The truth about the black pill

if that nigga is a 31 yo subhuman you should know how he feels since youre only 1 year off

brother like in alike should support eachother :chad:

Kip napoleon
  • JFL
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Frauding to be something different is literally recipe for disaster.
youre another defeatist retard no wonder youre a subhuman

how can you grow if you dont fraud to be someone else?

just cringe faggot

stay rotting while i ascend with surgeries and a network full of goldman sachs and mckinsey, and private equity partners.

muuh working class ugly short fat kid should just become a labourer

fuck yourself nigger
I am love with men that are real, honest and truthful

Not phonies

We are men, we cannot afford this delusion

If I see a delusional man, I will straighten him up with tough love and basedness.

Better know that. It's sickening to see fellow men 'pretending'. All for what? A bunch of strangers to think you have you life in order?

You're like a girl tbh. Talk shit, get bitch slapped and then act like you didn't do anything to warrant the slap.

Know yourself

Then you will get the love:

ay thats a based attitude man and i respect that

im all for reality too

im a subhuman mess and i stand up to it

i dont pretend for shit im just honest
Kebab Shop Owners' virgin cope coming to the fore now :D
  • +1
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Ive talked to 2 different foids in the last 4 months. one for 3 months then one for about a month. I thought both of them would end in an LTR. We both talked all about how we were gonna be together and do all sorts of stuff. They told me how hot i was and looks were obviously fine. But i lost both of them due to not being NT/not agreeable. Arguing about politics with them.. not being agreeable... The truth is there is a LOOKS barrier, And there is an NT barrier. They will not go for an LTR if you dont pass the NT barrier. I have always passed the looks threshold and then fail the NT barrier, so it ends right before LTR. Also, The more you are chad they will be more forgiving and let you get away with more, but if you are autistic and you make them FEEL weird/bad when you are around them its over regardless. I started off as chad and they always chase my validation, and then i get feelings and i get attach then i fold and they run away
This whole agree-able thing.

Sounds more like, you are not compromising. So they feel, maybe you are to selfish, to help her towards achieving what she wants out of it.

is that true? Or, was that not going on?
  • +1
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haha where tf did I land with this forum
but nigga seriously what should i do in my situation?

since you say you straighten up niggas tell me what to do

I dont believe you are that pretty boy Chad

Until you make a video shouting i'm an autist into the camera lens you are forever a larper to me
I dont believe you are that pretty boy Chad

Until you make a video shouting i'm an autist into the camera lens you are forever a larper to me
i dont look like that anymore

i look closer to the first pic i sent you where i was blonde now
This whole agree-able thing.

Sounds more like, you are not compromising. So they feel, maybe you are to selfish, to help her towards achieving what she wants out of it.

is that true? Or, was that not going on?


Sounds more like he is going for damaged bitches that need a dumb ideology and a yes man to it


Stop blue pilling these faggots into the lost world you 38 yr old SIMP
i dont look like that anymore

i look closer to the first pic i sent you where i was blonde now

Make a sign proving it's you

Take a photo right now with your middle finger up
I dont believe you are that pretty boy Chad

Until you make a video shouting i'm an autist into the camera lens you are forever a larper to me
i'm gonna post my surgeries on here anyway you'll se im not a larper
Make a sign proving it's you

Take a photo right now with your middle finger up
im fat now whats the point its over for me

you'll see im real soon enough anyway

but im just wondering why you couldnt believe that i talked about my face with girls

i sent all my friends at least 10 pics of my face back in the day and i thought it was NT
You are jarring and like a woman with male testosterone energy

Shut the fuck up and stop quoting me or imma block you
  • JFL
Reactions: DivineBeing
You are jarring and like a woman with male testosterone energy

Shut the fuck up and stop quoting me or imma block you
i thought you wnated to be a philosopher

i thought philosophers want to be quoted
  • JFL
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  • JFL
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Donald Trump GIF by reactionseditor

Sounds more like he is going for damaged bitches that need a dumb ideology and a yes man to it
damaged, I dunno if that's a correct lable. Most women are a bit like that, I think. That they like it, that the views on certain things are a littlebit alligned. So they can feel more connected and save, sharing their views.
not being very opinonated, at least in talk and expression, even thouygh one thinks it's BS. Is what usually imo is best, when one wants to be in a ltr with a certain woman. It's often more about her being able to feel, she can share her thoughts'and feel heard or something. Than that it even is about that one needs to have the exact same opinion.

