The Ultimate Looksmaxxing Experiment (subconscious + metaphysical maxxing)(desperatecells GTFIH)



Jul 4, 2024
Whats up guys this is my first post, Ive been lurking on this forum for about a year and in this time I have been doing some research to construct this experiment that I'm going outline below and going to start acting on tonight. I'll be updating every this method every week but most of them will be unsubstantial because a lot of this method requires you to not really look at yourself, its the one month updates that will really let you know if anything is happening, of course on these one month updates I will provide pictures that are relatively fraud-proof. Follow along if you want or wait for the month to month updates, at the end of the day I'm mostly posting this for myself for something to come back too, and I figured since everybody here has nothing to lose you guys would appreciate a method that may drastically change your looks.

A Few Disclaimers
  1. This experiment includes a lot of unproven, hippie, mystic bullshit that there is really no scientific proof for, but I'm going to try anyways. If your a pure genetic determinist who thinks nothing can be changed, just click off this thread instead of being a fat retard who comments stupid shit
  2. I am pretty young (15 yrs old) so some of this transformation could just be puberty, but we can determine that based on how fast I change. If i look completely diffrent in only a few months then its pretty safe to say puberty didn't play the largest part and this method could actually work
  3. Later on in the process if this stuff is proving to work Ill create a very in depth post outlining proof for a lot of the things about consciousness affecting reality but as of right now im just gonna tell you the theories without providing any anecdotal evidence, though its out there
Some of the "Theory" (as I said before theres a lot of hippie shit in here that im operating off of)
Universal hologram and astral reality - This theory basically states that reality is a "universal hologram" affected by everybody's subconscious and one can change their own reality and to a certain extent the reality of others through learning controlling subconscious beliefs, though forms and "energy" manipulation. If you've ever heard of the idea of manifestation this is essentially saying you can manifest things( btw if you're not open to this type of shit this is the point where you should click off of the thread) there is anecdotal evidence in support of this and is supported by many ancient religions

Astral realms - This states are different planes of reality which effect the one which we are currently experiencing reality in, whenever something happens in this plane it first exits as though in other planes of reality, the other planes are less "dense" then ours and therefore thought get manifested into reality easier, and so to manifest a change in your reality you can manipulate these other planes of reality. There is again anecdotal evidence in support of this

Subconscious Beliefs and Thought directly effect your body - this one is a little less out there, there are studies that show that if people even just think about doing exercise without actually doing it they are 27 times stronger and have ~9% more muscle mass then a control group of those who didn't think about exercise repeatedly, and if you think about it things like mind muscle connection and even the biomechanical process of muscle recovery suggest that subconscious mind directly influences the mass on your body, so why cant it be the same for things like jaw and your features?

Im sure that I sound either retarded or skitzo but really if you look into a lot of the things Im talking about these processes are logical and have a good amount of proof going for them, I'm just giving ultra-abridged versions of these concepts because I don't want to spend three hours writing out all the logic and proof, but just do some research online about these topics but for now, just take these to be the truth, or don't, idrc

The Methods
We can finally get into what I'm actually going to do with this information ,and obviously and affirmations or visualizations will be about becoming more physically attractive and taller
  • The gateway process - The gateway process is a meditation program that allows you to control your "energy" so you can apparently do things like reach different states of consciousness (called focus states) manifest and astral project
  • Manifestation methods - I have a host of "manifestation methods" which I am going to use, paired with the gateway methods focus states which are basically like multipliers which make these thought forms more potent within the universal hologram these manifestation methods are basically just different methods of visualization and
  • SATS - this means states akin to sleep and is basically getting into a hypnogogic state and practicing some of the manifestation methods at the hypnagogic state you are in an expanded state of consciousness and are thus "multiplying" your manifestation effects
  • Overnight Affirmations - i will play affirmations as I sleep so that it penetrates the subconscious mind and becomes a subconsciously held belief effecting my reality
  • Lucid dreaming - I will learn how to lucid dream to directly interact with my subconscious mind and also to serve as a spring point for astral projection
  • Astral projection - I will enter the astral realm through astral projection and begin to manipulate it with my mind and thoughts to manifest changes
  • Listen to subliminals - Probably the most retarded thing on this list
In addition to this I will start eating a primarily animal based diet, continue lifting weights, start doing sprinting and plyos and do some way more niche looksmaxxing methods like belt pulling etc and water pulling etc, but I didn't really want to talk about those because those things becuase those topics have already been discussed in depth on other threads


I fully understand that this sounds pretty dumb and there is no real proof behind any of this, but again it will make more sense as I actually craft a real post with logic and explanations, in the mean time ill just experiment and let the results (hopefully) speak for themselves. If you really want you should for sure do your own research. Ill definitely provide my actual step by step routine, maybe some more logical explanations of this stuff and my results in my weekly and monthly updates, but I just wanted to get this out there so I can come back to something and possibly start a movement that could help tons of us looksmaxxers out.
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What being jobless does to a mf
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Whats up guys this is my first post, Ive been lurking on this forum for about a year and in this time I have been doing some research to construct this experiment that I'm going outline below and going to start acting on tonight. I'll be updating every this method every week but most of them will be unsubstantial because a lot of this method requires you to not really look at yourself, its the one month updates that will really let you know if anything is happening, of course on these one month updates I will provide pictures that are relatively fraud-proof. Follow along if you want or wait for the month to month updates, at the end of the day I'm mostly posting this for myself for something to come back too, and I figured since everybody here has nothing to lose you guys would appreciate a method that may drastically change your looks.

