The ultimate aesthetic ascent must be preceded by a philosophical and spiritual ascent. Beauty has a transcendent conception.


Deleted member 42566

Aug 31, 2023
The Greeks, Romans and European Christians agreed on one thing: beauty has a divine and transcendent root.

The search of beauty for the catholic Christian implies to detach from the original sin and to look for the omniscient harmonic perfection of the Trinitarian God. This worldview is reflected in the art and culture of Christian high art. Cathedrals, sculptures, and stained glass windows share the same golden ratio pattern.

Sin implies ugliness, disease, mortality and unhappiness. God's will, on the other hand, exudes beauty, healing, health and eternity. Christ always appears as a warm, welcoming and beautiful being. The devil is cold, repugnant and horrible. Throughout the

Medieval and Renaissance art of the Christian legacy.

The Greeks likewise understood beauty as a divine gift bestowed by the hand of the gods. Their sculptures and art always followed the same scheme of proportion and symmetry of the golden rule.

The search for beauty is a universal need of the human being, which calms our soul in a perverse, disordered and frightening world.

The ultimate black pill is this. Beauty is not empty vanity, beauty is to enhance your spirit in search of perfection and immortality. To improve your appearance is to seek God.

To enhance your appearance you need a lot of stoicism and effort, to break with your genetic predisposition given to you by your parents and thus reach your best version.

The pursuit of supreme beauty involves detaching yourself from the carnal desires of the flesh, and embracing restraint, kindness, and hard work.

Giving up gluttony for fasting, laziness for exercise, carelessness for the worship of your being.

Ascension must be preceded by a deep introspection of your soul, because it requires all your physical and mental capacities.

Embrace stoicism, Christianity and Indo-European paganism, reject nihilism, postmodernism and the modern world.
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Sin implies ugliness, disease, mortality and unhappiness. God's will, on the other hand, exudes beauty, healing, health and eternity. Christ always appears as a warm, welcoming and beautiful being. The devil is cold, repugnant and horrible. Throughout the

Beauty precedes sin and virtue.

The concept of the devil and sin is often portrayed as cold, ugly, and repugnant. This portrayal isn't due to the lack of virtue making the sinners appearance undesirable. It's because the most devout and pious follower of God naturally gravitates more towards beauty over ugliness than they are drawn to virtue and righteousness. No religion could flourish if its deities and symbols were unattractive yet virtuous and kind. Imagine if Narcissus started a religion, it would turbomogg any religion founded on ugliness, virtue and kindness, like an imaginary 'Incelianity'

Religions are enslaved and dominated by beauty more than they are by God
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The Greeks, Romans and European Christians agreed on one thing: beauty has a divine and transcendent root.

The search of beauty for the catholic Christian implies to detach from the original sin and to look for the omniscient harmonic perfection of the Trinitarian God. This worldview is reflected in the art and culture of Christian high art. Cathedrals, sculptures, and stained glass windows share the same golden ratio pattern.

Sin implies ugliness, disease, mortality and unhappiness. God's will, on the other hand, exudes beauty, healing, health and eternity. Christ always appears as a warm, welcoming and beautiful being. The devil is cold, repugnant and horrible. Throughout the

Medieval and Renaissance art of the Christian legacy.

The Greeks likewise understood beauty as a divine gift bestowed by the hand of the gods. Their sculptures and art always followed the same scheme of proportion and symmetry of the golden rule.

The search for beauty is a universal need of the human being, which calms our soul in a perverse, disordered and frightening world.

The ultimate black pill is this. Beauty is not empty vanity, beauty is to enhance your spirit in search of perfection and immortality. To improve your appearance is to seek God.

To enhance your appearance you need a lot of stoicism and effort, to break with your genetic predisposition given to you by your parents and thus reach your best version.

The pursuit of supreme beauty involves detaching yourself from the carnal desires of the flesh, and embracing restraint, kindness, and hard work.

Giving up gluttony for fasting, laziness for exercise, carelessness for the worship of your being.

Ascension must be preceded by a deep introspection of your soul, because it requires all your physical and mental capacities.

Embrace stoicism, Christianity and Indo-European paganism, reject nihilism, postmodernism and the modern world.
I thought Christians believed that all were created in the image of God, am Muslim so I believe my futile misery is part of the rest of life but I’m curious about your perspective

Also I enjoy your threads. They present a unique thought while being well articulated
The ultimate black pill is this. Beauty is not empty vanity, beauty is to enhance your spirit in search of perfection and immortality. To improve your appearance is to seek God.
It is about becoming the physical manifestation of beauty and perfection. Not for the appreciation or attraction of others, but to overcome your flesh and live in the image of the divine.
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  • JFL
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The Greeks, Romans and European Christians agreed on one thing: beauty has a divine and transcendent root.

