The treatment of curries in the west is proof that blacks have the right idea of being criminals when it comes to dealing with whites.



Jan 2, 2020
Most curries in the west are either 1st-3rd generation curries, that means that for 25-75 years, most curries have been here. In that time that they have been here, curries have been consistently statistically, one of the highest earning incomes on average, while committing the least amount of crime statistically, on average, along with other asian groups, who unironically statistically have a lower crime rate than whites lmao. Curries and other asians were literally given the denotation "model minorities", because of our low crime rates plus academic and economic success.

And yet for all this time, curries have literally been bullied, attacked, and even killed for literally just existing as curries. This is funny, because one of the bullshit reasons that white people complain about minorities in the west, is that they use the excuse that minorities are criminals and so they dont benefit society but actively harm it. But clearly when it comes to minorities like east asians and curries, thats not the case. In fact based on statistics, since whites commit more crime than asians, by the SAME logic of whites, THEY are more of an active threat to a stable society compared to asians LMAO. And whats funny is that whites interpret this non-violent behavior, as being MEEK and WEAK. Like lmao, like ive literally read posts made by whites on social media that say, that asians are weak, meek nerds that they can bully (which isnt wrong). This is literally hilarious, its a literal classic "you do they hate you, you dont do, they still hate you" type of scenario.

At this point, honestly i wouldn't mind if western born and raised south asians became criminals, or at the very least stay strapped with something, either pepper spray or a straight up gun. Dont let random white retards bully you and harass you lmao. You have the right to defend yourself, with force if it comes to that.
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Why did Osama Bin Laden Hate Americans.
  • +1
Reactions: SubhumanCurrycel
Why did Osama Bin Laden Hate Americans.
his interview right here + his dear america speech will tell you all you need to know:

very good thread

law of opposites exists and when someone thinks of an indian its someone who is short, ugly, smells bad, nerdy (not a bad trait very helpful in jobs), not stylemaxxed, and submissive. literally doing the opposite to negate most/all of these traits for an indian who wants to looksmax helps since it helps them stand out.

obviously, thats not true for a good portion here in the west but the racism does arise mainly due to indians sticking with their own people. currently, we are seeing how that is going in canada and rightfully so because when you go to a different area you need to assimilate to adapt to that society.

plus, indians aren't really supported by the elites and if they are its to promote this exact propaganda you mentioned (hence Indian CEOs and not founders). the reason blacks dont get much flack is because of the thugmaxxed halo (punjabis are doing this), so they are seen as "dominant" even though most of them are still slaves in society implicitly whether its in the music, sports, or entertainment industries. even in the regular workspace because of quotas.
  • +1
Reactions: AverageCurryEnjoyer, Chadeep and CFW432
It’s not about crime. It’s just that Blacks are more established in America. They’ve been in America for a long time and there’s a huge population of them compared to Asians and Curries. That’s all. Asians are like 5 percent in America.
Curries who are mistreated in the west need to man up and go ER on racist white shitheads in the USA clown shithole. (in roblox of course)

They could do mass shootings against them and build killdozers to mow down their homes en masse. (in minecraft of course)

They could then form gangs to protect themselves from these people both in and outside of prison. :ogre::ogre::ogre::ogre::ogre::ogre:

As a riceman, I never had anything against whites, if anything,asians right now feel closer to them than any other race.

But the opposite might be true for curries:hnghn::hnghn::hnghn::hnghn::hnghn::hnghn::ogre::ogre::ogre:
  • JFL
  • So Sad
Reactions: Alt Number 3 and CFW432
all curries need to go back
Most curries in the west are either 1st-3rd generation curries, that means that for 25-75 years, most curries have been here. In that time that they have been here, curries have been consistently statistically, one of the highest earning incomes on average, while committing the least amount of crime statistically, on average, along with other asian groups, who unironically statistically have a lower crime rate than whites lmao. Curries and other asians were literally given the denotation "model minorities", because of our low crime rates plus academic and economic success.