A Few Disclaimers
  1. This experiment includes a lot of unproven, hippie, mystic bullshit that there is really no scientific proof for, but I'm going to try anyways. If your a pure genetic determinist who thinks nothing can be changed, just click off this thread instead of being a fat retard who comments stupid shit
  2. I am pretty young (15 yrs old) so some of this transformation could just be puberty, but we can determine that based on how fast I change. If i look completely diffrent in only a few months then its pretty safe to say puberty didn't play the largest part and this method could actually work
  3. Later on in the process if this stuff is proving to work Ill create a very in depth post outlining proof for a lot of the things about consciousness affecting reality but as of right now im just gonna tell you the theories without providing any anecdotal evidence, though its out there
Some of the "Theory" (as I said before theres a lot of hippie shit in here that im operating off of)
Universal hologram and astral reality - This theory basically states that reality is a "universal hologram" affected by everybody's subconscious and one can change their own reality and to a certain extent the reality of others through learning controlling subconscious beliefs, though forms and "energy" manipulation. If you've ever heard of the idea of manifestation this is essentially saying you can manifest things( btw if you're not open to this type of shit this is the point where you should click off of the thread) there is anecdotal evidence in support of this and is supported by many ancient religions

Astral realms - This states are different planes of reality which effect the one which we are currently experiencing reality in, whenever something happens in this plane it first exits as though in other planes of reality, the other planes are less "dense" then ours and therefore thought get manifested into reality easier, and so to manifest a change in your reality you can manipulate these other planes of reality. There is again anecdotal evidence in support of this

Subconscious Beliefs and Thought directly effect your body - this one is a little less out there, there are studies that show that if people even just think about doing exercise without actually doing it they are 27 times stronger and have ~9% more muscle mass then a control group of those who didn't think about exercise repeatedly, and if you think about it things like mind muscle connection and even the biomechanical process of muscle recovery suggest that subconscious mind directly influences the mass on your body, so why cant it be the same for things like jaw and your features?

Im sure that I sound either retarded or skitzo but really if you look into a lot of the things Im talking about these processes are logical and have a good amount of proof going for them, I'm just giving ultra-abridged versions of these concepts because I don't want to spend three hours writing out all the logic and proof, but just do some research online about these topics but for now, just take these to be the truth, or don't, idrc

The Methods
We can finally get into what I'm actually going to do with this information ,and obviously and affirmations or visualizations will be about becoming more physically attractive and taller
  • The gateway process - The gateway process is a meditation program that allows you to control your "energy" so you can apparently do things like reach different states of consciousness (called focus states) manifest and astral project
  • Manifestation methods - I have a host of "manifestation methods" which I am going to use, paired with the gateway methods focus states which are basically like multipliers which make these thought forms more potent within the universal hologram these manifestation methods are basically just different methods of visualization and
  • SATS - this means states akin to sleep and is basically getting into a hypnogogic state and practicing some of the manifestation methods at the hypnagogic state you are in an expanded state of consciousness and are thus "multiplying" your manifestation effects
  • Overnight Affirmations - i will play affirmations as I sleep so that it penetrates the subconscious mind and becomes a subconsciously held belief effecting my reality
  • Lucid dreaming - I will learn how to lucid dream to directly interact with my subconscious mind and also to serve as a spring point for astral projection
  • Astral projection - I will enter the astral realm through astral projection and begin to manipulate it with my mind and thoughts to manifest changes
  • Listen to subliminals - Probably the most retarded thing on this list
In addition to this I will start eating a primarily animal based diet, continue lifting weights, start doing sprinting and plyos and do some way more niche looksmaxxing methods like belt pulling etc and water pulling etc, but I didn't really want to talk about those because those things becuase those topics have already been discussed in depth on other threads


I fully understand that this sounds pretty dumb and there is no real proof behind any of this, but again it will make more sense as I actually craft a real post with logic and explanations, in the mean time ill just experiment and let the results (hopefully) speak for themselves. If you really want you should for sure do your own research. Ill definitely provide my actual step by step routine, maybe some more logical explanations of this stuff and my results in my weekly and monthly updates, but I just wanted to get this out there so I can come back to something and possibly start a movement that could help tons of us looksmaxxers out.
i think you need to lower the tren dose
Whats up guys this is my first post, Ive been lurking on this forum for about a year and in this time I have been doing some research to construct this experiment that I'm going outline below and going to start acting on tonight. I'll be updating every this method every week but most of them will be unsubstantial because a lot of this method requires you to not really look at yourself, its the one month updates that will really let you know if anything is happening, of course on these one month updates I will provide pictures that are relatively fraud-proof. Follow along if you want or wait for the month to month updates, at the end of the day I'm mostly posting this for myself for something to come back too, and I figured since everybody here has nothing to lose you guys would appreciate a method that may drastically change your looks.

