The State of Europe (Immigrant bullies old women for her seat and no one does anything)

then why are you using inventions made by them?
Because it’s convenient? What a shit counter argument

Why you not paying black people money for what your ancestors did to them)m? (if you’re white, of course lol)
JFL @ this. So they all just adapted from each other according to you? If that was true then african countries would've already slowly learned more from the small empires. Accept it, africans were too late when whites were already more developed. If anything Africans also have lower IQ because of easier environment/attainable resources.

Not the only ones
also the truth is most whites are racist pieces of shit. I’ve even seen you comment that a mass extinction of certain races needs to happen, retard
Why you not paying black people money for what your ancestors did to them)m? (if you’re white, of course lol)
what did they do to them? also I am from caucasus not european.
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Because it’s convenient? What a shit counter argument

Why you not paying black people money for what your ancestors did to them)m? (if you’re white, of course lol)
Because by that logic you'd have to do the same thing and so would any country who ever took over another country (Literally every single country to have ever existed. Also it's their fault for not being developed enough, the strong conquer the weak, you saw that happening with the Ottomans fucking over Eastern Europe
Because by that logic you'd have to do the same thing and so would any country who ever took over another country (Literally every single country to have ever existed. Also it's their fault for not being developed enough, the strong conquer the weak, you saw that happening with the Ottomans fucking over Eastern Europe
In an ideal civilised world the strong should take care of the weak with a guiding type of control not a destructive one
what did they do to them? also I am from caucasus not european.
Slaves, racism? lol just look at america before 1960
imagine arguing about something that happened 150 years ago when you didn't even exist, thinking it's relevant at all.

heil hitler, heil stalin, heil lenin, heil mao

u mad?
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I think in 20 years there will be a major turn favouring masculine society

so, everyone shitting on whites now may enjoy it while they still can
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In an ideal civilised world the strong should take care of the weak with a guiding type of control not a destructive one

Slaves, racism? lol just look at america before 1960
Ideal civilised world is subjective, what people thought centuries ago is different to what we think now. You can see that happening with most people here supporting Gays
id bet my life that immigrant has more lays than the average svencuck
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also the truth is most whites are racist pieces of shit. I’ve even seen you comment that a mass extinction of certain races needs to happen, retard
That was because I was triggered and I later even apologized.
That was because I was triggered and I later even apologized.
Still highlights the racism that is installed deep in the conscience of european people
  • Hmm...
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Still highlights the racism that is installed deep in the conscience of european people
Such bullshit lmao by that logic you could say that to anyone here who made racist comments
Such bullshit lmao by that logic you could say that to anyone here who made racist comments
I don’t see many ethnics be racist though🤣
I don’t see many ethnics be racist though🤣
is that why europeans allow non-whites into their countries and meanwhile don't give citizenship easily to non-natives?
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is that why europeans allow non-whites into their countries and meanwhile don't give citizenship easily to non-natives?
the governments use foreign people for their own benefit yes, cheap labour + they work hard and fill in professions in which people are needed like engineering or medicine

the white people in the country still spout racism to ethnics though
There's tons of them here
All i’ve seen is an arab be racist to blacks lol and he didn’t even say any derogatory terms he just said he didn’t like them
the governments use foreign people for their own benefit yes, cheap labour + they work hard and fill in professions in which people are needed like engineering or medicine

the white people in the country still spout racism to ethnics though
that works on democracy,whites can simply vote for far right parties that don't support immigration at all.
recent > distant history

I am most turkish with some balkan in me yes (especially balkan muslim countries)

i never claimed turkish history was good, american/european as a WHOLE is much worse though
You are not turkic bro, I'm sorry, you are most likely majority native anatolian in dna mixed with some balkan and turkic dna. Kinda brutal how your ancestors got cucked by real slanted eyed Turkic nomads and now you think you are part of them while having only 10-25% turkic dna on average jfl. Turkish is a country of cucks and im saying this as a balkan muslim jfl
the white people in the country still spout racism to ethnics though
racism is cope, if you don't like being disciminated against, don't move to a country with a white majority?? We have freedom here so we are free to discriminate.

The argument of forcing white people to like ethnics and not discriminate is the same level of stupidity as forcing hot girls to like ugly men and have sex with them. Aint gonna fucking happen, human nature is a bitch.
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that works on democracy,whites can simply vote for far right parties that don't support immigration at all.
Many support, but most realise that even collectively if they voted the parties wouldn’t come into power because of women and liberals
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Imagine being so bluepilled u think that "white" countries are bringing in immigration in order to benefit off it in some economical sense. These "immigrants" have major net negative effects fiscally, economically, socially. Its just being done to genocide whites you retards. And every race is racist cut the crap
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Many support, but most realise that even collectively if they voted the parties wouldn’t come into power because of women and liberals
that's true but still you can't tell me that europeans are not more supportive of immigrants than others.
You are not turkic bro, I'm sorry, you are most likely majority native anatolian in dna mixed with some balkan and turkic dna. Kinda brutal how your ancestors got cucked by real slanted eyed Turkic nomads and now you think you are part of them while having only 10-25% turkic dna on average jfl. Turkish is a country of cucks and im saying this as a balkan muslim jfl
Don’t know what I am but I have turkic eyes. If I had to describe myself I would say I look albanian with turkic eyes

By that logic most countries are cucks, spain are cucks for being under arab influence for 800 years?

