The PSL sphere's idea of looksmaxing is cope


Deleted member 4310

Dec 11, 2019
Imagine thinking that you will turn into a Chad by getting some obscure surgery that is mostly performed for functional reasons on people with a deformity or malocclusion. You haven't even left your basement in years, how are you supposed to save up 10k and then travel to another country to get some shit surgery that will only take you from invisible to prime women to invisible to prime women? MSE won't save you, Lefort won't save you, BSSO won't save you (unless you are deformed tier). It's so tiresome to see the same 5 examples of men ascending with surgeries, these men just had the perfect base, which 99.5% of users don't have.

Many users seem to talk about invasive surgeries like it's no different than getting a haircut. They seem to neglect the fact that you have to spend a shit ton of money and then spend a significant amount of time of your precious youth recovering from the surgery just for a 0.02 PSL boost that women won't notice irl.

I used to be this delusional, thinking that looksmaxing is just a matter of identifying your failos and eliminating them one by one and then focus on creating halos by getting implants and then improve a certain PSL for every implant you get, in reality most implants look fake. You can only polish what nature has already given you and the only legit surgeries to do this are unironically the normie surgeries that you knew existed before PSL. Rhino, otoplasty, beard/hair/eyebrow transplant, lipo, buccal fat removal etc. These "soft" surgeries can help you but of course you need to have that failo to begin with. If you possess several or all of these failos then you are very "lucky" because you can improve your looks significantly by getting these procedures done. I could post several examples of these surgeries being successful but you get the point, most people just look like polished versions of themselves if they fix one or two of these failos, whichs is great because it will have a noticeably affect on their lives. These surgeries are very accessible as well and nowhere near as expensive as a bimax, you can even get an otoplasty financed by the healthcare system if you live in a welfare state. The idea that you can access some hidden info about looksmaxing on PSL forums and then turn into a model through this knowledge is a cope, it's just mental masturbation to help you cope and start thinking that there's still hope for you to become really attractive, you weren't attractive in school so you use PSL as a convenient cope and dream of getting invasive surgeries that you will never get. You laugh at normies for coping, but are you any better?

Focus on @Kingkellz sex appeal thread and maybe get a few soft surgeries if you can, then you have done everything you could realistically.

And don't get me started on the skincare meme, imagine thinking that applying 13 different products on your face like and autist will affect your looks in a meaningful way, the only thing that works is sunscreen for preventing sun damage/aging and retin a for stimulating collagen, but it still won't make a major difference for your looks anyway, unless you are taking accutane for acne or something, that is a huge looksmax.

inb4 somebody sends a woman who ascended through surgery, women are a completely different case, they don't need every star to be aligned to be attractive so surgeries will benefit them way more than men. Woman have much more leeway when it comes to attractiveness. Nature hates men.

@facemaxxed @lutte @cocainecowboy @SirGey @Uglybrazilian @PrettyBoyMaxxing @streege
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Depends what you see as skincare tbh, Retin A and a few other things are legit.

Imo buccal fat etc can help decently, @Chadlite Rutherford results were hella good
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I will never say it enough but on average, what normies do are the best thing to do, yet they are mocked upon :
Softmaxxing, trt, veeners, gym.
And for surgeries, most of the time, rhino or fillers and fat reducing procedures - buccal fat removal, kybella etc -, give the best results given you'r normie.
Nobody gives a fuck if you lack 1mm of protruding bone in there and there.
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@copingvolcel essay.
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Depends what you see as skincare tbh, Retin A and a few other things are legit.

Imo buccal fat etc can help decently, @Chadlite Rutherford results were hella good
That's what I said jfl
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I will never say it enough but on average, what normies do are the best thing to do, yet they are mocked upon :
Softmaxxing, trt, veeners, gym.
And for surgeries, most of the time, rhino or fillers, give the best results given you'r normie.
Nobody gives a fuck if you lack 1mm of protruding bone in there and there.
Sometimes the inhib of this site makes me cage, people here study some random product of say The Ordinary like its a science project yet normies get teeth whitening, tats etc without a second thought (getting tats this year when shops open :feelsez:)
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Sometimes the inhib of this site makes me cage, people here study some random product of say The Ordinary like its a science project yet normies get teeth whitening, tats etc without a second thought (getting tats this year when shops open :feelsez:)
" b b bro wait i've read a lot i've found a miracle product to get light eyes, but sadly cost too much, and i've got a stack of 10 pages for ascension. "

"wait bro i'm sorry it doesn't work actually, i'll just wash my face and moisturize it".
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" b b bro wait i've read a lot i've found a miracle product to get light eyes, but sadly cost too much, and i've got a stack of 10 pages for ascension. "