relationships, with alot of argumants, debates, and so on. Are tiresome.
A LTR with a woman, is for me about: having fun time, good times, enjoyment, and certain shared goals you both can work towards.
Stop blue pilling these faggots into the lost world you 38 yr old SIMP
Simp Onlyfans GIF by INF1N1TE
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maybe they're not dumb, but they tend to be not as developed intellectually. the most complex characters and stories of mankind are not from the beautiful. the sexier you are, the more you find fulfillment in the simple life.

nearly no director, author or scientist is beautiful. actors are. a beautiful women can just go to the club and have the best time of her life. or go in fornt of the camera without practising. the diretor spent years with the script and the story. for her, there is no reason to be a doctor. sure there are some, but this is only confirming my theory. it is actually so rare that if you happen to be beatiful too in these jobs, you end up as a social media influencer with a huge following.

sure there are many smart + educated girls but the tendency towards the ugly still exists.

there is exactly 1 sexy programmer on instagram and she has 95 % of the attention on programing. easy as that.
Those are all life time careers. Thats why all mvp Scientist are ugly as fuck no matter what genre they belong. if you think all good looking guys just party and do modeling. You are very wrong my boi. Life is more than fucking girls bro.. People have dreams. careers.. Life. They want kids etc.. Life is just not sex orgies.
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  • JFL
Reactions: thereallegend
Those are all life time careers. Thats why all mvp Scientist are ugly as fuck no matter what genre they belong. if you think all good looking guys just party and do modeling. You are very wrong my boi. Life is more than fucking girls bro..
bro its a tendency that uglies go more complex, not a 100 % rule. and its not gender specific.
bro its a tendency that uglies go more complex.
I dont believe any of that. Good facial genes has nothing do with IQ levels. There is just less good looking people than average and uglies overall. Thats why you see that effect.
Good facial genes has nothing do with IQ levels.
i never said this so any discussion with you is obsolete boyoo

ugly people cope

coping can be anything, not only smart stuff. that's why i used the word "complex"

maybe your IQ levels are the problem
why u always debating someone

ur so fucking hostile man cant u just spread some love man
Because he is very narcissistic person and his communication skill is severely lacking. Thats why he has so many fight with so many users since he joined this forum. If I disagree with other user in this forum. They dont mute or start having angry tantrums. He just cannot communicate with anybody that disagree with his views.
i never said this so any discussion with you is obsolete boyoo

ugly people cope

coping can be anything, not only smart stuff. that's why i used the word "complex"

maybe your IQ levels are the problem
You itself fucking said that "They" are not developed intellectually... How in the fuck you know they are not developed intellectually?? There are not many stacies in this world.. So you dont see them very often in "complex stuff" you mentioned. . Is there data that says good looking women are not intellectually developed? Or are you pulling this from you ass?. .. Or you just following hollywood stereotype?

There are plenty of ugly looking people literally having huge following in social media. SO that does not explain as shit..
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just remember that no foid matters and they are all replaceable
You itself fucking said that "They" are not developed intellectually... How in the fuck you know they are not developed intellectually?? There are not many stacies in this world.. So you dont see them very often in "complex stuff" you mentioned. . Is there data that say good looking women are not intellectually developed? Or are you pulling this from you ass?. ..
there is a difference between cultivating your intelligence as opposed to having intelligence in the first place.

you imply i said that the born IQ is linked to attractiveness. i never said those are linked, stay fair in the discussion or read it better.

the ratio of beautiful people in certain jobs is NO stereotype, i don't need any evidence for this because it is so apparent. the ugly nerd programmer with greasy hair, the instagram models, actor VS director, DJ vs sound technician, singer VS mixing engineer, photomodel VS photographer.
people working in front of the camera are more beautfiul than those behind the camera.
people that devote their entire life to science are mostly copers. Copers in the sense of "i could be a jeremy meeks, travel the world, fuck a billinoaire on a yacht all day, and just get everything in my arse, but i am not, so i find fulfillment in more complex thing in life. and wow is it also beautiful, thanks god for this life - nothing is over!" #whitepill

and like i said, there are 3-4 beautiful doctors on instagram and they get ALL the attention. because beautiness is in high tier fields even more rare! (edit: this is actually not really true with doctors, which often look above average, but there are also other factors, like they have better background on average and the field is more chased by high status people)

but let's say a beautiful programmer. oh god man, there is exactly one (1) and she gets 95 % of all the attention on insta - look her up. even chad programers simp for her because she is literally the only hot programmer in the world. a fucking photoshopped 7/10 bro.