Americans are cucks under jews?
Imagine being so bluepilled u think that "white" countries are bringing in immigration in order to benefit off it in some economical sense. These "immigrants" have major net negative effects fiscally, economically, socially. Its just being done to genocide whites you retards. And every race is racist cut the crap
depends on the immigrants.refugees don't have any postive effect but skilled immigrants do contribute.
that's true but still you can't tell me that europeans are not more supportive of immigrants than others.
Yeah sure because it does benefit them to an extent

And yeah some, and that’s parts of the government/liberals/
woman (not out of sympathy or kindness just because it mutually benefits both of them, and in then makes the popilation easier to control with liberal ideas when it’s so multicultural
Many support, but most realise that even collectively if they voted the parties wouldn’t come into power because of women and liberals
Women shouldn't have the right to vote. Why did nobody ever wonder why this was the case for our entire history?

Just look at what women vote for compared to men and see how it is destructing our countries. Women's rights were a mistake.
Yeah sure because it does benefit them to an extent

And yeah some, and that’s parts of the government/liberals/
woman (not out of sympathy or kindness just because it mutually benefits both of them, and in then makes the popilation easier to control with liberal ideas when it’s so multicultural
refugees don't benifit at all.
  • +1
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racism is cope, if you don't like being disciminated against, don't move to a country with a white majority?? We have freedom here so we are free to discriminate.

The argument of forcing white people to like ethnics and not discriminate is the same level of stupidity as forcing hot girls to like ugly men and have sex with them. Aint gonna fucking happen, human nature is a bitch.
I don’t care, europe is getting cucked by ethnics now. Spout your racism all you want but watch what happens in a 100 years lol
refugees don't benifit at all.
They live off the government for free no?
Don’t know what I am but I have turkic eyes. If I had to describe myself I would say I look albanian with turkic eyes

By that logic most countries are cucks, spain are cucks for being under arab influence for 800 years?

Americans are cucks under jews?
Yeah but the whole of Western Turkey and Northern Turkey is full of 10-20% turkic people while having slavic, greek and anatolian as majority dna jfl. I have a big family that lives in Turkey from fathers side and they all have took turkish names and surnames while being 100% slavic jfl. Turkey is a fake country tbh even tho i like it the most
Women shouldn't have the right to vote. Why did nobody ever wonder why this was the case for our entire history?

Just look at what women vote for compared to men and see how it is destructing our countries. Women's rights were a mistake.
Yep and an in ideal
world cuck men shouldn’t be allowed either
Yeah but the whole of Western Turkey and Northern Turkey is full of 10-20% turkic people while having slavic, greek and anatolian as majority dna jfl. I have a big family that lives in Turkey from fathers side and they all have took turkish names and surnames while being 100% slavic jfl. Turkey is a fake country tbh even tho i like it the most
What you mean fake? Can’t be fake for the DNA and pheno changing over time; it’s just the course of history lol
They live off the government for free no?
look at refugee crime rates and they struggle to get jobs and live off by money given by government.
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Imagine being so bluepilled u think that "white" countries are bringing in immigration in order to benefit off it in some economical sense. These "immigrants" have major net negative effects fiscally, economically, socially. Its just being done to genocide whites you retards. And every race is racist cut the crap
All it takes is 1 demographic shift and history repeats itself
Imagine being so bluepilled u think that "white" countries are bringing in immigration in order to benefit off it in some economical sense. These "immigrants" have major net negative effects fiscally, economically, socially. Its just being done to genocide whites you retards. And every race is racist cut the crap
who would wanna genocide a race ?
it is happening that's for sure
Yep and an in ideal
world cuck men shouldn’t be allowed either

What you mean fake? Can’t be fake for the DNA and pheno changing over time; it’s just the course of history lol
The whole point is that Turkey is a country of European people that were cucked by actually turkic nomads and raped just to convert to Islam and call themselves Turks. If you have less then 50% turkic dna that means you are part of the cucked people bro, I'm sorry
look at refugee crime rates and they struggle to get jobs and live off by money given by government.
i’m not sure where this argument supposed to head

The truth is ANY country should not freely let
immigrants come in and live off tax payers money, and there is a huge racism problem across the world, mainly in Europe or USA.
Many ethnics are dumb, uneducated and criminals but if whites are so superior they would guide them into a way of civilised life instead of letting them live off the government like degenerated
The whole point is that Turkey is a country of European people that were cucked by actually turkic nomads and raped just to convert to Islam and call themselves Turks. If you have less then 50% turkic dna that means you are part of the cucked people bro, I'm sorry
How long ago did this turkic invasion happen? And if turkey are cucks, aren’t spain cucks for being influenced by the arab middle easterners they hate so much?