And yet for all this time, curries have literally been bullied, attacked, and even killed for literally just existing as curries. This is funny, because one of the bullshit reasons that white people complain about minorities in the west, is that they use the excuse that minorities are criminals and so they dont benefit society but actively harm it. But clearly when it comes to minorities like east asians and curries, thats not the case. In fact based on statistics, since whites commit more crime than asians, by the SAME logic of whites, THEY are more of an active threat to a stable society compared to asians LMAO. And whats funny is that whites interpret this non-violent behavior, as being MEEK and WEAK. Like lmao, like ive literally read posts made by whites on social media that say, that asians are weak, meek nerds that they can bully (which isnt wrong). This is literally hilarious, its a literal classic "you do they hate you, you dont do, they still hate you" type of scenario.

At this point, honestly i wouldn't mind if western born and raised south asians became criminals, or at the very least stay strapped with something, either pepper spray or a straight up gun. Dont let random white retards bully you and harass you lmao. You have the right to defend yourself, with force if it comes to that.
Blacks have the highest crime rates due to their genetics and culture. Whites have vastly lower crime rates but the Jews forcing into our degeneracyr society, indoctrination camps, etc has increased our crime rates over time. If you look at the white Christian patriarchy's within America (Amish and Mennonites) they have lower crime rates than any race on earth.

I have no idea where you received the idea that curries are being attacked just for existing. I've never even seen curries in this country and only have interactions with them via Amazon or some online business.

If anybody is being mistreated it's the Eastern Asians that have vastly higher requirements to gain acceptance into the Universities. They're being attacked by the blacks but the media is quiet about this.
This is not accurate. Vast majority of Indians in the US are not born here. 68% of Indians in the US were born abroad and among the 32% born in the US the median age is 13 so most of those are literal children.

The vast majority of Americans have only interacted with 1st generation Indians. Usually taxi drivers, Uber eats delivery guys, or convenience store/motel workers.

Educated upper middle class people may have interacted with a 1st gen doctor or engineer, but even then those guys have major culture failo even if they don’t have poverty failo.

Vast majority of 2nd gen Indians are kids in Indian neighborhoods in Dallas/Houston/Bay Area/Edision. Most Americans don’t interact with them at all and they’re failoed by their parents in the areas they live.

Mass immigration of Indians needs to end for Indian American smv to increase. That’s the only thing that’ll work.
Why did Osama Bin Laden Hate Americans.
Just read his letter its basically a mixture of Americans not following Sharia and supporting Israel
Most curries in the west are either 1st-3rd generation curries, that means that for 25-75 years, most curries have been here. In that time that they have been here, curries have been consistently statistically, one of the highest earning incomes on average, while committing the least amount of crime statistically, on average, along with other asian groups, who unironically statistically have a lower crime rate than whites lmao. Curries and other asians were literally given the denotation "model minorities", because of our low crime rates plus academic and economic success.

And yet for all this time, curries have literally been bullied, attacked, and even killed for literally just existing as curries. This is funny, because one of the bullshit reasons that white people complain about minorities in the west, is that they use the excuse that minorities are criminals and so they dont benefit society but actively harm it. But clearly when it comes to minorities like east asians and curries, thats not the case. In fact based on statistics, since whites commit more crime than asians, by the SAME logic of whites, THEY are more of an active threat to a stable society compared to asians LMAO. And whats funny is that whites interpret this non-violent behavior, as being MEEK and WEAK. Like lmao, like ive literally read posts made by whites on social media that say, that asians are weak, meek nerds that they can bully (which isnt wrong). This is literally hilarious, its a literal classic "you do they hate you, you dont do, they still hate you" type of scenario.

At this point, honestly i wouldn't mind if western born and raised south asians became criminals, or at the very least stay strapped with something, either pepper spray or a straight up gun. Dont let random white retards bully you and harass you lmao. You have the right to defend yourself, with force if it comes to that.
Curries suck off white people and the few times they do stand up against them it’s for stupid reasons that not only white people can be blamed for, usually some loser on Tt complaining about Eurocentric beauty standards or some bs smh
I like curry culture a lot, and I agree that they should defend themselves if thats the case
I think of this everyday, it's like you're reading my mind, What's happening in canada should happen even more, But instead of fighting amongst each other both should steal, Become drug dealers and terrorize Toronto

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