with this job there is no high value associated, but a extreme barrier in pre-knowledge, actual knowledge and practice, the time amount to be a senior can maybe even be compared to a medical PhD - but without the social status. so in your theory this job should represent society in a gaussian way. but it doesnt.

extreme art, the best piano players and the best operah singers VS. boybands, latin lovers and rappers

1. chads that are already happy and don't have the urge to "maxxx"

i know very smart chads, they play top 5 % in a video game (i think you can not compete without intelligence in a popular video game) and they are happy with their salesmen job, because of their looks they already get good feedback in this job and hence they are already happy with life. they have no need to strive for more so hard like all the "maxxxers". because they are already happy. if you as a ugly person would be that salesmen you would have no sales because you are ugly. then you would hit up the online forum and read everything about your product and use your knowledge to have something where you are good at, because you could not do it with your physical presence. self improvement, may it be intellectual, spritual is a positive form of coping, while ER is a negative form of coping. it is all just how much you cope.

2. chads with big companies

this is not coping. they are just sucessfull and monetizing them. also their IQ and knowledge. but they don't need to read 2000 wikipedia articels for it, what seperates them from the copers (wikipedia is just a metaphor in this case, and the definition what is coping and what not ought to be defined).

there is just ZERO need for jeremy meeks to read the whole wikipedia. and therefore we have 0 jeremy meeks on wikipedia. you want to see the picture from a wikipedia editor's meeting? i think we all know what the average wikipedia editor looks like.

yes chads also want to have a career, but they have a completely different invest/return ratio, so extreme forms of coping like some celibate monk, a guy that draws the biggest painting in the world, or some currycel doing some online scam ... the question is only, are you coping or not.

i hope you get my point that there is a tendency about how you cope and preferred coping fields.

and i am sure you understand being a successfull and beloved hollywood actor is not even possible as a cope ;)
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there is a difference between cultivating your intelligence as opposed to having intelligence in the first place.

you imply i said that the born IQ is linked to attractiveness. i never said those are linked, stay fair in the discussion or read it better.

the ratio of beautiful people in certain jobs is NO stereotype, i don't need any evidence for this because it is so apparent. the ugly nerd programmer with greasy hair, the instagram models, actor VS director, DJ vs sound technician, singer VS mixing engineer, photomodel VS photographer.
people working in front of the camera are more beautfiul than those behind the camera.
people that devote their entire life to science are mostly copers. and like i said, there are 3-4 beautiful doctors on instagram and they get ALL the attention. because beautiness is in high tier fields even more rare! it is not rare to find beautiful people in a whole campus. but beautiful programmer. oh god man, she gets 95 % of all the simps on insta - look her up.

extreme art, the best piano players and the best operah singers VS. boybands, latin lovers and rappers

i know very smart chads, they play top 5 % in a video game (i think you can not compete without intelligence in a popular video game) and they are happy with their salesmen job, because of their looks they already get good feedback in this job and hence they are already happy with life. they have no need to strive for mor so hard like all the "maxxxers". because they are already happy. if you as a ugly person would be that salesmen you would have no sales because you are ugly. then you would hit up the online forum and read everything about your product and use your knowledge to have something where you are good at, because you could not do it with your physical presence. self improvement, may it be intellectual, spritual is a positive form of coping, while ER is a negative form of coping. it is all just how much you cope.

yes chads also want to have a career, but they have a completely different invest/return ratio, so extreme forms of coping like some celibate monk, a guy that draws the biggest painting in the world, or some currycel doing some online scam ... the question is only, are you coping or not.

i hope you get my point that there is a tendency about how you cope and preferred coping fields.

and i am sure you understand being a successfull and beloved hollywood actor is not even possible as a cope ;)

I said that Good looking women being dumb is literally old ass stereotype ... You said maybe they're not dumb, but they tend to be not as developed intellectually. How do you know that? Is there data that back your thought? Or its your own personal observation?