The search of beauty for the catholic Christian implies to detach from the original sin and to look for the omniscient harmonic perfection of the Trinitarian God. This worldview is reflected in the art and culture of Christian high art. Cathedrals, sculptures, and stained glass windows share the same golden ratio pattern.

Sin implies ugliness, disease, mortality and unhappiness. God's will, on the other hand, exudes beauty, healing, health and eternity. Christ always appears as a warm, welcoming and beautiful being. The devil is cold, repugnant and horrible. Throughout the

Medieval and Renaissance art of the Christian legacy.

The Greeks likewise understood beauty as a divine gift bestowed by the hand of the gods. Their sculptures and art always followed the same scheme of proportion and symmetry of the golden rule.

The search for beauty is a universal need of the human being, which calms our soul in a perverse, disordered and frightening world.

The ultimate black pill is this. Beauty is not empty vanity, beauty is to enhance your spirit in search of perfection and immortality. To improve your appearance is to seek God.

To enhance your appearance you need a lot of stoicism and effort, to break with your genetic predisposition given to you by your parents and thus reach your best version.

The pursuit of supreme beauty involves detaching yourself from the carnal desires of the flesh, and embracing restraint, kindness, and hard work.

Giving up gluttony for fasting, laziness for exercise, carelessness for the worship of your being.

Ascension must be preceded by a deep introspection of your soul, because it requires all your physical and mental capacities.

Embrace stoicism, Christianity and Indo-European paganism, reject nihilism, postmodernism and the modern world.
Wasn't lucifer like really beautiful
And only God can judge me
And he don't like no ugly
I look so fucking good most dykes'll fuck me
this implies gods inherent dislike of ugly people (90 percent of us in this forum) I much prefer the approach of god being the true infinite and thus representing all good and all evil all beauty and all ugly the ultimate yin and yang energy and the universe itself along with the one who controls it.
cope im 6'3 ogre in nature I would be Genghis Kahn
you'd be killed off by the tribe for being
1: too ugly to look at
2: you will take too much of the tribes resources to upkeep
The Greeks, Romans and European Christians agreed on one thing: beauty has a divine and transcendent root.

The search of beauty for the catholic Christian implies to detach from the original sin and to look for the omniscient harmonic perfection of the Trinitarian God. This worldview is reflected in the art and culture of Christian high art. Cathedrals, sculptures, and stained glass windows share the same golden ratio pattern.

Sin implies ugliness, disease, mortality and unhappiness. God's will, on the other hand, exudes beauty, healing, health and eternity. Christ always appears as a warm, welcoming and beautiful being. The devil is cold, repugnant and horrible. Throughout the

Medieval and Renaissance art of the Christian legacy.

The Greeks likewise understood beauty as a divine gift bestowed by the hand of the gods. Their sculptures and art always followed the same scheme of proportion and symmetry of the golden rule.

The search for beauty is a universal need of the human being, which calms our soul in a perverse, disordered and frightening world.

The ultimate black pill is this. Beauty is not empty vanity, beauty is to enhance your spirit in search of perfection and immortality. To improve your appearance is to seek God.

To enhance your appearance you need a lot of stoicism and effort, to break with your genetic predisposition given to you by your parents and thus reach your best version.

The pursuit of supreme beauty involves detaching yourself from the carnal desires of the flesh, and embracing restraint, kindness, and hard work.

Giving up gluttony for fasting, laziness for exercise, carelessness for the worship of your being.

Ascension must be preceded by a deep introspection of your soul, because it requires all your physical and mental capacities.

Embrace stoicism, Christianity and Indo-European paganism, reject nihilism, postmodernism and the modern world.
beautiful post are you saying that you need to perfect inner beauty in order to gain outer beauty?

Was your point validating physiognomy?

Did you know that your body is a temple? That’s right — a veritable temple.

In fact, the apostle Paul comes right out and says so. In 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 (ESV), he asks, “Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.
Wasn't lucifer like really beautiful
WAS the most beautiful angel before his fall, perfect in every way including beauty until he became corrupted. once he became corrupted his looks deteriorated as well. we know this bc bible says he had to disguise himself as an angel of light. Key word- disguise. if he was the beautiful perfect angel he used to be there would be no need for disguise


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