wanted blacks to be self reliant and self autonomous and keep them racially pure. NAACP wanted the US to be a multiculturalist race blind racial-marxist shithole society. Hitler didn't fight just for White People, but for all humanity. He appreciated other races and cultures and wanted us all to live separately and cultivate our unique racial traits.
Other 60%?
Na the only real privilege as IncelTV said in one of his vids is JBWW (Just be white woman).

Even good looking dudes face struggle of jealous people but white women will always be worshipped by both genders.

Moretime “diversity hire” is just a code word for young white women it doesn’t even refer to blacks and ethnics like most people think.
Woah people are jealous of u lol sounds so bad like what lmfao
just to tell you our studies in third world country are 100x harder and more stressing than first world country studies
we legit have more qualifactions and knowledge than most "europeans" there and even americans
because that's the only way to have a better life quality
and when we immigrate there legally or other ways, we get called "diversity hire" by coping yt aging milk ppl jfl
just insane
Jews are white people. Prove me wrong. Your own people sold you out just like the African kings of past selling their own to slavery. Only difference is Jews sold you out and made you think you weren’t a slave or part of them.
thanks bro
i'm tired of seeing people seperate jews and whites
they're legit the same people jfl, on top most of the US "white people" dickride the jews
jews = whites, end of story
Literally just a phrase white people made to gaslight blacks and ethnics into thinking that they got the job based on skin colour and not on merit.

They (whites) plant a seed to make ethnics and blacks work harder by making them prove they got hired based on merit and not skin colour and making them do all the crappy work whites don’t want to do.

Because if ethnics/blacks don’t do it they (whites) can just say you’re a “diversity hire, be grateful you’re here” and gaslight them into doing the crappy tasks or fire them.

In reality companies have preferencial favouritism towards white candidates and they are more likely to get the job and promotions.

The black and ethnic people that do get the job face an uphill battle to hold their position.

Black women are notoriously know for being “diversity hires” however you’ll see that when they are hired they rarely move up the ladder, face a lot scrutiny and are unhappy.

So are “diversity hires” actually because of diversity? Or are they hired to do the dirty work that whites don’t want to do but hide it under the guise of “diversity”? Whilst all the white people easily move up the ladder and face easy time in their positions.

One thing I’ve noticed about whites is that they are very cunning, deceiving and conniving. The type of people that’ll make you think they’re doing you a favor on whilst they’re secretly plotting on your downfall.

Was a white lie
That’s nonsensical. I have a masters and a degree yet I can’t get a decent job for my skills and instead rely on running project to get huge pots of money. Sure I do have a full time job but not one that represents my actual skills. I know cyber security legislations/frameworks, data analytics using SQL, Kali Linux, excel and how to program and YET where’s my job?

Oh yeah I forgot I won’t get one because IM BLACK AND NOT A WHITE GIRL
no one is guranteed a job, i posted a dude with 6 internships that applied to 10000 positions i know multiple 2 time faang interns that still struggle with getting a job. Jobs literally have an option for race and race specific groups. It clearly exists theres a reason why affirmative action and dei exist
  • Hmm...
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no one is guranteed a job, i posted a dude with 6 internships that applied to 10000 positions i know multiple 2 time faang interns that still struggle with getting a job. Jobs literally have an option for race and race specific groups. It clearly exists theres a reason why affirmative action and dei exist
it exists there for a reason to say they ain’t racist that’s the reason but the truth is it’s rarely ever used to hire ppl. I have noticed lookism is far more important for getting a job, that’s why I get giddy when it’s foids interviewing me as I knwo I’ll probably get the job as I’m gl HTN which is rare in tech let’s be honest esp for an non white.

If the board is all men then it’s prob GG for me as they’ll choose a whyboii with the same skills as me
  • +1
Reactions: gooner23

it exists there for a reason to say they ain’t racist that’s the reason but the truth is it’s rarely ever used to hire ppl. I have noticed lookism is far more important for getting a job, that’s why I get giddy when it’s foids interviewing me as I knwo I’ll probably get the job as I’m gl HTN which is rare in tech let’s be honest esp for an non white.

If the board is all men then it’s prob GG for me as they’ll choose a whyboii with the same skills as me
thats pretty much my point, they don't want one race teams and no one wants that, thats why a lot of minorities get hired with a lowerr bar. Looks literally don't matter in tech more unironically culture fit because you don't want a dude not following the rest of the group
thats pretty much my point, they don't want one race teams and no one wants that, thats why a lot of minorities get hired with a lowerr bar. Looks literally don't matter in tech more unironically culture fit because you don't want a dude not following the rest of the group
Meanwhile we I said the tech jobs I have got were all due to foids liking me JFL whenever hits all men I get fucked over sideways. This is the only reason why I like WHYWOYMINZ in the workplace their lack of racial loyalty works in my advantage.

Now once again my race has never helped me get any roles I think all men are fucked with work regardless of race but white men clearly can give 50% and get far blacks need to give 200% to get considered and then we have asshoeks who have the nerve to question how we got to where we are
Meanwhile we I said the tech jobs I have got were all due to foids liking me JFL whenever hits all men I get fucked over sideways. This is the only reason why I like WHYWOYMINZ in the workplace their lack of racial loyalty works in my advantage.

Now once again my race has never helped me get any roles I think all men are fucked with work regardless of race but white men clearly can give 50% and get far blacks need to give 200% to get considered and then we have asshoeks who have the nerve to question how we got to where we are
i mean i had 2 examples personally of people who got like insane jobs through race and left cause they themselves didn't know what thy were doing. Haven't had a female interviewer in like 12 interviews now, could just got the job because it wasn't that competitive
Meanwhile we I said the tech jobs I have got were all due to foids liking me JFL whenever hits all men I get fucked over sideways. This is the only reason why I like WHYWOYMINZ in the workplace their lack of racial loyalty works in my advantage.

Now once again my race has never helped me get any roles I think all men are fucked with work regardless of race but white men clearly can give 50% and get far blacks need to give 200% to get considered and then we have asshoeks who have the nerve to question how we got to where we are
literally know a white chadlite that hasnt' gotten an internship
literally know a white chadlite that hasnt' gotten an internship
He mustn’t had tried. I’ll admit internships do use diversity quotas I can 100% confirm this. Sure jobs don’t but internships are easy to get for non whites.

Ask him to go and seek those who are good ar searching, my mother is very good at such tasks due to her profession many of my jobs are found so sometimes you just need to be taught how to job hunt don’t rely on LinkedIn and other shit like that
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