I have seen plenty of successfully players, tiktok, social influencer that are average/ugly that are successful. If being good looking is key to success. I bet many would have done that already. School drop out chad has good life! They dont need to do anything in life just post their beautiful mugg in tiktok and life become easy. Imagine if life was that simple.. dang. I agree that you will benefit from good looking face in some jobs but its not guarantee success. Even Gandy became successful because he worked very hard. There were even better models that him in his era but they did not get same opportunities because they did not work hard enough. He itself explain this in his podcast.

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I said that Good looking women being dumb is literally old ass stereotype ... You said maybe they're not dumb, but they tend to be not as developed intellectually. How do you know that? Is there data that back your thought? Or its your own personal observation?
This is a good question regarding to my actual statements, which i will gratefully answer:

td;dr: So why are there only ugly nerds?

It is my own conclusion from my observation, it may not be perfect and I am open for feedback.
I see that certain jobs have more beautiful people than other.
I don't think we need emperical data that actors are more beautiful than the average population and programmers less.

You are right, "success" is not part of the equation. But how hard for how much succes you have to work is.

There is a difference between being successful because you are just yourself in front of a camera vs. being hollywoods best photographer. Who do you think has to work/study/practice more to gain the success?

Also, if you are a Chad/StacyCEO or Chad/Stacy salesman ofc neveryone wants to work with you, and a taste of the cake. A taste of you and your knowledge. Anything you touch is successful anyway. If not, your charme will fix it.

Sexy Waitress Stacy is so happy with her job, she literally feeling everyone wants to fuck her, why should she study that night and "self improve to get smarter" LOL BRO

does every sexy woman think like this? thankfully not!

but just the reason that they can give a shit leads to less study nerd sexy ass sluts brrrraaaaa

If you are ugly you have to provide astrononmically more. Comprehensive knowledge. Anything expceptional.

But gaining this disproportional amount of extra value is a very costly play, basically costing you your health, life and time.
You pay this high price... yet you only get a fraction of the timespan of attention.

Maybe Chad/Stacy also wants to pay the prize and outsmart the greasy nerds. Do better than him.

They can go to the field of the intellectual and try to reach something there.
Chat/Stacy can play the high-priced intellectual battle with all people, no matter how they look (in science your looks don't matter if you solve string theory, right?).

They have the same chances, face genetics is not brain genetics.
But if they play in this time consuming field, the "knowledge battle field", they will miss out on another field.

A field that is only for them: The gifted genetics field.

This VIP field is only open for them, no else can enter it.
There is no battle with everyone. It is the VIP area of the pre-selected.

They can enjoy this VIP lounge as much as they want, as long as they want.
It is very comfy there, so maybe they just stay there a little while.
In the meantime, in the nerd area is fought, like everyday.

(metaphor for chad fucking the first time in high school, while the nerd studied for a test or started judo to cope more)

Maybe the VIPs get bored of the cosy VIP lounge and go outside and look to the "Free For All" Cage, where everyone can fight intellectually. Some of their chad friends always fought there and are always there - heads on with the best of the ugly nerds.

They really admire the Chads and Stacies that fought with the nerds from day 1. Because they have both now. Wisdom and Genetics. They wished, they also did that from day 1.

So they try the battle, but they were so long in the Chad VIP Lounge, they realize catching up would take very long.

So they tell themselves "lol fuck them, they got no life"

And they go back to the preselected VIP area, where it is cozy and warm.

And they stayed there.

That is also why many theories call betas not betas but "specialists".
Because the closest friend of the regular alpha is the specialist. The alpha has no time to be the specialist.
Also, he has more than 1 specialist, so he could never fulfill that role alone. So no point in learning it for his alpha role.
The specialist also needs the alpha, or he has no one that needs his knowledge.

The Alpha is the actor and the cameraman is the specialist.

You get the idea now i think

Specialist = Smart (self cultivated)
alpha = knows which specialst to ask

sure can the actor learn everything about cameras, and it sure could make him an better actor, he probably even should learn it.

but he is not getting too much more quality of life out of it, so many alphas don't go this route because they are not forced. they already got 90 % in life gifted for free, why work for the remaining 10 % very hard? - opposed to the specialist, that will have nothing left if he doesn't take the route

also the perception of the specialist is different, he got everything from disciplined working.
opposed to the alpha that got everything for free, and got away with everything in life while others struggled.

and that kids is why beautiful and successful people can be the worst (mariah carrey, kim kardashian, ...).

but betas with good position almonst never have this bad traits (they are never late, don't talk bad, are 100 % correct, say nothing about politics, don't want to be edgy)

it is no stereotype, it is a tendency. again.