"wait bro i'm sorry it doesn't work actually, i'll just wash my face and moisturize it".
Skincare is decent (with a few normal products) if you already have normal skin or slight issues, if you have acne etc AHA's or BHA's will do fuck all
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Skincare is decent (with a few normal products) if you already have normal skin or slight issues, if you have acne etc AHA's or BHA's will do fuck all
i agree tbh, skincare is not a meme, but coping with complements is ngl.
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water is wet, but what else do you want to discuss here than surgeries? I do not consider weight loss as a looksmax. should I applaud someone who has discovered human dignity?
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unironically we say it again and again, but what would benefit people after "smv" maxxing with softmax and soft procedures at best, given they'r normies which is the case of most here, is to NTmax IRL.
and pictures max on dating apps if they use them
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water is wet, but what else do you want to discuss here than surgeries? I do not consider weight loss as a looksmax. should I applaud someone who has discovered human dignity?
ding ding ding
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water is wet, but what else do you want to discuss here than surgeries? I do not consider weight loss as a looksmax. should I applaud someone who has discovered human dignity?
no you do better : you spam edgy g videos of cockx
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Its not cope if it fix a failo, f.e. a BSSO will fix my overbite. But it wont make me chad.

I think the biggest difference is losing fat to 12%. Legit 90% here are over 12%
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Tats + Roids are often much more effective than surgery
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Stop tag me.
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Disagree about bimax tbh - that is something that genuinely can make someone a lot more attractive, but only if they were noticeably recessed in the first place. Recessed jaws are very unattractive, and even though you won't get a top tier MM jaw through surgery, it will still be a major benefit.
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Tats + Roids are often much more effective than surgery
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I am not convinced. I think, with a good enough base, jaw implants and zygoma implants can help you ascend most definitely.
Granted, you need to look atleast average to begin with, but still.
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I am not convinced. I think, with a good enough base, jaw implants and zygoma implants can help you ascend most definitely.
Granted, you need to look atleast average to begin with, but still.
implants are cope, even Dr. jewppleys implants look like shit and he is considered the best of the best.
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Brb trying to impress neets.
I'm sure women are impressed by your new face irl, tell me, how many slays are you getting now that you are a Chad? A "hi" from a female cashier doesn't count.

Or keep deluding yourself into believing that surgery ascended you, it's better for the ego.
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Agreed, and surgeries can fuck your bones
how many slays are you getting now that you are a Chad? A "hi" from a female cashier doesn't count.

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What are you saying? That this site is full of basement autists who never step out and live in the real world?
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What are you saying? That this site is full of basement autists who never step out and live in the real world?
Apparently he had a few surgeries, now he is acting all superior because he is above the rest of us. I can't imagine him being even remotely attractive, his pics was leaked a year ago and he had the worst base ever so he is just using surgeries as a cope.
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Take the geneticspill, most in life is predetermined, including most of your looks.
It's important to be realistic and not to be misguided by either mental masturbation (If I get x amount of surgeries, my life will finally be good) or by being a defeatist/nihilistic coper (muh only chad succeeds in life, life as a sub 8 is not worth it etc.)
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Apparently he had a few surgeries, now he is acting all superior because he is above the rest of us. I can't imagine him being even remotely attractive, his pics was leaked a year ago and he had the worst base ever so he is just using surgeries as a cope.
Well i dont want to put down anyone who wants to self improve. But you're right in that some guys here are in denial about their situation. If youre posting here looking for surgeries to improve yourself, its already over for you. There are a few legit good looking autists posting here, but thats the exception rather than the rule.
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I still think that if you have a good base, which means pheno plus you have none of the unfixable flaws (death sentence and there is nothing you can do about it), you can look above average. The problem is that there are about 1% of such people in the world. Most people here think they will look like models 7 PSL 9/10, its not their fault its just that the more time some person spends here, the more he forms a different reality.

these results are still improving in my book

F0AjHIp   Imgur
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Take the geneticspill, most in life is predetermined, including most of your looks.
It's important to be realistic and not to be misguided by either mental masturbation (If I get x amount of surgeries, my life will finally be good) or by being a defeatist/nihilistic coper (muh only chad succeeds in life, life as a sub 8 is not worth it etc.)
That is a reasonable stance.
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I still think that if you have a good base, which means pheno plus you have none of the unfixable flaws (death sentence and there is nothing you can do about it), you can look above average. The problem is that there are about 1% of such people in the world. Most people here think they will look like models 7 PSL 9/10, its not their fault its just that the more time some person spends here, the more he forms a different reality.

these results are still improving in my book

View attachment 960701
pretty much, but if you had that base you wouldn't need surgeries for a better life anyways since you already mog most people and you still won't reach model tier looks, so your life remains largely the same.
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Based & reality pilled. This thread deserves sticky

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thanks op, time to kill myself because there is nothing else I can do if this is true now tbh
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lol you sound no different than baldcels trying to make others lose their hair

jfl @ trying to tell some recessed deformed cunt to 'up his sex appeal' with softmax cope