A Few Disclaimers
  1. This experiment includes a lot of unproven, hippie, mystic bullshit that there is really no scientific proof for, but I'm going to try anyways. If your a pure genetic determinist who thinks nothing can be changed, just click off this thread instead of being a fat retard who comments stupid shit
  2. I am pretty young (15 yrs old) so some of this transformation could just be puberty, but we can determine that based on how fast I change. If i look completely diffrent in only a few months then its pretty safe to say puberty didn't play the largest part and this method could actually work
  3. Later on in the process if this stuff is proving to work Ill create a very in depth post outlining proof for a lot of the things about consciousness affecting reality but as of right now im just gonna tell you the theories without providing any anecdotal evidence, though its out there
Some of the "Theory" (as I said before theres a lot of hippie shit in here that im operating off of)
Universal hologram and astral reality - This theory basically states that reality is a "universal hologram" affected by everybody's subconscious and one can change their own reality and to a certain extent the reality of others through learning controlling subconscious beliefs, though forms and "energy" manipulation. If you've ever heard of the idea of manifestation this is essentially saying you can manifest things( btw if you're not open to this type of shit this is the point where you should click off of the thread) there is anecdotal evidence in support of this and is supported by many ancient religions

Astral realms - This states are different planes of reality which effect the one which we are currently experiencing reality in, whenever something happens in this plane it first exits as though in other planes of reality, the other planes are less "dense" then ours and therefore thought get manifested into reality easier, and so to manifest a change in your reality you can manipulate these other planes of reality. There is again anecdotal evidence in support of this

Subconscious Beliefs and Thought directly effect your body - this one is a little less out there, there are studies that show that if people even just think about doing exercise without actually doing it they are 27 times stronger and have ~9% more muscle mass then a control group of those who didn't think about exercise repeatedly, and if you think about it things like mind muscle connection and even the biomechanical process of muscle recovery suggest that subconscious mind directly influences the mass on your body, so why cant it be the same for things like jaw and your features?

Im sure that I sound either retarded or skitzo but really if you look into a lot of the things Im talking about these processes are logical and have a good amount of proof going for them, I'm just giving ultra-abridged versions of these concepts because I don't want to spend three hours writing out all the logic and proof, but just do some research online about these topics but for now, just take these to be the truth, or don't, idrc

The Methods
We can finally get into what I'm actually going to do with this information ,and obviously and affirmations or visualizations will be about becoming more physically attractive and taller
  • The gateway process - The gateway process is a meditation program that allows you to control your "energy" so you can apparently do things like reach different states of consciousness (called focus states) manifest and astral project
  • Manifestation methods - I have a host of "manifestation methods" which I am going to use, paired with the gateway methods focus states which are basically like multipliers which make these thought forms more potent within the universal hologram these manifestation methods are basically just different methods of visualization and
  • SATS - this means states akin to sleep and is basically getting into a hypnogogic state and practicing some of the manifestation methods at the hypnagogic state you are in an expanded state of consciousness and are thus "multiplying" your manifestation effects
  • Overnight Affirmations - i will play affirmations as I sleep so that it penetrates the subconscious mind and becomes a subconsciously held belief effecting my reality
  • Lucid dreaming - I will learn how to lucid dream to directly interact with my subconscious mind and also to serve as a spring point for astral projection
  • Astral projection - I will enter the astral realm through astral projection and begin to manipulate it with my mind and thoughts to manifest changes
  • Listen to subliminals - Probably the most retarded thing on this list
In addition to this I will start eating a primarily animal based diet, continue lifting weights, start doing sprinting and plyos and do some way more niche looksmaxxing methods like belt pulling etc and water pulling etc, but I didn't really want to talk about those because those things becuase those topics have already been discussed in depth on other threads


I fully understand that this sounds pretty dumb and there is no real proof behind any of this, but again it will make more sense as I actually craft a real post with logic and explanations, in the mean time ill just experiment and let the results (hopefully) speak for themselves. If you really want you should for sure do your own research. Ill definitely provide my actual step by step routine, maybe some more logical explanations of this stuff and my results in my weekly and monthly updates, but I just wanted to get this out there so I can come back to something and possibly start a movement that could help tons of us looksmaxxers out.
Severely agree to all of this
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