I think this is nothing new tbh

the intellectual cage could also be about "art" or something else.
probably not about sports, because sports is differntly imo. it is more coupled to the genetics part.
i would say any job or craft related to: creativity, knowledge, experience, problem-solving
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This is a good question regarding to my actual statements, which i will gratefully answer:

td;dr: So why are there only ugly nerds?

It is my own conclusion from my observation, it may not be perfect and I am open for feedback.
I see that certain jobs have more beautiful people than other.
I don't think we need emperical data that actors are more beautiful than the average population and programmers less.

You are right, "success" is not part of the equation. But how hard for how much succes you have to work is.

There is a difference between being successful because you are just yourself in front of a camera vs. being hollywoods best photographer. Who do you think has to work/study/practice more to gain the success?

Also, if you are a Chad/StacyCEO or Chad/Stacy salesman ofc neveryone wants to work with you, and a taste of the cake. A taste of you and your knowledge. Anything you touch is successful anyway. If not, your charme will fix it.

Sexy Waitress Stacy is so happy with her job, she literally feeling everyone wants to fuck her, why should she study that night and "self improve to get smarter" LOL BRO

does every sexy woman think like this? thankfully not!

but just the reason that they can give a shit leads to less study nerd sexy ass sluts brrrraaaaa

If you are ugly you have to provide astrononmically more. Comprehensive knowledge. Anything expceptional.

But gaining this disproportional amount of extra value is a very costly play, basically costing you your health, life and time.
You pay this high price... yet you only get a fraction of the timespan of attention.

Maybe Chad/Stacy also wants to pay the prize and outsmart the greasy nerds. Do better than him.

They can go to the field of the intellectual and try to reach something there.
Chat/Stacy can play the high-priced intellectual battle with all people, no matter how they look (in science your looks don't matter if you solve string theory, right?).

They have the same chances, face genetics is not brain genetics.
But if they play in this time consuming field, the "knowledge battle field", they will miss out on another field.

A field that is only for them: The gifted genetics field.

This VIP field is only open for them, no else can enter it.
There is no battle with everyone. It is the VIP area of the pre-selected.

They can enjoy this VIP lounge as much as they want, as long as they want.
It is very comfy there, so maybe they just stay there a little while.
In the meantime, in the nerd area is fought, like everyday.

(metaphor for chad fucking the first time in high school, while the nerd studied for a test or started judo to cope more)

Maybe the VIPs get bored of the cosy VIP lounge and go outside and look to the "Free For All" Cage, where everyone can fight intellectually. Some of their chad friends always fought there and are always there - heads on with the best of the ugly nerds.

They really admire the Chads and Stacies that fought with the nerds from day 1. Because they have both now. Wisdom and Genetics. They wished, they also did that from day 1.

So they try the battle, but they were so long in the Chad VIP Lounge, they realize catching up would take very long.

So they tell themselves "lol fuck them, they got no life"

And they go back to the preselected VIP area, where it is cozy and warm.

And they stayed there.

That is also why many theories call betas not betas but "specialists".
Because the closest friend of the regular alpha is the specialist. The alpha has no time to be the specialist.
Also, he has more than 1 specialist, so he could never fulfill that role alone. So no point in learning it for his alpha role.
The specialist also needs the alpha, or he has no one that needs his knowledge.

The Alpha is the actor and the cameraman is the specialist.

You get the idea now i think

Specialist = Smart (self cultivated)
alpha = knows which specialst to ask

sure can the actor learn everything about cameras, and it sure could make him an better actor, he probably even should learn it.

but he is not getting too much more quality of life out of it, so many alphas don't go this route because they are not forced. they already got 90 % in life gifted for free, why work for the remaining 10 % very hard? - opposed to the specialist, that will have nothing left if he doesn't take the route

also the perception of the specialist is different, he got everything from disciplined working.
opposed to the alpha that got everything for free, and got away with everything in life while others struggled.

and that kids is why beautiful and successful people can be the worst (mariah carrey, kim kardashian, ...).

but betas with good position almonst never have this bad traits (they are never late, don't talk bad, are 100 % correct, say nothing about politics, don't want to be edgy)

it is no stereotype, it is a tendency. again.

