The prospect of God and Religion is beyond retarded



Dec 29, 2021
The common God (bound by religion) is extremely retarded. The first obstacle is the realization that there's no real proof to the existence of a God but a hearsay and a book from thousand of years ago. That by itself would make it hard to any rational person to accept God even if he will do so. The second obstacle is to what religion should we subscribe? what makes one religion the true religion? Let's cut down the list to the Abrahamic religions (Christianity, Islam, Judaism) By doing so, we are assuming that God exist and that one of those three are the right one. Ambiguity on ambiguity.

So, what is the right one? and why? The unbiased answer is that there is no proof (just like with god) and you need to assume or believe, once again. Basically, you're playing russian roulette. It would be easier to cope with Islam if you're born into an Arab country, Christianity in the west, Judaism to a jewish family. But we care about the truth here not about coping, so how would we know? we can't.

God giving us a math test but we can't look! There are no questions or answers. You have to scribble it yourself in the hopes that it's right. you didn't do shit, it's dumb luck. Choosing the right religion (if there is one) is nothing more than dumb luck, why would God seriously take that into consideration? Imagine failing a kid in class because he couldn't answer a question that wasn't even there.

Some would say that there is overlap between Islam and Judaism (Both will go to heaven) but what about Christian people? And what if there is no overlap? I only saw a handful of people claiming this. On paper it's better to take your chances and pick one, if you miss you miss. But then again it's just russian roulette.

If god was a known entity as in he would actually show up to the world and say here I am worship me or go to hell, now we have something to talk about. Now it's either you listen to him or you're in trouble. You have a test + you know the answer, the only question is if you would write it down or go play outside. We can argue about the idea of a God that care so much about validation from humans but that's a fair test, not the current one. (if he does exist and have one right way)

I can only judge him that way if humanity is right and he does care about us and want us to get into religion. If he doesn't exist, fail. If he does exist but doesn't give a fuck, fail. Anyway, the consequences of religion are ridiculous.
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  • JFL
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explain this to god on judgment day
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explain this to god on judgment day
If he gave us this stupid test he obviously trolling and wouldn't give a fuck anyway.
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@Vermilioncore Even with Pascal's wager were fucked :feelscry:
there's a reason it's called faith. no proof, no evidence, no logic, just a gamble to face the ultimate fear that is death
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there's a reason it's called faith. no proof, no evidence, no logic, just a gamble to face the ultimate fear that is death
If god / religionscels would admit it's a russian roulette it would be something else. Religion claims that god is 'Testing us' but as i explained in the thread, there is no test.
If god / religionscels would admit it's a russian roulette it would be something else. Religion claims that god is 'Testing us' but as i explained in the thread, there is no test.
luck pill is everything. high iq and rich people are very unlikely to believe in god, that could be a curse or a blessing depending on how u look at it
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luck pill is everything. high iq and rich people are very unlikely to believe in god, that could be a curse or a blessing depending on how u look at it
Even if you do believe, you might still get fucked :feelsgood:
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You’re completely right. Why would such a powerful being want validation from humans? According to the same religions. You can be a good person, be kind, help people. Make a world a better place, but if you don’t believe in religion you go to hell, yet a guy can kill, sin, rape, all he needs to do is repent to go to heaven? Make it make sense
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You’re completely right. Why would such a powerful being want validation from humans? According to the same religions. You can be a good person, be kind, help people. Make a world a better place, but if you don’t believe in religion you go to hell, yet a guy can kill, sin, rape, all he needs to do is repent to go to heaven? Make it make sense
ngl that's not what the thread was about :feelsgood:

Still, yeah it's fucked up (y)
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Precisely. Which is what lead to my discovery of the Law of One, and the belief in a universally loving creator. Humans have tainted spirituality far from what it’s pure form is
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Even if you do believe, you might still get fucked :feelsgood:
that's the the thing, belief in god can protect ur sanity and negatively affect it at the same time. not believing in god will drive u insane, as nothingness in and of itself is pretty scary or it could lead to ultimate freedom. all in all, u can't win either way as both sides carry their own mental weight
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ngl that's not what the thread was about :feelsgood:

Still, yeah it's fucked up (y)
I know. I was giving my other opinion on religion since I agree with you. One of the things I keep asking myself is why are theses muslim saudi arabia dudes doing all theses sexual weird stuff and probably more, and priests being pedophiles going against god? Don’t they fear god? I feel like there’s something they hide from us
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that's the the thing, belief in god can protect ur sanity and negatively affect it at the same time. not believing in god will drive u insane, as nothingness in and of itself is pretty scary or it could lead to ultimate freedom. all in all, u can't win either way as both sides carry their own mental weight
That's not what the thread is about bro :feelsgood:

but yeah (y)
The idea of the personal god humans came up with is built on a extremely delusional and ignorant idea that the universe was made for humans since they think of this God as the entity who created the entire universe and made humans upon his own image and shares characteristics of humans when the reality is we're insignificant in the grand scale of the cosmos. This is just beyond delusional.
That’s blasphemy my nigga I believe in the Lord and I accept that He destroys me. This his GTA V he is the developer. He is the kid and I’m his action figure. Get what I’m saying? How can I rebel against my Lord?:feelswah:
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Reddit atheist tier thread
Eternal return of the different makes the most sense tbh
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another room temp atheist thread jfl

B92351C5 68A2 4183 BBE9 19D305C42AC0
  • JFL
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another room temp atheist thread jfl

View attachment 1567388
Wow, it's really brilliant and intellectually superior of you to portray a person who defends the other end of the spectrum in regards to where you stand as someone who looks a certain way in an attempt to try to get an upper hand over them and prove that they are wrong. Guess that the person who looks like that is right at the end of the day.
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You can't argue that shit jfl sit in the corner with your dick out and fap to this amazing thread.
stupid fucking retard i can practically smell the doritos on your finger tips from here. You’re just another neckbeard who thinks hes so enlightened and posts the same shitty thinking that has been debunked time and time again

The common God (bound by religion) is extremely retarded. The first obstacle is the realization that there's no real proof to the existence of a God but a hearsay and a book from thousand of years ago. That by itself would make it hard to any rational person to accept God even if he will do so. The second obstacle is to what religion should we subscribe? what makes one religion the true religion? Let's cut down the list to the Abrahamic religions (Christianity, Islam, Judaism) By doing so, we are assuming that God exist and that one of those three are the right one. Ambiguity on ambiguity.

The omnipotent monotheistic God dates back to at least Aristotle, who discovered this God through reasoning and logic.

Christianity is so obviously the right religion. The Abrahamic religion all share the same God and it’s not hard to look at the claims of the three to see which one is right

So, what is the right one? and why? The unbiased answer is that there is no proof (just like with god) and you need to assume or believe, once again. Basically, you're playing russian roulette. It would be easier to cope with Islam if you're born into an Arab country, Christianity in the west, Judaism to a jewish family. But we care about the truth here not about coping, so how would we know? we can't.
God is a rational being.
Rational beings do nothing without a reason. Because of this, then we can infer that our creator had a purpose in mind with our creation. Two possibilities exist. Either our creator expects us to do something, or he is content
regardless of what we do. If the former, then we'd better figure out what, and if the latter, then there is no disadvantage to us assuming the former.
If a rational being wants something from us, then it stands to reason that he would give us some form of instruction upon what to do. Once more, using our senses, we can see from the world around us any number of
different religions which claim to possess commands from God.
Well, there's an easy way to narrow these down. First, we can get rid of any which are not evangelical. If God wanted us to know, then wouldn't he give an injunction to share what he had revealed? We can also cut out all
religions that do not demand exclusivity. After all, if there is non-believers and believers are treated the same by a religion, then there is no disadvantage to being a non-believer. Thus we can discard all tribal religions, as
well as most eastern ones. After all Hinduism doesn't care that you're not a Hindu, you get reincarnated anyway.
Effectively, we are left with the Abrahamic religions, excluding Judaism, because it does not proselytize, reserving salvation for those born Jewish.

Islam isn’t right since it claims the book is perfect and divine, while also claiming that Jesus was never crucified (a historical fact).

So we are left with Christianity.