I do agree pushing PSL ideals onto everyone as a one size fits all solution is dumb, but what you're saying just sounds like the other side of the same coin

not everyone is high inhib
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Statusmaxxing>Surgerymaxxing, jfl at autists on here who think they'll get raped by women once they get some shitty implants for 10k.
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You can only polish what nature has already given you and the only legit surgeries to do this are unironically the normie surgeries that you knew existed before PSL. Rhino, otoplasty, beard/hair/eyebrow transplant, lipo, buccal fat removal etc. These "soft" surgeries can help you but of course you need to have that failo to begin with. If you possess several or all of these failos then you are very "lucky" because you can improve your looks significantly by getting these procedures done. I could post several examples of these surgeries being successful but you get the point, most people just look like polished versions of themselves if they fix one or two of these failos, whichs is great because it will have a noticeably affect on their lives.
actually I agree with this
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lol you sound no different than baldcels trying to make others lose their hair

jfl @ trying to tell some recessed deformed cunt to 'up his sex appeal' with softmax cope

not everyone is high inhib
again, if you are a recessed subhuman then getting surgery will easily make you average looking, but going from average looking to Chad is a pipe dream because men need every star to be aligned to be attractive.

And going from subhuman to average is huge in terms of quality of life, it's definitely worth it and I recommend everyone to do it. I just cringe at delusional users who think that a 3k chin implant will make them the next chico
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After reading this I’m taking out a couple cope surgeries from my ascension thread. Soft maxing is the only legit way if you have a good base.
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Cba to read your entire essay, this new wave idea that 'surgery is cope' when we've had users on here & other PSL sites ascend from surgeries is so retarded that it doesn't even warrant an explanation.

Your point about these examples having 'perfect bases' is so stupid lmao. Not a single one of these people had a good base. Examples of people who had a good base & improved further would be @Saiyan & @MD_Hopeful69 to name a few.

I get where you're coming from in a sense; I'm sick of every ratings thread being spammed with 'needs bimax with CCW and infraorbital implants' too. Yes, there are people who are deluded & think that just undergoing every surgery under the sun will make them into a literal male model, but you're just as deluded if you think that you can't make noticeable improvements through surgery.


1. Not everyone needs surgery, softmaxx first.
2. Surgery won't turn you into Gandy
3. Just because 2. is true, doesn't mean surgery is pointless
4. Kill yourself
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again, if you are a recessed subhuman then getting surgery will easily make you average looking, but going from average looking to Chad is a pipe dream because men need every star to be aligned to be attractive.

And going from subhuman to average is huge in terms of quality of life, it's definitely worth it and I recommend everyone to do it. I just cringe at delusional users who think that a 3k chin implant will make them the next chico
I don't think a lot of people actually think that

this post was obviously inspired by that other thread that was bumped today and I think it conveys the wrong message

I do 100% agree with 'eliminating flaws' rather than trying to turn yourself into something that you're not, but if your flaw is being recessed, then why not get bimax? we've all seen cases where people avoided 'big surgeries' and it turned out shit. you're gonna produce more of those cases with these threads.
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Cba to read your entire essay, this new wave idea that 'surgery is cope' when we've had users on here & other PSL sites ascend from surgeries is so retarded that it doesn't even warrant an explanation.

Your point about these examples having 'perfect bases' is so stupid lmao. Not a single one of these people had a good base. Examples of people who had a good base & improved further would be @Saiyan & @MD_Hopeful69 to name a few.

I get where you're coming from in a sense; I'm sick of every ratings thread being spammed with 'needs bimax with CCW and infraorbital implants' too. Yes, there are people who are deluded & think that just undergoing every surgery under the sun will make them into a literal male model, but you're just as deluded if you think that you can't make noticeable improvements through surgery.


1. Not everyone needs surgery, softmaxx first.
2. Surgery won't turn you into Gandy
3. Just because 2. is true, doesn't mean surgery is pointless
4. Kill yourself
How many surgeries have you had?
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How many surgeries have you had?
are you really trying to ad hominem me? jfl

How many surgeries have YOU had? Why does it even matter? Does getting a surgery make you an authority on it?


I get where you're coming from in a sense; I'm sick of every ratings thread being spammed with 'needs bimax with CCW and infraorbital implants' too. Yes, there are people who are deluded & think that just undergoing every surgery under the sun will make them into a literal male model, but you're just as deluded if you think that you can't make noticeable improvements through surgery.
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Cba to read your entire essay, this new wave idea that 'surgery is cope' when we've had users on here & other PSL sites ascend from surgeries is so retarded that it doesn't even warrant an explanation.

Your point about these examples having 'perfect bases' is so stupid lmao. Not a single one of these people had a good base. Examples of people who had a good base & improved further would be @Saiyan & @MD_Hopeful69 to name a few.

I get where you're coming from in a sense; I'm sick of every ratings thread being spammed with 'needs bimax with CCW and infraorbital implants' too. Yes, there are people who are deluded & think that just undergoing every surgery under the sun will make them into a literal male model, but you're just as deluded if you think that you can't make noticeable improvements through surgery.


1. Not everyone needs surgery, softmaxx first.
2. Surgery won't turn you into Gandy
3. Just because 2. is true, doesn't mean surgery is pointless
4. Kill yourself

Just write essays to neets theory.
Just write essays to neets theory.

if people looksmax properly, softmaxxing first then followed by select surgeries + career maxxing, then they can have a decent life.

Edgy posts like these are just stupid & trying to hard to be contrarian.
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