I think this is nothing new tbh

the intellectual cage could also be about "art" or something else.
probably not about sports, because sports is differntly imo. it is more coupled to the genetics part.
i would say any job or craft related to: creativity, knowledge, experience, problem-solving
I agree that there is pretty privilege's thats benefit good looking people but it does give them silver platter. They still need to work hard for success. They are not any smarter or dumber than regular people. They are just more luckier and those lucky ones that are smart.. Use it for their own benefit. If you want have leading role as actors. You need to have good acting skill, connections and look. Being just good looking and talentless is not enough for success. Stacy fucking in bars is same as male searching for pussy. People just do it for feeling good but being waitress in America for example.. Is just side job. It does provide much of money or future. Also youthful good looks does not last for very long. They will age and they will lose more value by each year. Thats why people even in this forum says that life ends at 25 years old :feelsgood:
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I agree that there is pretty privilege's thats benefit good looking people but it does give them silver platter. They still need to work hard for success. They are not any smarter or dumber than regular people. They are just more luckier and those lucky ones that are smart.. Use it for their own benefit. If you want have leading role as actors. You need to have good acting skill, connections and look. Being just good looking and talentless is not enough for success. Stacy fucking in bars is same as male searching for pussy. People just do it for feeling good but being waitress in America for example.. Is just side job. It does provide much of money or future. Also youthful good looks does not last for very long. They will age and they will lose more value by each year. Thats why people even in this forum says that life ends at 25 years old :feelsgood:
Yeah hat's true. I agree on this one
  • +1
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youre another defeatist retard no wonder youre a subhuman

how can you grow if you dont fraud to be someone else?

just cringe faggot

stay rotting while i ascend with surgeries and a network full of goldman sachs and mckinsey, and private equity partners.

muuh working class ugly short fat kid should just become a labourer

fuck yourself nigger
frauding to be something else is embarrassing and very desperate move. It just reek very bad confidence. You are just mental cell that thinks having good face will make you rich easily.. Bro you are already good looking and you are rotting here in basement. Its your mentality that are making you impotent. Nobody have told you that you need to became wage slave. There are plenty of careers than can make you enjoy life with hard work. Start company, study became doctor.. programmer etc.. Programmers in these days have huge wages. Good looks benefit you but it does not give you silver platter.

When you looksmax and get same validation result.. You will start from 0... iF YOU had good confidence instead. You would be more successful.
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  • JFL
Reactions: DivineBeing
Ive talked to 2 different foids in the last 4 months. one for 3 months then one for about a month. I thought both of them would end in an LTR. We both talked all about how we were gonna be together and do all sorts of stuff. They told me how hot i was and looks were obviously fine. But i lost both of them due to not being NT/not agreeable. Arguing about politics with them.. not being agreeable... The truth is there is a LOOKS barrier, And there is an NT barrier. They will not go for an LTR if you dont pass the NT barrier. I have always passed the looks threshold and then fail the NT barrier, so it ends right before LTR. Also, The more you are chad they will be more forgiving and let you get away with more, but if you are autistic and you make them FEEL weird/bad when you are around them its over regardless. I started off as chad and they always chase my validation, and then i get feelings and i get attach then i fold and they run away
Cmon man critically think lmao

which one is more important winning a political argument or slamming pussy. Pick one lmao
  • +1
Reactions: Unmoggablegingercel
Ive talked to 2 different foids in the last 4 months. one for 3 months then one for about a month. I thought both of them would end in an LTR. We both talked all about how we were gonna be together and do all sorts of stuff. They told me how hot i was and looks were obviously fine. But i lost both of them due to not being NT/not agreeable. Arguing about politics with them.. not being agreeable... The truth is there is a LOOKS barrier, And there is an NT barrier. They will not go for an LTR if you dont pass the NT barrier. I have always passed the looks threshold and then fail the NT barrier, so it ends right before LTR. Also, The more you are chad they will be more forgiving and let you get away with more, but if you are autistic and you make them FEEL weird/bad when you are around them its over regardless. I started off as chad and they always chase my validation, and then i get feelings and i get attach then i fold and they run away
Being overly agreeable is low t and unattractive.

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