If god was a known entity as in he would actually show up to the world and say here I am worship me or go to hell, now we have something to talk about. Now it's either you listen to him or you're in trouble. You have a test + you know the answer, the only question is if you would write it down or go play outside. We can argue about the idea of a God that care so much about validation from humans but that's a fair test, not the current one. (if he does exist and have one right way)

I can only judge him that way if humanity is right and he does care about us and want us to get into religion. If he doesn't exist, fail. If he does exist but doesn't give a fuck, fail. Anyway, the consequences of religion are ridiculous.

What the fuck are you even trying to say
  • Woah
Reactions: Elvisandreaa
if you're gonna bark at religion in 2022 like you're expecting people to applaud to your ingeniosity, at least do it from an original angle

what a witless drivel
Elab wdym
Its a theory that the universe never began it just reaches a point where it collapses and everything starts over again, like a balloon getting big and deflated then big again and it goes on like this in eternity. This would mean you are reliving your current life now for infinite. This is a super grim possibility, like imagine being from a favela getting murdered by drug rats for eternity, extremely depressing.

But there is a modification of the theory called "eternal return of the different" in which everything happens almost exactly the same with just small differences, so it would mean all of your previous lifes went differently. This would be the best case scenario of our existence
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if you're gonna bark at religion in 2022 like you're expecting people to applaud to your ingeniosity, at least do it from an original angle

what a witless drivel
Welcome to my ignore list
  • JFL
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The common God (bound by religion) is extremely retarded. The first obstacle is the realization that there's no real proof to the existence of a God but a hearsay and a book from thousand of years ago. That by itself would make it hard to any rational person to accept God even if he will do so. The second obstacle is to what religion should we subscribe? what makes one religion the true religion? Let's cut down the list to the Abrahamic religions (Christianity, Islam, Judaism) By doing so, we are assuming that God exist and that one of those three are the right one. Ambiguity on ambiguity.

So, what is the right one? and why? The unbiased answer is that there is no proof (just like with god) and you need to assume or believe, once again. Basically, you're playing russian roulette. It would be easier to cope with Islam if you're born into an Arab country, Christianity in the west, Judaism to a jewish family. But we care about the truth here not about coping, so how would we know? we can't.

God giving us a math test but we can't look! There are no questions or answers. You have to scribble it yourself in the hopes that it's right. you didn't do shit, it's dumb luck. Choosing the right religion (if there is one) is nothing more than dumb luck, why would God seriously take that into consideration? Imagine failing a kid in class because he couldn't answer a question that wasn't even there.

Some would say that there is overlap between Islam and Judaism (Both will go to heaven) but what about Christian people? And what if there is no overlap? I only saw a handful of people claiming this. On paper it's better to take your chances and pick one, if you miss you miss. But then again it's just russian roulette.

If god was a known entity as in he would actually show up to the world and say here I am worship me or go to hell, now we have something to talk about. Now it's either you listen to him or you're in trouble. You have a test + you know the answer, the only question is if you would write it down or go play outside. We can argue about the idea of a God that care so much about validation from humans but that's a fair test, not the current one. (if he does exist and have one right way)

I can only judge him that way if humanity is right and he does care about us and want us to get into religion. If he doesn't exist, fail. If he does exist but doesn't give a fuck, fail. Anyway, the consequences of religion are ridiculous.
I guarantee no one read your essay, except me.
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Its a theory that the universe never began it just reaches a point where it collapses and everything starts over again, like a balloon getting big and deflated then big again and it goes on like this in eternity. This would mean you are reliving your current life now for infinite. This is a super grim possibility, like imagine being from a favela getting murdered by drug rats for eternity, extremely depressing.

But there is a modification of the theory called "eternal return of the different" in which everything happens almost exactly the same with just small differences, so it would mean all of your previous lifes went differently. This would be the best case scenario of our existence
Nigga you sure u didn't try heroin
  • Hmm...
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stupid fucking retard i can practically smell the doritos on your finger tips from here. You’re just another neckbeard who thinks hes so enlightened and posts the same shitty thinking that has been debunked time and time again

The omnipotent monotheistic God dates back to at least Aristotle, who discovered this God through reasoning and logic.