What about USA under the Jews?
No they are not, they are the least evil out of every race, asians caused mass genocide during History like the mongols and the various ethnic cleansing that the Chinese dynasties did. Timur the Lame build a tower out of skulls. And african tribes also had slavery and some practiced cannibalism. People just hate Western Europeans because they were the most successful in building an Empire
also europeans were the ones that stopped slavery world wide, ungrateful subhumans should have been exterminated, world would be better if it was white only
i’m not sure where this argument supposed to head

The truth is ANY country should not freely let
immigrants come in and live off tax payers money, and there is a huge racism problem across the world, mainly in Europe or USA.
Many ethnics are dumb, uneducated and criminals but if whites are so superior they would guide them into a way of civilised life instead of letting them live off the government like degenerated
women vote for it.things will be much different without women voting and far left propaganda is present everywhere in western countries.
Absolute donkey shit IQ
I see most people here disagree with me

@lato190 , do you think whites (history and currently) are racist and evil?
women vote for it.things will be much different without women voting and far left propaganda is present everywhere in western countries.
If you can’t admit white europeans have a racist and evil history i don’t know what to say, of course this doesn’t mean other countries/races have evil and racist histories, maybe not to the same extent; but whatever
I see most people here disagree with me

@lato190 , do you think whites (history and currently) are racist and evil?

If you can’t admit white europeans have a racist and evil history i don’t know what to say, of course this doesn’t mean other countries/races have evil and racist histories, maybe not to the same extent; but whatever
Ottomans were just as evil if not more evil. Atleast European countries admit the crimes (which weren't even viewed as negative and crimes at the start anyways) that happened.
If you can’t admit white europeans have a racist and evil history i don’t know what to say, of course this doesn’t mean other countries/races have evil and racist histories, maybe not to the same extent; but whatever
other countries were just as racist if not more in past they just didn't had the power to influence as europeans did in past.
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I see most people here disagree with me, whatever

@lato190 , do you think whites (history and currently) are racist and evil?
i cant say that all of them are racists, but most yes. i live in europe and currently, i see more racism from europeans toward africans/middle eastern/russians than vice versa. Not saying that all of africans/muslims are peaceful, there are idiots too, but majority of westerners are racist idiots and evil.
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i’m not sure where this argument supposed to head

The truth is ANY country should not freely let
immigrants come in and live off tax payers money, and there is a huge racism problem across the world, mainly in Europe or USA.
Many ethnics are dumb, uneducated and criminals but if whites are so superior they would guide them into a way of civilised life instead of letting them live off the government like degenerated

How long ago did this turkic invasion happen? And if turkey are cucks, aren’t spain cucks for being influenced by the arab middle easterners they hate so much?

What about USA under the Jews?
Yeah but Spanish people do love the Morrocan influence on their culture, don't listen to keyboard warrior online. And my point is you are talking about 'white people' while i have never actually heard Turks say things like this because for A Turks never were slaves to European christians, B turks had an empire that went the same fashion as the West, with a huge slave trade of black from East Africa, and C turks are basically just European muslim converts that got turkified. I know plenty of blond blue eyed turkish people here in the Balkans, they look white as snow, so what they are 'muh evil white people' for you?
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i cant say that all of them are racists, but most yes. i live in europe and currently, i see more racism from europeans toward africans/middle eastern/russians than vice versa. Not saying that all of africans/muslims are peaceful, there are idiots too, but majority of westerners are racist idiots and evil.
Then leave. Problem solved. You are currently in one of the most anti racist countries in this world.
i cant say that all of them are racists, but most yes. i live in europe and currently, i see more racism from europeans toward africans/middle eastern/russians than vice versa. Not saying that all of africans/muslims are peaceful, there are idiots too, but majority of westerners are racist idiots and evil.
An african living in middle eastern countries will exprience more racism than he will ever do living in europe.
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turks had an empire that went the same fashion as the West, with a huge slave trade of black from East Africa, and C turks are basically just European muslim converts that got turkified. I know plenty of blond blue eyed turkish people here in the Balkans, they look white as snow, so what they are 'muh evil white people' for you?
Thank you.
  • +1
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Then leave. Problem solved.
so i should go back to russia? the country that U.S and europe are sanctioning? and prepare for war? Stop destabilize surrounding countries of russia, stop building bases around russia and stop sanctions, then i go back
  • +1
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Yeah but Spanish people do love the Morrocan influence on their culture, don't listen to keyboard warrior online. And my point is you are talking about 'white people' while i have never actually heard Turks say things like this because for A Turks never were slaves to European christians, B turks had an empire that went the same fashion as the West, with a huge slave trade of black from East Africa, and C turks are basically just European muslim converts that got turkified. I know plenty of blond blue eyed turkish people here in the Balkans, they look white as snow, so what they are 'muh evil white people' for you?
No that’s not what I asked, are spain cucks for having arab control over them for 800 years or no
so i should go back to russia? the country that U.S and europe are sanctioning? and prepare for war? Stop destabilize surrounding countries of russia, stop building bases around russia and stop sanctions, then i go back
Are you dagestani/chech?

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