Christianity is so obviously the right religion. The Abrahamic religion all share the same God and it’s not hard to look at the claims of the three to see which one is right

God is a rational being.
Rational beings do nothing without a reason. Because of this, then we can infer that our creator had a purpose in mind with our creation. Two possibilities exist. Either our creator expects us to do something, or he is content
regardless of what we do. If the former, then we'd better figure out what, and if the latter, then there is no disadvantage to us assuming the former.
If a rational being wants something from us, then it stands to reason that he would give us some form of instruction upon what to do. Once more, using our senses, we can see from the world around us any number of
different religions which claim to possess commands from God.
Well, there's an easy way to narrow these down. First, we can get rid of any which are not evangelical. If God wanted us to know, then wouldn't he give an injunction to share what he had revealed? We can also cut out all
religions that do not demand exclusivity. After all, if there is non-believers and believers are treated the same by a religion, then there is no disadvantage to being a non-believer. Thus we can discard all tribal religions, as
well as most eastern ones. After all Hinduism doesn't care that you're not a Hindu, you get reincarnated anyway.
Effectively, we are left with the Abrahamic religions, excluding Judaism, because it does not proselytize, reserving salvation for those born Jewish.

Islam isn’t right since it claims the book is perfect and divine, while also claiming that Jesus was never crucified (a historical fact).

So we are left with Christianity.

What the fuck are you even trying to say
Mirin reasoning, similar thought process to mine, although with slight modifications and different conclusions.
  • +1
Reactions: Aesthetics_III
if you're gonna bark at religion in 2022 like you're expecting people to applaud to your ingeniosity, at least do it from an original angle

what a witless drivel
I raped your momma. How original is that? huh?
Eternal return of the different makes the most sense tbh

Its a theory that the universe never began it just reaches a point where it collapses and everything starts over again, like a balloon getting big and deflated then big again and it goes on like this in eternity. This would mean you are reliving your current life now for infinite. This is a super grim possibility, like imagine being from a favela getting murdered by drug rats for eternity, extremely depressing.

But there is a modification of the theory called "eternal return of the different" in which everything happens almost exactly the same with just small differences, so it would mean all of your previous lifes went differently. This would be the best case scenario of our existence
Dumbest thing i've read in a long time.
  • JFL
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Nigga you sure u didn't try heroin
Its too high iq to understand, its based on determinism, Billions of particles inside of you are moving right now, and they all move in one way, in a vector. Now theoretically if you can map out the direction of every single particle in the universe then you can predict the future with this.

This means that particles from beginning of time move in trillions lf directions and they repeat the same pattern with every recycling of the universe.

This theory was first described by Nietzche
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This theory was first described by Nietzche
I remember that Nietzche proposed the idea of living your life over and over again, how miserable that would be. But, he said that in a way to prove how shitty life actually is. Would google what u said tho.

Its too high iq to understand
Yeah that might be a problem I'm pretty retarded like that.
  • +1
Reactions: TsarTsar444
I remember that Nietzche proposed the idea of living your life over and over again, how miserable that would be. But, he said that in a way to prove how shitty life actually is. Would google what u said tho.

Yeah that might be a problem I'm pretty retarded like that.
The basic premise proceeds from the assumption that the probability of a world coming into existence exactly like our own is nonzero. Then, if time is infinite, our existence must recur an infinite number of times.
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Its too high iq to understand, its based on determinism, Billions of particles inside of you are moving right now, and they all move in one way, in a vector. Now theoretically if you can map out the direction of every single particle in the universe then you can predict the future with this.

This means that particles from beginning of time move in trillions lf directions and they repeat the same pattern with every recycling of the universe.

This theory was first described by Nietzche
Determinism is self-defeating.
The basic premise proceeds from the assumption that the probability of a world coming into existence exactly like our own is nonzero. Then, if time is infinite, our existence must recur an infinite number of times.
You said with some small modifications tho right? we know that 2mm of bone can change everything :feelskek:
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time is infinite, our existence must recur an infinite number of times.
Dumb assumption since there is no proof for physical time.

Time doesn't exist outside of human mind.
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